User Manual & Instalation Guide Aquamizer

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RAQUAMISER+ FRAMED SYSTEMS USER MANUAL & INSTALLATION GUIDE INTRODUCTION Congratulations on joining an elite group of like-minded boat and yacht owners, who value their investment and have chosen the industry's most reliable and advanced marine reverse osmosis system available. A great deal of time and effort has been put into the design and manufacture of your new FCI Watermakers desalination system. Please take time to read this entire manual and familiarize yourself with its operation. It will benefit yoi: by insuring long trouble-free operation, ‘Thank you for purchasing FCI Watermakers Reverse Osmosis Systm, Your choice of FCT Watermakers proves tat quality craftsmanship and performance ‘do matter. The system you have chosen ofthe highest quality, and ti the ‘most advanced watermaker availabe today. Over 25 years of experience, 18 ‘months of engineering and extensive lb testing hs gone nt the dexiga of our make. In fact many industry standards area result of innovations made by FCT Watermakers, including one-touch commands, multiple tation operation and remote system control Each component was chosen forts ality to withstand the ‘arin environment and 1 provide a liftineoftrouble-fre operation, Design considerations included noise, size, ease of use and simple maintenance. Is open frame construction allows quick, as inspections and ads in shipboard or land based maintenance without having to move the system from it oat, ‘The intent ofthis manual ist allow the operator to become ule with ‘ach component of the reverse osmosis system. By understanding tl function, importance and pormal operation ofeach watermaker modo, the operator can readily diagnose minor problems, When such problems frst arse, they usualy reuire minor malmtenance an the fs is aaly ‘omrected, However, iff unattended a problem in one component may ‘eventually affect the rest ofthe system and it could lead to further repairs C1 Watermaers systems use non-proprietary membranes that re readily svailbleworkwide, and the systems are designed tobe more tolerant of| ‘eater conditions. Your vessel travels around the world and encounters ‘rater that varies in both alaity and particulate FCI utlizes low RPM Component that allow fll fnction operation in these conditions CI has the most comprehensive warranty on the market The entre line of FEL marine eres (Max and Aquarisrs) systems are covered fortwo years onal on- Consumable parts. Our Commercial series ae covered for one yea. A copy of out ‘warranty is Include in cis manual Pleat read and fsiiarizeyoarel with Weare committed to customer sevice that exceeds your expectations. [Ft anytime you have questions about what's covered inthis manval, our hands PREFACE, ‘on technical support wil never leave you ait This manual contains technical Information nsewctions forte installation, operation, maintenance and troubleshooting for FCI Watermakers Desalination Sytems, Anyone responsible forthe installation, operation, and maintenance ofa FCI Watermakers Desalination System must ead and understand the contents ofthis anual, and comply with these instructions, gukelines and safety equiements tall times “The term sistem wil be wed throughout this manual, and it generally refers to the EC Watermakers System, Reading this manual ais entety wil familiarize ‘you with the system and the opcation of ts components. By understanding the system in is entirety, one can realy operate and diagnose problems All references within this manual refers tothe section les specially defined. Graphics and ustrations are sed for reference only and my not represent he actual part or arrangement of parts va cstomizad 5st. ABOUT SAFETY NOTES Safety iss requiring wes atenton are ighlghed throughout hs manual a flows: WARNING: Provides exitical information in order to prevent the possiblity of injuries andor death CAUTION: Provides important information to prevent the possibility ‘of damaging the device or equipment NOTE: Provides atonal information wo safely and properly operate the equipment NEW SYSTEM PERFORMANCE, _ Although each system has een fully tested prior to shiping, there wil be abreak- in period. During this period, sppcximatly 48 hours, the pumps and membrane performance wil change or sete. Small adjustments will eed tobe made to the high-pressure valve and the water quality and quantity wil vay- Fors typical installation the high pressure valve will eed to be increased (turned clockwise) and the water quality produced wil improve over this Breakin perio, TOI WATER ARIS GLOSSARY OF TERMS Following terms are helpful in becoming familiar with a FCI Watermakers Reverse Osmosis System. BOUNDARY LAYER / CONCENTRATION POLARIZATION ‘When water permeates through the membrane, nary ll he salts et bohind inthe brine channel In any dynamic hydraulic system the Bid adjacent tothe wal ofthe vessel is moving relatively slo. Eventhough ‘themain body ofthe stream is turbulent, a thin film adjacent othe wall, (evembrane) lamina. This thin im called the boundary layer. the eed wate ow is insuiint, the salts are saturated atthe boundary layer and can readily adhere to and pack into the RO, membrane element surface. For ths reason itis important to maintain sient fed wate flow through ‘he R.O. membrane element and prevent concentration polarization. BRINE VELOCITY ‘Thebrine vdocty. or flow, over the membrane surfce is very important to both product water quality and quantity. At low fows, concentration polarization occurs causing the water quality to decline In adltion oinferor product water quay low brine flows an increas the precipitation of sparingly soluble sls. The sls wil foul the RO. membrane element surface (Concentration polarization). IF this occurs, the product water ux (production ill dealin. The fed pump integrated design provides relatively smoath and contin low of fed water across and through the KO. membwane element. ‘compaction Some densification of the membrane stractare may take place while operating at elevated pressures, above 1000 PS. The change iknoven as compaction and is accompanied bya reduction in the water permeation ate ‘When the RO. membrane lementis subjected to elevated pressures beyond 1000 PS, the product water channel becomes squeeze, resulting in restriction and product water recovery reduction OSMOTIC PRESSURE ‘he trancer ofthe water from one ade af the membrane othe other will continue uot the head (pressure i great enough to prevent any ne tansler ‘ofthe sven ates) to the more concentrated fed wate) solution At oqilibram, the quantity of water passing in ether direction sequal, and the head pressure i then defined ss the "osmotic resure” ofthe solution having that particular concentration of dissolved solids GLOSSARY OF TERMS (continued) PRESSURE ‘The operating pressure ha direst fect on product water qualityand quantity. Both factors wll increase asthe system presse inereases (within design limi). “The system must be operate atthe lowest presse required to achieve the designed product water flow rate This parameter also minimizes compaction, which occurs faster at higher pressures and temperatures. Atlow temperatures o high salinity fed wate the system wil have to operate at higher than normal presute to maintain the specified amount of product water flow Tiss normal and i duet the design characteristics ofthe system, SPIRAL-WOUND MEMBRANE The spiral-wound membrane consists of mukple membrane envelopes. ach formed by enclosing channelized product water carrying materi between two large lat membrane sess The membrane envelope is clea on three edges with ‘epscia adhesive and tached with the adhesive to smal diameter pipe | polypropylene seen used to form the feed water channel betwen the membrane ‘envelopes. A wrap is applied tothe membrane clement to maintain the clinical Configuration. The centertube isalso the permeate (product water cllectng channel Several elements may be connected in sels within iagle pressure vessel ‘or muliple pressor vestls WATER TEMPERATURE EFFECT. ‘The product water flow through the membrane is significantly effected by the water temperature. At any given pressure the flow increases with increasing ‘water temperature and is reduced at lower temperatures, The jem presse ‘ill needto be adjusted to maintain a precise amount of product water fv. LIMITED WARRANTY ‘This policy will define, in detail, what is and is not covered under warranty. It will also define how to obtain warranty service and approval. PCI Watermakers warrants tha ll commercial systems perform acconing to the specifications fr a period of one yea from the date of installation or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment, whichever sear FC Watermakers isnot under any circumstances, lable frany damages sising out of rin ay ‘way connected with the failure af the systems to perform asst forth heel, This Timited warranty isin le ofall other expressed or implied warranties, Incuing those of merchantability and fitness fora particular purpose. This warranty extended to the original owner / purchaser of record and eno transterable [NOTE: Warranty reisttation requieed ta activate your warranty, Please beset il ut the registration included inthis maneal nd provide a copy to FCI Watemaker, Inc. 10 WARRANTY PERIOD ‘The following items are covered under waranty forthe petios designated: ‘Rquamisery and Max-Q Systems OO ‘system and Accessories 2 two) years from the date of shipment ofthe System Pressure Vessel Tubes Lifetime Repaisafter warranty 3 three) months ‘Neptune, Poseidon and Titan Systems ‘System and Accessories 1 fone) year fom the date ofnstalltion or 18 months from the date of shipment, whichever is erie Repairsafter warranty 3 (thre) months 12 Thefollowingtemsare considered normal wer maintenance and are NOT covered under lite or implied waranty, 1 Sea Strainer Element 7 Pump Crankease O11 2 Cartridge iter Hements ——& Gauge lstrument Calibration 3 Sond &Gravelinthe MME 9 Fuses 4 Pump Packing Assemblies 10 Vale Sealsand Packings 5 Pump Sel Assembles Exterior Corrosion 6 Pump Valve Assemblies 12 Membrane Elements 1.3 Insallation of compogents not supplied by FCI Watermakers, ‘snot covered by thi or any limited warcenty FTO WATERMAKERS IN ‘Goel 7 LIMITED WARRANTY continues) 14 System fire or component lure or decline in performance asa result of mproper installation fot covered by thi or any limited wacraty. 