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Alphabet, Letter combination, Normal sentence structure ------------------------------------------------ 3

To be --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

Nouns ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Gender, Plurals and Singular ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

Countable and Uncountable --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

Possessive form ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

Compound ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

Pronouns --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

Verb --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

There to be ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

Finitive and non-finive verbs---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

Present continuous --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

Present simple and Past simple -------------------------------------------------------------------------------18

Used to, Past Continuous, Articles --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19

Numbers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

Adjectives --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22

Adverbs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23

Present Perfect simple ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24

Present Perfect continuous ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25

Future simple, Future Continuous -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

Appendix -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27

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-- Alifbo Ingliz tilida biz ism, joy va ko‘cha nomlarini harflab (spell) qilib aytishda ishlatamiz.
example: what’s your name? My name is John
how do you spell that? J-O-H-N
Ingliz tilida 26 dona harf bo‘lib ulardan 6 donasi unli (vowel) 21 donasi undosh (consonant)
“y” harfi bu yerda ham unli ham undosh vazifasida keladi.
Gapning boshida kelsa consonant o’qiladi example: you, yard, young ect…
Gapning oxirida yoki o’rtasida kelsa vowel o’qiladi example: type, dirty, hurry, worry, sorry, ect…

oo -- o,u,a tarzida o’qiladi example: door, floor, cook, roof, look, blood
after consonant emission, mission, mansion
sion { }
after vowel television, vision, revision
ture {t r} temperature, picture, future, capture
tion { n} nation, station, mention exception: question
bt { t } debt, subtle, doubt
kn { n } know, knowledge, knee, knife
q {kw} quit, quickly, quality
c/g + e i g y = s va j o’qiladi cell, celebrate, circle, cyber gentle, giant, genitive, general, gym

c { k } call, calendar, comic

g { g } game, gold, goal, google
ph { f } photo, geography, phenomenon, phone
gh { g } ghost, ghetto
gh { - } night, fight, high, weight,
gh { f } laugh, tough, enough, rough
gh { t } taught


S - subject ega
P - predicate kesm
C - complement to’ldiruvchi
M - modifier aniqlovchi S+P+C+M

1 ish harakatni bajaruvchi shaxs yoki narsa.
2 gapda doim bo’lishi lozim.
3 gapda bir yoki bir nechta bo’lishi mumkin.
4 kim? Nima ? what? Who? So’roqlariga javob berib keladi.
5 gapda noun frase yoki noun ibora bo’lib kelishi mumkin.
6 gapda o’z o’rnida kelmasligi mumkin.

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EXAMPLE: he jumps high – who jumps high?
old weak woman is crossing the road be careful!
this cap is my brother’s
there is an apple
Bu yerda haqiqiy subject an apple soxta subject there bunday deyishimizga sabab, so’roq
shaklini hosil qilganda bilib olamiz so’roq shaklini hosil qilganimizda to be there dan oldinga
chiqadi, bu esa subjectga xos emas.
1 ish harakatni bajarilishini bildiruvchi so’zlar va gapda subjectda keyin keladi.
2 gapda doim bo’lishi shart.
3 bir yoki bir nechta so’zlardan tashkil topgan bo’lishi mumkin.
4 agar to be gapda ordinary verb (asosiy fe’l) shaklida kelsa, o’zidan keyin kelgan complement
bilan birga predicate bo’lib keladi va bu turdagi gapda “dir” qo’shimchasi qo’shiladi.
EXAMPLE: ted always cries
he is going home
he is a student
1 ish harakatni yo’naltirilgan shaxs yoki narsa predicate dan keyin keladi va uni to’ldiradi.
2 gapda doim ham bo’lishi shart emas.
3 gapda bir yoki bir nechta bo’lishi mumkin, va odatda u ot bo’lib keladi.
4 whom what kim bilan? Nima bilan? Kimdan? Nimadan? Kimga? Nimaga? so’roqlariga javob
EXAMPLE: he gave it
I sleep
I took this book from my mum
I saw Bill – whom did you see
1 gapga qo’shimcha ma’no berib aniqlashtiradi va complementdan keyin keladi.
2 modifierni 3 turi mavjud:

MODIFIER OF MANNER- ish harakatni qay tarzda bajarilganini bildirib keladi va how
so’rog’iga javob berib keladi. example: I write beautifully how do you write?
MODIFIER OF PLACE – ish harakatni qayerda sodir etilganini bildiradi va where
so’rog’iga javob bo’ladi. example: he saw at school where did you see?
MODIFIER OF TIME – ish harakatni qachon sodir etilganini bildiradi va when so’rog’iga
javob bo’ladi.
example: she saw him the day before yesterday when did you see?

Modifierni quyida ketma ketlikda bo’ladi M of manner + M of palce + M of time

example: Tom was running fast on highway two days before.
He talked stupidly in the class yesterday.
Bazan m of time ni gapning boshiga ham olishimiz mumkin va bunda vergul (comma) bilan
Last week, John and I went to the party.
Ann my cousin and Tom have been learning English by their heart in the library for two hours.

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Analyze the following sentences. Gaplarni gap bo’laklariga ajrating!

My old neighbor scolded her young grandson yesterday in the morning.

Last year, Tom didn’t study well at his university.
Dilya’s elder brother bought a new BMW and Mercedes many years ago.
Long time ago, that an old man and his son lied to me and my friends.
Bill bought a new car, an old hotel and a very famous company in Brasil last month.
Students of our group solved this simple quiz easily.
He sleeps very well in any place at any time.
My new bicycle broke down suddenly in the street two weeks ago.
They thanked her for helping them.
Rob and Bob told me a story about an old lady and man.
Their leisure interests are going to night clubs and listening to music.
Four days ago, at 5 o’clock, Kate and Tom were playing tennis happily.
Usually, students do not clean the desks normally in the library.
These days, many people are very successful and creative.
Tony Brown and his assistant buy two papers every day.

To be ni biz gapda ish harakat yo’q gapda ish harakat sifatida ishlatamiz.
To be asosan holatni ifodalashda ishlatamiz. Example: Tomorrow is Saturday
to be zamonlarga qarab quyidagicha bo’linadi.
hozirgi zamon am is are —isn’t, aren’t
o’tgan zamon was were—wasn’t, weren’t
kelasi zamon will be — won’t be
am I in Japan?
am I not in Japan? Aren’t I in Japan?

🔎faqatgina not ni oldingi olib chiqanimizda ko’plik to be sidan foydalanamiz.

biz not→ni oldinga olib o’tganimizda doim qisqaradi.

Example: Won’t she be a pilot in the future

To be fe’li ot kesimda bog’lovchi bo’lib keladi va dir edi bo’ladi deb tarjima qilinadi.
example: he is a engineer, the story was interesting, she will be a

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teacher next year, their leisure interests are going to night clubs and listening to music, these
days many people are very successful and creative.

