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Reinforcement Exam

1. Judy sought for consultation for her difficulty coping with her recent break-up. She
felt depressed and has no direction in life. Since her break-up, she started to recall her
traumatic experience of her parents’ death and the anxious feeling of being left alone
that she had when her parents passed away. These lead to her mental breakdowns.
She is reluctant in confiding to others and would choose to process everything alone,
which only result to overthinking and triggering thoughts. The first 2 lines represent the

A. Presenting problem
B. Predisposing factor
C. Perpetuating factor
D. Precipitating factor
Case Formulation – identify different problems to come up with appropriate technique and
intervention to make
5 Ps in Psychological Case Formulation
Presenting Issues – complaint, concern, reason for further assessment, subjective symptoms
experienced by the client; description of the individual’s presenting difficulties
Predisposing Factors – factors that increase someone’s vulnerability to develop problems
(behavioral, cognitive or biological); hereditary
Precipitating Factors – triggers of the current presenting issues
Protective Factors – strengths which help to maintain an individual’s emotional health; protect
you from acquiring a certain psychological problem
Perpetuating Factors – factors which maintain the presenting issues; reinforcing the symptoms
and behavioral problems; personal traits and tendencies

2. Based on the previous vignette, which is considered as the predisposing factor?

A. Judy’s recent break-up with her partner. – Precipitating Factor

B. Judy’s traumatic experience regarding her parents’ death.
C. Judy’s depressed feelings and sense of no direction in life. – Presenting Problem
D. Judy’s tendency to overthink and reluctance to open up to others. – Perpetuating Factor
Dysfunction – breakdown in an individual’s cognitive, behavioral, and psychological function
Distress – unpleasant feeling felt by the person and felt by other people (uncomfortable and
problematic behavior)
Danger – if the behavior poses a threat to himself and/ or to other people
Deviance – if the behavior go against the expected set of behavior and norm given the person’s
background (age, culture, etc.)
Duration – psychological disorders has their own duration; different from one another
Psychopathology – scientific study of psychological disorder
Clinical Description of Psychological Disorders:
Prevalence – how many people in the population have the disorder
Incidence – how many new cases occur during a given period
Course – pattern of the disorder (chronic - personality disorders, episodic - mood disorders,
acute onset – sudden development, insidious onset – gradually develop)
Prognosis – anticipated course of the disorder (bad prognosis, good prognosis)

3. Which of the following is the contribution made by Paracelsus in the historical

development of mental illnesses?

A. He suggested that the causes of psychological illnesses are always physical. – John Grey
B. He suggested that mental disorders can be caused by brain pathology. – Hippocrates
C. He suggested that the movements of the moon and stars impact people’s psychological
D. He pioneered the use of insulin shock therapy in treating psychotic patients. – Manfred Sakel

4. People who receive a diagnosis under the disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct
disorders are most likely associated with which humors based on the humoral theory of

A. Blood
B. Black bile
C. Phlegm
D. Yellow bile

5. Which of the following reasons is least likely included as factors that led for the
decline of humane treatment of the mentally ill?

A. Dorothea Dix’s mental hygiene movement. – 2nd and an unintentional reason for the decline
B. The discovery that mental illness was caused by brain pathology and, therefore, was
incurable. – 3rd reason
C. The increase in the number of patients who suffered from psychological problems after the
civil war.
D. The influx of huge number of immigrants to U.S. – 1st reason reason for the decline

6. Which of the following would not justify the diagnosis of ADHD in a 10-year-old client
who was reported for his impulsivity and non-compliance to school tasks instead of
Oppositional Defiant Disorder and/or Intermittent Explosive Disorder? (what is the
incorrect statement)

A. IED is rare among children. – correct

B. IED does not include impulsive behaviors unlike ADHD. – both of them share impulsive
behavior but they differ in the root cause of the impulsivity
C. Children with ODD resist school works because of resistance to follow others’ demands. -
D. The child’s defiance to school tasks may be a secondary oppositional attitude as a result of
difficulty sustaining mental effort. – correct

7. Nikko was diagnosed with Specific Learning Disorder. Which is false about Nikko?

A. His academic achievement is significantly below than what is expected for his age.
B. He has an IQ that is significantly below than what is expected for his age. – SLD is not based
on the IQ of the person; it is a discrepancy between the IQ and academic achievement of the
person; not necessarily low IQ, IQ is average
C. His academic achievement is significantly below than what is expected given his educational
D. His condition can be referred to as “unexpected underachievement”.

