Shortcase Surgery Examination 1 240309 111037

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Breast Examination • Skin changes on breast
➔ Redness
Positioning : sitting position ➔ Peau d’ orange
➔ Cannot examine in lying position because the ➔ Dimpling : Intramammary tumor pulls on
ligament of cooper (accentuated by raising
pendulous breasts sag laterally hands above head)
➔ Ulcer
Exposure : base of the neck ➔ umbilicus
➔ To able to see supraclavicular node Ask patient to press on her hip; contract the
pectoralis muscle
Inspection • Repeat the inspection
Patient sit upright, put hands at side; relax the • Scar? ➔ ask the patient to raise both UL, inspect
pectoralis muscle the scar
• Nipple • See any swelling on the breast
➔ Symmetry : show to see the symmetry
While pressing the hip, ask patient to lean forward
➔ Inversion
• To see either the nipple symmetry or not
➔ Discharge, retraction, excoriation, scar • Asymmetry ➔ fix to the skin
• Areolar normal or not? : Eczema • Upper limb edematous?
Breast Examination
Palpation (gloves if ulcerative); lying 45° • Press the nipple horizontal & vertical ➔ look for
• Palpate the normal breast first then pathological any discharge
breast : divide into 4 quadrants • Test for fixation
➔ Upper inner ➔ lower inner ➔ lower outer ➔ ➔ Ask patient to press on her hips or put the
upper outer ➔ axillary tail hands behind the head
• Use one hand to support the breast when
palpating • Axillary lymph node
• Feel for temperature first ➔ Apical ➔ central ➔ anterior ➔ posterior ➔
• Describe the lump
➔ Location
➔ Solitary or multiple
➔ Shape, size
➔ Surface, consistency (firm or hard)
➔ Margin (regular or irregular)
• Supraclavicular and infraclavicular node palpate
➔ Test for fluctuation from behind and other LN
➔ Tenderness, fixity to skin by pinching the skin
Breast Examination
Complete with (check for metastasis)
• Lungs: Auscultate and percuss lungs for pleural
• Abdomen: Lie patient down to palpate abdomen
for hepatomegaly
• Bone: From behind, palpate along vertebral
spines and ribs for bony tenderness

Differential diagnosis of a breast lump

i. Breast ca
ii. Fibroadenoma
iii. Breast cyst
iv. Breast abscess
v. Phyllodes tumor if huge
vi. Traumatic fat necrosis (rare)
Thyroid Examination
Position : sitting position • Comment on
i. Site (lateral, central)
Exposure : from top of head to mid chest (take off
the shirt) ii. Estimated size, shape
iii. Skin changes ➔ skin redness or ulcer
Prepare a cup of water
iv. Dilated vein or visible pulsation
Inspection v. Scar?
• Inspect from front then lateral view vi. Ascends upon swallowing or tongue
• Swallowing test
➔ Take a sip of water in the mouth
➔ Only swallow when instructed
• Tongue protrusion test
➔ To test for thyroglossal cyst
➔ Open the mouth first, ask pt to protrude
Thyroid Examination
Palpation (from behind) • Check tracheal deviation
• Temperature, tenderness
• Palpate by pushing to a side
• For retrosternal extension
➔ Location, size, shape, surface, consistency,
➔ Pinch to see attachment to overlying skin
• Over carotid for carotid bruit
➔ Ask the patient to look to one side ➔ test for
fixity (fixed or mobile) ➔ Due to external compression or blockage of
tumour invasion
• Carotid pulse
• Over upper pole or directly anterior to the toxic
➔ Turn head to one side and check the opposite
gland for thyroid bruit ➔ hyperthyroidism
carotid pulse
➔ Due to increase vascularity
➔ Berry’s sign positive if unable to palpate
carotid pulse
• Lymph node enlargement
Thyroid Examination
Check thyroid status (Hyperthyroid) • Pulse : feel for 1 minute
• See general condition ➔ Resting tachycardia: primary thyrotoxicosis
➔ Restless ➔ Atrial fibrillation: sec. thyrotoxicosis
➔ Depressed • Proximal myopathy
• Talk to patient to see hoarseness, low pitch voice • Eye
➔ Hoarseness: Recurrent laryngeal nerve ➔ Exophthalmos: Look lateral then from behind
involved ➔ Cannot see the lower limbus of sclera
➔ Low pitch voice/unable to shout: external ➔ Diplopia: ask see how many fingers
laryngeal nerve
➔ Lid retraction
• Hand
➔ Lid lag: finger in horizontal moves up then
➔ Warm, sweaty goes down
➔ Thyroid acropachy, palmar erythema ➔ Chemosis, proptosis
➔ Tremors: fine tremors on outstretched hand
➔ Visual field: H direction
Thyroid Examination
• Reflex Differential diagnosis
➔ Hyperreflexia Diffuse
• Pretibial myxedema • Physiological ➔ Puberty, Pregnancy
• Pathological ➔ Graves disease, Hashimoto
At the end of my examination, I would like to thyroiditis
complete by checking the evidence of metastasis:
• Lungs: Auscultate lungs for reduced air entry or
• Solitary
bronchial breath sound
➔ Colloid cyst or goiter
• Abdomen: Lie patient down to palpate abdomen
for hepatomegaly ➔ Dominant nodule of a multinodular goiter
• Bone: From behind, palpate along vertebral ➔ Thyroid adenoma
spines and ribs for bony tenderness ➔ Thyroid carcinoma
• Multiple
➔ Toxic: Toxic MNG
➔ Non-toxic: Non-toxic MNG
Hernia Examination
Before examination, I would like to close the • Location : Swelling at the left inguinal area
curtain for patient’s modesty extending down into the left hemiscrotum/to the
deep ring but not into the hemiscrotum
Exposure : I would like to expose from the nipple • Shape
line to the mid-thigh, but for patient’s modesty, I
would like to only expose from umbilicus to mid • Unilateral/bilateral
thigh • Skin changes
➔ Skin redness
Position : standing position
➔ Shinny skin
➔ To determine the extend of hernia
➔ Visible pulsation or ulcer
Inspection • Bag of worm appearance
• Inspect also the groin and scrotum on the
• Scar?
opposite side
➔ No similar swelling appeared on the • Ask patient to cough to see bulging ➔ for cough
contralateral site impulse