1.5 The Reverse Osmoss Membrane Elements ae not covered under warranty for any specific period by FCI Watermakers. Any misise or improper ‘operation or maintenance ofthe stem that causes premature foaling ofthe Membrane Element snot under warrant. The warranty does not overa Membrane Element which hasbeen subject to: ron fouling (est, ‘chemical or petroleum products tack, extreme temperature (over 10°F or under 37), drying out or extreme pressures (over 1000p) 16 Inthe event of defect, malfunction o file specially covered by this warranty and dusing the waranty period, FCL Watermakers wil "epic o replace, at its option, the producto component therein, which ‘on exaunnation by FC Watermakers appears tobe defective 2.0 PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING WARRANTY 2.1 The defective product or part must be returned t an authorized FCI Waterers Factory Service Center (alr or directly a BC] ‘Wotermakers, The end user most pay any transportation and labor expenses Incurred in removing and returning the product othe service center ‘or FCI Wateriakers pending evaluation and warrenty approval 30 EXCEPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 241 Thelimited warranty doesnot extend to any sytem or system component which hasbeen subjected to alteration, misuse, neglect, acient improper instalation, ‘Inadequate or improper repair or maintenance or subject to ue in volation of istration farnished by FCI Watermakers, nor does the warrant extend to ‘components on which the serial umber hasbeen removed, defaced o changed 32. FCLWatermaters reserves the ight to make changes or improvements ‘in itsprodct, during subsequent pradctin, without incurtig the obligation to instal such changes or Improvements on previously manfactured equipment. 53 The implied warranties, which the ae imposes on the sale of this product are expressly LIMITED induration to the time period above, FCI Watermakers Corp. shall not be able for damages, consequential or others, resting fom the we and operation of ‘hi product or rom the breach ofthis LIMITED WARRANTY. CAUTION: Use of om FC Watermakers sppied pars and acessories, ncading but not ited 10 maintenance pars, peter cements membrane, cleaning and storage ‘chemical pomp ol spare pats, replacement pars system components instalation, ‘omponeats andlor sytem aceaorie, shall oi all warranty expressed or implied. Gent] WARRANTY REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS: At the time of purchase of the FCI Watermakers system, please complete the warranty information listed below. After completing this form, please make a copy and submit the copy using one of the options at the bottom of the page— Keep this copy in your manual for future reference. ‘SYSTEM INFORMATION: Model # Serial Operating Valinge Date Purchase De Commision DEALER INFORMATION: Dealer Name - Adress City Sate Counies Postal Code Dealer Isoige ‘CUSTOMER INFORMATION: ‘Qustomer Name - ‘Addsess: VESSEL INFORMATION: Bost Manufacture: Boal Mode Boat Name Boat Length - LAND BASED INFORMATION: Isa resort, company te) ‘plications - Operator Contact Information: (person in charge ofsystem maintenance and operation) Name (COMMERCIAL APPLICATION: RigName ig Location Operator Names Opetatr Email: MAILA COPY TO: cI Watermakers “Atention: Warranty Registration 221 West Dyer Road, Santa Ana,CA 92707 USA EMAIL: infoafivatermakerscom Subject. Warranty Registration FAX: +1714-850.0955, Gol] 3 COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION Copyright 2013 FC Watermakers,Incorpeatd. All content included within ‘thismanual, sch s test, graphics, logos, and images, isthe property of FCI ‘Watermakers In, and protected by US. and international copyright ews “The compilation (meaning the preparation, collection, arrangement ana assembiy ofall content within this manuals the exclusive property of FCL “Watermakers Ine and protected by U.S. and international copyright avs. All software ued inthe desig and manufacture of a FCI Watermakers Reverse Osmosis Desination System isthe property of FC] Watermakers Inc. ad protected by US. and international copyeight laws. All computer nd logic programming weed in the design and manufsctre ofa FCI ‘istermalers Reverse xnosts Desalination System isthe property of FCL Wintermaker, Inc. and protected by US, and international copyright ls “The content ofthis manual and the software, programming, and graphic designs used in the design and manufacture of PCI Watermakers Reverse Osmosis Desalination System sor the purpose of operation, maintaining, and epar oF a FCI Watermakers Reverse Osmosis Desalination Sytem. Any ater use, including the reproduction, modication distribution transmission, republication, display. lrperormance, ofthe content within this manual i sirty prohibited TTERMS AND CONDITIONS — The use ofthis manual acknowledges acceptance ‘ofthe terms and conditions provided herewith and the agreement to comply ‘eth all applicable laws and regulations pertaining othe use ofthis manuel Inaduitin, the use of this manual ors am agreement that FCI Watemakers Inc's trademarked name ot FCI Watermakers, Inc trademarked logo mark are aot tobe used inany form or manner except with FCI Watermaers writen permission. FCI Watérmakers, In olde all rights ot copyrights td tademarks and tothe material contained inthis manusl. Any we of Such requltes the waiten permission from FCI Watermakers, nc PATENT INFORMATION Certain aspects ofa FCI Watermakers Reverse ‘Osmosis Desalination System ae protected by U.S. nd International Patent Laws [NOTICE OF LIABILITY "The information contained in the manal i distributed ‘onan “Asie basis without warranty. While every effort has ben taken inthe preparation ofthis manual, FC! Watermakers ne. shall nt beheld able with respect toany ability loss, or damage caused by the instructions contained in this manual, “The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice, ‘TRADEMARKS FCI Watermakerslogo mark sa US. Registered “Trademark and belongs to PCI Watermaers. Ic. with al rights reserved. FCI Watermaters isa US Registered trademark of FCI Watermakers Ine. ECL “Aquamiser Pus (+), Max-Q, Neptune, Poseidon, Titan and UROC (Universal Reverse Osmosis Conraller ar trademarks of BC] Watermalkers, ne FCI CONTACT INFORMATION If you have questions regarding your FCI Watermakers system or the contents of this manual, or if you need replacement parts, please do not hesitate to contact us immediately. Our hands-on technical support is always at your service. FOL Watermaker Ins 221 West Dyer Road Santa Ana, CA92707 phone: 7148500128, fax 7148500955, email TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION 3 PREFACE 4 GLOSSARY OF TERMS 5 LIMITED WARRANTY 7 WARRANTY REGISTRATION 8 COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION w FCI CONTACT INFORMATION a TABLEOF CONTENTS 2 TABLE OF FIGURES & TABLES 5 GENERAL INFORMATION v THEORY OF OPERATION ® PRE-INSTALLATION NOTES SYSTEM COMPONENTS IDENTIFICATION %6 PIDING & INTERCONNECT DIAGRAM u rs (COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS INSTALLATION _ en oe e SE a 5 See A pane enanneiay A en sans er : OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS TO WaTiRWaRIRS INC ‘Geoeal] 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continues) SETTING FRESH WATER FLUSH INTERVAL 80 MANUAL FRESH WATER FLUSH OPERATION a [MANUAL LOW PRESSURE PUMP OPERATION a PC BOARD LED INDICATORS 8 REMOTE CONTROL OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS (optional) _ REMOTE CONTROL LEDS & BUTTONS, 86 REMOTE CONTROL DISPLAY "7 [REMOTE CONTROL FAULT SCREENS » REMOTE CONTROL MENU HEIRARCHY % MAINTENANCE & REPAIR SYSTEM MAINTENANCE NOTES 96 WEEKLY QUICK CHECK 7 (COMPONENT MAINTENANCE INTERVALS oe (COMPONENT MAINTENANCE & REPAIR OVERVIEW 100 INLET THRU HULL MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 102 ‘LOW PRESSURE PUMP / MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 104 PREFILTER ELEMENT REPLACEMENT 109 HIGH PRESSURE PUMP ELECTRIC MOTOR, m2 MEMBRANE REPLACEMENT. 6 CLEANING AND STORAGE PROCEDURES ue TROUBLESHOOTING [HIGH PRESSURE PUMP / DIAGNOSIS & MAINTENANCE. m4 SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING 16 [REMOTE CONTROL FAULT CODES / CAUSE 8 FIX Bt FCI SYSTEM ACCESSORIES & OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT - [RCI SYSTEM ACCESSORIES & OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT [MEDIA FILTER OPERATING DIAGRAM MEDIA FILTER LOADING TABLE OF CONTENTS (continved) PARTS PARTS LIST GENERAL ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS / FRAMES (GENERAL ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS /LP PUMP GENERAL ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS /1P PUMP. (GENERAL ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS /PRE-FILTERS GENERAL ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS / FRESH WATER FLUSH GENERAL ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS / ENCLOSURE GENERAL ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS / VESSELS (GENERAL ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS / FLOWMETERS GENERAL ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS / VALVES (GENERAL ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS / PRESSURE SWITCHES. (GENERAL ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS / HOSES (GENERAL ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS / MEDIA FILTER (optional) 8 8 160 16 19 9 19) 1m 195 7 205 TABLE OF FIGURES & TABLES Figur igure 2: igure 3 Figure Figure 5 igure 6 igure? igure Figures Figure 1 igure I Figure 12: Figure 2: Figure igure 15: Figure 16 gue 7 igre gure 19 Figure 20 Rigor 2h Fiure22: Figure 23 Figure 24 Figure 25 Figure 26 Figure 2 Figure 2 igor 2 Figure 30 Figure 3: Figure 32 igure 33 igure igure 35: igure 36 Figure Figure 38 Figure39. Figure Figure 42: Figures igure 44: igure Figure 46: igure 7: Figure Figure RO. Process System Components Identification Piping & Interconnect Diagram System Conte Panel Components Suppied with Sytem Dimensions &e Weight for Standard 250 GPD System Dimensions & Weight for Commercial 250 GPD System Dimensions & Weight fo Standard 500 GPD Sytem Dimensions & Weight or Commercial $00 GPD System Dimensions & Weight or 600 GPD Systems Dimensions & Weight