Engg Physics1.2

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iRlBi llr\ii\r.\ l.\l{Vi:RSI tY Llxurn.

INS I'ITUTL 0F ENGii.!i.lirRINC l,evcl Full Marks : 80

Examination Clontrol Division D/]E::
-*'-' . Pass Marl<s ',32
2079 Chaitra ,Time i3hrs.

Subject."- Iingineering phvsic s (SrI tS2)

Candidates are required to give their ansri'c-rs irr their ou,n
'+orcls as fhr as practicable
Attempt 4!! questions.
1!!! cluestions cart.y eclual ma,ks
Assume suitahle dala it nec:e.ss u t.;

1" Write the differential equation u'ith its soiution of mechanical .<iamped osciliation.
Explain the conditions of iuch damping with appropriate graphs.

Explain how does on LC circuit produce free EM oscillations with appropriate
Derive an expression for the frequency of LC oscillation.
2" A simple penduiurn of length 20 cm and mass 5 gm is suspended in a car traveliing with
constaet speed 70 m/s around a circie of radius 50 rn. If the pendulum unclergoes
oscillation in a radial direction about its equilibrium position, what is the fre--quency
3 " Explain reverberation tirne. Derive Sabine's relation to determine the reverberation
time .
4" What are path dilT-erence and phase difterence in interference of light? How
are they
related? Find the conditior for obtaining rnaxima in interference in thl
film by reflected
light" Describe very briefly and qualitatively hou, vou can explain tire colors yo,
see in
soap bubbles"

Vy'ha1 are dispersive power and resolving porver of a difftacting
grating? Show resolving
power of a grating is proportional to the number of orders.
5" Interference fi'inges are produced with monochroraatic light falls norrnaliy
on the wedge-
shaped film of cellophane. With refractive index of celtphane is 1.45.
The angle of a
wedge is 40.0 seconds of an arc and the distance bet*'een successive fringe
is O.izs cm.
Caiculate the rvavelength of light.
6' A.glass u'edge of angle 0.01 radian is illuminated by monochromatic 1ight
of 600 nm
falling normaily on it. At what distairce fiom the edge of the rvedge will the
tenth fringe
be observed by reflected iight?
7" Shorv thal ihe dislance betu'een an ob"icct anci its leal il:as: irtil.red
b,v a thil converging
lens is air,r'a-vsr greater than or.equal to lour tinlcs lile iocaj I::,gli. of
tlie lens.
8. !1''hat is rhe.plinciple l;ehind the frinctioning of an opticai i'rb,-r-l
i:xplain.the propagation
of light in oirtical fibei.
9. Shorv lhal eiecliic fieid intensitv is the iregative graiiieni oi'alr:c1ric potential" galcLriate
lire eiectlic firkl rlire to a dipole fhe irial line.
Iixplain clectric i'lux' Derive an cxpression for electric fieid iiitensiry
inside the sphere
dr:e to ti;e iiotl-con<iucting spheriqaliy svrrnetricai cliai'ge distrii;r-rtior:
of r.aciius R.
10" Explain hou'tentperature affects the
of conductor. Show that conductivity
[nert/m], rvhere each symbois carries its usual meaning" 16;:
1 1' A parallel plate capacitor
of plate area 115.cm2 and separation I .24 cmis
charged by a
potential difference
9l'5 v rhe battery is disconnect"Jirr""-" dielectric
slab of dieiectric
coastant 2'67 and thickness 0'78 mm is inserted
between tri" prur".. cralculate the in<iucecl
electric fieid.
I2' Describe the rv'orking.principal of cyclotron.
show that the time taken by the ion in a Dee
to travel a semicircle is exactry saml whatever be its raciius and velocity"