To beni ishlatilishi: 1.sifatlar bilan example: she was beautiful;

2.otlar bilan example: this is my sister;
3.yosh example: he was 22 (years) old last year;
4. Millat example: I am uzbek;
5.kasb va bandlik example: my mother is a doctor;
6.ob-havo bilan example: today is cold but yesterday was hot;
7.vaqtlar bilan example: it’s 7:30 am;
8.ko’rsatish example: this is my book;

Narx, og’irlik, masofa va boshqa o’lchov birliklari bilan to be ni birlik shaklini ishlatamiz.
example: One hundred dollors is not enough to buy a car. It is not enough
100 kilos is difficult to lift. 35 minutes is enough for clever student to solve final exam.

Gapda kim? va nima? so’roqlariga javob bo’luvchi har qanday so’zlardir. Nounlar subjectdan farqi
ko’plab vazifalarda kelishi mumkin. example: One student plays computer games.

Nounlar 4 turga bo’linadi:

1. Proper noun (atoqli otlar)(always capital letters)
example: Bob, The UK, UAE, Tesla, Xorazm, PUBG ect…

2. Common noun (turdosh otlar)

example: a boy, a phone, oil, student, push-up, a tree, a house…

3. Abstract noun (mavhum otlar)

example: ghost, honestly, sleep, winter, history, music, mathematics…

4. Collective (jamlovchi otlar) example: herd, family, crowd, crew, gang, army…

Ics ga tugovchi fan otlari birlikda bo’ladi, va to be yoki fe’lini ko’plik va birlikda ishatsak bo’ladi.

example: in the US universities physics is very good that’s way American students’ physics
is/are better than other countries, in UZ mathematics and economics are very good subjects
Mathematics is an exact subject, Azizbek’s Mathematics are/is good

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Biz collective noundan so’ng fe’lning birlik yoki ko’plik shaklidan foydalana olamiz, lekin bunda
ma’no bir biridan farq qiladi. Agar fe’lning birlik shaklini (is,was) ishlatsak CN bir butun deb
olamiz, agar ko’plik shaklini ishlatsak (are,were) har bir oila a’zolarini nazarda tutgan bo’lamiz.

example: once upon time, A herd was grassing quietly in the meadow but after they saw the
wolf, the herd were running in all directions.

🔗Agar noun biror noun oldidan kelsa o’sha noun 2- nounga adjective bo’lib keladi va adjective
bo’lib kelgan nounni o’zgartirib bo’lmaydi. Ex: a school bus; wheather forecast; brick houses

🔗Noun bo’lib kelayotgan adjective o’z ichida raqam bo’lsa uni orasidan tire (–) qo’yiladi.

ex: a five-years-old child❌ a few-year-old✔️ a two-weeks exam❌ a two-week-exam✔️

a ten- days holiday❌ a ten-day-holiday✔️

Genderlar 3 turga bo’linadi:
1.Masculine- o’g’il bolalar, erkak jinsiga mavsub jonzotlar. birlik-he ko’plik-they
2.Feminine-qizlar va ayollar urg’ochi hayvonlar kiradi. birlik-she ko’plik-they
3.Nueter-jonsiz narsalar jinsi no’malum narsalar. birlik-it ko’plik-they

exception: Mamlakat kema va mashinalarni erkalab bazan femininedan foydalanamiz.

example: she is my baby (car), I love UZB and she is so beautiful.


Qachonki biz ikki va unda ortiq narsalar predmet, hayvon, odam yoki joylar haqida gapirsak
pluraldan foydalanamiz. Ko’plikni quyidagi bir necha yo’llar bilan yasaymiz.
1 Bunda otlar oxiriga s harfini qo’shish bilan yasaladi. Example: dog-dogs, coin-coins…
2 Agar birlikdagi ot oxirgi qismi z, s, sh, ch, o, x harflari bilan tugasa es qo’shimchasi
ko’plik shaklini hosil qiladi. example: buzzes, buses, bushes, churches, tomatoes, foxes etc…
3 Oxirgi qismi o harfiga tugovchi otlar borki ularni ko’pligini yasashda faqatgina s harfi

Auto-autos Kangaroo-kangaroos Zoo-zoos

Solo-solos Patio-patios Piano-pianos
Photo-photos Dynamo-dynamos Volcano-volcanos
Soprano-sopranos Radio-radios Kimono-kimonos
Video-videos Rhino-rhinos Kilo-kilos

4 Agar birlikdagi ot consonant+y harfi bilan tugasa uni ko’plik shakli y harfi tushirib

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ies qo’shimchasi qo’shiladi. Example: baby-babies, lady-ladies…
5 Agar birlikdagi ot vowel+y tugasa oddiygina s harfi qo’shiladi.
Example: guy-guys, boys…
6 Oxirgi qismi f, fe harflari bilan tugovchi 12 dona so’zlar borki ko’plik shaklini hosil
qilishda f, fe harflari tushirib qoldiriladi va ves ko’pligi qo’shiladi.

Calf - calves Life - lives Wolf - wolves Elf - elves

Half - halves Loaf - loaves Wife - wives
Knife - knives Self - selves Thief - thieves
Leaf - leaves Sheaf - sheaves Shelf - shelves

exception:safe-safes, chief-chiefs, cliff-cliffs

7 Quyidagi so’zlar borki ularga to’g’ridan to’g’ri s yoki f harfi tushirib yuborilib ves
shaklini ham qo’sha olamiz.
Dwarf – dwarfs – dwarves Hoof – hoofs – hooves
Wharf - wharfs – wharves Scarf - scarfs – scarves

Exception: safe-saves, chief-chiefs, cliff-cliffs

8 Bazi otlarni ko’plik shaklini yasaganda shakl almashishi sodir bo’ladi va bunday
so’zlarni ko’plik shaklini yasash uchun s harfi qo’shilmaydi, ular irregular plurals deb nomlanadi.
Man – men Foot – feet
Woman – women Tooth – teeth
Child – children Mouse – mice
Person – people Louse – lice
Ox – oxen Goose – geese
Die – dice

9 Chetdan kirib kelgan so’zlarni ko’plik shaklini yasashda o’sha til qoidalariga amal qilinadi.
Crisis – crises Phenomenon – phenomena
Erratum – errata Radius – radii/ radiuses
Memorandum – memoranda/s Bacterium – bacteria
Oasis – oases Terminus – termini/ terminuses
Cactus – cacti/ cactuses Datum – data
Octopus – octopuses/ octopi Nucleus – nuclei

10 Bazi turdagi otlar har doim ko’plikda bo’ladi, shu sababdan ulardan keyin to bening
ko’plik shaklini ishlatishimiz shart.
1 APN birlik shakliga ega emas.
2 Fe’lning ko’plik shaklini ishlatishimiz shart.
3 APNslar oldidan a, an article va sanoq sonlar ishlatilmaydi.
4 Ikki qismdan tashkil topgan asbob uskunalar va kiyim kechaklar APNs guruhiga kiradi.
Police (plural)

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—Bob! Run faster! The police is are coming to this house. He They may arrest us.
I kicked 10 police in their stomachs.
One policeman arrested me.
Three policemen can’t catch me.
A police officer is very fatty.
Clothes(kiyim kechaklar)
Clothes are very expensive in do’stlik but they are very quality.
I bought 4 pieces of clothing last year.
I bought 1 pieces of clothing last week.
one scales is are very realibe because it they measure the weight accurately.
Yesterday, I bought two beautiful and expensive trousers from this market.
11 Quyidagi otlar ham APN guruhiga kiradi.

