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Muhammad Saiful R


Abrasion, abresyen, abrasi

Citizens of Sungai Limau prevent beach abrasion
Area, erea, daerah
Area 51 is forbidden area
Atmosphere, atmofir, atmosfir
Ionosfer can reflect radio waves
Azimuth, azimuth, azimut
An azimuth is an angular measurement in a spherical coordinate system.
Border, border, batas
The border between Indonesia and Malaysia is Selat Malaka
Canal, kenal, kanal
Venice has a beautiful canal
Canyon, kenyen, tebing
Green Canyon is popular in Pangandaran
City, siti, kota
Cimahi is the smallest city in Jawa Barat
Cliff, klif, jurang
Truck fall to the cliff in Kulonprogo
Continent, kantnent, benua
Asia is the biggest continent in the world
Country, kantri, negara
Indonesia is island country
Dam, dem, bendungan
Modullar dam build in Morotai
Delta, delta, delta
Deltas are found at the mouth of large rivers
Desert, disert, gurun
The Arabian Desert is a desert in Arabian Peninsula
Earth, eurth
The shape of the earth is round
East, ist, timur
The direction to Banjar is east
Forest, fores, hutan
Indonesia has 125.922.474 hektare forest area
Flora, flora, flora
Amorphophallus titanum is a flora that can be found in the forests of Sumatra
Glacier, glesyer, gletser
A glacier is a persistent body of dense ice that is constantly moving under its own weight.
Globe, glob, globe
A globe is a spherical model of Earth
Grid, grid, koordinat
Grid of Indonesia is 6 north latitude until 11 south latitude and 95 east longitude until 141 west
Gulf, gelf, teluk
America invaded Gulf of Pigs in 1961
Human, hiumen, manusia
Humans live in earth
Island, ailend, pulau
Indonesia has a 17.504 islands
Kilometers, kilometers, kilometer
Indonesia has a coastline with a length of 99,093 kilometers
Land, lend, tanah
Indonesia adalah tanah yang kaya
Lava, lava, lahar
Cold ava flood of Merapi Mountain threatens Yogyakarta
Map, mep, peta
The world map was first made by the Babylonians in 2300 BC
Materials, materials, bahan
Vulcanic eruptions will produce materials by eruptions
Mountain, mounten, gunung
Kratakau Mountain is an active volcano in Indonesia
North, nort, utara
Kalimantan located in the north of Java
Northeast, nortist, timur laut
Pacific Ocean located in northeast Indonesia
Northwest,nortwes, barat laut
Krakatau Mountain located in Java Island
Ocean, osyen, samudra
The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean
Oasis, oesis, oasis
Oasis is the combination of a human settlement and a cultivated area in a desert
Ozone, ozon, ozon
Layers in the atmosphere that can absorb ultraviolet rays is ozone
Projection, projeksyen, proyeksi
Map projection is how to move topographic data from the Earth to the surface of the map
Rain, rein, hujan
Indonesia has many tropical rain forests
Rock, rok, batu
Rock types is igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks
River, river, sungai
The Nile is the longest river in the world
Sediment, sedimentesyion, sedimentasi
Breccia stone is one of the sedimentation rocks
Seismograph, saizmograf, seismograf
A seismograph is a measuring tool for detecting earthquakes
Scale, skel, skala
Indonesia map scale is 1:10.000.000
Sea, si, laut
Dead sea is a sea with high salt content
Southwest, sotwest, barat daya
Java is in the southwest of Sulawesi
Territory, territory, wilayah
Antartica is free territory
Tropic, tropik, tropis
Indonesia is tropical country
Vegetation, vejetesyen, vegetasi
Tropical rain forest is one of the biome and dense type of vegetation
Weather, weter, cuaca
Europe and North America have four weathers
West, wes, barat
Spain is located in the west of France
Penggunaan In, On, dan At
1. Waktu
 Kata depan in digunakan untuk hari, bulan, tahun, dan periode yang panjang
 Kata depan on digunakan untuk hari dan tanggal
 Kata depan at digunakan untuk waktu yang spesifik

2. Tempat
 Kata depan in digunakan untuk ruang lingkup yang sangat general atau besar
 Kata depan on digunakan untuk tempat
 Kata depan at digunakan untuk waktu yang spesifik

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