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The Preservice Technology Training Experiences of Novice Teachers

Susan R. Sutton
St. Cloud State University

Abstract possible, but study after study has shown Teachers (NETS•T). The final purpose
that teachers do not feel adequately of this study was to develop themes
The researcher designed this qualita-
prepared to integrate technology into regarding what constitutes relevant and
tive study to identify and explore the
their classroom instruction for student- useful technology training experiences
preservice technology training ex-
centered learning (Albee, 2003; Basham, for preservice teachers. Ultimately, the
periences of novice teachers and ex-
Palla, & Pianfetti, 2005; Darling-Ham- goal of this study is to inform practice
amine their perceptions of how well
mond, Chung, & Frelow, 2002; Doering, by recommending specific measures that
their teacher preparation program
Hughes, & Huffman, 2003; Imbimbo, teacher educators can take to enhance
equipped them with the knowledge
2003; Kelceoglu, 2006; Flemming, Mota- the technology training experiences of
and skills necessary to fulfill the Na-
medi, & May, 2007). Even though the their preservice teachers.
tional Educational Technology Stan-
rate of technology use and the degree Ideally, preservice teachers’ technol-
dards for Teachers (NETS•T). The
of its accessibility in the classroom have ogy training experiences should remain
researcher collected data by following
increased, most teachers and students useful and relevant once those teachers
an instrumental case study design
still tend to use technology only for are instructing students in their own
utilizing semi-structured interviews,
basic tasks such as communication, classrooms. But how can teacher prepa-
documents, and field notes. Simulta-
record keeping, and Internet research on ration programs ensure that the technol-
neous collection and analysis of the
instructional materials (Barron, Kemker, ogy training experiences they provide
data helped the researcher to create
Harmes, & Kalaydjian, 2003; Brown & actually serve teachers’ needs in the long
a deeper understanding of the tech-
Warshauer, 2006; U.S. Department of run? By following graduates into their
nology training experiences of novice
Education, 2003; Flemming, Motamedi, schools and asking them to reflect on
teachers. The findings were organized
& May, 2007; Henning, 2006; Imbimbo, the meaning and value of their preser-
into major themes that facilitated
2003; U.S. Department of Education, vice technology training experiences,
interpretation through the lens of
2000c; Wang, 2002). If, as these studies the researcher hoped to assess how well
ISTE’s Essential Conditions for Imple-
suggest, teachers continue to feel inade- their preservice training aligned with the
menting NETS for Teachers (ISTE,
quately prepared to integrate technology challenges they found themselves facing
2000b). The data analysis revealed
despite large investments in technology down the line.
three major themes: (a) a discon-
training, then it is critical to reveal the This study was guided by the follow-
nect between technology training and
underlying issues behind these feelings ing two research questions:
other aspects of teacher training, (b)
of inadequacy.
a lack of content-area relevance, and 1. What were the preservice technology
c) inadequate retention and transfer. training experiences and the mean-
(Keywords: preservice, technology, ings of those experiences for novice
The purpose of this study was to identify
teacher education, teacher prepara- teachers who had graduated from a
and analyze the preservice technology
tion program, perceptions, technology post-baccalaureate, fifth-year teacher
training experiences of novice teachers.
training) preparation program at a Research
By examining the preservice teachers’
University/Very High (RU/VH) in
technology training experiences, the
the southeastern United States?

iven the push to train our researcher hoped to determine which
2. What were novice teachers’ beliefs
students to possess 21st century of these experiences novice teachers
about how well their technology
skills, one might expect that found to be “relevant and useful” or “not
training experiences equipped them
colleges and universities would provide relevant and useful” once they were out
with the knowledge and skills neces-
all the tools, assistance, and time that in the field managing their own class-
sary to fulfill the NETS•T?
preservice teachers need to integrate rooms. Furthermore, this study exam-
technology into their instruction. ined novice teachers’ perceptions of how
Teacher educators may believe that they well their teacher preparation program Theoretical Framework
provide all the necessary training so equipped them with the knowledge and This study was conducted and inter-
that their graduates can go out into the skills necessary to fulfill the National preted in the context of the Essential
world with the best 21st century skills Educational Technology Standards for Conditions for Implementing NETS for

Volume 28 Number 1 | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | 39

Copyright © 2011, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
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Table 1. Demographic Information by Percentages (n = 20)