Derive expressions for gro*1h ura a""uy

in LR circuit. Explain the current wirrr
appropriate graphs. "?l*,
13' State Biot-savart Larv and use it to obtain
the expression for magnetic field of
radius a anc car-ry'ing a curentr at apoint a ring of,
alonithe axis. approximate
'. this expression
when the point on ihe aiis is very far away f."*,i"-i""p"-"
14" A copper strip 2'ti0 cm rvide anrl 1.00
mm thick is piaced in magnetic field 1.50
current o"'2a0 A is set upin the strip- calculate 1-. If a
(i) irurr roiiug" (ii) i{all rnobility of the
mrmber of electrons per unir volumeis s.40 x
15" what is a Po-vnting Assume that the loveiy winter sunlight
is a plane rvaYe and 'ector? in front of your room
has a1 intensity of 1.45 nwlri'" rvi."t
magnetic field in the r,,'ave?
*." tn" maximum electric and

16' consider and electron of rnass m confinecl

in an infinite potenlial well of width a such that

V(x)=[0 ifO. x<u

lLr, ol hcrrviso
Shorv that the eleckon can have only discrete
. erlergy vahres.
Exarnination Control Division
2078 Chaitra

Swbiect: - Engineering Physics (SH 452)

Ca:rdidates are required to give ttreir answed.i&-1h.e!i;-1:qir";;ord} as far as practicabtre.
Auempt All questions-
All questions earry equal marlrs. FI
Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. 'vVhat is ptr.vsical pendulum? Show that time period of physical pendulum is minimum
when length of pendulum is equal to radius of gyration.

Pr*rre that tC circuit is an analog of siriple harmonic motion and hence show that
rnaximurn energli ln capacitor is equal to rnaximurn energy in inductor.
2. If the rslaxation time of a damped harmonic oscillator is 50 sec, find the time for which
(i) the ampiitiide faits to ! ,i**, the initial vaiue and (ii) energy falls to { times the
3, \*/hat is reverberation time? Derive Sabine's relation for reverberation time.
4. are New'ron's rings? Cive the necessary theory f'or the deterrnination of the
wavelengthr of monochrornatic light using Newton's rings method.
What are dispersive pilwer and resolving power of a diffraction grating? $horv that the
resolving power of a grating is proportional to the number of order.
5. Two thin converging lenses of focal lengths 30 cm and 40 em respectively are placed
co-axialiy in air separated by a distance of 20 cm. An cbject is placed 40 cm in front of
i- the first iens. Find the position and nature of the image.
6. if the plane of vibration of the incident beam makes an angle of 30" with the optic axis,
compar€ the intensities of extraordinary and ordinary light.
7 " Trvo waves of the same frequency have amplitudes Ar units and Az units. They interfere
at a point where their phase difference is $. What is the resultant amplitude?
8. Calculate the refraetive indices of the core and cladding materials of a fiber from
following data- NA : A.22 and fractional refractive index ci:ange = 0.012.
9. Define electric dipole" Determine the electuic freld at a point along the axial line due to
short dipole.


At what distance along the central of a uniform charged plastic disc of radius oa' is
the electric field strength equal to half the value r:f field at the center of the surface of the
10. Mention the steps to calculate the capacitance of a capaeitor. Derive the capacitance of a
cylindrical capacitor having inner radius a and outer radius b.
l1.The curient density in the cylindricai wire of radius R = 2.00 mm is uniform across a
cross section of the vyire and is J = 2.0 * 105 Ani2. What is the current through the outer
portion of the wite between radial distance Rl2 and R?
12. Explain Arnpere's circuital larv. Calculate the magnetic field inside and outside a long
straight wre carrying current I.

Obtain an expression for magnetic field intensity due to a circular coil carrying current at
its axial point.
13- A sEip of copper 200 pm thick is placed in a magnetic field 0.7 T perpendicular to the
plue of the strip and a current of 20 A is setup in the strip, calculate-(i) Hall voltage
(ir l{ali coefficient if the number of eiectrons per unit volume is 8.5 x 1028 m-3.
14. The induced magnetic field at radial disknce 6 mm from the central axis of a circular
paallet plate capaeitor is 2 x 10-7 T. The plates have radius 3 mm. At what rate is the
electic field between the plates changing?
15. S/hat ane confributions made by [{axwell to set up Maxwell's equations? Explain witJr
sitable reasons.
16. An electron is confined to one dimensional region in which its ground state energy is
3eV. (a) What is the leng& of the region? (b) How much energy is required to promote
tk elecaon to its first excited state?
TRIBHUVAN LTNIVERSITY Bxarn. ':-t.':ii:::;l',., .1,', -Reguldt.:,'l ., :':i;.!r.i.i,i:-
Examination Control Division Programme
Pass l\{arks
2fi77 Chaitra Year / Part riII Time 3 hrs.