Belongings Pains (trouble/effort) Spirits

Arms (weapons) Damages Stairs
Earnings Congratulations Surroundings
Goods/wares Particulars Valuables
Greens Premises Outskirts
Grounds Riches Savings

example: Bill Gates savings are less than Jeff Bezos’ riches but their earnings are less
than my belongings.
12 Ikki qismdan tashkil topgan narsalarni sanash uchun ular oldidan to’gridan to’gri
sanoq sonlar ishlata olmaymiz. Lekin ularni miqdorini quyidagi strukturada ifodalasak bo’ladi.
a pair/two…pairs of always plural tools or clothes
example: Yesterday, I bought a pair of binoculars from this pirate.
I lent two pairs of jeans from this market.
13 ASNlar ko’rinishidan ko’plikka o’xshasada ular har doim birlikda bo’ladi, shu
sababli ulardan keyin fe’lni birlik shaklini ishlatamiz va pronoun ham it bo’ladi.
14 ASN oldidan a, an article va sanoq sonlar ishlata olmaymiz.
example: one journalist said an interesting and amazing news about the Pacific ocean.
It was about news oil wells. I have 4 pieces/bits of news about China.
15 Quyidagi kasallik va o’yin nomalari ham ASN guruhiga kiradi.

Diabetes Mumps Billiards Darts

Hepatitis Rickets Bowls Draughts
Measles Shingles Dominoes Chess
Rabies Meningitis Checkers Etc…

Example: Diabetes are is a very dangerous disease. It kills more than 5 million person people a
Chess is very interesting. It improve your method ability .
Billiards aren’t isn’t very interesting. It is boring but chess and draughts are very good games.

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16 Ma’lum bir otlar shakli birlikda ham ko’plikda ham bir xil bo’ladi, ularni birlikda
yoki ko’plikda ekanligini predicate yoki pronounga qarab bilib olamiz.
Example: sheep, fish, deer, fruit
exception! Bazan fishes so’zi uchrab turadi, bunday vaziyatda baliqlarning soni emas balki
baliqlarning turi to’grisida gap ketadi.
Example: There are fish baliqlar bor. There are fishes turli baliqlar bor.
We have a lot of fruit in the basket (only one type), We have a lot of fruits in basket (different

17 Abbreviations
IELTS-International English Language Testing System TOEFL-Test of English as a Foreign
Language MP- Member of Parliament
VIP-Very Important Person UFO-Unidentified flying Object
SAT-Scholastic Aptitude Test BBC-British Broadcasting Company
SMS-System of Messaging Service FIFA-Federation of International Football
USSR-United Social Soviet Republic

Bazi Abbreviationslarni ko’plik qismini yasash uchun oxirgi qismiga kichkina s qo’shimchasini
qo’shamiz. Example: UFOs, MPs, VIPs, Very important People, Members of Parliament


#Countable biz sanay oladigan birlik va ko’plik shakliga ega bo’lgan va raqamlarni ishlata
oladigan nounlardir.
#Uncountable sanay olmaydigan faqatgina birlik shakli bo’lgan, raqamlarni va article lar
ishlata olmaydigan nounlardir. Ularning o’rniga little, much, some, a lot of, ulardan so’ng
pronoun va to beni birlik shaklidan foydalanamiz.
example: I need a little sugar to cook cake but there is no sugar in the shelf.
example: y-y, I met one kind and good Chinese people. They gave me two Chinese heading water
and one delicious and stomach fulling bread.
#Uncountable nounlarga substances and abstract nounlar kiradi.
Bir nechta so’zlar borki ular gapdagi ma’nosiga qarab countable va uncountable manolarida
kelishi mumkin.

<time> 💠vaqt💠(non-count) How much the time do you need to finish the job? Ishni tugatishga
sizga qancha vaqt kerak.

💠marta, marotaba💠(count) How many times have you been to London? Londonda
necha marta bo’lgansiz?

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<glass> 💠shisha material💠(non-count) Windows are made of a glass Oynalar shishadan

💠stakan💠(count) I drank a glass of water Bir stakan suv ichdim.

💠ko’z oynak💠(always plural) My grandfather is 86, he doesn’t wear glasses.

<hair> 💠umumiy soch💠 (non-count) She has brown hair Uning sochlari jigarrang.

💠soch tolasi💠(count) He found a hair from a bag U sumkasidan soch tolasini topdi.

<iron> 💠temir💠(non-count) Iron is metal Temir metaldir.

💠dazmol💠(count) I pressed my shirt with an iron men ko’ylagimni dazmolladim.

<paper> 💠qog’oz material💠 (non-count) I need a paper to write letter Men xat yoxishim uchun
qog’oz kerak.

💠gazeta💠 (count) I bought a paper Men gazeta sotib oldim.

<wood> 💠yog’ich💠 (non-count) A carpenter is someone who makes things from a wood

💠o’rmon💠(count) I like to read books in woods in my spare time

<experience> 💠tajriba, malaka, ko’nikma💠 (non-count) I gained an experience in driving while

driving my father’s car last year

💠sarguzasht💠 (count) my grandfather had plenty of scaring experience during the


<work> 💠ish, yumush💠(non-count) I have work to do now, so I can’t go to the party with you

💠asar ijod, mahsuli💠(count) that artist’s works captured everyone’s attention in the

<light> 💠yorug’lik💠(non-count) there is no a light in the room.

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💠lampochka💠(count) that’s way we should buy many lights.

<television> 💠teledastur💠(non-count) I am watching a television called “real hit” now.

💠televizor💠 (count) My father bought five televisions. All of them were Artel

<room> 💠bo’shliq space💠 (non-count) there is not a room in your wardrobe.

💠xona💠(count) we ordered two rooms in the hotel .

<football> 💠futbol o’yini💠(non-count)

💠futbol to’pi💠(count)
I bought a football (to’p) to play a football (o’yin) with my friends.

<stone> 💠tosh💠 (non-count) The floors are made of stone.

💠mayda tosh;danak💠(count) The man with a black hat threw me a stone.