8. Upon evaluation, Cameron, age 12, has an IQ of 65. Which additional feature should
you consider in making a diagnosis of IDD?

A. If he has difficulty with communication, self-care, social, and interpersonal skills. – adaptive
B. If he struggles in problem solving, abstract reasoning and judgment, as well as in planning.
C. Both A and B
D. Having an IQ that is below 70 is enough criterions to diagnose IDD.

9. Johnny, a 4-year-old boy, fails to meet expected developmental milestones in several

areas of intellectual functioning but has no significant personal distress noted. What is
the most appropriate diagnosis?

A. Intellectual Disorder
B. Autism Spectrum Disorder
C. Global Developmental Delay
D. No diagnosis
Praxia – motor tics
Lalia – vocal tics

10. In Schizophrenia, this includes the signs that indicate the absence or insufficiency of
normal behaviors.

A. Positive symptoms
B. Negative symptoms
C. Disorganized behaviors
D. Avolition

11. Studies show that Broca’s area is the part of the brain that is most active during
hallucination. This would suggest that:
A. People who are hallucinating believe that what they’re experiencing are the products of their
own thoughts.
B. People who are hallucinating are listening to the voices of others who are non-existent.
C. People who are hallucinating are listening to their own thoughts.
D. None of the above
Gustatory Hallucination – sense of taste; least common type of hallucination
Auditory Hallucination – most common type of hallucination

12. 2 weeks ago, Shelly was observed by her colleagues to be feeling down and seems
to have no interest to anything, opposite to her current energetic states wherein she
was able to recruit 20 employees in their company which is 5 times than her daily
average recruit. Shelly’s most probable diagnosis would be what?

A. Manic episode
B. Hypomanic episode
C. Bipolar I
D. Bipolar II

13. Which of the following statements is false?

A. Those who experience either mania or depression are suffering from unipolar mood disorder.
B. Alternating episodes between depression and mania refers to bipolar mood disorder since
mood episodes travel from one “pole” to another.
C. Hypomania is less severe than mania.
D. Unipolar mania is rare compared to depression but is more frequent among adolescents.
Unipolar mania – one mood episode only either depressive episode, manic episode, or
hypomanic episode

14. Which specifier is unique to Bipolar Related Disorders?

A. With rapid cycling – the mood state of the person shift from one mood to another rapidly
B. With mixed features – depressed episode and manic episode co-occur at the same time
C. With catatonia
D. With mood-incongruent features

15. Sue experiences a depressive episode. At the same time, she tends to believe that
she is the top student of a well-known university and that she beat all other students
there even though she just dropped her subjects this semester. What is the probable
diagnosis of Sue?

A. Major Depressive Disorder, with psychotic features

B. Schizoaffective Disorder
C. Delusional Disorder
D. Bipolar I

16. Who among the following does not show an atypical feature of a depressive
A. Darla, who has insomnia.
B. Fred, who gained weight due to overeating.
C. Krizzia, who oversleeps.
D. Daryl, who feels anxious.

17. Eli, 8, was brought to clinic for cases of physical aggression at school and at home.
The mother also claims that Eli is easily triggered and seems to be hostile almost all the
time. These symptoms started when he was 7. Which diagnosis is most likely given to

A. Conduct Disorder
B. Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
C. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
D. Intermittent Explosive Disorder

18. __________ are more common in specific phobias while __________ are more
important in panic disorder.

A. Uncued panic attack; Cued panic attack

B. Both uncued panic attack
C. Both cued panic attack
D. Expected panic attack; Unexpected panic attack

19. Athan has a panic disorder and because of this, he tends to avoid doing physically
strenuous activities like exercising or even climbing multiple flight of stairs. Such
avoidance is called what?

A. Intraceptive avoidance
B. Interceptive avoidance
C. Interoceptive avoidance
D. Exteroceptive avoidance

20. During Sam’s first year of schooling, her mother has problem leaving her at school
since she would often cry out loud and beg for her to go home. She contends being left
by her mother at school and would only stop crying once they get home and would play
instead with her cousins in the neighborhood. Because of this, her mother instead hired
a tutor to teach Sam at home for the next academic year. What is the most likely
diagnosis for Sam?