for 800, 1,200 & 1,800 GPD systems Dimensions, Weight & Footpriat for Commercial Prefiter optional) Dimensions, Wight & Footprint for Low Pressure Pump System Footprint (250-300 GPD) System Footprint 600 1.800 GPD) Remote Control Footpsint (optional) Dimensions for Media Filter optional) Plumbing Diagram (layout with dual pre-flter) Plumbing Diagram (layout with dual pre-filer/media ler) Plumbing Diagram (yout with commercial pre Fler) Plumbing Diagram (yout with commercial re: Flterimedi flr) Proper Tube Fiting and Hose Connections Plombing Connections Location of Wire Dageam for Low Pressure Pump ‘Wiringat the Connector Block ‘Remote Control Panel Witing ‘Water Temperatures, Outpt constant pseu) Operational Contras Operation Cycle ‘Additional Monitoring Contras Overview of Quick tat and Stop QuickStart and Stop Tas t (open al valves) (QuickStart and Stop Task (pres startstopbuton to start) (Quick Start and Stop Tat 3 (adj presse) (Quick Start and Stop Task t (pres startstp buton o stop) (Quick Start and Stop (lt conditions) Seting Fresh Water Flach Interval ‘Maral Fresh Water Flush “Manual Low Pressure Pump Operation PC Board LED Indiestors ‘The Remote Contol Display in an Operation Cycle Remote Contra Display for LPP Only Operation Examples of Remote Control Fal Screens Remote Menu Seren Remte Ment Screen Low Pressure Pump Exploded View and Parts List (Version A) Low Pressure Pump Exploded View and Pars List (Version B) Replacing Dual Prefer Elements TABLE OF FIGURES & TABLES (continued) Figure 50: Replacing Commerc Prefer Element Figure Sl: High Pressore Purp Speifiations Figure 52: High Preteure Pump Exploded View Figure s3- High Pressure Pump Parts List, Figure St Replacing the Membrane Figure 55. Remote Control Fault Codes ure 56; Media Fier Operating Diagram Table 1: Mena Heirarchy and Original Factory Setings (in ales) Table 2: Component Maintenance ners Table 3: High Pressure Pump Troubleshooting Guide Table System Troubleshooting Guide ‘Table 5: Remote Control Fault Codes, Cause &c Fix m 1B ° aw 1 er] 6 GENERAL INFORMATION FCI watermakers are the most advanced desalinating systems available, which produce potable water from seawater or brackish water. For over a twenty years, FCI Watermakers, Inc. has pioneered technology and innovated features that have become standards for today’s desalinators: one-touch commands, multiple station operation and remote system control and monitoring. As both engineers and craftsmen, we specialize in high-performance, value-driven watermakers and are proud of the thousands of continuously operating units that have been cruising the globe for decades. |ALFCL Watemakers or commitment nd atetion to etal anscends beyond materials ad constrcton. Things that are seemingly eval ae never overlooked Forinstance, your ystems specifications formulate the Model Number Itis ‘comprised ofthe Seis, GPD, Voge, Pre Filter and Voltage Phase ofthe unt cjoje] F A626C-3 2 tt Ranwameor | 2250 | vote |etennee | S'sumion | BUNK 1Prane Fame” | so | 220nne E-Conmeria | 3: Phan Sym | 5600 ee wera | era ‘Your FC Reverse Osmosis Desalination Sytem is designed to provide sting performance using high-grade materials and uncompromising engineering. CL ‘ystems utilize high-grade alloy in critical component, where competing brands offen ‘use inferior material that comproanse system operation and jeopardize the veel, [NEW SYSTEM PERFORMANCE “Although each system hasbeen lly tested prior to shipping, there wil be bres: in period. Daring this period, approximately 48 hours, the pumps and membrane performance wil change or act. Small adjustments will need to be made to {he high-peessure valve The water quality and quant wil vary. For typical Installation, the high-pressure valve will need 10 be increased trned clockwise) ad the water quality produced wil improve over his bres-in period Ta WaTERNAKIRS ING ‘evenl] THEORY OF OPERATION eters onmuni process i shih a seminvemale membranes used to separite ids of artous ulti tos hh saarated soncentrate rine sis bh qui permeate Hh! low i vue oli The separation "ssconyplishe passing the id aos the memrane a shee pressure and ‘elost Figure. The memgrancscentan pores which ppromate twa hundred tneleclr weight in diameter This allows the fd and approximately one to O90 percent of the sli to pas neough and cllected for storage, The concentrated Slaton (brine) enable Topas hough the membranes then process eal a the System. Unlike standard tration where contaminates continally bald upon the fier surface are and gradually decree the filtering capabilities ofthese, reserse osmont filtration systems provide sf cleaning system by allowing the ‘aitered Tuk to continues pas acts he membrane surce, removing the ‘ontiminsas a concentrated solution and preventing suctce fouling, “Typical appliations far reverse osmosis ate the purifcation of seawater, waste swe, brackish wall water and city water, However a the nde grows many ‘ore applications are being nplemented and researched, many of which have pothing td wth water poration, Prevent this techiogy Is belag expand to inchide gas separation nthe i indus, protein concentration, best, wie snd foo! processing, maple sprup production, dary processing, removal of ‘olstrl fram bute, undesirable bacteria emoral undesirable pyrogen ‘ermoval rom 1s, et As the market expunds the industries ture prospects age excellent and should continue to expand well into the next century Figured: RO. Proeat THEORY OF OPERATION (continued) SEMIPERMEABLE MEMBRANES Reverse Osmosis Membranes area spiral wound filtration system using alternating semipermeable and permeable materials to proces and separate the product fluid from the concentrate soltion, Ther itrtion capabilites and aplication are dependent on several factors: chemical composition of the Mud tobe filtered, ropes of the semipermeable material ruled due to ths composition, ld temperature, operating presure, otal dswolved solids tobe removed, aswel as several ther smal factors tobe taken int account. The file ie or permeate How ‘ates are determined asa function af the square foot of semipermeable material ‘used inthe membrane, swell asthe factors deserbed above, The typical rejection rate of reverse osmosis ers s 90 0989 percent of Siam Chloride, aswell as ‘many other impurities. This constittes an excellent wlization of avaiable water resources for large scale water purification requirements File sizes for both Commercial and rerdential applications generally range fom 2” X 12" 8" X40" ‘These sizes will meet almost al applications in today’s water purification industry. ‘TYPICAL MEMBRANE ELEMENT + Semipermeable Materials ‘Thin Film Composite (TFC) CClorine sensitiv, chlorine mast be removed up steam ofthe membrane Bacteria resistant plirange's 30t0 1.0 ‘ighes water production rate ofall everseosmusis membranes To WATERMIARERS IN. Goma] NOTES PRE-INSTALLATION TE WATERMARERS INC Tre nalon] PRE-INSTALLATION NOTES ‘This section provides key information for a successful install, leading to long-term enjoyment of your FCI desalination system. It includes warnings, cautions and notes associated with the preparatory work necessary to properly install and maintain your watermaking system. ‘The FL Watermakers Sytem is supplied with an installation kt which incades anastortment of hoses needed to instal the system. Because ofthe various options wth egad te leation vellage and optional acessories, wie ft provided with dhe system and some inatallations wil equine additional hose Please contact yourlocal dealer for these supplies. Be sure fallow allloal codes when installing your new FCI watermaking system, Always use genuine FC approved parts to ensue proper operation of your watermaker ‘The high-pressure pump ships with ol ands ready to run, Should you need tad oil, bbesure NOT to over fil the pump. With the ol il plug removed, oil wil not be visible through the opening—thisis normal, Te correc level ithe middle ofthe sight glass, PRE-INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS STORAGE PRIOR TO REMOVAL FROM CRATE ‘Adhere to crate marking: + DO NOT store in direct sunlight + DO NOT store bore 120*F GO"; DONOT freee: DO NOT storelongee than 4 months without fusing wit torage chemical STORE ONLY enbase with ARROWS UP. KEEP THE R.O, MEMBRANE ELEMENT WET AT ALLTIMES. REVERSE OSMOSIS MEMBRANE ELEMENT IS ‘SUSCEPTIBILITY TO CHEMICAL ATTACK ‘CAUTION: Do Not expose the Ft Watermakers system to take Feed Water from any chemical, not approved in writing ‘by FC Watermakers or any ofthe following chemicals: + Hydrogen peroxide + Chloramines.T Ghorinediside + Chlorine 5 teomine phenolic Disinfectants Chloramines| 1 Nechlrioisocyanurates a 1 odin Bromide + Petroleum products PRE-INSTALLATION NOTES (continued) USE OF NON-AUTHORIZED OR MISUSE OF AUTHORIZED ‘CHEMICALS VOIDS SYSTEM WARRANTY ont connect any water line othe stem thal may contain ay of the forementoned chemical. Example: Do mot connect healt ofthe ‘yatem ta the ship potable water system ithe shipe system contains ‘hlorinated or brominated Wate. These chemicals destroy the copolymer omponeats within the RO stem. These oxidants and ethers also damage the RO. membrane clement. The freshwater lsh stem ‘eos chlorine and bromine frm the ship potable water syste DO NOT PERFORM INSTALLATION UNLESS: 1 Theeysem feedwater sea cock valeis closed. 2 Thesystem main cletrical disconnect switch seiched “OFE?” LOCKED, 22a TAGGED. 3 Avolohi acter will be ncesary. WARNING: ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD, The instal procedures expo the installer to HIGH VOLTAGE and cect ‘Shockazard Oaly attempt installation ifyou area qual ‘decreas and only fsaroanding conditions arse QUALIFICATIONS. ‘Technicians must hae technical knowledge and ability inthefolowing eld 1) Hlectia, Hetronic,Hetrc Motors and Circuits 1b Heetromechanicl and Mechanical Systems 6} Hydraulic and Liged Pressure and Flow Systems {Piping and Plumbing Systems 6) Water Saction and Presa Lincs 1 Thrall iting Below and above water lest WARNING: Donot attempt lor repairif you are nt proicies tion, commissioning troubleshooting, the above fils of expertise. