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Frequency lists by Neri

Saturday, May 7, 2016

The 500 Most Frequently Used German Words

Suggestions on how to use this list:
If you see a word and immediately check it's translation, you'll
hardly memorize it at all. If you try your best to recall what the
word means before checking the translation, the chances of
memorization are much better.

Pick a word you haven't mastered and type it into Wiktionary to see
other definitions, usage notes and example sentences.

It is always interesting to see a word in context, that is, in

example sentences. If a word is new to you, type it into to see example sentences—that website is a

It is also interesting to type the words you haven't mastered into

Google Images, to have a greater appreciation and grasp of their

1. ich

• I
• me

2. sie

• they
• she
• them
• her

3. das

• the
• that
• this
• it
4. ist

• be

5. du

• you

6. nicht

• not
• no

7. die

• the
• which
• that
• who

8. und

• and

9. es

• it

10. der

• the
• which

11. was

• what
• which
• something

12. wir

• we
• us

13. er

• he
14. zu

• to
• for
• at
• in
• with
• into
• as
• on
• too

15. ein

• a
• an
• one
• on

16. mit

• with
• by
• at
• in
• including

17. mir

• me
• to me
• myself

18. den

• the
• which

19. wie

• as
• such as
• like
• how

20. ja

• yes
• yea
21. auf

• on
• to
• in
• at
• onto
• upon
• up

22. mich

• me
• myself

23. eine

• a
• an
• one

24. aber

• but
• however

25. hier

• here

26. sind

• be

27. für

• for

28. von

• of
• from
• by
• out of
• about

29. haben
• have

30. hat

• have

31. dich

• you
• yourself

32. war

• be

33. dass

• that

34. wenn

• if
• when
• once

35. an

• to
• at
• on
• by
• against

36. da

• since
• as
• because
• there
• here
• then
• so

37. nein

• no

38. bin
• be

39. noch

• yet
• still
• more
• nor

40. dir

• you
• to you
• yourself

41. nur

• solely
• just
• merely
• simply
• only

42. habe

• possessions
• belongings

43. ihr

• her
• their
• you
• to her

44. sich

• yourself
• itself
• themselves
• oneself
• himself
• herself

45. einen

• a

46. uns
• us
• to us
• ourselves

47. hast

• haste

48. dem

• the

49. ihn

• him
• it

50. aus

• from
• of
• out of
• off
• out

51. kann

• can
• be able

52. gut

• well
• good
• fine
• nice

53. auch

• also
• too
• as well
• even

54. schon

• already
• yet
55. jetzt

• now

56. im

• in the

57. sein

• be
• his
• its

58. mal

• times
• once

59. dann

• then

60. meine

• my
• mine

61. als

• as
• than
• when

62. um

• by
• for
• around
• at
• about
• in order

63. mein

• my

64. doch
• nevertheless
• though
• after all
• but
• yet
• however

65. bist

• be

66. wird

• shall

67. keine

• no

68. nach

• to
• according to
• after
• by
• for
• in accordance with

69. alles

• everything
• all

70. man

• you
• one
• they

71. Ich

• I

72. oder

• or

73. nichts
• nothing
• not

74. wo

• where
• when

75. werden

• will
• become

76. weiß

• white

77. will

• want

78. geht

• go
• move
• walk
• leave

79. mehr

• more

80. warum

• why

81. ihnen

• them
• you
• to them
• to you

82. bitte

• request

83. etwas
• something
• anything
• any
• some
• somewhat
• slightly
• a little
• a bit
• rather

84. bei

• at
• in
• with
• during
• by
• upon
• near
• among

85. muss

• must

86. los

• off
• loose

87. immer

• always
• forever

88. vor

• before
• in front of
• against
• outside
• ahead of
• ago

89. mann

• man
• male
• husband

90. zum

• to the

91. wieder

• again

92. sehr

• very
• highly
• much
• very much
• greatly
• so

93. sehen

• see
• view
• look at
• look
• watch

94. sagen

• say
• tell
• speak

95. also

• hence
• that is
• so
• thus

96. gehen

• go
• move
• walk
• leave

97. wer
• who
• anyone

98. alle

• any
• all
• everyone

99. denn

• because
• for
• than

100. machen

• make
• do
• render

101. ihm

• him

102. können

• can
• be able
• may

103. diese

• this
• these

104. komm

• come
• get
• arrive
• occur
• go
• reach
• come out

105. danke

• Thank you!
• Thanks!