Hernia Examination
Ask patient to stand if it is a small hernia. Why? Palpation (wear gloves!!)
• To see how much is the extend of the hernia into • Tenderness
the scrotum
• Temperature
• Inspect the contralateral hernia
• Some scrotal swelling is invisible during supine, • Consistency ➔ cystic, solid or firm
e.g: varicocele • Can get above the swelling?
• Feel the separation of the hernia and the testis
*p/s: No need stand if the hernia is too big
➔ Show the neck of scrotum is full with swelling
Ask the patient to lie down
➔ Palpate the testis bilaterally and comment
• Check if the swelling reduce spontaneously whether palpable bilaterally and separable?
➔ If not, ask the patient to reduce it (manually)
• Spermatic cord ➔ palpable or not
• If the swelling cannot be reduced at all, either:
➔ Irreducible hernia
➔ Lipoma or sarcoma
Hernia Examination
Percussion (usually not done) Special tests
• To differentiate the content 1. Deep ring occlusion test ➔ in supine position
➔ Resonance : enterocele • Ask patient to reduce the hernia himself
➔ Dull : omentocele • Locate deep ring
• I would like to skip percussion because might ➔ Place the thumb 1.25 cm above the
cause discomfort to patient and the content can midpoint of inguinal ligament = deep ring
be differentiate using auscultation
➔ Occlude the deep ring with thumb or 2
Auscultation : patient still in standing position • Ask patient to cough
• To differentiate the content ➔ Bulge out = direct hernia
➔ Bowel sound is heard in enterocele ➔ Do not bulge out = indirect hernia

Hernia Examination
Complete examination with
• Lung examination to look for signs of COPD
• Abdominal examination to look for factors that
cause increased in intraabdominal pressure
➔ Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, APKD, bladder
distension, ascites
• DRE ➔ to look for prostate enlargement (BPH)

Hernia Examination
Differential diagnosis Scrotal swelling
Inguinal swelling i. Spermatocele (Epididymal cyst)
i. Incomplete inguinal hernia ii. Hematocele
ii. Bubonocele iii. Encysted vaginal hydrocele
iii. Encysted hydrocele iv. Epididymo-orchitis
iv. Undescended testis v. Testicular abscess
vi. Testicular tumor
Inguino-scrotal swelling
i. Complete indirect inguinal hernia
ii. Varicocele
iii. Communicating hydrocele
iv. Lipoma in the cord