Bir narsaning boshqa bir kishiga yoki narsaga tegishliligini ko’rsatish uchun possessive
shaklidan foydalanamiz.
Uning ikki shakli mavjud:
1. 1. Apostrophe + s (‘s) bunda ikki noun qatnashadi possessive noun depended noun. Bunda
possessive noun har doim depended noun oldidan keladi, va to be yoki pronoun depended
nounga qarab belgilaymiz. example: This boy’s clothes is are very dirty.
2. Egalik shaklini yasamoqchi bo’lgan otimiz oxirgi harfi s harfiga tugasa biz faqat ‘
(apostrophe) o’zini qo’shamiz example: bus’, books’ (many book), girls’ house
3. Bir necha so’zlardan tashkil topgan nounlarni egalik shaklini yashash uchun oxirgi qismiga
‘s qo’shamiz. Example: The Prince of Englang’s order.
4.Bazi kasb nomlari bilan (‘s) qo’llasak ana shu kasb ish joyini ko’rsatgan bo’lamiz.

Example: butcher’s, barber’s, travel agent’s

5. (‘s) structurasida depended noun oldidan hech qanday article ishlatib bo’lmaydi.
example: The girl’s a bag was lost yesterday.
6. Vaqtni ifodalovchi so’zlar bilan ham (‘s) structurasidan foydalanamiz.
example: Monday’s news, Autumn’s harvest, two weeks’ exam…

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7. Bir so’zni ikki marta ishatmaslik uchun ham (‘s) structurasidan foydalanamiz.
example: Mary’s hair is black but Anna’s is brown.
2. 1. Of- preposition noun of noun structurasida ham 2 ta ot qatnashadi va bu structuradan
farqli depended noun possessive noundan oldin keladi.
example: the leg of a chair …
2. Bu structurada ham fe’lning ko’plik yoki birligini depended nounga qarab belgilaymiz.

Example: The leaves of tree are yellow during autumn, skin of octopuses that have
eight legs are is black.
3. Agar noun biror ibora bilan tasvirlanib kelsa noun of noun structurasidan foydalanamiz.
example: the child of a woman who is laughing, the black hat of a boy is in the library.
teacher’s students are … ; student of teachers is…..
the edge of a top of a pen
the edge of a pen’s top


💠Tarkibida 2 va undan ortiq so’zlardan tashkil topib umuman boshqa ma’no beruvchi nounlar
compound nounlar deyiladi. example: candgirl; eggplant; blueprint …

1. Compound nounlarni ko’plik shaklini s; es yoki oxirgi so’zini o’zgartirish orqali yasaymiz.
example: landbirds; blackboards; spider-men; action-men …

2. Compound nounlarni birinchi qismi man, woman so’zlariga tugasa biz ikkala qismi
o’zgartirish orqali ko’pligini yasaymiz. Example: men-drivers; men-pilots; women-doctors …

3. Verb + er + preposition strukturasi orqali yasalgan nounlarni ko’plik shaklini er dan so’ng s
qo’shish bilan yasaymiz example: looker-on; lookers-on; passer-by; passers-by; runner-up;
runners-up …
she was shocked because of passers-by in the bus-stop; President gave presents to runners-up
as well.

4. Noun + preposition + noun strukturasida yasalgan compound nounlarni ko’plik shaklini

birinchi nounga s qo’shish bilan yasaladi. Example: mother-in-law; mothers-in-law; lady-in-
waiting; ladies-in-waiting …
5. Compound nounlarni possessive shaklini yasashda oxirgi qismiga ‘s qo’shish orqali yasaymiz
example: runner-up’s reward…
Ot o’rnida keluvchi so’zlar pronoun(olmosh) deyiladi va ular bir necha turlarga bo’linadi.
1. Subject pronoun- subject vazifasida keluvchi so’zlarni qayta yozmaslik uchun
Biz subject pronoundan verbdan oldin foydalanamiz.
example: She wears glasses, Lucy and Anna work in London, They are politicians.

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2. Object pronoun- complement vazifasida keluvchi so’zlar.
Biz object pronounni preposition va verbdan keyin ishlatamiz.
example: can you help me?, Jane talked to me, Call them this evening, that’s us in
the photo.

Lekin to bedan keyin pronounni izohlovchisi bo’lsa object pronoun o’rniga subject pronoundan
foydalanishimiz shart. Example: It is me I who bought a watching machine from you, Janet will
make her presentation after him he finishes his speech.

take, bring, carry + something/somebody + with object pronoun

example: Merlin carries this amulet with him all the time; can you bring some bread with you;
they take this book with them they take this book for themselves

3. Reflexive pronoun- gapda ish harakat bajaruvchisi va qabul qiluvchisi bitta shaxs bo’ladi.
example: She laughed at herself, John bought himself a car, she spoke to herself…

Ba’zan subjectga urg’u berish uchun biz reflexive pronoundan foydalanamiz va bunda
reflexive pronoun subjectdan keyin yoki gap oxirida keladi.
example: I myself believe that the proposal is good- men ishonamanki bu taklif yaxshi,
John himself bought the gifts- John shaxsan o’zi sovg’alar sotib oldi, I did it myself.

Agar biror nounga urg’u bermoqchi bo’lsak o’sha nounda keyin reflexive pronoun
example: I saw Tom himself-men tomni shaxsan o’zini ko’rdim, He spoke to president
himself – u shaxsan president bilan gaplashdi.

By + reflexive pronoun (without anyone’s help, alone)

example: I found the answer to this question by myself; he stayed in this mansion by himself
during all night.
Biz quyidagi so’zlar bilan reflexive pronoun ishlata olmaymiz.
feel; concentrate; relax; wash; shave; dress;
example: Alex didn’t come to the lesson because he was feeling himself ill; many parents wash
and dress their little children but my 4-years-old nephew can dress himself.

4. Possessive adjective- gapda noundan oldin keladi va o’sha noun kimga tegishliligini
bildirib keladi.
example: It’s my book …
Gapda o’zi kela olmaydi, ko’plikdagi otlar oldidan ham birlikdagi otlar oldidan ham bir xil
shaklga ega.
Possessive Adjective va noun o’rtasida article ishlatilmaydi.
example: my a book-my books …

5. Possessive pronoun- Possessive pronoundan so’ng hech qachon ot ishlatmaymiz.

example: do you have a pen? I’ve lost mine.

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Of + possessive pronoun iborasi one of + possessive adjective + plural nounga teng.
example: a friend of mine = one of my friends - mening do’stlarimdan biri
a brother of hers = one of brothers - uning ukalaridan biri

Each other = one another

» When I enter the room, Alex and Simon were fighting with each other/one another
» Bob and Tom bought present for each other
» Tim and Ann bought present for themselves (o‘zlariga)
» Gabriel and Katie broke each other’s phones when they fought

One / ones

️➖Biz one va ones ni uncountable nounlar bilan ishlata olmaymiz.

example: My kids very responsible but the youngest one is not; Many politics feel lazy to
hardworking but the hardworking ones are very clever

➖some→all→one + of + plural noun / object pronoun

example: some of my students may pass the final exam; i lost my money can you pass me one
all of the buildings were reconstructed in this city 70 years ago

One/ones can be used in the following ways:

1) A/an+adj+one - This question is easy.Can you ask a difficult one?