106. euch

• you
• to you
• yourselves

107. einem

• a

108. tun

• do
• act

109. einer

• one

110. gibt

• give
• pass
• hand
• put

111. nie

• never

112. über

• by
• about
• over
• via
• above
• across
• for
• beyond

113. des

• of

114. soll
• shall

115. kein

• no
• not a

116. vielleicht

• perhaps
• maybe
• possibly

117. weg

• away
• off
• gone

118. deine

• your
• yours

119. wissen

• know
• realize

120. am

• at the
• on the
• in the

121. werde

• will
• become

122. leben

• live

123. kommen

• come
• get
• arrive
• occur
• go
• reach
• come out

124. kommt

• come
• get
• arrive
• occur
• go
• reach
• come out

125. müssen

• must
• need
• have to

126. viel

• much
• a great deal
• a great deal of
• a lot
• a lot of
• plenty of
• lots of
• many

127. wirklich

• really
• truly
• genuinely
• indeed
• real
• true

128. frau

• woman
• female
• wife
• lady
• Mrs.
129. hatte

• have

130. heute

• today
• now
• nowadays

131. willst

• want

132. dein

• your
• thy

133. würde

• would

134. tut

• do
• act

135. ihre

• their
• her

136. ganz

• quite
• all
• completely
• entirely
• wholly
• really
• full
• entire
• whole
• all of

137. zeit

• time
• period
• age

138. bis

• to
• up to
• by
• until
• till

139. wollen

• want
• wish
• like
• will
• intend

140. einfach

• simply
• just
• simple
• straightforward

141. macht

• power
• force
• strength
• might

142. gott

• god

143. zurück

• back
• behind

144. nun

• now
• then
• well

145. weil
• because
• since

146. damit

• so
• so that
• thereby
• therewith
• with it

147. dieser

• this

148. kannst

• can
• be able

149. wurde

• has been

150. gesagt

• serrated

151. wäre

• be

152. seine

• his
• its

153. wollte

• wanted

154. na

• Well!

155. zwei

• two
156. hallo

• Hello

157. meinen

• think
• mean
• believe
• say

158. sicher

• safe
• secure
• certain
• proof
• assured
• confident
• reliable
• safely
• certainly

159. weißt

• know

160. morgen

• tomorrow

161. ab

• from
• as of
• off
• away

162. leid

• sorrow
• grief
• pain
• harm
• agony

163. lassen
• let
• leave
• allow

164. waren

• goods
• merchandise
• wares

165. zur

• to

166. lass

• let
• leave
• allow

167. geld

• money

168. liebe

• dear

169. tag

• day

170. leute

• people
• folks
• folk

171. vater

• father

172. genau

• exactly
• precisely
• accurately
• closely
• right
• very
• strictly
• exact
• accurate
• precise

173. sagte

• say
• tell
• speak

174. hätte

• have

175. mach

• make
• do
• render

176. raus

• out

177. durch

• by
• through
• due to
• by means of
• via

178. könnte

• could
• might

179. schön

• beautiful
• nice
• lovely
• fine
• handsome
• beautifully
• nicely
• good
• well

180. wohl

• well
• probably
• perhaps
• arguably
• surely
• no doubt

181. gesehen

• see
• view
• look at
• look
• watch

182. keinen

• no

183. klar

• clear
• plain
• understood
• transparent
• clearly
• sure

184. glaube

• faith
• religion
• belief

185. her

• here

186. okay

• OK!
• Okay!

187. mutter
• mother
• mama

188. sag

• say
• tell
• speak

189. dieses

• this

190. nacht

• night

191. besser

• superior
• better
• preferably

192. ohne

• without
• excluding

193. unsere

• our

194. jemand

• someone
• anyone
• somebody
• anybody

195. sei

• be

196. reden

• talk
• speak

197. gerade
• just
• right
• now
• straight
• even

198. ob

• whether
• if

199. gehört

• belong

200. möchte

• would like
• might

201. dort

• there
• therein

202. sagt

• say
• tell
• speak

203. anderen

• other

204. gemacht

• made

205. hör

• listen

206. sollte

• should

207. selbst
• self
• itself
• themselves
• himself
• yourself
• herself
• myself
• ourselves
• even

208. diesen

• these

209. gute

• quality
• kindness

210. dachte

• think
• believe
• conceive
• feel

211. paar

• pair

212. weiter

• other
• further
• farther
• more
• on
• forth

213. vom

• from

214. ins

• in the

215. herr
• Lord
• gentleman
• master
• mister
• sir
• Mr.