Teachers from the International Society to a population, but to develop an in-
for Technology in Education (ISTE). The depth exploration of a central phe- Characteristics Frequency Percentages
researcher chose this framework to guide nomenon” (p. 213). Gay and Airasian Gender
this study because the 10 conditions are (2000) agreed: “It is not the intent of Female 15 75
accepted as “essential in creating learn- the researcher to generalize to a larger Male 5 25
ing environments that are conducive” population but to describe a particular Age
to the integration of technology, and context in depth” (p. 139). Therefore, 25–29 11 55
ISTE developed them to assist schools, the researcher intentionally selected 30–39 3 15
colleges, and departments of education participants and a site that was “infor- 40–49 4 20
in overcoming the barriers to technology mation rich” (Patton, 1990, p. 169) and 50–59 2 10
integration (ISTE, 2000, p. 1). would “help people learn about the Highest Degree Awarded
phenomenon and give voice to individ- BS 3 15
A Rationale for the Focus on Perceptions uals who may not otherwise have been MS 13 65
Although teachers’ perceptions do not heard” (Creswell, p. 214). EdS 4 20
always measure what teachers actually Grade Levels
know and do, their experiences and Site and Sample K 1 5
PK–5 7 35
perceptions are important. As one re- The researcher conducted the study
6–8 2 10
searcher has argued, “These perceptions at a post-baccalaureate, fifth-year
9–12 7 35
provide useful information on areas teacher preparation program in the
Higher Education 1 5
where teachers feel most knowledgeable college of education at a large RU/VH
PK–8 Special Education 1 5
and areas where they feel most lacking” university in the southeastern United
K–12 Special Education 1 5
(Imbimbo, 2003, p.7). By probing novice States. The target population from
School Systems
teachers’ perceptions of their experienc- which the sample was taken consisted
es, it is possible to zero in on aspects of of novice teachers who had graduated Public 15 75
teachers’ training that affect their sense from the teacher preparation program State 2 10
Private 1 5
of self-efficacy and, thus, directly influ- during the 2005–07 school years and
Alternative 1 5
ence the decisions they make in their had been out in the field managing
Community College 1 5
own classrooms. If we can understand their own classrooms for 1–3 years.
Years Teaching
what gaps in previous training teachers Twenty participants from this target
feel most acutely and the learned skills population volunteered to participate 1 1 5
they exercise with the most confidence, in the semi-structured, audiotaped 2 7 35
we have a better chance of providing interviews. These 20 participants came 3 12 60
training that will positively influence from seven school districts, 14 schools, Subjects Taught
their self-efficacy, and, thus, their teach- one alternative learning center, one Math 10 50
ing practices. The findings from this developmental center, and one com- Science 8 40
English 10 50
study may provide university adminis- munity college. Due to the confiden-
Social Studies 6 30
trators, faculty, and staff with relevant tiality assurances that the researcher
Health 5 25
information for future decisions that can provided to the participants, the study
Art 3 15
improve the technology training experi- does not use their names. An in-depth Reading 6 30
ences for current and future students. description of the 20 participants in History 1 5
Also, although this study was conducted this study, based on demographic
# of Computers in Classroom
at only one university, these data can be information obtained during the semi-
1 4 20
beneficial to other institutions across the structured interviews, is presented in
2 9 45
country by providing them with insights Table 1 and Table 2.
3 3 15
into what teachers’ own perceptions of 4 1 5
the challenges they face and the skills More on the Setting for this Study 5 1 5
they need. The college of education that serves as 6 1 5
the setting for this study is dedicated to 25 1 5
Method providing its candidates with the knowl- # of Computers Connected to Internet
The researcher designed this study as edge and skills necessary for them to be
1 11 55
an instrumental case study utilizing successful teachers in the 21st century. 2 4 20
semi-structured interviews, document The college of education graduates ap- 3 3 15
reviews, and reflective field notes. proximately 400 new teachers per year. 5 1 5
Creswell (2008) notes, “In qualitative Preservice teachers enrolled in 25 1 5
inquiry, the intent is not to generalize the teacher preparation program are

40 | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | Volume 28 Number 1

Copyright © 2011, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l),, All rights reserved.
Technology Training Experiences

Table 2. Demographics of Participants (N = 20)