2) The+adj+one - Which of the two students took the money? The younger one.
3) The one - Which guy did you kick? The one in black shirt.
4) Another one -This song is awful, can you play another one?
5) This one/that one -Which window did you break? This one and that one.
6) The ones -Which books should I give? -–The ones with red covers.
7) The+adj+ones
8) Some+adj+ones -Chelsea sold a player, but it bought some experienced ones.

Correct the mistakes: Why don't you bring the children with myself?
You must be ashamed of you.
Have you ever been to Colifornia? yes, once, he corrected him.
I am from Mars he told myself angrily.
She should look after himself better. She's lost a lot of weight.
They punished the studentswho tried to copy from themselves in the exam.
It's not them who usually score well from the quizzes.

Ordinary verb- gapda asosiy fe'l hisoblanadi va o’zi mustaqil predicate bo’ladi, ish harakatni
ifodalaydi. Agar gapda birgina fe'l qatnashsa u ordinary verb hisoblanadi.
example: I spoke English fluently, He is spreading gossips; I do my homework…

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Auxiliary verb- gapda asosiy fe'lga yordam berib keladi, va verbni qaysi zamonga tegishliligini
bildirib keladi. Example: I am going to school, he has driven fast; do I wont a cake?

Modal so’zlar auxiliary verb hisoblanadi—can, have to, should, must etc.
example: she can jump high, I have to go there.

Examples: I wont a cake (o); he goes to school (o); do I want a cake (a); I do my homework (o);
they are listening to the radio 1(a) 2(o); I have been a teacher for long time ago. (o)

there + to be asosan mavjud bo’lmoq, sodir bo’lmoq ma’nolarida keladi.
example: A policeman is at the door, there is a policeman at the door …

Agar gapdagi subject birlikda bo’lsa to be ning birlik shaklidan foydalanamiz, agar gapdagi
subject ko’plikda bo’lsa to be ning ko’plik shaklidan foydalanamiz.
example: there is a good reason, there are some boys…
Agar gapda subject ikki va unda ortiq bo’lsa, 1-o’rinda kelayotgan ega shakliga qarab to be ning
shakli o’zgaradi, ya’ni 1-subject ko’plikda bo’lsa to bening ko’plik shaklidan foydalanamiz.
example: There is a bottle of milk, some eggs and butters, There are some eggs a bottle of
milk and butter …

Agar gapda subject 2 va unda ortiq bo’lsa 1-shakliga qarab to be tanlanadi, lekin shu ikkala ega
sanaladigan bo’lsa to bening ko’plik shaklidan foydalanamiz.
example: there is water and book, there are pen and pencil…

1. to give information example: it is a pumpkin it is a melon
2. temperature and weather example: it is 11*c today it was -10*c yesterday
3. babies example: what is it? It is son yesterday I saw a baby it was cute

4. unknown person example: who is it? It is me your boyfriend

5. For people on picture example:
6. Sana (date) ko’rsatish uchun example: what is the date? It’s the 2nd of September

» Biz tobedan odamlarni yoshini aytishda foydalanamiz, boshqa holatlarda ham doimo undan
Hayvonlarda ham year ni ishlatgan afzal sababi sonini yoki miqdorini bildirib keladi.
example: his dog is five (5 dona itlar)
his dog is five years old…

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It + to be + adj + to + verb + (noun) example: it is important to read blueprint; it was easy to
solve today’s exam; it will be difficult to pass the exam if you don’t study hard.
it to be ni umumiy masofada yoki vaqtni aytishda ishlatiladi.
there to be ni esa masofa yoki vaqt qolganda ishlatiladi .
example: it is 5 kilometers from my house but now there is 3 kilometers till my house.

To be ni so’roq gaplarda qisqartirish mumkin lekin qisqa javoblarda hech qachon

qisqartirilmaydi. example: what is the problem= what’s the problem, is he a policeman? yes he is


FINITE- gapda predicate vazifasida keluvchi so’zlar example: I go to theatre, she seldom
watches TV …
NON-FINITE- predicate vazifasida kelmaydigan so’zlar example: she likes cooking, to play isn’t
useful … Non-finite

Subject/Infinite Complement/Gerund

Predicate verbs
ex: I study English.
she often watches TV.
Full infinite Bare infinite Gerund Ving
Ex: to play; to run; to swim ex: play; run; swim; type

🎯 Full infinite va Gerund (present participle) gapda subject bo’lib kelishi mumkin.
ex: Running is healthy; Crying is helpful for eyes; To run is healthy…

🎯Fe’lning birlik yoki ko’plik shaklini tanlashda full infinite yoki gerund soniga e’tibor beramiz.

Ex: writing/ to write books are is not easy; preparing/to prepare hotdogs and hamburgers are
is difficult; drinking/to drink alcohol and smoking a cigarette is are bad.

🎯Infinite va gerund gapda complement bo’lib kelishi mumkin.

ex: I wont to go home early; I love parachuting; I help my friend do this homework …

— VERB + ING Bare infinite dan gerund yasamoqchi bo’lsak e tushirib ing qo’shamiz.
example: drive-driving, smile-smiling, smoke-smoking…

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exception: dye- dyeing;

singe- singeing;

age- ageing;

be- being;

— VERB + EE + ING Bare infinite double e ga tugasa to’g’ridan to’g’ri ing qo’shamiz.
example: agree-agreeing, flee- fleeing etc…

— VERB + Y + ING Agar bare infinite y harfiga tugasa to’g’ridan to’g’ri ing qo’shamiz.
example: fly-flying, try-trying, study-studying etc…

— VERB + C+ V+ C = C+ V+ CC+ ING Bare infinite bir bo’g’inli bo’lib c + v + c tugasa

oxiridagi c ikkilanadi va ing qo’shiladi.
example: stopping, putting, running, hitting…

— VERB + C+ V+ C Bare infinite 2 bo’ginli bo’lib v + c tugasa va 2-bo’g’inga urg’u tushsa

oxirgi harf ikkilanib ing qo’shamiz. example: admitting, forgetting, travelling, beginning,
exception: entering

— VERB+ IE= IE + ING =YING Bare infinite c+ vv tugasa ei tushirib ying qo’shamiz.
ex: die- dying; lie – lying; belie- belying


🔗Biz present continuousni ayni hozir davom etayotgan ish harakatlar uchun ishlatadi.
Ex: he is doing his homework at the moment…

🔗Agar gapda 2 ta continuous bo’lsa va u and bilan bog’langan bo’lsa 2-auxiliary verbni
tushirib qoldirsak bo’ladi. Ex: l’m listening and eating food;

🔗Aniq rejalashtirilgan va sodir bo’lishi mumkin bo’lgan ish harakatlar uchun ham present
continuousdan foydalanamiz. Ex: We are having extra lesson on Sunday; They are going to
the mountain next year; My kids aren’t going to school for a graduation party…

🔗bazi fe’llar borki ular continuousda ishlatilmaydi. be; want; belong to; need; forget; like;
love; hate; mean; depend; wish; understand; know; remember; prefer; believe.