Stoma Examination
Positioning : supine position • Size : in diameter, height from skin
• Number of lumen & shape
Exposure : whole abdomen
➔ Round & end (single lumen)
➔ Chaperone if patient opposite sex & close
curtains ➔ Oval & double barrel/loop (double lumen)
(confirm w/o bag)
Specific stoma examination • Mucosal of stoma
Inspection ➔ Spout (protrude) or flush (flat/same level with
• Associated abdominal surgical scar skin)
➔ Site, length, condition, hernia ➔ Healthy (pink) or unhealthy (dark, necrotic,
• Site (quadrant) edematous)
➔ Left or right iliac, right hypochondriac • Content
• Types of stoma bag ➔ Fluid, semisolid, solid faeces, flatus, blood,
➔ Single/two piece system pus, urine, bile
➔ Drainable/closed end
Stoma Ileostomy Colostomy
Stoma Examination Site Right iliac fossa Left iliac fossa
Calibre Small Large
• Surrounding skin
Mucosal Spout ~3cm ➔ Flushed/flat to
➔ Excoriation esp. in ileostomy prevent the skin
➔ Necrotic patch/gangrene irritation
➔ Dermatitis/hyperaemia Content Fluid/watery Solid/faecal
• Cough impulse ➔ Herniation/prolapse
Local Systemic
• Skin irritation • Stoma diarrhea
Palpation • Prolapse ➔ HypoNa,
• With sterile gloves; open the stoma bag, re- • Retraction HypoMg,
examine the number or shape lumen, • Ischemia HypoK
surrounding skin & content • Stenosis • Dehydration
• Ask patient to cough ➔ herniation • Parastomal • Nutritional
hernia disorder
• Bleeding • Psychological
Complete examination : Per-rectal examination • Fistulation problem
• Infection • Stones
Varicose Vein
Varicose Vein Examination
Positioning : supine first ➔ No swelling, sinus, scar or skin redness

Exposure : whole lower limb until umbilicus (cawat) Ask patient to stand and inspect again to make the
vein more prominent (veins collapse on supine)
Inspection • On my inspection in standing position, the dilated
vein becomes more prominent on standing from the
• Site, size, extend medial malleolus extending up to the upper part of
➔ From inspection in supine position, I can see the thigh
dilated tortuous vein on the medial surface of • No similar dilated veins on the lateral and posterior
the lower limb extending from the medial aspects of legs
malleolus to the upper thigh
• Ulcer, hyperpigmented lesion in standing position
➔ No similar dilated vein on the lateral part (still in standing position)
➔ Complicated by ulcer at medial malleolus
• Surrounding skin and other signs of chronic venous Ask patient to cough
➔ For cough impulse and thrill in the groin ➔
➔ Hyperpigmented lesion on the lower half of the Saphena varix
Varicose Vein Examination
Palpation (still in standing position) Auscultation
• Temperature • Auscultate using bell of stethoscope, presence of
• Hardening of the varicosities
➔ underlying arteriovenous malformation
• Palpate along the varicosity
➔ On palpation, there is no tenderness on the
dilated vein ➔ superficial thrombophlebitis Special tests
➔ Press the calf for tenderness ➔ indicate DVT 1. Tourniquet test: in supine position
• Pitting edema & pulses : femoral, popliteal, PTA, DPA • Locate the saphenofemoral junction
• Lift the patient’s leg onto shoulder & empty the
Percussion : Tap test superficial vein by milking the leg toward the groin

• Place a finger at SFJ & tap the vein that we assess • Apply tourniquet/finger at SFJ

• Presence of thrill suggests continuity of vein 2° to • Ask patient to stand & observe the filling of the vein
incompetent valve ➔ If the veins above tourniquet rapidly fill ➔
saphenofemoral junction insufficiency
➔ If the veins below tourniquet fill immediately ➔
perforator insufficiency
Varicose Vein Examination
Perthe’s test: in standing position Other examination:
• To distinguish between venous insufficiency in deep, • Abdomen: Palpation to exclude mass
perforator and superficial venous system
• Rectal or vaginal examination: To exclude a pelvic
➔ Apply tourniquet at proximal midthigh mass
➔ Ask patient to walk for 5 mins • Testes: Metastasis of testicular tumour to abdominal
LN can cause IVC obstruction
➔ Note any calf pain or venous engorgement
➔ Vein become less distended: no deep venous
➔ Vein remain same or more distended & calf
pain: problem with deep vein system

Lump & Bump
Lump & Bump Examination
Introduction : WIPERS • Attachment ➔ relation to skin
• Edge or margin
Inspection & palpation
• Consistency
• Site
• Mobility / fixation
• Size
• Pulsation
• Shape
• Test for fluctuation
• Skin
• Irreducibility/reducibility
• Surface
• Compressibility or not
• Scar
• Regional lymph node
• Temperature
• Tenderness Thanks the patient
• Transillumination test


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