'/ Attempt4!!questions.
{ Att questions carry equal mark\.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Write down the difference between cornpound pendulum and torsion pendulum. Show
that motion of torsion pendulum is angular harmonic in nature and hence find its time

Derive a differentiai cquation for LC oscillation. Shorv that the ma,ximum values of
electric and magnetic energies stored in LC circuit is equal.
2. A meter stick srvings about a pivot point at one of its end. \Vhat is the time period of
oscillation? \\&at is the distance of tire pivot point from the centre of oscillation of the
what is piezo-electric effect? How is it used for the production of uitrasonic?
4. What are Newton's rings? Give the necessary theory for the determinatiol of the
rvavelength of monochromatic light using Nertton,s rings method.

What are dispersive power and resolving powff of a diffi'action grating? Show that the
resolving polver of a grating is proportional to the number of order.
5' Interference fringes are produced *'ith rnonochroraatic light falling normally on a wedge
siiaped film of celiophane r.t'ith refractive index 1.4. The angle of the wedge is 40 seconds
cf an arc and the distance betwecn the successive fi'inges is 0.125 cm. Calculate the
uavclength of light.
6. TIte refractive indices for o-ray anil e-ray are 1.65 and i.55 when incident on retardatio,
plate. Calculate the thiclcness sucir that (i) the emergent ray is plane polar.izecl.
(ii) emergent ray is ellipticaily polarized" (waverength of light is 5g93A")
7. Hor'v optical fibres are classified? Discuss their chuactelistics features. point out the
advantages of an optical fibre conr;tunication systeln.
B. A tirin convex lens of focal length l5crn aud a thin coircave lens of focal lengtir 1gcm are
alranged on a common axis at a rJiri-ance of l0cm apart. Find tire focal length of
combination and position of l:rinciple pcint.
9 ' Provc that electric field due io a sirort dipclr': irt axiel point is trvice rhat at equatorial point.

DeriYe irn expressicn li-rr tlie clecilii: field intci:sity ;rt a point on the a.xis of positivell,
cirarged piastic ring. i\lso locate tire point r.vhere thc fieldls maximum.
10. hrlention the steps iocalculate the capaciiance of a caprasjiol. Derive
the capacitaoce pcr
unit length of a cylindrical capacitor h:uiug inner radius a and outer radius

1l.A coppc sire of crrc-sectional area 5 x l0{ m2 carries a steady current of 50A.
assumins e &ee electron ller atoms, calculate (i) Free eleckon Aensity ard {ii) *ug"
drift vdnity. Civeo,Oensiqof copyer:-8:? 103 kgm-3, Molar **, of *piei = 64grn
aod Awga&D's n@nber: 6.02 x lOa mole-|.
12. Co'mpqe Aoqse's kw with Biot-Savart's law- Calculate the magnetic field insids and
o.Gnh a hg sraigbt wire carying current I using Ampere,s law.
DGriE e qtression for energy stored in magnetic field. Show that the magnetic
d€riryis popffitional to square of magnetic field.
13. A d'ip of ooper 150p-_ thick is placed in a magnetic field of strength 0.657
pe+uoae'to tk plane of stip and a current of 23A iJset up in the strip. Cjcdate tlre

14- Tb inrb'ed EagD€{ic field at radial distance 6mm from the cenhal axis of a eircular
dde crycitor is 2 x l0-7 T. The plates have radius 3mm. At *r&at rate is the
ry"{i trdd
c*.i"ic betc,Eea the plates changing?
15- LIftg !ilanrdl's eguations show that the speed of electromagnetic waves in amedium
gwa bg r = p , where symbols have their usual meanings.
Jet P,
16' Th Fcititn rrl momentum of a I kev electron are simuitaneously determined- if its
Fqrir*n is ld to within lA". lVhat is the % of uncertainity in its mouffisr?