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🔗 Bazi sifatlar bilan to beni continuous da ishlatishimiz mumkin bunda o’zini shunday
tutyapti degan ma’nolarda keladi ex: Tom is clever Tom aqllidir;
Tom is being clever Tom o’zini aqlli tutyapti (aqllini yoqvogan)
Henri is foolish Genri axmoqdir.
Henri is being foolish Genri o’zini axmoqlarcha tutmoqda (jinnini yoqvogan)

🔗 Alwaysni present continuousda ishlatishimiz mumkin lekin bu holatda qachon qaramasa

deb tarjima qilinadi, va so’zlovchining noroziligini bildiradi. Ex: he is always drawing a
picture of rabbit; they are always escaping from the school

To be + going to + V (moqchi)

🔗Ayni bir vaziyat boshqa bir ish harakatni sodir bo’lishiga ishora qilib kelayotgan bo’lsa biz tobe
going to dan foydalanamiz. Ex: you aren’t studying hard, you are going to fail the exam; my
sister is going to clean rooms tomorrow but I am not going to help her.


🔗 Odat tusiga kirgan tez tez sodir bo’ladigan ish harakatlarni ifodalash uchun present
simpledan foydalanamiz. Ex: We come to dombit three times a week; she has breakfast every

🔗O’zgarmas tabiat hodisalari uchun ham present simple ishlatamiz.

ex: water oils at 1000c; the sun rise from east…

🔗Non-continuous fe’llar present simpleda ishlatiladi.

ex: I hate to go to school; she loves watching anime …

🔗Jadval bo’yicha sodir bo’ladigan ish harakatlar uchun ham biz present simledan foydalanamiz
garchi ular kelajakni ifodalasa ham. Ex: it is 9:30 a.m my train leaves at 10 a.m; Eminem will
give a concert tonight.


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🔗O’tgan zamonda sodir bo’lib yakunlangan hozirgi zamonga aloqasi bo’lmagan ish harakatalar
uchun ishlatiladi.
Biz past simple yasashda irregular verbs ustunidan 2-ustunni tanlaymiz yoki ed qo’shamiz
ex: he celebrated his 15th birthday in our house; our teacher bought a new marker for today’s

🔗Past simple tense o’tgan zamonda sodir bo’lgan ish harakatlarni ko’rsatish uchun ishlatiladi.
Past simpleda aniq vaqt bo’lishi mumkin yoki bo’lmasligi ham mumkin.
ex: Yesterday, I went home late; I bought a new phone…

🔗Oldin sodir bo’lgan lekin qayta sodir bo’lmaydigan ish harakatlarni ifodalashda past simple
tensedan foydalanamiz. Ex: Amir Temur conquered Iron; I.Karimov made many changes in
UZB; A.Navoiy wrote very beautiful poems and fables about 600 years ago…

🔗<W> questions so’zlar bilan past simpleda ham foydalanib to’liqroq ma’lumot olamiz.
Ex: when/where/why did you learn Japanese…

🔗O’tgan zamonda odat tusiga kirgan ish harakatlarni ifodalash uchun ham past simpledan
foydalanamiz. Ex: John smoked 3 cigarettes a day; he always ran 5 km in the mornings
when he was younger …


🔗Oldin sodir bo’lgan lekin hozirda qaytarilmaydigan ish harakatlarni ifodalashda use to dan
foydalanamiz. Ex: we used to wet our beds in the past; Javohir used to kill a lot of people;
Terry didn’t use to translate normally …


🔗O’tgan zamonda ma’lum bir vaqtda davom etayotgan ish harakatlarni ifodalash uchun biz
past continuousdan foydalanamiz. ex: at 3 p.m yesterday, we were having a lesson;

🔗O’tgan zamonda asta sekinlik bilan rivojlanib va o’zgarib borayotgan ish harakatlarni past
continuousda ifodalaymiz. Ex: Controlling the country was becoming difficult; it was getting

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dark …

🔗Agar biror bir ish harakat sodir bo’layotganida boshqa bir ish harakat sodir bo’ldi demoqchi
bo’lsak quyidagi strukturalardan foydalanamiz.
When +past simple + Past continuous;
When/While + Past continuous+ Past simple;
When+ Past simple+ past simple
While +past continuous + Past continuous
ex: when I opened the door, my student were fighting; While the USA and CHINA were
fighting, Germany was making tanks; When I came, everybody were dancing; When I shouted,
my teacher kicked me


indefinite → a/an definite → the

🔗Agar noun sifat bilan tasvirlanib kelsa articleni shu sifatning oldidan qo’yamiz va tuslaymiz.
ex: a clear expression; an intelligent student;

🔗A/An articlelarini sanaladigan birlikdagi va birinchi marotaba takidlangan otlar oldidan

ex: I went to a shop and bought a marker but I couldn’t find an interesting book;

🔗A/An articlelarini biz kasb bildiradigan so’zlar oldidan ham ishlatamiz.

ex: she is a nurse but her mother was a woman-pilot; my friend’s father is a businessman but
he wants to be a doctor …

🔗A/An article sanalmaydigan va ko’plikdagi nounlar oldidan ishlatilmaydi. Ex: a butter; a

water; a student; a hair …

🔗 Breakfast; have lunch; dinner; supper kabi so’zlar oldidan a/an article ishlatilmaydi.
ex:what did you have for a breakfast;

🔗Agar breakfast; lunch; dinner so’zlaridan oldin adjective kelsa biz article ishlatishimiz shart.
ex: I usually have a quick supper; my groupmates went to a restaurant to have an amazing

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🔗Agar breakfast; lunch; dinner kimningdir yoki nimaningdir sharafiga uyushtirilgan bo’lsa bu
so’zlar oldidan a/an articlelarini ishlatamiz. Ex: my parents went to a dinner which was
organized for a new Prime Minister

🔗the article tartib sonlar oldidan ishlatamiz. Ex: the first student who finished the test was
Bob; John took the third place in the competition

🔗Tarixiy ismlar rim raqamlari bilan kelganida ularni o’qishda the article ishlatamiz.
ex: Elizabeth II - Elizabeth the second.

