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Science, Technology, Engineering, and,

Chapter 2
The methodology describes and explains about the different procedures including
research design, respondents of the study, research instrument, validity and reliability
ofthe instrument, data gathering procedure, as well as the statistical treatment and/or

Research Design
Numerous qualitative research designs include grounded theory, ethnographic,
narrative, historical, case studies, and phenomenology. The paragraphs that follow
provide a quick overview of a few of these qualitative techniques.
Grounded theory is a methodical data analysis process that is frequently used in
qualitative research and enables researchers to create a hypothesis that explains a certain
phenomena. The sociological field of grounded theory was founded by Glaser and
Strauss, and it is used to construct phenomena through research rather than as a
descriptive approach. Individual behaviors are not the unit of analysis in grounded
theory; rather, it is a particular phenomena or incident. Interviews with 20 to 30 people
are the main approach for gathering data, or until saturation is reached.

Sample of the Study and Sampling Method

Sample from an existing Study: The descriptive method was used in this study.
Descriptive research involves thedescription, recording, analysis and interpretation of the
present nature, composition or processes of phenomena which focuses on prevailing
conditions, or how a person, groupor thing behaves or functions in the present. It often
involves some type of comparison orcontrast. In other words, descriptive research maybe
defined as a purposive process ofgathering, analyzing, classifying and tabulating data
about prevailing conditions, practices, beliefs, processes, trends and cause effect
relationships and then makingadequate and accurate interpretation about such data with
or without the aid of statisticalmethods. (Calderon, 2012)This study is about the teaching
effectiveness of First Aid and Basic Life Support-Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation to
second year high school students of selected schools inOlongapo City. The researcher
thought that this is the appropriate method to use for itinvolved some comparison and
analysis on data gathered. The researcher desired that thefindings of this study will
strengthen the training program on first aid and BLS-CPR.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and,
Research Instrument
There are several data gathering methods for qualitative research projects. Key
among the data gathering methods are interviews, focus group discussion, observation
and document analysis. These methods have their instruments that are used to collect data
from the research sites. The following can be used as instruments of qualitative projects;
observation guide, focus group discussion guide, interview guide, audio/video recorders
and cameras.
Sample from an existing Study: The research instrument used in this study was a pre-
designed questionnaire forthe instructors, pre-test and post-test for the students. The
questionnaire was a tool used by the researcher to collect data, which was used to
determine the socio demographicdata and the trainings of the instructors.The
questionnaire was composed of questions that would determine theinstructors’ socio-
demographic profile and questions that focused on the training of theinstructors and the
strategies they used in teaching First Aid and BLS-CPR. Thequestionnaire also provided
the profile of the students and the trainings and seminars theyhave taken conducted by the
Philippine Red Cross Olongapo Chapter. The researcheralso provided an evaluation tool
that was answered by the students to determine theteaching effectiveness of the
instructors of the Philippine Red Cross.
Data Gathering Procedure
Sample from an existing Study: The author began this study by first securing a
permission to conduct a researchon Training Effectiveness on First Aid and Basic Life
Support from the ChapterAdministrator of Philippine Red Cross Olongapo City. The
purpose of the study, methodof administration of the research instruments, the date of
administration and retrieval ofthe research instruments were explained.After a letter of
permission was sought, the researcher met with the respondentson the dates scheduled for
training which were conducted by the instructors of thePhilippine Red Cross. Before the
training, the students were given a pre-test and after thetraining, a post- test was given.
Evaluation forms were distributed to the respondents toassess the instructors’ teaching
strategies. The purpose of the study, and the directions ofanswering the questionnaire
were explained to the respondents before the administrationof the questionnaires.
Data Analysis
Identifying an appropriate approach in analysing qualitative data analysis to meet
the aim of a study can be challenging. One way to understand qualitative data analysis is
to consider the processes involved. Approaches can be divided into four broad groups:
quasistatistical approaches such as content analysis; the use of frameworks or matrices
such as a framework approach and thematic analysis; interpretative approaches that
include interpretative phenomenological analysis and grounded theory; and
Science, Technology, Engineering, and,
sociolinguistic approaches such as discourse analysis and conversation analysis.
However, there are commonalities across approaches.
**How do you begin analysing qualitative data?

Despite the diversity of qualitative methods, the subsequent analysis is
based on a common set of principles and for interview data includes: transcribing
the interviews; immersing oneself within the data to gain detailed insights into the
phenomena being explored; developing a data coding system; and linking codes
or units of data to form overarching themes/concepts, which may lead to the
development of theory. Identifying recurring and significant themes, whereby
data are methodically searched to identify patterns in order to provide an
illuminating description of a phenomenon, is a central skill in undertaking
qualitative data analysis. Table 1 contains an extract of data taken from a research
study which included interviews with carers of people with end-stage renal
disease managed without dialysis. The extract is taken from a carer who is trying
to understand why her mother was not offered dialysis. The first stage of data
analysis involves the process of initial coding, whereby each line of the data is
considered to identify keywords or phrases; these are sometimes known as in vivo
codes (highlighted) because they retain participants’ words.

Chapter 2 research methodology. (n.d.). - Share research.
Lani, J. (2021, August 10). Types of qualitative research designs. Statistics Solutions.
Qualitative data analysis: A practical example. (2014, January 1). Evidence-Based
Qualitative data gathering instruments and methods. (0001, January 1). IGI Global:
International Academic Publisher.

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