Numbers of Computers Number of Computers
Participant Gender Age Academic Grade Level School System Years Teaching Subjects Taught in the Classroom Connected to the Internet
1 M 48 BS, MS 8 P 3 Math 2 2
2 F 28 BS 9–12 A 2 All subjects 1 1
3 F 40 BS, MS, EdS PK–5 D 3 All subjects 2 1
4 F 57 BS, MS 9–12 P 2 History 1 1
5 F 59 BS, MS 9–12 S 3 All special education 6 1
6 M 33 BS, MS 9–12 P 2 English 2 1
7 F 25 BS, MS 6–8 P 3 English, reading 2 2
8 F 27 BS, MS PK–5 P 3 All Subjects 2 2
9 F 26 BS, MS 9–12 P 3 English 4 4
10 F 26 BS, MS PK–5 P 3 All subjects 3 3
11 F 29 BS, MS 9–12 P 3 Science 2 1
12 F 25 BS 9–12 P 2 Social studies 2 1
13 M 39 BS 9–12 S 2 All special education 1 1
14 M 47 BS, MS 13 CC 3 Math 25 25
15 F 26 BS, MS, EdS K P 3 All subjects 2 2
16 F 47 BS, MS PK–5 P 3 Art 1 1
17 F 25 BS, MS, EdS 9–12 P 2 Science 3 3
18 F 30 BS, MS PK–5 P 2 Art 3 3
19 F 27 BS, MS, EdS PK–5 P 3 All subjects 5 5
20 M 25 BS, MS PK–8 P 3 All subjects 1 1

required to complete one 3-credit, Data Collection Procedures own classrooms. The researcher asked
standalone technology core course The data for this study came from three the novice teachers to describe their
called Introduction to Instructional sources. First, the researcher conducted technology training experiences during
Computing (IT486). The college of edu- semi-structured interviews asking the their teacher preparation program; what
cation offers five sections each semester; novice teachers to share their preservice technology problems they encountered,
candidates can take this course prior to technology training experiences. The if any; the types of technology training
or concurrent with their methodology second source of data was preexisting experiences they would have liked to
courses or field experience. Sections documents, including end-of-the-course have had during their preservice tech-
are not specifically designed for initial evaluations and data gathered from nology training; and their recommenda-
licensure program, and the course is not the Professional Year Survey and the tions for improving technology training
integrated into the teacher candidates’ Teacher Education Follow-Up Survey. for preservice teachers. Furthermore,
specific content areas. The third source of data was reflective the researcher asked them to share their
This course is based on and aligned field notes that the researcher wrote perceptions of how well their teacher
with the International Society for Tech- directly after each interview. Table 3 preparation program equipped them
nology in Education (ISTE) NETS•T (p. 42) provides a visual representation with the knowledge and skills necessary
and state licensure standards for teach- of the relationship between the data to fulfill the NETS•T.
ers. It provides an introduction to the sources and the research questions. This The semi-structured interviews
integration of technology in the class- chart documents that all data collected served the purpose of exploring gradu-
room and covers a wide variety of types answered one of the research questions ates’ own perceptions of their technol-
of software programs, such as word posed in this study. ogy training experiences; the data were
processing, spreadsheets, presentation, Semi-structured interviews. The not intended to be generalizable. To
photo editing, video editing, graphic researcher used semi-structured inter- increase the integrity of the interviews,
organizers, and Web authoring. It also views to identify the novice teachers’ the researcher cross-referenced research
introduces teacher candidates to Web- preservice technology training experi- questions and interview questions (see
Quests, blogs, and wikis. Blackboard ences and determine which of these ex- Table 4, p. 42).
provides access to assignments, quiz- periences they found to be “relevant and Pilot study. After receiving Institu-
zes, wikis, and links to various Internet useful” or “not relevant and useful” once tional Review Board permission, the
resources. they were in the field managing their researcher conducted a pilot study with

Volume 28 Number 1 | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | 41

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(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l),, All rights reserved.