🔗Dunyodagi yagona narsalar oldidan ham the article ishlatamiz.

ex: THE+ moon; sun; sky; Eiffel tower; Great chines wall; Pyramids; Earth; Big ben

🔗Agar otni aniqlovchisi bo’lsa va o’sha otni to’liq aniqlab kelsa the article ishlatiladi.
ex: the restaurant where I met; the girl while a blue hat; the car that has black color

🔗Agar only so’zi yagona ma’nosida kelsa the article ishlatiladi. Lekin faqat ma’nosida kelsa
article ishlatilmaydi. Ex: he is the only son in the family; only your teacher can take your
inside; we bought only a pen; we bought the only a pen; we only bought the only pen;

1.Cardinal one; two; three
2.Ordinal the first; the second; the third

🔗Biz yuzlik va o’nlik o’rtasida and so’zidan foydalanamiz. O’nlik va birlik o’rtasida esa hypen (-)
dan foydalanamiz. ex: 84 eight- four; 4,891- four thousand eight and ninety- one;
1,789,561- one million seven hundred and eighty-nine thousand five hundred and sixty-one;
700,008,900,000,084- seven hundred trillion eight billion nine million and eighty-four;

🔗a Article one o’rnida ham ishlatiladi.

ex: 100- a hundred; 1000 a thousand; 10000-ten thousand

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🔗hundred; thousand; dozen; billion million kabi so’zlar aniq raqamlar bilan kelsa aniq miqdorni
bildiradi, tahmin chama manosida kelsa oldidan raqamlar ishlatilmaydi, va bu so’zlar oxiriga s
qo’shiladi va of so’zidan foydalaniladi.
ex: millions of people came to the wedding; we sold dozen eggs; we sold dozens of eggs
(millionlab tuxumlar)


🔗O’nlik kasrlarni o’qishda butun qismi oddiy sanoq son kabi va point qo’yiladi qolgan qismi
raqama-raqam o’qiladi. ex: 3.4- three point four; 17,14- seventeen point one four
112,33457700- one hundred and twelve point double three four five double seven double zero
100,0000000777777666666- a hundred point seven zeros six sevens six ones

double -- 2; triple – 3; quadruple – 4; 999999999 – eight nines

1st – the first; 1124th – the one thousand one hundred and twenty fourth


🔗Kasrlarini o’qishda suraq qismi sanoq son kabi maxraj qismi tartib son kabi o’qiladi.
ex:1/2- a second; 1/100- a hundredth

🔗Agar surat birdan yuqori bo’lsa maxrajdagi oxirgi songa s qo’shiladi. Ex: 3/12- three twelfths;
24/25- twenty four twenty fiveths; 100008/1000008 – a hundred thousand and eight a million
and eightths


🔗Aralash kasrlarni o’qishda butun qismi kasr qismidan and so’zi bilan ajratiladi.

7 6743
ex: 4 – four and seven eights; 791476 8945 - seven hundred and ninety-one thousand four
8 ¿
hundred and seventy-six and six thousand seven hundred and forty-three eight thousand nine
hundred and forty-fifths

🔗 Biz yillarni aytishda ham ikki xonalab aytishimiz mumkin. ex: 1991- nineteen ninety –one

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1000- ten hundred; 8880 eight eighty;


🔗Sifatlar otlarning oldidan kelib ularni tasvirlab keladi. Ex: My neighbor won a modern and
luxurious mansion in the lottery

🔗Adjective har doim ham otlar oldidan kelmaydi. U to be dan keyin nounsiz kelganda egani
tasvirlab kelayotgan bo’ladi ex: My mother is strict teacher; my mother is strict; the weather is

Positive- big; comparative- big- bigger; superlative- big- biggest

🔗Bir bo’g’inli sifatlarning comperative shaklini er qo’shimchasini qo’shish orqali superlative

shaklini esa est qo’shimchasini qo’shish orqali yasaymiz. Ex: small-smaller- the smallest; fine-
finer-the finest;

🔗Birdan ko’p bo’g’inli sifatlarning comperative shaklini more yordamida superlative shaklini esa
most orqali yasaymiz. Ex: boring-more boring- the most boring;

🔗Adjective er; ly; y ga tugasa ushbu qo’shimchalarni tushurib + er; est kabi qo’shamiz. Ex:
silly- sillier-the silliest; friendly-friendlier-friendliest; lazy-lazier-the laziest


🔗Sifatlarning darajalarini yasayotganimizda shakl almashishi hodisasi ham kuzatiladi. Ex: good-
better-the best; bad-worse-the worst; little-less-the least;

🔗Most so’zi juda, aksariyat, ko’pchilik, degan manolarida ham kelishi mumkin.
ex: Most students don’t do their lessons even in the library


🔗Ingliz tilida adjective ni 3 ta darajasi bor positive degree(daraja)-oddiy; comperative degree-

qiyosiy; superlative degree- ottirma darajalar.

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🔗Comperative degreeni 2 kishi narsa yoki guruhni taqqoslashda ishlatiladi.
Superlative esa biror bir kishi yoki narsani ma’lum bir guruh ichida eng degan manoda
ex: he is cleverer than her; Bob is the slowest in the class …


🔗Adverb gapdagi ish harakatlarni tasvirlash uchun ishlatiladi va adjectivega ly qo’shish orqali
ex: if you want to memorise new words quickly and you should find a quiet place and repeat
them laudly;

🔗y harfiga tugovchi adjectivelarning adverb shaklini y harfini tushirib o’rniga ly qo’shib

ex: funny- funnily; happy- happily; heavy- heavily

🔗E harfiga tugovchi adjectivelarning adverb shaklini yasaganda hech qanday o’zgarishsiz ly

ex: extreme- extremely; intensive- intensively;

exception: true- truly; whole- wholly; due-duly;

🔗 l harfiga tugovchi adjectivelarning adverb shaklini yasaganda hech qanday o’zgarishsiz ly

qo’shiladi. Ex: careful-carefully; cheerful-cheerfully; final-finally; actual-actually.

🔗ly harflariga tugovchi adjectivelarning adverb shaklini e harfini o’chirib o’rniga y harfini
qo’shish bilan yasaladi. Ex: sensible-sensibly; gentle-gently;

🔗ly harfiga tugovchi adjectivelarning adverbini quyidagi struktura orqali yasaymiz.

in a/an adj way/manner friendly; silly; lovely; lonely; lively; cowardly; ugly;
ex: he refused to fight against me in a cowardly manner; he treats everyone in a
friendly/friendlier/friendliest way


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🔗Bir bo’g’inli adverblarning comparative shaklini er, superlative shaklini esa est qo’shish orqali
yasaymiz. Ex: fast- faster-fastest, high-higher-highest; long-longer-longest.

🔗Birdan ko’p bo’ginli adverblarning comperative shaklini more so’zi orqali, superlative shaklini
esa most so’zi orqali yasaymiz. Ex: importantly-more important-most important; cruelly-more
cruelly-most cruelly;

exception: early-earlier; earliest; kindly-kindlier-kindliest


🔗Aniq vaqti berilmagan o’tgan zamonda boshlanib endi tugallangan va davom etishi mumkin
bo’lgan yoki yaqin o’tgan zamonda tugallangan ish harakatlar uchun biz present perfect
ex: I have come on time; I have drink coke: I haven’t had breakfast;

🔗Agar biz va ish harakat hali tugallanmagan vaqt oralig’ida bo’lsa, natijasi hozirda ko’rinib tursa
present perfect tense hisoblanadi. Ex: I have cleaned my room; he has cried…

🔗Agar biz for bilan for bilan allni qo’llasak forni o’chirib tashlaymiz.
for + all + year/lesson/day/month/lecture/holiday ex: I haven’t read anything for all year; we
have talked about present perfect for all lesson

p.p:agar for bo’lsa undan keyin article yoki son keladi.