03 TRItsHUVAN UN_IVERSIT'I' Exam. , .Back' ." '


Examination Control Dir.,ision Programme BCE, BME Pass Marks 32

2076 Baisakh Year i Part L/II Time -l l'irs.

ing Physics fSlr452l

Candidates are required to give their answers il their owu words as far as practicable.
rs in
Attempt AEquestions,
Tfufigures in the margin indicate Full blarks.
{ Asstme suitable dma if necessary.

1. Give a theory of forced vibration and wdte the condition for arrplitude resonance. Also
include a note on sharpness ofresonance. [3+lr
A 0.5 kg body oscillates in SHM on a spring that, when extended 2mm from its
equilibrium position, has an 8N restoring force. What are the angular frequency of
*scillation and the capacitance of an LC circuit with the same.period if Inductoris 5 H? [3r
Distinguish befr*,een the particle velocity and wave velocity. Show that the function
y = Asinkxcoswt satisfies the wave equation. 121

4. Liglrt containing two wavelengths l,r and l,z falls normally on a plano-convex lens of
radius of curvature R resting on a glass plate. If the nth dark ring due to ?,,r coincides with

(n-lle dark ring due to L2, prove that the radius of the nft ring of l,r is

Discuss the Fraunhoffer diffraction pattern at a double slit and explain the condition far
dif,&action maxima and minima-
5. Light of wavelength 624nm is incident perpendicularly on a soap film (u = 1.33i
strspeuded in air, What are the non-zero ai least and b) second least thickness of the film
for wtrich the reflections from the film undergo fully constructive interference? [2.5+2
6 What is Nicol Prism? How is it conskucted? Write some of it applications. [1+3]
7. Explain Ckomatic Aberration with suitable sketches? Show that longitudinal ctromatic
aberration is equal to oxf, when object is at infinite, where symbols have their usual
meanings. I

8. What is the principle behind the functioning of an optical fibre? Point out the advantages
of aptical fiber communication over conventional communication system? lZ1
9. How much work is required to turn an electric dipole 180" in a uniform electric field of
if dipole moment is 3.02+10'"C-m and the initial angle is 64o.
magrritude 46.0N/C
10. Prove that the electric intensity at any point within the charged dieleckic sphere is
directly proportional to the distance of point from the Centre if the charge is uniformly
distributed within the sphere.
Figure below shows a plastic rod having a uniformly distributed charge - Q. The rod has
been beni in a 120o circular arc of radius r. We place coordinate axes such that the axis of
$yflrmetry of the rod lies along the x axis and the origin is at the center of curvature P of
the rod. In terms of Q and r, what is the electric field due to the rod at point p?

Plastic rod
ofcharge *Q
1l' what ${ll be the ehange in the capacitanee of a capacitor if a dielectric
slab of thickness
'b' is inserred ber\&'een prares of a parailel ptaL capacitor. i-r."-a_jirrl.";-.;;;;
the pi*es,
bthickness of the plate and K-relative permittivity. I5l
1z The resistaDce of a wire al 30"C is 3ct. At what temperature
will the resistance be 5o?
Theteryeratrecoefficientofwireiss.6d x 1g-3og-r.'
13' Descn'be se wcrkiag.prrincipal of C1'clotron. Show that
the time taken by the ion in a Dee
to tra:-el a semicircre is exaetly same whatever be its radius
l"+' ExplaiE .Ampere's theorern for the case of non-steady point
currents. out one similarity
and * diFermce betr+'een the conduction and displacement cunents. [3+21
DeriYe the mapetic field atpoiat P due to curve wire segment
flowing current I as shown
irbelsw figue. [R is the radius of circle of Arc.] t5l

t /R

l5' hore th"t fu relation

# = -o.i, where symbols have their usual meanings. Also write
lb ehysical meaning of this equation.
16" A bam of electons having energy of each 3ev is incident
on a potential barrier of height
4ev' If the width of the barrier ii 20Ao, calculate tne nenectioi
coeffrcient of the beam
from thebanier.
T]{I}l-r i tiYAN Lr,Ni v I-1 iisiTY Exam" r,-' : '',, ,,'.RegAlh*J Back ,-,,r:-,;,i.::;,L,,ii:,."