Table 3. Matrix of Research Questions and Data Sources

annually by the Office of Professional
Teacher Education Licensure Assessment, which collects
Reflective Interview Professional Year End-of-Course Follow-Up
Research Questions Field Notes Transcripts Survey Data Evaluations Survey Data
data from preservice teachers who have
completed their internships. The survey
11. Preservice Training X X X X X
Experiences asks preservice teachers to anony-
mously evaluate their teacher prepara-
22. Training for NETS•T X X X X
tion program. The researcher requested
to obtain the data from the College
Table 4. Research Questions in Relation to Interview Questions
of Education Office of Professional
Research Questions Interview Questions Licensure. The researcher examined the
11. Preservice Training Experiences 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 summarized data from Question 16:
22. NETS for Teachers 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 “Were you adequately prepared in the
use of technology?”
two participants who had graduated profession. From May 1 through May Teacher Education Follow-Up Survey
from the teacher preparation program 28, the researcher conducted 20 semi- data. The Office of Professional Licen-
during the 2005–2007 school years, had structured interviews with novice sure Assessment team conducts the
been out in the field managing their own teachers who had volunteered their Teacher Education Follow-Up Survey
classrooms for 1–3 years, and had vol- time to participate in a 45- to 60-min- annually. This survey collects data from
unteered to participate in a semi-struc- ute interview. Most of the interviews graduates who have completed the
tured interview. The researcher used the were conducted in the novice teachers’ licensure requirements and have worked
interview protocol, acquired signatures classrooms, and two were conducted in in the field teaching for the previous
on the consent forms, and recorded the a public library. The researcher used the year. The survey asks graduates to share
interviews. After the interviews, the interview protocol, acquired signatures information about their employment
researcher asked participants to make on the consent forms, digitally recorded and location as well as feedback regard-
comments on the interview protocol’s each interview with a digital voice ing their experiences while in their
content and the clarity of the questions. recorder, and transcribed the recordings professional preparation program. The
The researcher used input from the pilot for analysis. These interviews focused on researcher examined the summarized
study to refine the interview protocol. Research Questions 1 and 2. data from two open-ended questions in
Procedure. After receiving Institu- Documents. By using “secondary” or Section III of the survey: “What were
tional Review Board permission, the “existing data” (Tashakkori & Teddlie, the strengths of the teacher education
researcher made a request to the College 2003, p. 314), this researcher was able program?” and “In what areas, if any, do
of Education Office of Professional to gain a fuller understanding of the you not feel adequately prepared?”
Licensure to obtain the list of all candi- perspective of the participants involved Reflective field notes. In addition to
dates who graduated from the program in the phenomenon. The documents digitally recording the interviews, the
between 2005 and 2007. This office asks the researcher reviewed for this study researcher wrote reflective notes after
all teacher candidates to complete a included end-of-the-course evalua- each interview. Such reflective journaling
Teacher Education Follow-Up Survey tions, the Professional Year Survey data, made it possible to capture “the re-
after completing their internships and and the Teacher Education Follow-Up searcher’s frame of mind, ideas, concerns
then sends the Professional Year Survey Survey data. … strategies, hunches, and patterns that
to all graduates one year after leaving the End-of-the-course evaluations. At the emerge[d]” (Bogdan & Biklen, 2007, p.
program. The researcher sent an invita- end of each course, students are asked to 118) during each interview. The research-
tion via e-mail to 138 potential partici- complete a survey evaluating their facul- er recorded no names or identifying
pants asking them to participate in a ty and courses. End-of-the course evalu- information in these reflective field notes.
45- to 60-minute interview about their ations provide students the opportunity
technology training experiences while to give feedback about the instruction Data Analysis
in the teacher preparation program. and course content they have received. The researcher analyzed the qualita-
Because 31% (43) of these e-mail ad- Looking at these data, the researcher was tive data using the constant compara-
dresses were invalid, only 69% (95) were able to triangulate in regard to Research tive method (Glaser & Strauss, 1967).
sent successfully. Of these 95 requests, Question 1. Question 19 on the Stu- Though the constant comparative meth-
30% (29) of the potential participants dent Assessment of Instruction System od is often described as a series of steps,
responded to the researcher’s e-mail. (SAIS) Survey (Form E) asks students it is actually cyclical in nature. Bogdan
Of the 29 potential participants, 9 were to rate the relevance and usefulness of and Biklen (2007) state, “The series of
eliminated because the novice teach- course content. steps goes on all at once, and the analysis
ers worked in another state, were not Professional Year Survey data. The keeps doubling back to more data collec-
teaching, or were working in another Professional Year Survey is conducted tion and coding” (p. 75). The researcher

42 | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | Volume 28 Number 1

Copyright © 2011, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l),, All rights reserved.
Technology Training Experiences