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS INSTALLATION CAUTIONS Do not over ighten PVC tings. I threaded pipe Siting ak ater Installation, remove the fing, clean the mating threads, apply 304 wraps of Teton tapeto the male threads, apply liga Teton pipe sealer sparingly, thread the parts back together. PVC iting should ony Lighted without the we of wrench, The sen cock vv ug, sea strane, rinseceam inlet valve and booster pomp shouldbe {installed blow water eel. This will aid the booster pump in priming. Alwaysallow hose and tubes to enter and exit straight from the onnection fr a inimum of one nch prio oa Ben, If stress placd fon the iting due to tight bend the iting wil leak and may beak, TWATERNARERS IN Preinsaleton] PRE-INSTALLATION NOTES (continues) Avoid skin and eye contact withthe membrane packaging solution, Io ‘aso skin contact, rns the skin thoroughly with water Im eas fee ‘contact sh repeatedly with water and nti a physi immediately RO. membrane ements are stored in "sodium sel” [NEVER mouat iid bolding component above any electrical or sleceoniedevice. Extensive damage othe electronic device will sult if Tigo entrs device daring maintenanceand o component failure CONNECTION LINE CAUTIONS — ait connection tines should beasshort and straight as pssibieusiag iim fitings The connection ines mut not be “kinked.” ACCESSIBILITY CAUTIONS thei. simple ales ttl hesystem dis supporting components nan accesible manner. The letra control | [item [ory [PART NUMBER [DESCRIPTION — - / {| 4 [reosrs2on [Taig 36°F " 2 |reoere-2on tng, 2 | [3a [ra azrezin | ose, Suten PVC hic Wire hose (Tee reas Hove, clamp, #12, 34° 11 | | 5 Ht raed Conn, Staigh PE Blac 38 MPT 38"Tube | [7sP2 Traowe: Tom, SeaighPE Bick 12 MPT 12°Tue 711 [rooass [Tee Puc Tet 4 |zz0097 ene, Fr, 2-121 ot fare Han aria [Peron Framed Syn Asso wih Vans Se “yt Low Pressure Pan & Mote | | © |osones Sings Prase £2 (Oper |__lerssooce-s | Phase Conners | (Tie Tor foscsae Corer Fea ena Free) Fiwre 5 Components Suppd wih Stem Toaltn| 35 DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT & FOOTPRINT eee Weight, dimensions, and footprints of the systems components are shown in Figure 6 to Figure 16, Refer to the figures appropriate to your system components when planning where to mount the components. Planning considerations are discussed in "SYSTEM INSTALLATION / MOUNTING". Vessel St requies inches of earance (ethers for | membrane change Unisncbes “Teeroncas: £0.10 inches (ry Weight Arpoxinaaly 101 fb 458 Ko eee Figure 6) Dinensions & Weight or Standard 250 GPD System DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT & FOOTPRINT (continued) LO Vessel Set ries Biches of lerence (ete sd} or remtrane change, Unts:nches | | hemes 200s Oy is Aopoxnay 5/43. J Fig? Dinos & Wego Comma 50 GPD Sion DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT & FOOTPRINT (continued) 1, Vessel Set rouies Unis ines Tolerances 0.1 ches ry Weg Appoxmately 107s 485K Figure 8 Dinonsions & Weight for Standard 500 GPD Sto a esse Setrequres Sines of edesrance (eters) or seane change, nite: inenes Tolerances: 2 0.10inches Dry Weight Appa 11s 45.8 Kg Fare Dinca War Commer 00 CPD Spon DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT & FOOTPRINT (continues) _- Vessel Setrequies —~ sSinches af claranoe (omer st) or ‘membrane change Dy Weight Agposinat Unis: ches ‘Standard Node! Shown 116s 52.8 Kg Standard Model Tolerances £0.10inces _—_Dimensons are sane fr Commercial Model 110.85 /48.K5 Conmersal Noel } Figure 10: Dimensions & Weight for 60 GPD Sytem DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT & FOOTPRINT (continued) eso Set aqures {Sinces of ceararcs (ethers) for rmerane change. eae 3 (ry Weight Appomaay: 1801bs/68 Kg Node wi 1800 GPO Mv! wih 200 GPD Shown Dimensions are 135 bs 612 Motel wih 1200 GPO Telerancas:#0.10inchas same for als wih 80 & 1200 GPO. ‘15ibs 522 Kg Mol wih 800 GRD | nis: ees Figwe Te Dimensions & Weigh for 800, 1.200 8 1,800 GPD Stems DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT & FOOTPRINT (oatinved) Prefer equies 1342 inneset covenead space ‘or enangng ier. | own 20.0 chee Dry We Ayonnaty 7B /2.2K9 J Figur 12: Dinnsions, Wright & Footprint or Commercial Preller optional) DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT & FOOTPRINT (continued) An 400| : a= % r a0 © vests ‘ran: 0.lcee Or Wot 8b Ka opin f Wot 5 8 Ks are Figure 1: Dimensions, Weigh & Fotprint for Law Presare Purp ToT WATERMAKERS ING Tasaluion]) © DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT & FOOTPRINT (continued) Unis inches Talerces 0.10 nehes Tigre 1 System Foiprint (250-500 GPD) 896 im | | | 20 glo ee ee] | | ale | mm ror Steck rns conte rosie 360" 1482 4901 Untsinces Telrances # 0.10inehes Figure 1S: System Fotprint 600-1800 GPD) DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT & FOOTPRINT ¢ontinsed) Isometie View © © | Dispay | | #8 Sows ct Chice (places, Not Sipps) Rear View Template \ Display Unt ines ‘arenes 20.10;nehes Figure 16: Remote Control Footprint optional) DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT & FOOTPRINT (continue ts nes Toerances. £010 ches Figure Dimensions for Matias PLUMBING DIAGRAM Possible system plumbing layouts « vn in Fi gure 18 to Figure 21 riate to your installatior fer to the figure appro when connecting, TEM the plumbing, The plumbing installation is discussed in "SY INSTALLATION / PLUMBIN Aquanisers Frame Viewa (Guten a se Pormenne ast es |eerenen PLUMBING DIAGRAM ccontinweit Agvaiser Frame Media Fite’ (optona PLUMBING DIAGRAM continued) auanisare Fane View ry | sea] eee | Sct | ce ie ore |tsatomeiopn | Semertee || $[Deatg | [sp fremermom [eer eee | |S ee Es eam | ‘Figure 20: Plumbing Diagrams (layout with commercial pre-fiter) PLUMBING DIAGRAM varie Frome view vewa SYSTEM INSTALLATION / MOUNTING Ph -ase refer to the appropriate footprint and layout diagrams from DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT & FOOTPRINT" FRAMEMOUNTING ‘Locateam are to teu the ame. Considerations should be: aces tothe ines water tush cartridge, acest theo dra line and if possible an udaitiona 25"sjtems wih 250-300 rated output) or 4° (otems wih 600; 1,800 rated output) on one se ofthe pressure veses for membrane replacement Allow atleast two (2) feet of learance roa ofthe machine tallow an operator fo adjust the high-pressure vale nd operate the conte pan lice the entire system onthe pation oe sel the wits tobe instaled Trace around the four shock mounts, or inside the 1/4” mounting holes on the shack ‘moun, Remove the fame from the shel Remove the shock mounts Following the traced mount outline othe hole location marks mouat the shock mounts of the shel 1/" lag bots or through bolts with backing mts wil work fine. Be sure toe all mounting holes Replace the frame onthe mounts aad secure with the screws previously remoned Because the mounts are uber ou wil habe to bend them ot ofthe way enough tallow you to position the frame in place. “The pressure vessel and fresh water lash-semblis cen be semoved and mounted remotely If space am sue, The mounting brackets ae designed sccommodate a remote installation, and additonal tubing ad high-pressire hose wil be require. Rete to "GENERAL ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS FRESH. WATER FLUSH and "GENERAL ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS/ VESSELS" [BRINE DUMP CONNECTION Using the U2” tubing provided, connect the Brine Discharge (Compression Biting othe brine overboard thr hal. 41/2" thra-hall 'srecommended Make the cun as straight as posible. I stlling the ‘optional medi ter, a second brine dump connection is required STORAGE TANK CONNECTION ‘Using the 8” ting provided, connect the Produc to Tank Compression Fitting to the fresh water tank. An additonal ting supplied with the istllation kit to be installed on the storage tank connection. 1/2" NPT male theea is recommended, “Make therm as straight as possible. Always make the cansation onthe po the tank. FO WATER AKERS IN — Tosalnion] SYSTEM INSTALLATION / MOUNTING (continued) LOW PRESSURE PUMP MOUNTING The low pressure pump should be mounted below the waterline the low JQ) pressure pump mast be mounted above the waterline install a check valve forinsure the pomp keeps its prime. Allo plenty of room azound the pump rotor to provide proper ventilation. The ston line should be Bite tallow teas ne foot straight section of pipe onthe inlet and discharge lines. Position the pump inthe desired location and trace around the mounting holes on the base, Remove the base fom the pup by loesening the securing bolts. Mount ‘the base wing 5/16" bolts or theough bolts with ack nts. I desied, a neoprene ‘orrubber pad may be installed under thease o farther nsolate the pump from the hull o foundation, Replace pump and motor on base and ighten the bolt. PREFILTER MOUNTING (commercial fers onl) Mount the Pefiter assembly in an accesible re allow for changing the ier elements, Alo at leat 13-172 nches above the hosing tallow for removal ofthe -micron cartridge. Do not instal ver any clctiel ‘components in case of lakage or dripping when changing cartridges, Postion the housing in the area desired taking nto consideration the above mentioned issues, Using #10 lag screws with washes, secure using the four mounting holes on the base. SYSTEM INSTALLATION / PLUMBING re 22 and the notes below to ensure 1 tube fittings and hose connections Before proceeding, review Figs pre PROPER TUBE FITTING AND HOSE CONNECTIONS ‘Ct tube en square an lean oosen maton iting three urns. Insert tube ito tig ua it batons Loosen nut completely and remove tube with tached parts fom bo ‘Check to ensure that the O-Ring seated onto the tube sundr the spacer and no pinched nt the body, 6 Insert tube with attached parts nto the boy and tighten nut Anger tight. ‘CAUTION: Alwayallow slack nalltube and hos lines. Never cause the tube o hose to immediate bend frm the fing Allow the linet enter ‘cleave fom the fitingina straight manne for sever inches to ensure proper conection to selievestesto the tingand take or oss and 10 allow ease of detachment and attachment during mintenane or rep © oats greece yt a) Drowsennatweetins — o-Reg no ‘Tigue 22: Proper Tbe Fling ad Hos Connections SYSTEM INSTALLATION / PLUMBING continued) os gh 8) (utet tg Predict Water Stage Tank Tube 0-0) (sce Frame) Culetto net tam Pre iter Brine Dump (Presented for Dus Pre-Fars)ter || | eo | Cute to Frame | Figure 28 Plumbing Connection, SYSTEM INSTALLATION / PLUMBING (continued) PLUMBING CONNECTION (layout with dual pe i Refer to Plambing Digeam (ayout with daa pre