li'{STl'rl,ri'ii OF EN GII{EERII{G Level -BE Fuii Marks 80

Examiraation Control $ivisicrt Frograinrxc ]]CE, ilME, BGII Pass it{arl:.s

2CI76 Ehadr:r Yeer I Fart I 1ti Ti*le 3 ks.

Subject:- Engineering Firysics (SI{ 452)

/ Candidaies ;ue required to give their answers in ih.eir ou.n words ss far as practicabie.
{ Autmpt &l.questians.
{ gU questions earry eqitai inarl<s.
{ Assume suitable data if necesscry.

1. Define sl::ple harmonie motion. Shc.:r that the veiocity of sirnple harm*nic oscillator at
arry instani leaos the displaeement by a phase angle of 9er". I{ence find the general
expression ibr the velociry cf a simple hannonic oseillaior.
Prove that LC osciliati+n is an analog,v of spring mass syste-ft. lience prove that
maximum energy stcled in tire capacitor is equai i+ ma-rimum energy stored in the
2. In damped harmonie motion, cairulaio the time in rnhich (i) its amplitude and (ii) its
energy faiis to l/e of its undamped value if &e mass of the system is 0.25 gm and
desuping constant is 0.01 gs?

-1. \l&at is ultrasonic wave? Describe the piezoelectric method for producing ultrasonic
u'aves.'Mention two of its important application.
4. Dispersire pov/ers of two different glass types are 0.0163 and 0.0243 respectively. How
calr you design an achromatic eontact double of focal length 50cm.

5" What is interference? Discuss the interference in thin wedge shaped fiims and determine
the fringe u'idth for this case.
Explain the dispersive power and resolving power of a diffraction grating. Deduce
expressions and relate them.

6. If the piane of vii-lration of the incident beam makes an angle of 30o with the optic axis,
compare tlie intensities of extraordinary'and ordinary light'

7. Two wa./es of the same frequency have amplitude 3 unlts arid 4 units. They interfere at a
point where their difference is 60o. What is the resuitant amplitude?

B. Show that nrunericai apelcure (,V-a):pr J{*; where pr is reflective index of core of
optical fiber, A is fractional refractive index change'
9. A ring radius is carrying a uniform distributed ctrarge q. Find tire expression for
electric. field at any point on the axial iine. Find tlie point at wirich electric field is
Derive an expression of electrical potential al a point F due to short dipoie at a distance r
from mid-point and makes an angle 0 to axis of dipole. Also discuss the electric potential
when 0=-.15o anC -? 15o"
10. Over certain region of space the electric potential is V = 5x+2y*. What is the magniiude
of the eiectric fieid at the point which has coordiirates (i,-2,1)m?
11" A fully charged capacitor stores energy \Vs. IIow uruch energy rernains when its charge
has deerease to % its original value?

12. Calculate the relaxation time for the electrons of sodium atom. The number of atoms/cm3
in so<iium Z.Sxl}n,and the electrical conductivity is tr.9xlO7mholm.
13. Comparo Ampere's iaw with Biot-savart's law. Obtain expression for magnetic field
intensity inside and outside tlre long straight wire carrying current?
Determine the energy stored in an isductor. Hence, prove that the energy density in
magnetic field is directly proportional to the square of magnetic field.

14. A strip of copper 200pm thick is placed in a magnetic field 0.?5T perpenCicular to the
plane of the strip and a current of 20A is setup in the strip, calculate (i) Hali voltage and
(ii) Hall coeffieient if the number of electrons per unit volume is 8.5x].028 m-3.