A. Specific phobia
B. Social Anxiety Disorder
C. Separation Anxiety Disorder
D. Agoraphobia

21. Which of the following situations would least likely result in a phobia?

A. If Layra gets bitten by a snake.

B. If Layra witnessed her friend being bitten by a snake.
C. If Layra was repeatedly told about how dangerous snakes are.
D. None of the above

22. Archie has a werewolf syndrome which is characterized by excessive hair growth
anywhere on a person’s body. He often feels ugly because of the excessive hair he has
on his face and would pluck them every day. He has low self-esteem and tends to be
preoccupied just by the thought of having hair on his face so in response; he repetitively
plucks it one by one. What would be Archie’s diagnosis?

A. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
B. Trichotillomania
C. Body Dysmorphic Disorder
D. No diagnosis – the werewolf syndrome is not a perceived flaw because there is a medical


I. OCD is ego-syntonic disorder.

II. OCPD is ego-dystonic disorder.

III. OCD is characterized by intrusive thoughts or repetitive behaviors in response to

intrusive symptoms.

IV. OCPD is an enduring pattern of excessive perfectionism and control.

A. All statements are correct.

B. Only statements I and II are correct.
C. Only statements III and IV are correct.
D. Only statements II and IV are correct.

24. One of the explanations behind the development of phobias is Mowrer’s Two-
Factory theory which suggests that avoidance behavior among those with phobia is
caused by _________ and is maintained by ________.

A. Classical Conditioning; Operant Conditioning

B. Operant Conditioning; Classical Conditioning
C. Rewards; Punishment
D. Punishment; Rewards

25. Which is true about individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

A. They worry about non-specific concerns as a way to confront their anxiety.

B. They are preoccupied with the images of potential threats that explains their anxiety.
C. Their intense worries serve as avoidance behaviors just like in people with phobias.
D. They are persistent to face threatening situations which ultimately leave them with general
26. Which of the following correctly explains the relationship of neurotransmitter
systems with Anxiety and Related Disorders?

A. High levels of GABA results into increased anxiety

B. High levels of Glutamate results into decreased anxiety
C. Low levels of GABA results into increased anxiety
D. Low levels of Glutamate results into increased anxiety

27. Performing repetitive and ritual behaviors in response to an obsession is an

example of what?

A. Positive reinforcement
B. Negative reinforcement
C. Positive punishment
D. Negative punishment

28. According to Learned Helplessness theory of depression, people with MDD follow a
depressive attributional style that is:

A. Internal, Unstable, Global

B. External, Unstable, Global
C. External, Stable, Global
D. Internal, Stable, Global

29. The median lifetime number of major depressive episodes is 4 to 7. The median
duration of recurrent major depressive episodes is 6 to 12 months.

A. Only the first statement is correct. – 5 to 6 months is the duration of recurrent major
depressive episode
B. Only the second statement is correct.
C. Both statements are correct.
D. Both statements are incorrect.

30. Clinician: How are you feeling today?

Client: The sun is bright today and swimming sounds a fun idea. Tropical fruits are
delicious but having healthy diet is beneficial so you have to drink lots of water since the
weather’s too hot. Despite this, I feel good today. The client’s response indicates what?

A. Tangentiality
B. Circumstantiality
C. Derailment
D. Loosening of associations

31. It’s been 10 months already since Maine was divorced by her husband and since
then, she feels distressed and finds it hard to bounce back from their unsuccessful
marriage. Is the diagnosis of Adjustment Disorder for Maine justifiable? Why or why
A. No, her emotional response is normal and is comparable to that of a bereavement.
B. Yes, as long as emotional symptoms caused by stressor is still evident, Adjustment Disorder
can be given.
C. No, symptoms of Adjustment Disorder cannot persist beyond 6 months.
D. Yes, since her persistent symptoms are in response to a stressor that has enduring

32. Jao is an avid fan of a crime documentary series wherein the death stories of
various criminal cases are depicted. Having knowledge about PTSD, is it possible for
Jao to develop PTSD? Why or why not?

A. No, since she did not directly experience nor witness the traumatic event.
B. Yes, because of repeated exposure to aversive details of deaths and serious injuries.
C. No, exposure through media, movies, or television does not qualify for a traumatic
experience required for PTSD.
D. No, since the manner in which she was exposed to such aversive details isn’t work-related.

33. Jules lost his partner a year ago due to an accident. Though he was able to
continue with his life, he felt sudden extreme yearning for her late girlfriend now that it
should have been their 5th anniversary as a couple. Jules’ experience qualifies for

A. Adjustment Disorder
B. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
C. Prolonged Grief Disorder
D. Normal Grief

34. Which is true among the following statements?


A. Individuals with Dissociative Identity Disorder were found to be highly suggestible.

B. Individuals with Dissociative Identity Disorder demonstrate their symptoms in a fluid fashion.
C. Physiological responses to objective tests can be easily manipulated, suggesting the
possibility of faking DID.
D. In many cases, the alters of a person with DID have complete and unique personalities.