ker” fon page 47 and perform the following ) 1 Using suction hose, attach to the "let seaock. Secure the howe with 2 hose lamps. Connect the other end af he hose othe inlet side ofthe se strainer. Secure the hore with two howe camps lor tabe fittings. Refer to owe 4-4 on plumbing dager, 2 Attach appropriate hose from the outlet side of the seu strainer othe inks side ofthe low-pressure pump. (net side of the low-pressure pump sales the centr iting, located oa the front ofthe pump). Se Powe BB Secure allhose connections with two hose clamps or tbe tings seach end 3 Attach hose or tubing to the output side ofthe low pressure pump Cat the hose to length suitable to allo the shores possible run between the low-pressure umpand the inlet side of the pre-Sler assembly See Hose C-C. Attach the howe at both ends and ue two hose camps or tbe tings teach connection, 4. Attach the tubing from the vessel freshwater presse system to the net side ofthe feesh-water sh ler (Connect thi tabing on the pressure side ofthe rsh water system after the accumalator tank See Tube B-2, Secure with tbe tings at oth iting, 5 Using 2" tobing, cones tubing fom the brine discharge iting tothe igre 24 Location of Wie Diagram jor Low Pressure Pump CCenteiagal punps must eceiv an inital prime in ALL cates. DO NOT START PUMP [BEFORE PRIMING, except to check for proper rotation for 3-phate applications. Ransing with reverse rotation nay cause impeller to spin of. Merl og switch to ‘heck ration. DO NOT run pump with guid in reverse. Completely il the pump ‘late and suction lie. Remote ar from volute by removing tp pipe plug of volte Ile ling. Altering. check by turning pump shalt ae tte: Add more water ih ‘eqused. f pump does nor build tp prestre a lor develops speed, shut down and re-prime. DO NOT attempt o prime pump ora liquid while pump iin operation INCOMING POWER ‘Using the proper gauge wir (consult with your local electrical code) attach to terminals white contact locks marked #1 and #2 located inside the electrical, ‘enclosure (Figure 25) For thre phase there will be 23rd contact lock. Aways install the appropriate sz breaker on your cntel panel to lnsue proper protection Ta WartRAnS INC Tesaion] SYSTEM INSTALLATION / ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ¢contiauca) Low Presse Pap: ) mr ] Incoing Powe: #296 1 | 2 | G _ eee) omer aoe) { p90 ‘Lom Pressure Pumg: ome | hee | Sy fae ll is + Aor oe) “e 70) i | Eto 20 Sle Phase S ae mene a SYSTEM INSTALLATION / ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ‘continued: REMOTE CONTROL PANEL toptonah Mount the rate contol panel wcing furs ates of choke set spied Seth emote sonnel pant iv the wine gran i Flgure 2h std oni ther ae the PC ar Board Located en nse of Encosure Door ‘Beck Remote Cant Panet Figure 3 Remote Control Pawel Wiring WIRING SCHEMATICS / 110V. WIRING SCHEMATICS / 220V Z z WIRING SCHEMATICS / 220V 3-PHASE. FINAL INSTALLATION CHECKLIST ‘The following list will help ensure a successful installation: + Ample acess around eytemicomponents + allconnections are tight + Supplyand discharge ales open + Electrical connections are secure + Storage tanks cleaned + Pump rotations have been checked + Pump crankcase filed with ol + All Coast Guardlocal codes have been met + No ron o ferrous tings hae been used + Blectial connections are correct + Plumbing connections donot ek + Thru hulls open «Fier housings ae tight + Howe clamps are tight OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS STARTUP NOTES Prior to Start-Up, it is important to take note of the following: PEED WATER — Re aware ofthe condition ofthe water the stm processing Inst my silty, ory? Does it shove ia father man-made contaminates! If this isthe case DO NOT nan the system. I these fed water conditionsare ‘unavoidable additonal filtration wl be necessary. Cansol the factory ar your local dealer for further details and assistance with specie wate conditions [SALINITY EFFECT — Like water temperature, the slinity ofthe seawater has a sirst effect on the output of the system andthe quality of water produced. Your new watermaker i equipped with protectin fr overproduction and low quality ‘eater produced. When operating lo saline wate. ike rivers deltas, orks, {he high-pressure required ill be less Reduce the presse tothe point where you te making the rated output of your system. I this pressure adjustment isnot Ionitored the system may detect fault condition, protect self and shutdown, PRESSURE EFFECT —Thepresute within a system regulate bythe sie of the ‘rfce through which the brine steam flows; thus, creating back pressure in the pressure este. This pressure squeeze the fesh water out ofthe seawater stream, The amount of pressure applied through the system directly affects the quantity and quality of water Produced. More pressures needed i cold wate than in watm waters. The reason being. ‘membranes contract in old wate, not allowing the fesh water through as easily When ‘erating your watermaker always try to maintain the presure necessary for the sytem to operat at its rated output Asa safety feature the system wil shutdown when the pressures t00 high 00 low. ‘Operation nsracion | 6 ‘TEMPERATURE & PRESSURE EFFECTS CHART ‘TEMPERATURE EFFECT — Water temperature has ages fect on the output ofthe system, Increased water temperatures inceases output a given pres “Therefore itis very cicl to adjust the pressure of the machine to maintain proper freshwater production rte. tis more important to produc the rated output than itis to achieve a certain pressure Its perfecty normal and acceptable for ‘your system to produce good quality water while operating atts rated output a Pressure of 600 PS. This reduced pressure is most kay caused by an increase the seawater temperature, ora reduction in seawater salinity. Refer to Figure 2 i) 00 1900 1000 170 00 1100 ‘000 wo | Affe eeerarter ae eee eee ee | Tea e oe Tee HHRHUHETRHONDBHE BD BT ‘Figure 2% Water Teperare vm Oniput onan! presse) Fea WaTPRAKERS ING ‘Opera aro] OPERATIONAL CONTROLS ‘aust 2 Mah Pressure value unt (6) Flower matches (0) Rated Ouput Production Flowmeter @ system nomaton Deas 8 Seva number nty@POGPL) ef ilantactie [ese Fm Sec vive | Kp Onan Dung Gerona Freeh at sh OPERATIONAL CONTROLS (continued) q ® CONTROL PANEL ‘The conte punel atures Sure-Touch operation with acl feedback. At the ‘ouch of butt, the pre-set automatic operation ce begins. You cam alo ran thelowe pressure puryp aud the eesh water Th independent should you ew extra priming o re performing mainance, The contol pal indicates ‘he state ofthe operation ee with green, ed solid and blinking LEDs. The hhourmeter located at the botin ofthe contol panel asks the stem runtime ‘The buttons al the LEDs indicators, ad how they relate tthe operation eel ar atrated inthe section, (QUICK START AND STOP". Abie explanation ofthe buttons ils below Pees once to stat operation Presa second tine o stop operation, Pressonce to run the lov pressre pump oa: Press ‘second tne to stp low pressure puro, Press toran manual rsh wt us, ress once to cancel curent phase and goto nest phase inthe opration cycle. Press once to clear Fal audio alarm, snd press second lime cles the ful HIGH PRESSURE VALVE “The high pressure vale is wsed to adjust te water production t irate output ‘Turn the valwall the way open Counterebckwise) when starting the cycle This willstart the eee with the minimum production. After the latte phase of slomatic operation yee fs complete stndcate by the LEDs, slowly close the vae (Clockwise) fo neease production unt the fwmeter matches the rated outpat Listed ‘on the system information decals, The deals are locate on the front ofthe sytem, PRODUCTION FLOWMETER ‘The prodaction flowmeter measures the water output and consist of oat inside «cea tube. The outpt is indiated by the mata the widest diameter ofthe Hot [A passive movable plastic ed srrow allows You to save a mak for rete, SYSTEM INFORMATION DECALS ‘The rated output and other important information ate ised on font ofthe system eth deca Rafor to gunn 28 fo ist ofthe formation ile RESH WATER FLUSH SERVICE VALY' ‘The resh water Hush ier features a service vale, Before replacing the fresh ‘water filer, shutdowen the sats and clone te service valet late the fier the service valve sould alwaysbe open when operating the stem. ‘Gpenonllracions] 7 OPERATION CYCLE Draste sySTEST When upstation started the ho pressure pamp start sud the stom prams or seconds INITIATE SYSTIE ster priming, te igh pressure pump starts the system iat, ADJUST PRESSURE “The operator adjusts presse ui the Nowrtr shows the rated ‘utp iste i the font pane sytem information deal PRODUCE WATER ‘When wter quali accept, the spstom diets odston Yo the fresh water storage tank stor The system shuts dove, PRESH WATER FLUSH After operation stopped the systerm pertorrsa res water sash fora time Befove stuting down, Time refers tothe length of tine the ‘lush runs The time lst ith switches ncted nn the PC board o bs emote conte If se roma, the switch setting are ignored Pressae a wai _¥ fina) 5 (Fear) (Pre ease (me) WY, (Fe st later | (Sie msts> Sin)" > See | vie Figure 25: Operation Cyle re Opemtenainaresions] 72 ADDITIONAL MONITORING CONTROLS, Additional monitoring controls let you know the state of the system hroughout the operation cycle (Figure 30). PRESSURE GAUGES Pressure gauges et you know the systems low and high pressures I pessure 1 PSI, ori pressure > 1000 PS, the system sts down. I low prssue drops oven 191 PS, the presller lements may need eaned or changed, BRINE FLOWMETER “The brine flowmeter measures the bre Intake flowing ato the system, Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge ‘bigh Passe Pum) (Low Pressure Pap) OVERVIEW OF QUICK SIART AND STOP The oral operation cele asthe kar aser performed tasks open Valen Adjust Pressure B) Pres the Stop Baton vseetik 4) 2) psrtan (O55 Pine “ae Ren Gr bs Sin) MERE” Soom > ine o> Gases Rigs sr Ovarian op TARE TN Gpentina rca QUICK START AND STOP (eontinuca) TASK Open all the vale Figure 3 2 | “@ Hon Presa e nntrcchie) | | Fries Fh Sei he ure Bie Discharge oe) raietes ota Nea iter isis tr values telnSenice Fig 3 Qk Sort and Sip Task open al le) ATERMARERST ‘Open narocions| QUICK START AND STOP (continues) Task Start the operation by presing hs Start but, The low pressure pum ars te pee srtem fr 60 secon (Fg 3, Should