216. wirst

• will
• become

217. geben

• give
• pass
• hand
• put

218. ordnung

• order
• ordering
• rules
• organization

219. passiert

• happen
• pass

220. meiner

• mine

221. lange

• long
• a long time

222. gar

• at all
• really
• quite

223. mädchen
• girl
• maiden
• female

224. meinem

• my

225. hören

• hear
• listen
• listen to

226. sieht

• see
• view
• look at
• look
• watch

227. daß

• that

228. guten

• good
• fine
• nice

229. hin

• down

230. gleich

• equal
• same
• identical
• equivalent
• similar
• the same
• equally
• right
• immediately
• just
231. ach

• Oh!
• Ah!
• Alas!

232. diesem

• this

233. freund

• friend
• boyfriend

234. seit

• since
• for
• from

235. welt

• world

236. musst

• need
• have to

237. hause

• home

238. natürlich

• of course
• naturally
• certainly
• natural

239. abend

• evening
• eve
• night

240. angst
• fear
• anxiety
• worry
• dread

241. drei

• three

242. recht

• right
• quite
• pretty
• fairly
• really

243. richtig

• correctly
• properly
• rightly
• right
• proper
• correct
• accurate

244. viele

• many
• a lot
• a lot of
• lots of

245. deinen

• your

246. finden

• find

247. wieso

• why

248. bleiben

• remain
• stay
• keep
• be left

249. tot

• dead

250. unter

• under
• among
• below
• beneath
• amongst
• underneath

251. junge

• boy
• kid
• lad
• guy

252. haus

• house
• home
• building

253. rein

• purely
• pure
• clean
• clear
• mere

254. essen

• eat
• dine

255. davon

• thereof
• of it
• away
• of that
256. nehmen

• take
• adopt
• take on
• use

257. sollen

• must

258. helfen

• help
• assist
• aid

259. schnell

• quickly
• rapidly
• swiftly
• fast
• quick
• rapid

260. machst

• make
• do
• render

261. eines

• one

262. andere

• different
• other

263. unser

• our

264. warte

• wait
265. wegen

• because of
• due to
• on account of
• owing to

266. menschen

• people
• human beings
• mankind

267. stimmt

• agreed

268. dafür

• for that
• in favor

269. darf

• allowed

270. kinder

• children

271. genug

• sufficient
• enough
• sufficiently

272. sonst

• else
• other
• usually
• otherwise
• or else

273. ganze

• whole
• all
274. scheiße

• shit
• crap

275. he

• hey

276. halt

• just
• simply

277. sollten

• should

278. zusammen

• together
• jointly
• collectively

279. gegen

• against
• to
• towards
• toward
• versus
• around

280. jahre

• year

281. erst

• only
• first
• not until

282. denke

• think
• believe
• conceive
• feel

283. steht

• stand

284. habt

• have

285. verdammt

• damn
• damned
• fucking
• bloody
• darn

286. ihren

• their

287. glauben

• believe
• trust
• think

288. bringen

• bring
• take
• get
• carry

289. seid

• be

290. niemand

• nobody
• no one
• no man

291. warten

• wait
• maintain
• await
• service

292. brauchen

• need
• require
• take
• use
• want

293. lhre

• teaching
• doctrine
• gauge
• theory
• apprenticeship
• lesson
• training
• science

294. fragen

• ask
• question

295. arbeit

• work
• labor
• job
• employment
• paper

296. wann

• when

297. heißt

• mean
• be called

298. sprechen

• speak
• talk
• say
299. siehst

• see
• view
• look at
• look
• watch

300. jeder

• each
• any
• every
• everyone
• everybody
• anyone

301. kam

• come
• get
• arrive
• occur
• go
• reach
• come out

302. sofort

• immediately
• instantly
• at once
• right away
• directly
• straight
• promptly
• straight away