🔗 Present perfect odatda tugallanmagan vaqt oralig’i bilan ishlatiladi.

ex: it is 10 a.m I haven’t had breakfast
it is 2 p.m I didn’t have breakfast


🔗Already present perfect zamonida allaqachon bajarilgan ish harakatlar uchun ishlatiladi va
auxiliarydan keyin kelib negative gaplarda ishlatilmaydi. Ex: I have already finished to do my

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🔗hali ham ma’nosida kelib asosan inkor va so’roq gaplarda gap oxirida keladi.
ex: We haven’t finished our grammar rules yet…


🔗endigina perfect zamonlarda endigina ma’nosida tugallangan ish harakatlarni ko’rsatish uchun
auxiliary dan keyin keladi va u odatda positive gaplarda bazan so’roq gaplarda ishlatiladi.
ex: She has just entered and moved out again to call her mother; have they just planted all


🔗Hech qachon ma’nosida kelib auxiliarydan keyin keladi va positive gaplarda ishlatiladi.
ex: My students have never done what I told properly people have never appreciated their time
and wasted a lot


🔗Qachondir ma’nolarida kelib so’roq gaplarda keladi va qachondir deb tarjima qilinadi.
ex: have you ever tried Japanese food?


🔗not undan keyin ever kelsa never(never) ga teng bo’ladi ex: Sarah has not ever driven a car

London is the most beautiful city I have ever visited London men tashrif buyurganlarim ichida
eng chiroylisi;

Blueprint and Reading are the most difficult books I have ever read blueprint va reading men
o’qigan kitoblarim ichida eng qiyini;

Our teacher is the most cruel teacher we have ever had O’qituvchimiz bizda
borbo’lgan/ko’rganlarimiz ichida eng shavqatsizi;

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🔗for mobaynida ko’plik zamonida biror bir ish harakat qancha davom etib kelganligini
ko’rsatishda ishlatiladi. ex: they have built their house for 2 years; Lily has used her phone for 5

Be; live; wait fe’llari bilan perfect zamonida forni ishlatish shart emas.
Ex: She has been in USA (for) 7 years; they have lived in Germany (for) 15 years; we have
waited for Tina (for) 15 minutes.


🔗since dan beri perfect zamonida ish harakatning boshlangan nuqtasini ko’rsatish uchun
ex: They have studied in this course since march; His uncle has worked in this greenhouse
since 8. a.m
since my childhood I have learned this book.


it has snowed for the last week it has snowed since last week
(exactly 7 days) (any days of a week)
o’tgan hafta mobaynida qor yog’gan o’tgan haftadan beri qor yog’gan


🔗Aniq vaqti berilmagan endi tugallangan va davom etishi mumkin bo’lgan yoki yaqin o’tgan
zamonda tugallangan ish harakatlar uchun biz present perfect continuousni ishlatamiz.
ex. We have been having our lesson for an hour; They have been building this house for 5 years
since 1991, our country has been developing.

🔗since when? = how long? →biror bir ish harakatni qanchadan beri sodir etib kelinayotganini
so’rash uchun ishlatiladi. ex: since when have you been ploughing the ground? -since morning
how long has Bob been washing this car? – He has been washing for 2 hours

🔗Wish va want tashqari barcha non-continuous verblarni bu zamonda ishlata olmaymiz.

ex: she has been wishing to pass the exam since April (U apreldan beri imtihondan o’tishni

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hohlab kelayotgan edi); He has been wanting to go to the playstation to play games wish his
friends for 30 days

🔗Agar ish harakatning miqdori aniq bo’lsa uni present parfect continuousda ishlata olmaymiz
uning o’rniga past perfect continuousdan foydalanamiz. Ex: J.K.Rawling has been writing
(written) 3 nowels since She moved to Los Angeles; I have been dringking several bottles of water
in the library

🔗Present perfect simple va Past parfect continuous farqi p.p simpleda natijaga urg’u berishda
ishlatiladi, p.p continuousda esa vaqt davomiyligiga urg’u beriladi.
ex: since morning, I have learned 5 words (pps);
since morning, I have been learning 5 words (ppc)


🔗Future simple ni kelajakdagi voqea hodisalarni tasvirlash uchun, vaqti ko’rsatilgan va

ko’rsatilmagan ish harakatlarga nisbatan ishlatiladi.
ex: I will pass the exam and I will be Primary II

🔗Future simpleni odatda quyidagi so’zlardan keyin ishlatiladi. assume; perhaps; think; believe;
probably; suppose; certainly; guess; surely.
ex: I think he will buy a new car next year; perhaps I will not solve pre-final quiz.


🔗Kelajakdagi ma’lum bir davrda davom etayotgan ish harakatlarni ifodalashda ishlatiladi.
ex: on Sunday at 9 a.m My students will be making the course bright

🔗Negative interrogative shakli won’t bo’ladi.

ex: won’t you be having lunch tomorrow?


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boy-girl man-woman
bachelor- nephew-niece
bridegroom- son-daughter
father-mother uncle-aunt
gentleman-lady widower-widow
husband-wife grandfather-


baby relation
child relative
infant spouse
parent teenager
foreigner neighbor (usa)
student neighbour (uk)
cousin acquaintance
actor-actress host-hostess
conductor-– manager-
conductress manageress
heir-heiress steward-
hero-heroine waiter-waitress


artist doctor
assistant guide
cook singer
dancer teacher
driver pupil etc.
duke-duchess lord-lady
earl-countess prince-princess
king-queen emperor-empress

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bull-cow lion-lioness
cock-hen raw-ewe
dog-bitch stag-doe
drake-duck stallion-mare
gander-goose tiger-tigress



crew staff gang
family majority* jury
team class club
government crowd chorus
group organization orchestra
herd council flock
shoal trouped cast
army committee etc.


Be Forget Mean Know
Want Like Depend Remember
Belong to Love Wish Prefer
Need Hate Understand Believe
Feel Hear See Sound
Agree Promise Surprise Imagine

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Noun + of + uncountable noun

A piece of advice A sheet of paper

A bit of news A jar of jam/honey
A drop of oil/blood A cup of tea/coffee
A grain of sand A piece of wood
A cake of soap A bottle of water
A strand of hair A glass of juice/milk
A sack of flour A spoon of sugar
An article of closing A loaf of bread
A bowl of soup A pinch of salt
A tube of toothpaste A blade of grass
A pane of glass A slice of lemon/melon/watermelon
A bar of chocolate A piece of
A can of soup meat/cheese/sausage/butter

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