Table 5. Matrix of Responses in Theme Outline

coded and analyzed transcripts and
Teacher Education
reflective field notes according to recur-
Categories Interview Transcripts Reflective Field Notes Follow-Up Survey Data
ring themes using QDA Miner software.
QDA Miner was used to organize,
search, and code data into categories Big Push/Expectations X X
so the researcher could study patterns Connections X X X
among the codes. The QDA Miner Contradictory X X X
software was a useful organizational tool Retention and Transfer
because it allowed the researcher to code Isolated X X X
the data in different segments, which
Crash Course X X X
then allowed the researcher to bring
Time Constraints X X
these different segments together to cre-
ate categories or themes. Relevance
Simultaneous collection and analysis Value X X X
of the data helped the researcher create a Exposure/Modeling X X X
deeper understanding of the technology
training experiences of novice teachers. own learning experience is as important riences using technology in their own
Utilizing the “Perspective Held by Sub- as assessing teachers’ actual training and professional education. They were not
jects,” the researcher developed initial abilities. As one researcher noted, “These able to see many connections between
codes by coding responses reflecting perceptions provide useful informa- their one required technology course
similar or identical perspectives (Bod- tion on areas where teachers feel most and the teaching theories and methods
gan & Biklen, p. 173, 2007). Next, the knowledgeable and areas where they that they were learning in their other
researcher combined similar codes into feel most lacking” (Imbimbo, 2003, p. courses; they expressed a strong sense
categories. During this process, codes 7). The Essential Conditions for Imple- of contradiction between the ways they
with similar meaning were combined to menting NETS for Teachers served as were asked to use technology within
create new categories. After establishing the lens through which the researcher their teaching and the ways their own
the different categories, the researcher analyzed and interpreted the data. In teachers—the faculty of their teacher
integrated them to develop themes. the process of data interpretation, three education program—integrated tech-
major themes regarding the Essen- nology into their classes. The findings
Validity and Reliability tial Conditions became evident: (a) a from this study provide evidence for the
To keep personal biases from intrud- disconnect between preservice teachers’ concern raised by Bullock (2004) and
ing into the data collection process and technology training and other aspects of Brzycki and Dudt (2005) that, unless the
analysis and to assure the trustworthi- their professional education, (b) a lack of connections between technology and
ness, credibility, and authenticity of content-area relevance, and c) inad- other aspects of teaching are explicitly
this study (Gay & Airasian, 2000), the equate retention and transfer. demonstrated to pre-service teach-
researcher used these strategies: (a) ers, they may not be able to transfer
staying in the field longer to obtain ad- Disconnect the knowledge and skills gained from
ditional data to compare participants’ Participants in this study perceived a their technology courses to their own
consistency of responses, (b) recogniz- disconnect between their technology future classrooms. This study also offers
ing my own biases and acknowledging training and the rest of their teacher support for Brzycki and Dudt’s view
them, (c) performing a member check preparation program. Over and over that teachers in training need authentic
before and after analysis of the semi- again, they remarked that the program learning experiences throughout their
structured interviews, (d) recording all had made a big push for them to incor- teacher education program and direct
interviews with a tape recorder, (e) re- porate technology into their classroom experiences of the connections between
cording reflective field notes with paper presentations, lesson plans, and intern- theory and practice. As Bullock (2004)
and pencil, and (f) triangulating data ship experiences, but paradoxically they said, preservice teachers need to see
sources. Table 5 is a visual representa- perceived a lack of emphasis on technol- models for how educational practices
tion of the triangulation of data sources ogy training outside the one required transfer from “university classroom to
and the three major themes developed technology course. These novice teach- real-life situations” (p. 234).
from analysis of the data. ers understood that they were expected
to develop student-centered, technolo- Relevance
Results gy-rich lessons, but most of them said Another key theme that emerged from
As noted above, this study was predi- that they lacked the confidence to do so this study concerned perceived “rel-
cated on the assumption that under- because, in their own view, they had not evance.” Many studies have established
standing teachers’ perceptions of their had a sufficient range of authentic expe- how important it is for teachers to develop

Volume 28 Number 1 | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | 43

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(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l),, All rights reserved.

