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Final revision sheet- T2



1. _________ is two or more substances that are not chemically combined with each other.
2. Types of mixtures depend on the ____________of the particles.
3. _____________ is an example of solid solution .
4. _____________ dissolves so many substances that it is often called the “universal solvent”.
5. ____________ is the substance that is dissolved by the solvent.
6. ________________ dissolves the other substance(s).
7. ________________ solution Is a mixture that has a lot of solute dissolved in a certain
amount of solvent.
8. ___________________ solution Is a mixture that has only a little solute dissolved in a
9. You can change the concentration of a solution by ___________________or
10. _______ is the maximum amount of solute can dissolve in a solvent at a given temperature.
11. Any more solute added to a saturated solution a(n) ___________ will appear.
12. ______________reaction in which acid and base neutralize each other to produce salt and
13. ___________ is the scale that express the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution.
14. If the pH is 7 , the solution is ____________
15. The stronger the acid, the _________ the pH, and The ___________the concentration of
hydrogen ions.
16. The stronger the base , the __________ the Ph, and The ___________ the concentration of
hydroxide ions

Identify A and B then and identify which solution is the saturated solution .

Solution 1 Solution 2

A____________________ B: _______________________

The saturated solution is _________________

Identify mixture A, B, and C





Solution Colloid Suspension


Size of particles


Visibility of

Settling of


Scattering of

(Tyndall Effect)

Fill in the table below

acid base
reacts to give


feel like

reacts with hydrogen

reacts with carbonate
change litmus paper
change red cabbage juice

Answer the following questions

Compare between milk and tomato juice .


Name the strongest acid .


Name the strongest base .


Why would you expect egg to taste bitter?


What color would litmus paper turn in a solution of bleach? Explain your answer in terms of pH.


What color would litmus paper turn in a solution of bleach? Explain your answer in terms of pH.


Explain why water is neutral.


Complete the equations below

KOH + HI ____________ + _____________

Name the reaction below ._________________

Name the base ._____________

Name the acid.________________

What are the products of the reaction?________________

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