the Line Presute LED tat SOLD RED. proce tr FNCOUNTERING 8 FAULT CONDITION 2m ® High Pressure Water Qualty | StrtStop LED tums GREEN. Fresh water lush Low Pressure Pun stars and tem @ mes for 6 seconds. Low Pressure High Pressure | presses win ts, water Quay Low Pressure LED i GREEN, Water Qualty | » tressireremars ow, Fresh water lusn | — LED BLINKS RED and © suns SOUD RED. Syste shuts oun ¥ @ @ Proceed Trolestocing cz Figure Quick Start and Sip Task 2 (prese erttap bubton start) QUICK START AND STOP (continues) Tasks ‘The high pressure pump startsand intates the system Ar sytem nits, ‘adjust pressure until proton fsemeter shoves the rate tp std in the system information deal (Figure 34 Should the igh Pressure LED tara SOLID RED. proceed 1a "ENCOUNTERING A FAULT CONDITION: nate System > High Pressure Pup stats andthe sstm tates . > Hourjssin Hourmeter ashes and i ante unt systems shut oun, > it pressures win its, Hign Press LEDs GREEN, > ipesre coeds XK XX |" hints grPeonre wrote sear) UEDELNIG RED onal ted tine SOUD RED. > Sym aha cnn > Hourglass stops ashing. | > Procead to Tteshocing Adjust QB) Adjust Hin Pressure Regulator Vale Gag ») Pe tres Romeert incase cut “eR ) Figure 4 Quick Star and Sop Task 3 (adjust pressure) SATERNARERS ING “Cpe arate QUICK START AND STOP tcontinuca Task ter sunt production of quit watt tp he apratn by prossing Sp Figure 38, These sts do nd es warts pcs a he ites set PC oan rl emo, sh! the Water Qual LED pera RED dana Peahtnan, prose br ENCOUNTERING A FAULT CONDITION et nan a uy apt NOTE: Fun sien te Ne ay CD LINES OREN Mie pes tt Sloss hensms SOUD GREEN. cates owner y srachnindouba. (@ mmm) slsiehonsysiem © trornne | Meseete © ner Ousy Prk | > aes ete tpstospeien @ -onrenwe | Gye cuty “ete Hontrenwe | Mwaterqualtyslowthe | @ wrcomir |” ee SOUD RED. | “O |> tow ner quality pests onesie Fashions | a an” (4) Pras GB) ose erste | . ‘> The system shuts down, The START/STOP LED gots off. y ow Pressure Low Presure High Pressure High Pressure winter ecney | > Fresher FushLED i" | vater Quahty |” Eesh ae Water Quay FreshWater Flush | for seconds © Freshwater Flush * snd tur sold GREEN, > Fresher Fush proceeds fore time Seton PC Boar NOTE: Time sty using optional encie ceil seal oerdes PC Baar seting 5 Quik Start an Sap Task a prs arto baton to sop) QUICK START AND STOP fontinaca) ENCOUNTERING A FAULT CONDITION Should you encounter fl condition, const the troubleshooting dugrams in Figure 36. D) re om vse D>), Const iagramsbeow or reublshooing caper \E) tn etermin cause. Fx probiem, (3) Press «sens neo aria nt gon Y (~~ (Gouresre 2D SOUD ED) > Spon ht oe @ tenho trae @ ort == — ‘Sysom ass dan dete acesve pose igh Pressure LED SOLID RED ) w- © ahrence ‘te lowe ery > Open ie Presse Frenertian| "eared. > check retin tounstn of ne sciape J > Turon Pesue eae Cy cole Figure 36 Quick Start and Stop Gaul conditions), Femeve poner fom syatr, 2.) Open electica enclospre to gan access to PC Boar of ack of ensure dot Sete shes on he PO Bowe {shown fe dagram below 001 - DISABLED 001-5448 010-7100 ov ton 100-5 MN WEEKLY 11-7 MON WEALY 10-J0MIN WEEKLY 111-244 MANUAL [DeASieD —_[Feshwaernsnsot Feswsertush ors 8 xen ana | ‘ier seem ine Fea SH tute minds ern wes When 36m |Ismuse fener shuns formes ters oun manual THRTTORL Fresh wr bsh sn ran ser manus. T Sraeis nOOAN poste cr Sicvs nUP poston ‘Dafaa Sie ides we sped NOTE: eis poral eee cnr pr oveies ea ey sees, Figure 3 ter Flush terval MANUAL FRESH WATER FLUSH OPERATION Fresh water flush can be run manually when the R.O, membranes need rinsing or preparing for storage (Figure 38). Manual fresh water flush operates independently from automatic fresh water flush ( (7 open Fresh Water Fish @ ore oe vet Sencack eave ™ ee en {countercckwise) outlets) are unblocked ‘optional Media iter isis um values twinservee ¥ Proceed to Task 2 (Q Press Bw soto rene esd High Pressure | Fresh ater Push Water Quality proceeds fr he be | | @ Fresnwaterstush | setonPC Boor [NOTE: Tine set by sng opal emote ‘onl panel overs PC Board stig Figure 38% Manual Fresh Wate Fuh r Tannen ‘Opeatoainanesint | OT MANUAL LOW PRESSURE PUMP OPERATION Iceurtrcecise) out re nbocked optional Meda Fier i" senses tum ves ee tw Serie of Backwash foes spending f pimng obacuasting, ps esac tov Pesre ae > Low PessrePune stare TheLLP ONLY LED ts GREEN | woter ater rnwawe "ou resi LED BUNKS GREEN Proveed whee 38 Pump rune for 20 minutes runt (WB) is pressed second time, Sep Pamper rind it preset sen 1 NOTE: Ruste er LP On ane sly orl ent capa ase Out > FresierFushLED » Festa Fuh BUNS GREEN or proseds forthe te etlayed pated aclre Seton PC Beat ta TwhngSOLIDGREEN NOTE: Tie setby using epton! remote ‘eel panel overies PC Bowe satin, Figure: Mutual Low Pressure Pump Operation PC BOARD LED INDICATORS Asa ref operation cycle. Also noted are the LED sequences nce, Figure 40 shows the BC Board LED sequence during an ual fres| rm: water flush and manual low pressure pump operation. wuDisteon ©) Caer toeg impotence by een 2 Wenn pre fo ee noire Power On LED's GREENE when powers apleaio PC Board He ond.P sumn EN Lbs ae cRecnaa ven goers pled ecbead [Eis tlt z ~ | = ® 4) quaLtevisreoe HPLEDis REDE S27 hen stem er whan igh esse vate uly ede aps parang sang an opto Sing an peraon © | & Do Reba al one eD0FFo Steptoe rs Sinema ra pte “Figure le PC Board LED bctore ‘TeIWATERN ARERR peal areca] 6 NOTES. ‘Ops REMOTE CONTROL OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS opis REMOTE CONTROL LEDS & BUTTONS NOTE: 70S LED ie same 2 Vater uly LED Sytem Contol Pane, BUNANGRED System il stuown afer ay LEDs ‘spay sho cue past in eperaton ye owbeshocng tp feu eer or menu Press torn low prseure ump on fr 20 mts, Press a secons to canes anc proce wth es water fash, Pressto nn manual wi Pressing ance wi *Ifinoperaten cancel ean! phase and ‘ne foarte ‘opeaton ce \ start operaon. Presse sevens ine | — Pressenceto ‘oop opera, | | sift sere, lex suse am, Pressing second tine lara ifn operation press Right Aron to cancel cuent phase and reve ‘oroardin he operation cle. raze Men ent 2 etachy fselectns and sereens ‘atalew cusom seg ot system parameters. | +trinmens arch. rss Fight row | toimove cursor uncer a parameter | tandeter change. * finan trey. cancel ené move back Dress Doan and Up Aros navigate ‘oa seleson ortoceceaseincesse ‘be parame above the casa raze Lafto move back» senor | ‘2 move cursor under a parame nded fr change. ress Eero accept te selecon ange pererter ey ‘pentonalnarucions] 66 REMOTE CONTROL DISPLAY For operation, follow the same tasks as presented in “QUICK START se of the cycle is displayed on the remote ND STOP’. The current ph Power Applied 0 sexonuls ew Ads 4 Dressure Figure ie Remo Cntr Dilan Operation Ve as ‘Opention nnracions]| REMOTE CONTROL DISPLAY (continued) To operate the low pressure pump manually for extra priming, or for backwashing the optional media filter, follow the same tasks as presented in "MANUAL LOW PRESSURE PUMP OPERATION". Refer to Figure 43 for the screen associated with LLP Only. Manual Low Pressure Pump Operation Figure 43: Remote Control Display for LPP Only Operation REMOTE CONTROL FAULT SCREENS Should you encounter a fault (for example, low pressure, high pressure, or water quality measurements xceed operating ers) the remote displays troub tips (Figure 44 \dditional troubleshooting tips are liste TROUBLESHOOT Follow pon display or consult troubleshooting chapter to determine cause, Fx problem. lew Presute Fale igh Pressure Fault Water Qualty Fault (TDS Too High) FeAWATERNARERSIIN Opentond ares] © REMOTE CONTROL MENU HEIRARCHY reens that Press the menu button to enter the system heirarchy of will allow you to customize t! tem parameters. HOW TO NAVIGATE THROUGH THE MENUS To acess the main menu options press MENU on the contol pad gure 1) The screen wil display the allowing lit of options Display Options 1 system Options + Timers {Default Values {Use the Upand Down Arrows to move to your sletion ‘ordested lacition an press the Enter button, ter your entry hasbeen accepted, the mens will return tothe previous screen You can use the Left Arrow or press CANCEL, to move bac tothe previous sean, or choose the appropriate arrow to make another election. Figure 45: Remote Men Seren HOW TO SET NUMERICAL SET POINTS Using the Arrow Keys, move the cursor under the dig you wis to change Use the Up and Down Arrows to inceate or decrease the value When the dssized values reached press the ENTER button The screen wll display “ENTRY Accepted” and rtuen tothe previous Screen. (Figure 46) REMOTE CONTROL MENU HEIRARCHY (continues) Table I maps the system menu hierarchy, and shows original factory settings (in italics). Please refer to this list and your system’s Test Card for original settings. Custom settings can be reset to factory defaults at any time. Table 1: Menu Heiracy and Original Factory Setting (nals) un Options MarR Tie Ea Disabied Ena Seas fs Tine 20 minutes Display Options ‘lane ap Vat Vea ad Boop [<> en ress Er Arner Voune alr sods <> rere ro | ‘Backiight ~__[Nanmal = As viewed in standby mode—Adjust Backlight (<> ) Then press Enter Ai = eed enue —Adu cg <> |x Er Tower Fahrentot acu - System Options ins Tok Fi [De Tk Fe Ts] 7 Seon [TDS to Diver Edit Maxienum Product TDS [ 500] PPM Timers ‘Sequence Times POW Tne Tn Tn FP One| ria ree Tie Et Tin r PRE Vad [60 zs Tie Tre EG Tin rls Node [60 ese Fu belay Oy LP Fao econ Ged TOS Daly | Tes Gos OS Only [10 ]osrce TOS Asem Dey | Send TOS Alam fer £20 onces TOSFadiy [Et rm T5 Fu Oa [100d Tak Ft any [sat io Fa Dey 3s Fa Tes ah Tine a Tra rh Wat Fah [200 Tecate >| sh rena Eat Tin Fs val 00 |e Default Values Save User Des? [Yo esr Ue Duis? —[ Youn [Resor Foc Det? |Yso WATERDIARERS ING ‘Opto aracons]| 91 REMOTE CONTROL MENU HEIRARCHY (continved) ‘The following are examples of changing the system's settings using step-by-step instructions. For all other settings and operations refer to the system menu and/or contact FCI for assistance. PROCEDURE FOR RESTORING FACTORY DEFAULTS 1 Press the MENU button ‘Using the Down Arson stl down to “Default Values” Bs sree cast Facey Deu pres ENTER ‘want 10 make this change--Answer YES each time ‘When complete, the screen will return tothe men scten, I this done while the system i running the system wil shutdown and reboot PROCEDURE TO SET USER DEFAULTS ‘When modifications are made to the fctory default settings is best to sive those settings as Use deft so they can be recalled incase the conte is restored to factory defaults. 