35. Owen was diagnosed with Dissociative Amnesia. He can clearly recall his childhood
years except anything related to his uncle who molested him even though he stayed
under the latter’s care for quite sometime. In fact, he claims that he didn’t have such
uncle. This represents what type of amnesia?

A. Localized amnesia
B. Selective amnesia
C. Systematized amnesia
D. General amnesia

36. Illness Anxiety Disorder: Hypochondriasis; Somatic Symptom Disorder:


A. Somatoform Disorder
B. Briquet’s Disorder
C. Somatization Disorder
D. Both A & C

37. All of the following comparisons between Panic Disorder and Somatic Symptom
Disorder is correct, except:

A. Those with PD fear immediate symptoms while those with SSD are concerned with long-term
B. People with SSD have stronger “disease convictions” than those with PD.
C. People with PD focus on specific sympathetic nervous system symptoms while those with
SSD have wider areas of concerns.
D. None of the above

38. Mica was referred by her mother after witnessing her daughter eating her own hair
and for realizing that Mica’s weight had severely dropped to being underweight. She is
avoidant of any food and seems to have no interest in eating. During interview, Mica
claimed that she eats her hair to pacify her hungry stomach since she has to attain a
slimmer body in order to maintain her sideline as a model. Mica’s diagnosis is

A. Pica Disorder
B. Avoidant / Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
C. Anorexia Nervosa
D. Bulimia Nervosa

39. How do we determine the severity of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder?

A. Based on the body mass index of the person

B. Based on the number of binge-eating episodes
C. Based on the level of distress the person feels over binge-eating.
D. Based on the amount of food one binge-eats.

40. Which of the following is not classified as a parasomnia?


A. Nightmare Disorder
B. REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
C. NREM Sleep Arousal Disorder
D. Insomnia

41. Which of the following is most likely true?


A. Having sleep terror is the same with having a nightmare.

B. People who walk in their sleep tend to be acting out their dream.
C. Hallucinations typically occur among individuals with Narcolepsy.
D. Children who experience sleep terror are subject to experience trauma brought by haunting
memories of their dreams.

42. It’s Ronnie’s first sexual experience with his bebe girl but to his dismay, he
ejaculated right away, before he even wishes it. Which sexual dysfunction does Ronnie
may be suffering from?

A. Male Hypoactive Desire Disorder

B. Premature Ejaculation
C. Delayed ejaculation
D. No diagnosis

43. Considering Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders, you would most
likely agree with which of the following?

A. ODD does not involve problems with emotional dysregulation.

B. Conduct Disorder includes non-aggressive symptoms.
C. People with Pyromania and Kleptomania usually plans how to satisfy their urges and feels
tension right after acting out
D. IED is usually premeditated.

44. Which of the following is incorrectly paired with one another?


A. Opiates: Morphine
B. Stimulants: Alcohol
C. Hallucinogens: Cannabis
D. Depressants: Benzodiazepines
45. The following are included in the “A-Triad of Alzheimer’s” except what?

A. Alogia
B. Aphasia
C. Agnosia
D. Apraxia

46. People with Agoraphobia tends to develop which personality disorder?


A. Dependent Personality Disorder

B. Avoidant Personality Disorder
C. Schizoid Personality Disorder
D. Paranoid Personality Disorder

47. Those who score extremely low in Agreeableness can be closely associated with

A. Borderline Personality Disorder

B. Narcissistic Personality Disorder
C. Paranoid Personality Disorder
D. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

48. Who among the following would least likely receive the diagnosis of Pedophile

A. Vic, who deny any distress with regards to his sexual relationships with adolescents.
B. Richie, who didn’t have any direct physical contact with the victim but more on exposing his
private area to the child.
C. Joey, 20 and single, who gratifies his sexual desires through child pornography.
D. None of the above.

49. Which does not belong to the group?


A. Frotteuristic Disorder
B. Exhibitionistic Disorder
C. Voyeuristic Disorder
D. Sexual Masochism Disorder
50. This etiological explanation assumes that illness may be caused by others’ envy and

A. Maladi dyab
B. Satan Illness
C. Taijin kyofusho
D. More than one of the previous choices

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