303. getan

• do
• act

304. fertig

• finished
• ready
305. kennen

• know
• know of

306. einmal

• once

307. sohn

• son

308. halten

• keep
• hold
• maintain
• stop
• stick
• stay

309. dabei

• there

310. hatten

• have

311. männer

• men

312. kind

• child
• kid
• baby
• infant

313. jahren

• year

314. beim

• at the
315. seinen

• his

316. mag

• like

317. komme

• come
• get
• arrive
• occur
• go
• reach
• come out

318. allein

• by itself
• alone
• solely
• only

319. bevor

• before

320. bruder

• brother

321. musik

• music

322. wahr

• true
• real

323. konnte

• could
• might

324. lieber
• rather
• better

325. uhr

• watch
• clock

326. kopf

• head
• top
• mind

327. sache

• thing
• affair
• matter
• subject
• cause
• case
• object
• business

328. gern

• gladly
• willingly
• readily
• with pleasure

329. denken

• think
• believe
• conceive
• feel

330. brauche

• need
• require
• take
• use
• want

331. ende
• end
• ending
• finish

332. später

• future
• subsequent
• later
• later on
• subsequently
• afterwards
• thereafter

333. gehe

• go
• move
• walk
• leave

334. vergessen

• forget

335. runter

• down

336. fahren

• drive
• ride
• run
• pass
• move

337. sieh

• see
• view
• look at
• look
• watch

338. warst

• be
339. stadt

• city
• town

340. namen

• name
• title

341. sehe

• see
• view
• look at
• look
• watch

342. augen

• eyes

343. gab

• give
• pass
• hand
• put

344. dank

• thanks to

345. sage

• legend
• saga
• tale

346. würden

• will
• become

347. eins

• one
• one thing
348. daran

• it

349. dazu

• to

350. egal

• the same
• all the same
• even
• wherever

351. frage

• question
• issue
• problem

352. weit

• broad
• long
• far
• wide
• widely

353. familie

• family

354. sterben

• die
• perish

355. könnten

• can
• be able

356. jungs

• guys
• boys

357. jeden
• each

358. minuten

• minutes

359. verstehe

• understand
• see
• know

360. deiner

• yours

361. hilfe

• help
• aid
• assistance

362. beide

• either
• both

363. bald

• soon
• shortly

364. deinem

• your

365. nimm

• take
• adopt
• take on
• use

366. kleine

• little one

367. baby
• baby
• infant

368. glück

• happiness
• luck
• fortune
• chance
• bliss
• good luck

369. freunde

• friend
• boyfriend

370. wusste

• knew

371. verrückt

• crazy
• mad
• insane
• nuts
• wacky

372. ruhig

• quiet
• calm
• tranquil
• serene
• peaceful
• still
• silent
• easy
• quietly
• smoothly

373. land

• country
• land
• state
374. darüber

• above
• over it
• about that

375. gefunden

• find

376. tür

• door

377. mache

• make

378. seiner

• his
• its

379. wasser

• water

380. auto

• auto-

381. sah

• see
• view
• look at
• look
• watch

382. dies

• this

383. eigentlich

• actually
• really
• real
• actual
384. eure

• your
• yours

385. ruhe

• calm
• calmness
• rest
• quiet
• silence
• peace
• repose
• tranquility
• quietness
• smoothness
• privacy