1 Press the MENU button, Using the Down Arrows, call down to “Default Vales” 3 PressENTER 4 Choose "Save User Del press ENTER, 5S Youwillbeasked multiple times to confirm your choice. ach ime anawer VES 6 Atthe end, will turn tothe menu scree, 7 Press MENU to ittothe home screen TO WATEIARERS INC ‘Cpe sen REMOTE CONTROL MENU HEIRARCHY (continved) PROCEDURE FOR SETTING MAX RUN TIME 1 Presthe MENU bton, Using the arow key, scroll to “Max Run Tine.” Press ENTER, a = The display wil show 3 choices “Enabled? “Disabled” and "Set Max Time.” The cursor onthe right sde indicates the current setting. Te deft eting \s“Disabled” the system is set to “Enabled,” move the cursor on the left to point to “Disabled” and press (enter), The eursor on the right will move to that postion indstng the new setting. © Press MENU texto the home sreen To confirm set repeat th above steps to view stored settings. PROCEDURE FOR SETTING FLUSH INTERVAL 1 Press the MENU button, Using the Down Arrows coll down to "Timers" press ENTER. Scroll to “Hash Times? press ENTER, ‘Scroll to“Push Interval” press ENTER] 5 thescren will show "00" andthe cursor will be under the digits Using the up and down arrow key ncreate or decrease the setting to theamount of days betren tomate fuse, 6 Pross ENTER) The display wil ash "ENTRY Accepted” 7 Press MENU toexitto the home sree NOTE: the default setting fem the factory 02 The ier wil sat from the day youset it or fom the most recent sce TWEENS ING ‘Opsanal aoc] 93 NOTES Towananans ‘Operon nsracion] 9 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR SYSTEM MAINTENANCE NOTES Troubleshooting and subsequent correction or repair of your watermaker will require understanding of: + Electrical circuits + Hydraulic systems + Mechanical knowledge « Electronic circuits + Liquid pressures and flows DO NOT stems roubleshoating or repair ifyou arenot familiar with orare not profcen in the above fel of expertise. USE CAUTION WHEN TROUBLESHOOTING. DO NOT perform maintenance unless: 1 The feedwater sea cick vale i closed 2 Thespstem mainclectieal disconnect switchs “OFF,” LOCKED, and TAGGED, CAUTION: ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. 4 vol/ohm meter will be necessary. The following procedures expose the technician © high voltage and lectricl shock hazard. Only attempt this you are quale electrician and only if surrounding conditions are sate CAUTION: AVOID CHEMICAL ATTACK TO THE SYSTEM: Da mat se for storage and donot expose the watermaker lipdrogen Peroxide + Chlorine Chlorine Dioxide + Phenolic Disinfectants 1 Bromine 1 Nehloreisacpanarater { Chloramines + Iodine { itypochlorite + Petroleum Products Bromide ‘any ther specifi chemical not approved in wrtingby FC Watermakers Inc. Use ofaon-authorized or miss of authorized chemicals voids ‘waranty. Never se third party “cleaner of storage chemicals. Third party chemical wil dsalve copolymer components within the watermaker {nd will destroy the membrane cement, Use of and subsoqent damage ‘used by nos FCI Watermaker chemicals are the lability and responsibilty ‘ofthe operator and ae not covered by the FCI Watermakers warranty DO NOT connect any water into the watermaker system ‘that may contain any of theabove listed chemicals. WEEKLY QUICK CHECK ‘The following steps ensure that potential problems are resolved, preventing major repairs: 1 nsec al fasteners fr tighines including brackets, screws, nts and bolts. Py special attention tothe high pressure pump and ‘ecric motor since they are subject wo increased vibration, 2 Clean any saltwater or alt deposits fom the system witha wet rg, 3 Check for wate leaks throughout the system and supporting waterline. 4 Checkall tubing and high-pressure hoses for wear and abrasion against rough surfaces. The hoses must ot contact heated oe abrasive rorfaces. Tor WATTRMAKERS ING ‘Maeno hepa COMPONENT MAINTENANCE INTERVALS ‘The frequency of required maintenance dependent on the regularity of usage the ‘condition ofthe intake water (the location fuse) the length of time the system x ‘exposed to wate, the total running time, andthe manner in hich the sytem i Installed or operated. Because ofthese factor, virtually impossible to comprise an exact timetable for required maintenance, The fllowing maiaenance timetable (Table 2)iean enimate ofthe time intervals at which maintenance may be required ‘on the varius system components. This ibased upon fects! data compiled fom FCI Watermakers installations around the world, However, this schedule must Ibeadjsted teach individual system depending upon the variables listed Table 2: Component Alaintenance Intervals ‘Component | Maintenance Required | Time Interval Time intervat Continuous | Intermittant Duty ‘SEA STRANER Inspect & Clean Screen & Housing| Weeiy 100 Hours ‘MULTENEDIA FLTER Bock wash & Rise When pressure drop anos Meris> 15 equa) PREFLTER Replace ements) Low Pressure Low Pressure IGHPRESSUREPLNP | Seals weeks ooo Reus aes Bwoeis 1500 hore on Frats0/s00hexs | S0Dhows PULSATIONDAMPENER | CheekPre-carge very 4000hous ‘mua (teiones po MEMBRANE (len sere When roueton os ejection decease by 1% eur Inspect onbly Sons emis (G-4mmdetecton) | (ot mm deteion SALINITY PROBE Clean pote ‘emnaly Annually FRESH WATER FLUSH FLTER_| Replace leven Seni Sots PA NEUTRALIZNG Replace lent When Granules are doped ‘CARTRIOGE (owipees) Uy. STERILZER Replace arp ‘anual TooD Reus rewired) Replace qua slave oo) Asreeted ‘CARBON DDK FLL TANK | pla» Caron 725000 gato of fow | Amal (euippes) ELECTRICAL BOK Inspect and igen allannectons_[€ months ‘moins COMPONENT MAINTENANCE INTERVALS (continued) WARNING: Components spares and consumables lized within the FCI Watermakees System canbe specific to FCI Watermaker specications and are not ‘commercially available from other soures. Many ofthese special components an ‘ppeartobe similar to FCI Watermakers components. Extensive and expensive damage {othe FCI Watermakers System WILL rst incompatible components arc wedi ‘the FCI Watermakers System. Damage caused tothe FCI Watermaker Sytem as 8 ‘result third party components theliablity and esponsibility ofboth the marine dealer that sod the component fr us inthe FI WatermakersSystem aswel as the ownevoperator that purchased and installed the third party component in the FCL Watermaker System ands not covered bythe FCT Wateraakers Warranty ALWAYS INSIST ON ONLY FCI WATERMAKERS SUPPLIED COMPONENTS, SPARES, AND CONSUMABLES. COMPONENT MAINTENANCE & REPAIR OVERVIEW Performing routine maintenance and following proper procedures will ensure worry-free operation for the-long haul, AFTER S0 HOURS / BREAKIN PERIOD ‘Change olin high-pressure pump *Checkow pressure pump for leaks {2 Checkinlethosingand all connections freaks PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Dos 10-minte visual inspection ofthe enti sytem every 500 hours. Strtthe system and trace the lines from the eed thrall to he discharge thr hulls wel as the Fesh waterline to tank. This type ‘of preventative check can save time and money in he fate INLET THRU HULL FITTING Keep the ine thrall iting ree and clear of debris and marine growth, LOW-PRESSURE PUMP Replice the seal every 1500 hour or when a leak develop. Se low pressure pump exploded view towards the back ofthis manual (Figure 47). PREFILTER “The prefers change as needed Since itis fresh water fused when the units ashed ic wl not foul o log due to bilogical growth and you will et longer life. Thecareidge ‘shouldbe changed when the low-pressure reading reaches SPS, The cartridge can be ‘leaned once, uhingsoft brush ora nozle on the end af hose, Gently separate the Pleats and remove as much debris as posable Be careful otto fay the Ger mati EF the filter shoes signs of raying or doesnot come clean eplace the cartridge. The cost of a cartridge it not worth the risk of damaging a membrane or high pressure pump sel HIGH-PRESSURE PUMP Replace the seals every 1500 hours and the valves every 3000 hours Replace the ol the ist 50 hours and every S00 hours thereat See high pressure pump exploded view towards the back f this manual Figure 52). COMPONENT MAINTENANCE & REPAIR OVERVIEW (continued) MEMBRANE ‘The membranes ae rated for 3 year of operation, This nelides operation time and dose time. However, with proper care and thefesh-vater- Aus system, you can achive significantly longer lif. When the PPM reading on the control pad stars to ‘limb or the product outputs reduced it may be ime to eter clean the membranes forreplace them It isbet to contact your lal FCI representative rte factory for {uklance, Your Aquamisert Reverse Osmosis Desalnatng Sysem Uses a speci high ‘output membrane, This show we are able to achieve the great quality and quantity of fresh water you have became accustom t, Since our membranes are non-proprietary (readily valabl) be sure your technician uses the same type of membrane when ‘they are replaced, Use of membrane brands such as Hydranautis or AquaPro are not recommended, and their ae may aft the quality and quantity of water produced CLEANING AND STORAGE Follow the procedures in “CLEANING AND STORAGE PROCEDURES Ifthe system is shutdown for short term (upto 6 months shutdown for Tong erm, subject to freezing temperatures or needs tobe cleaned, FCGWATERMAKERS.ING Mancanc ap INLET THRU HULL MAINTENANCE & REPAIR ‘The components are shown on the plumbing and interconnect diagrams located in Installation chapter of this User's Manual. INLET THRU HULL FITTING "Non ECL Watermakers component, Kespthe inet thru ll iting fre and clear of debrisand maine growth, Ite ine thru hull tings clogged this results ima low eed pressure condition, which causes the system to abut of, Blockage at the inet thru hul iting causes the system to shut off to lack of feed wate flow, Unfortunately, since its underwater, operators, are reluctant to thoroughly inspect the net thru ll ting fr problems. “This can cause time-consuming frustrations in attempting fo gin fe water ow by woubleshootng other components in the system, ‘The inlet thru hal ting mst be Fee ance allowing the sytem to draw 25 US, Callons Per Minute 9. Liters Pet Minute ystems rated fr 2500800 GPD) and 45 US. Gallons Per Minute/ 17 Lites Per Minute (ystems ated fo 1.200 and 1.800 {GPD) with minimal resistane. Any