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Ant Death Spiral

The ant death spiral. Actually, it's a circular
mill, first described in army ants by
““If ants had nuclear weapons, they Schneirla (1944). A circle of army ants, each
would probably end the world in a week.” one following the ant in front, becomes
— Bert Holldobler” locked into a circular mill. They will continue
to circle each other until they all die. How
““Not all ants use violence to dominate crazy is that? Sometimes they escape,
their world; some use more subtle though. Army ants are blind. An individual
methods.” — E. O. Wilson” ant cannot survive alone. However, together
they do wonders. These ants release
pheromones that attract other ants to follow

The synergy is so strong that it leads

thousands of ants to follow the leader in
search of food and bring it back to the
colony. However, this system doesn't always

““I wonder what ants do on rainy days?”

— Haruki Murakami”

““Finally he was just another ant, working

and working until he died without
meaning.” — Haruki Murakami”

““The ant is a collectively intelligent and

individually stupid animal; man is the
opposite.” — Karl von Frisch”
In the world of psychology, ANT is an
acronym for automatic negative thoughts.
These are thoughts that pop into our mind
without us trying to put them there. From
Workers (called "formigas", ants) in a gold the moment we are born, we begin to take
mine, Serra Pelada in the federal state of in the world around us. We see things
Pará, Brasile 1986 - Sebastião Salgado. happen, we watch the reactions of others,
and we feel and become aware of our own
"The Salt of the Earth", a docu-film about
responses and emotions. As we grow and
this photographer's whole work.
develop, we form cognitive distortions,
ways of thinking about ourselves and the
world that are our own unique
interpretations. These ANTs can cause
anxiety and lessen our sense of wellbeing.

How to Say Ant in Different Languages

Looking for ways to say ant in other languages? Check out our list for saying ant in different
languages. Be ready to meet a foreign friend!

ANTs - Automatic Negative Thoughts -

Can Ruin Your Picnic



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