386. stehen

• stand

387. ihrer

• of her

388. frauen

• women

389. meinst

• think
• mean
• believe
• say

390. töten

• kill
• kill off

391. fall

• case
• instance
• fall
• drop

392. ging

• go
• move
• walk
• leave

393. polizei

• police
• police force

394. vorbei

• by
• past
• over
• all over
• gone

395. krieg

• war
• warfare

396. je

• each
• ever

397. darauf

• thereon
• thereafter

398. vielen

• many

399. letzte

• last
• final
• latest
• recent
• ultimate
400. lang

• long

401. bisschen

• bit
• whit

402. dran

• tuned

403. hoch

• tall
• high
• highly
• up

404. kenne

• know
• know of

405. fast

• almost
• nearly
• most
• virtually
• near
• just about

406. ganzen

• full
• entire
• whole
• all of
• complete

407. schau

• show
• display
• exhibition

408. sogar
• even

409. spielen

• play
• gamble

410. wurden

• will
• become

411. hinter

• behind
• after
• past

412. teufel

• devil
• demon
• heck

413. dinge

• things

414. keiner

• none
• no one
• nobody
• neither

415. spät

• late

416. bekommen

• get
• obtain
• receive
• have
• gain

417. oben
• above
• up
• at the top
• upstairs

418. hört

• hear
• listen
• listen to

419. hätten

• have

420. bereit

• ready
• willing
• prepared

421. drin

• in it

422. neue

• new

423. kommst

• come
• get
• arrive
• occur
• go
• reach
• come out

424. woher

• whence
• where from
• from which

425. ihrem

• their
426. wagen

• dare
• venture
• risk

427. arbeiten

• work
• operate
• function
• fashion

428. verstehen

• understand
• see
• know

429. jahr

• year

430. tod

• death

431. etwa

• about
• approximately
• some

432. echt

• genuine
• true
• authentic
• real

433. seinem

• his

434. geschichte

• history
• story
• tale

435. bringt

• bring
• take
• get
• carry

436. braucht

• need
• require
• take
• use
• want

437. treffen

• meet
• hit
• strike
• meet with

438. toll

• great
• fantastic

439. gerne

• gladly
• with pleasure
• willingly

440. draußen

• outside
• outdoors
• out
• out there

441. fünf

• five

442. lhnen

• lean
443. zimmer

• room

444. nett

• nice
• cute
• kind
• lovely
• pleasant
• neat
• nicely

445. weiss

• white

446. spiel

• game
• play
• match
• clearance

447. verstanden

• understood

448. große

• size
• magnitude
• quantity
• height
• greatness
• dimensions

449. anders

• different
• differently
• else

450. sorgen

• ensure
• provide
• cater
• take care

451. welche

• which
• that
• what
• who

452. einzige

• single

453. art

• type
• kind
• sort
• style
• way
• manner
• fashion
• mode
• nature
• species
• form

454. liegt

• lie
• be

455. verloren

• lost
• wasted

456. ahnung

• idea
• notion
• feeling
• foreboding
• presentiment
• premonition
• suspicion
• hunch
457. vier

• four

458. alter

• age
• old age

459. gekommen

• come
• get
• arrive
• occur
• go
• reach
• come out

460. jemanden

• somebody

461. gehst

• go
• move
• walk
• leave

462. woche

• week

463. kerl

• guy
• fellow
• chap
• bloke

464. gestern

• yesterday

465. wenig

• small
• a little
• little

466. bestimmt

• certainly
• definitely
• set

467. kurz

• short
• brief
• quick
• briefly

468. überhaupt

• at all

469. finde

• find

470. darum

• therefore
• that is why

471. tage

• days

472. erste

• first

473. schwester

• sister
• nurse

474. schwer

• difficult
• hard
• severe
• serious
• tough
• heavy
• heavily
• seriously
• badly

475. suchen

• search
• seek
• look for
• find

476. bleibt

• remain
• stay
• keep
• be left

477. tochter

• daughter
• subsidiary

478. typ

• type
• guy
• model

479. guter

• goods

480. gewesen

• be

481. grund

• reason
• cause
• grounds
• ground
• land
• foundation
• bottom

482. zeigen
• show
• demonstrate
• exhibit
• present
• point
• indicate
• display
• reveal

483. film

• film
• movie

484. schlecht

• bad
• poor
• sick
• low
• evil
• hard
• poorly
• badly
• ill

485. schatz

• treasure
• sweetheart
• darling
• love
• hoard

486. deshalb

• therefore
• hence

487. holen

• get
• fetch
• pick up

488. hoffe

• hope
489. sagst

• say
• tell
• speak

490. bett

• bed

491. muß

• must

492. seite

• page
• side
• hand

493. gefällt

• precipitate
• fell
• cut down
• chop down

494. eben

• just
• simply
• precisely
• exactly
• plane
• flat
• level
• even

495. lasst

• let
• leave
• allow

496. gefallen

• fallen
• please
497. stunden

• hours

498. herz

• heart

499. wohin

• whither
• where
• wherever

500. trinken

• drink

The list above is free, and will always be.

(Please do not paste the contents of this blog into your site, instead, link directly here! Your
support for the author is appreciated.)

An extended version of this frequency list (with 7000

words) is available here.
I think $9.99 is a fair price but if you're broke and
really really want it, e-mail me and I'll send you for

Posted by Neri at 7:04 PM


Unknown July 28, 2016 at 4:52 AM

Danke. How did you come up with the list? Is the frequency scientific or is just listed based on



Neri September 18, 2016 at 7:19 PM

Oops! Sorry for the delay.

Based off this:

Unknown November 16, 2016 at 12:11 PM

Why 9.99?? Why not 10??



Neri November 16, 2016 at 12:34 PM

Amazon doesn't let me put higher than 9.99 (to have a value higher than that, one needs to
have a physical version of the book for sale).


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