Blockage atthe nk hr ull iting wll cause low pressure and low low problems at the system, Ths inlet thru hl iting must bea forward facing coop 4 that he system receives a positive flow of wate asthe boat is underway It must be minimum 34" inside meter. It rst be installed & Position onthe bottom ofthe hull oa to allow free fwing fed water without at, CAUTION: A at profile, fash oust ol! thrall iting wil ause a ‘vacuum asthe boats under wa, and thi willabse Tose of feedwater flow ad aviation ofthe booster pump and high prssere pamp resulting in conta ‘stem shut dawn dt low fed wate fo and pres The resting flare ‘of thesystem to main im operation satibuted to improper installation, ithe ability fhe installer, ands ot covered bythe FCI Waermakers warranty. ‘CAUTION: tthe thew hall iting has been placed in positon onthe underside ofthe hull hat allows ito continally ener he thrall tng, this will case thesjtem to continually shut doen de tolos of fed water. The resltng ilare fofthesystem to remain in operation satributed to inprope installations the ably of the installer, ands nt covered by the FCI Watermakers warranty. (CAUTION: The FCt WatermakersSpstem must not be ied into another existing y water ine already supplying another accessory on theboat, Using one ‘heuhall ting for ater equipment wil aus the FCI Watermakers System to Ara air or cavitate, leading to coatinal system shat down, The resuling a ofthe system to remain in operation satributedt imprope installation, ithe Tibility of theater and ot covered bythe FCT Waeranahers warranty (CAUTION: the Fei Watemakers System s connected toa sea chest oF spe, do not plumb the FCI Watermakers Sytem eed ine tothe “top” ofthe sea chest or stand up ip If plumbed into the top of these fxd water arrangements the FCT WatemakesS)tem will experenc continual shutdown det ir inducemeat into the sytem. The resting fare ofthe system to remain i operation ie atrbuted to improper installation i the lability ofthe installs, ands no covered by the Fl Watermakers warranty Plumb the ECL Watermakes Ste tothe "bottoms of sch feedwater arrangementstoensurea continual air resupply of feed water othe system, INLET THRU HULL MAINTENANCE & REPAIR (continued) SEA COCK VALVE, “This isa non-FCI Watermakers component. The packing and connections ofthe inlet sca cock valve must be tight and must propel seal, Clean the valve cavity of debris or ‘replace the seal and seat or the entre vale, required. This section is under a vacuum condition while operating the system. Lose fittings ora worn sal wil allow sr tener ‘the system causing continual shut dowa due to subsequent low fed water presse, INLET CONNECTION Replace damaged. SEA STRAINER Keep the mesh screen fee and dea of debris. When the mesh sreenisclogged, Itreslis ina low pressure condition easing system shat of This section ie lander a vacuums condition while operating the sytem. Ifthe se staines bowl loose orf the O-ring seal x worm or not properly seated air wil ener the system using continual sat down dae to subsequent lowe feedwater presse INLET ACTUATED VALVE (i equipped) The actuated valreis comprised of a2 way union ball valve with an aetuated motor drive to tp The vale is egupped with a poston the top that indiates the valve postion (open closed, I the valve doesnot open turn power off te the system and loosen the union mos: Ifthey nuts ae to tight wil nhbi the ball fom belng able to tuen fey powers aplid and the valve wl still wot actuate, check all wring connections Ton WaT ERAKERS IG inane Rep] 108 LOW PRESSURE PUMP / MAINTENANCE & REPAIR LOW PRESSURE PUME/FEED PUMP Giequipped) arp is centrifugal, wet a counterclockwise rotation ss viewed fom volute end front of pur. Troubleshoot leetic motor flue to ensure that any abnormality from the power rng, wiring connections, contactor, or cote crcuit are not at fault frat cause, If the electric motor hts filed it wil require rep However, {lepending upon ale replacement maybe more cos effective ham repaie failure ofthe metor ide to external source, not the motor sel, then correct the cause or ee the epaced or repaired moter will fail agin, FAILURES OF THE ELECTRIC MOTOR MAY BE: ‘A Bearing fslure: Bearings are Geld replaceable Winding flute: Generally caused by low or high power, blow or above the specified voltage requirements ofthe system, This is NOT economically repairable © Internal centrifgal witch Generally caused by mechanical failure ofthe switch, Feld replaceable > itr failure: Generally caused by low power feeding the ‘motor lo yes from the power source. Alo caused by rapidly repeating starting and stopping of the motor Field replaceable, ‘THE ELECTRIC MOTORS: + hone power 1 Toul enclosed fan cooled 1 zpole, dua cycle 1 Dial voltage WARNING: Thefeedpurap MUST rotateia the COUNTER CLOCKWISE DIRECTION ONLY Rotating the fed pump in the lackwise direction wil ease extensive damage oi the feed pumpin the clockwise direction, hen sitchig from three phase generator power 0 ‘thre phase shore power ALWAYS check phases prio to operating thesytem else reverse rotation along ith extensive damage to ‘the feed pomp wil ecar shold the power be ota phase PROBLEMS & SYMPTOMS APPEARING AND CAUSED BY ‘THE FEED PUMP ORITS ELECTRIC MOTOR: 1 Thesingle phase (15 or 280 VAC) eletric motor“hums." pulls starting cureeat (locked rotor amperage, doesnt rotate, and trips the spy ‘ower circuit breaker when tempting to operate the System ‘The single phase clectrie motor isa capacitor sar motor. Ifthe motor was started with low voltage, a drop in voltage during starting. and st ‘this was repeated several times in rapid concession the capacitor will FR WTERARIRS INC aincane epi] 18 LOW PRESSURE PUMP / MAINTENANCE & REPAIR (continued) shortout. Without theaid oa working capacitor the motor wll “hum” pull starting curent (locked rotor) amperage, not rotate, and trip the supply power circuit breaker when attempting operat therysten, “Low voltage will aso cause the same symptom. Low voltage is caused by an undersized power suplyo¢ generator, undersized power lead wites othe system or moor, loose power wie loose connection atthe motor or within the Powe supply line, and "burat” contact on the motor starter relay (contacto) SOLUTIONS. Check wiring size and connections to from, and in ‘between the power supply and the electri motor Correct wire size ‘orany loose wires. Check the capacitor on the motor and replace ifithas shorted ou. Measure voltage atthe motor during attempt to star it If voltage drops more than 10% locate ad coerect the reason, Check the motor starter rely (Comactorfor"bura” contset 2 Thethree phase (250/380 /f 460 VAC electric motorhums” pls starting current (locked rotor) amperage, doesnot rotate, and trips the ‘apply power circuit breaker when attempting to operate the system. “The three phate electric moor requiresall three powerlines (all thre pases) to be operative else I wil "singe pase” easing extensive damage othe moter’ internal windings Low voltage wil also cause the same syenptom. Low voltage is caused by an undersized power supply or generator, undersized power lead wires tthe system ar motor, lose power wire or nection atthe motor or witha the power supply ine and “bara” contacts on the motor starter ray (contactor SOLUTIONS: Check wiring size and connections to, rom, and in between the Power Supply and the electric motor Coret wire ie or any loose wes Measure voltage at the motor daring attempt to tart tf voltage drops more than 10% loate and correct the reaton, Cross check voltage drow all3 power lend, Check the motor starter lay (Contctr) for “burn” contacts, 3. “TheBectric Motor makes an unusual “grinding” sound when operated SOLUTIONS: Check and replace as necesary the font and rae beatings. Check t see the fn rubbing against the fan guard LOW PRESSURE PUMP / MAINTENANCE & REPAIR (continued) REPLACE THE CERAMIC SEAL (PIN 45-2235) + Approximately every 2000 hours, 1 atthe sign ofleakage DISASSEMBLY (Se Figure 47or Figure 48) Before you bein please be sure to disconnect the electrical power to the sytem. Remove the four 38-16 Bots holding the volte to the motor bracket, To remove the Impeller, emove the Bearing capon the motor to expose the screwdriver slot onthe ‘motor sha. Hold the motor shaft witha large screwdriver and remove the impeller by reaping it with our and and turning the impeller counterclockwise. Remove the sea. Two serewrivers wedged into the seal at 160 degrees apart serve as ool to ‘wee the seal out The ceramic et fremoved by removing the end bell gash. REASSEMBLY (Clean the motor shaft and the bracket of any corrosion a salt deposits Replace the end bell gasket andthe ap sat portion into the bracket cavity. Use a new gasket. Pace the ceramic sat into the avity over the shaft, Make sure that the polished sides toward the end ofthe shat. Tap into place evenly using hollow pec of wood o plastic tol 1F ‘metal tools used to tp itintoplce, protect he seat with cardboard or a lean cloth Lubricate the shat wit water, water an soap or ight ol and slip the rotating portion ofthe seal aver the shat withthe carbon element toward the ceramic. lide t down ‘onto the shaft as far as possible, Apply blue Loctite tothe motor shaf threads. Hold the ‘motor shaft and reinstall the impeller. Tighten the impeller by turning it clockwise until ‘tis tug Reinstall the volute, Tighten the bls evenly, Thoroughly prime the pump. [LUBRICATING BEARINGS Some eetrc motors supped by FCI Watermakers Inve permanenll ened and lubricated bearings. Others require lbication from eto ime. If your electric motor has greue jer teach end ofthe motor over the front and zear bearings, the bearings require lubrication every 6 months. Give ‘thre pumps of high temperature motor bearing lbrican into each grease jerk sea Polyurea Base Grease such as Chevron SRI (Polyurea Base) or Shell Delium R (Polyarea Bas). DO NOT USE LITHIUM OR SILICONE BASE GREASE, TO WATERMARTRS ANC ‘Macnee Rep] toe LOW PRESSURE PUMP / MAINTENANCE & REPAIR (continued) Purp Bracket (Parttiten 3 Press sa (tem ino panp rack (prt em 3). TL voy Lote 55 te slant cn eas fader Pais [Susie prone Pp SD neler pune nen Sings Purp cP PEO bronze Basel tr? pare east SUP SOT api TEMPS er feed Cap ser SET Teed Cap screw SE Washer Fao ‘Figure 4 Low Prewure Purp Exploded View and Parts List (Version A)

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