15. Define Poynting vector. Prove that S = 1(E - B).

16. A particule of mass m is confined in one dimensional infinitely deep potential well of
length l. Find the expression of energy eigen funciions and eigen values of the particle"



Examination Control Division Programme BCE, BME. BGE Pass Marks 32

2075 Bhadra Year I Part I/II Time 3 hrs,

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
Thefigures in the marglin indicate Full Marks.
Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. How forced E-M oscillation is set up? Write &e differential equation with its solution of
such oscillation. And hence discuss about resonance curve and significance of Quality
factor. Lr+2+21

2. A mass of I kg is suspended from a spring of spring constant 25N/m. If the undamped

)- will factor?
frequency is {times the damped frequency, what be the damping I5l
3. At t = 0; the displacement x(0) of the block in linear oscillator is -8.50 c.m. The Block's
velocity v(0) tfren is -0.920 mls and its acceleration a(0) is 47 m/s2. Find
a) Angular frequency b) Phase constant [2.5+2.5]
4. How Newton's Rings are differ frum Haidinger friuges? Derive an expression for the
diametel of bright rings in transmitted light. How can you obtain central fringe dark in
this system? u+3+ll
Define diffraction of tight. Show that the intensity of fust maxima is lt22 of the central
ma,xima. lr+41
5. Show tlrat fringe width of wedge shaped film is constant for a given wedge angle. t5l
6. A Quarter wave plate is meant for Lo = 5.893 x10's cm. what phase retardation 0 witl
show for l, = 4.358 *10-s cm? (Neglect changes of pa and p wittr l") tsl
7. Define cardinal points of a coaxial lens system. Find the equivalent focal Iength for the
combination of two coaxial thin lens of focal length 'f1' and 'f2' separated by a
distance'd'. l2+3)
8. Discuss the significance of numerical aperture (NA). How does it depend on refractive
index ofcladding and core? [2+3]
9. How Gauss law is superior than Columb's [aw? Show that the electric field on the axis of
a uniformly charged disk is equal to the electric field near an infinite plane of charge in
limiting case. U+41

10. Show that the motion of an electron conslrained to move along the axis of a thin non
condueting ring of radius 'a' uniformly and positively charged with linear charge density
1. is simple harmonic if it is displaced a small distance 'x' along the axis (x<<a) and
released. Hence t'ind the oscillating frequency. [s]

A capacitor of cal acitance C is discharged through a resistor of rcsistance R. After how

many time constants is the stored energv i+ of its initial value? tsl
l1.Prove tirat the capacitance of a concentric spherical capacitor of radii a and b is
C:4nxolbzl(b-a)1. Ifouterplate is charged positively and inner sphere is earthed. t5l
12. A copper wire has cross-sectional area 3.31 x 10'6 m2 and carries a current of l0 A. What
is the'drift speed of the ele-i:trons? (Density of cc.rpper = 8.95 gm "m-3, Avogadro's
number Nn =k.02 * 1023 mol-I, molar mass of copper: 64 gm) t5]
13. A circular parallel plate capacitor of area 154 cmz is being charged has a uniform cunent
densitl, of a displacement cunent, having a magnitude 20 Nm'. Calculate
(a) the magnitude of magnetic fielci at the distance r = 50 mm about the central axis
bet*'een the plates. (b) dE/dt in this region 12.5+2'5)

14. With necessary circuit and graph, derive an expression for rise and fall of current in LR
circuit. Hence explain the inductive time constant for thiscircuit. [2+3]

What is cyclotron? Sholv that the maximum energy of the ion in cyclotron is directly
proportional to the square ofthe frequency, [1+4]
15. Suniight strikes the earth outside its atmosphere with an intensity of 2 C-aUcm2-min.
Calcuiate the magnitude of electric and magnetic fields. t5l
i6. Using Schrodinger wave equation, calcuiate the values of the energy of a particle in an
one-dimensional infinitely deep potential well. Indicate graphically the first three wave
function for such a particle. [3+7]

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