an appreciation for the relevance of from the data gathered for this study: practice, and reflect on student-centered,
their technology training to their retention and transfer. technology-enriched lessons. A single,
broader teaching objectives, especially isolated technology training course is
with regard to their particular content Retention and Transfer not sufficient to achieve these goals.
areas. Kanaya et al. (2005) has similarly Although the novice teachers in this
determined that when the relevance of study liked that their technology course Implications
skills is explained or demonstrated as exposed them to a variety of educa- What can university administrators, fac-
part of training, teachers’ perceptions of tional technologies, they expressed ulty, and staff take away from this study?
the value of the training are increased. concern that this required technology What insights does it offer about how to
Lambert (2005) argues that preservice course seemed like a crash course. They enhance the effectiveness of preservice
teachers are only going to be able to see believed that the concentration of all of teachers’ technology training experienc-
the relevance of using technology tools their technology training into a single es? This study has several implications
within their particular content areas if course made the learning process too in- for the university administrators, faculty,
faculty members in those content areas tense, even overwhelming. To retain the and staff charged with making decisions
model these technology tools. Lambert new technology skills they had learned about the direction of technology inte-
has stated that “a more comprehensive in their technology course, the teachers gration training for the future.
curriculum would provide students with said they needed more time to practice, As noted above, this study was con-
a background in teaching and learning reflect, and plan student-centered, tech- ducted and interpreted in the context
and tools, instructional strategies, lesson nology-rich lessons. The limited amount of the Essential Conditions for Imple-
plans, and standards to be able to apply of time they were able to spend on each menting NETS for Teachers. The first
the skills throughout their methods technology project was not sufficient Essential Condition from ISTE is shared
courses and student teaching” (p. 6). to allow them to experiment and refine vision. It states that there must “be a
This study confirms these previous their knowledge and skills in regard to proactive leadership and administrative
findings and exposes a problem: The technology integration. In their view, the support from the entire system” (ISTE,
majority of the preservice teachers inter- time constraints of the course made it 2000b, p. 1). This study’s findings suggest
viewed for this study described the soft- difficult for them to retain and transfer something about the form that such
ware packages they had learned in their the knowledge and skills necessary into support must take if it is to be effective.
one required technology course as not their present classroom teaching. The The participants in this study felt their
being relevant to their particular content teachers also expressed a desire for more teacher education faculty and adminis-
areas. When asked to comment further, time to process information regard- tration did share a vision for technology
many remarked that, to create student- ing the NETS. Across the board, these integration, but they felt that this vision
centered, technology-rich lessons for teachers said they would have liked to took the form of “a big push” discon-
their own classrooms, they would have have seen these technology standards nected from authentic learning experi-
needed to see their content-area profes- incorporated into all of their courses ences. One implication of this study
sors model technology integration. Yet so that they could have gradually built is that deeds must match words in the
perhaps the most striking report from confidence in their ability to implement effort to promote and support technol-
these novice teachers was that during the standards. ogy training throughout the system. The
their university studies, they rarely had The overall conclusion of this study faculty who instruct preservice teachers
the opportunity to experience, as learn- is clear: In order for preservice teach- must be qualified to demonstrate and
ers, the particular ways that technology ers to see a connection between the model the vision of technology integra-
could enhance instruction in the content words and actions of university faculty tion that they promote.
areas that they would later be teaching. regarding the importance of technology A related implication focuses on au-
From the perspective of these novice integration, in order for them to see the thentic learning and hands-on experi-
teachers, their one isolated technology relevance of technological skills to their ences. Future preservice teachers need
course provided them insufficient expo- content areas, and in order for them to to be provided with authentic learning
sure to the appropriate uses of specific have sufficient time to retain and reflect experiences so they can connect the
technology tools in their particular on the technology skills they have been theory to the practice in relation to
content areas. Repeatedly, the partici- exposed to, they need to be provided technology integration. Furthermore,
pants in this study expressed the belief with authentic learning experiences us- they need more hands-on experi-
that isolating the technology training ing technology throughout their teacher ences in creating student-centered,
in a single course did not allow them preparation program. It is essential technology-rich lessons throughout
to retain and transfer the information that our preservice teachers receive their teacher preparation program. This
gained from this course to their pres- continuous instruction in technology recommendation is consistent with the
ent classroom teaching. This perception integration across the curriculum and conclusions drawn by other researchers,
points to one final theme that emerged have many opportunities to observe, including Bullock (2004) and Moersch

44 | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | Volume 28 Number 1

Copyright © 2011, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l),, All rights reserved.
Technology Training Experiences

(2003), but the current study lends even all “teacher education faculty must be reflect on student-centered, technology-
more urgency to the recommendation skilled in using technology systems and rich lessons so that they can retain and
by highlighting the confusion—perhaps software appropriate to their subject transfer the knowledge and skills they
even cynicism—engendered by the area and model effective use as part of have gained in regard to technology
disconnect between words and deeds the preservice teachers’ coursework” integration. One major benefit of inte-
that these teachers perceived in their (ISTE, 2000b, p. 1). This necessity is also grating technology training across the
preservice training. acknowledged in Essential Condition 4, curriculum would be to give teachers in
The second Essential Condition professional development, which recom- training more opportunities to practice
from ISTE (2000b) concerns access. mends “personnel in teacher education using technology, to get feedback on
It states that teacher education faculty and field experience sites are provided their efforts, and to reflect on the value
“must have access to current technolo- with ongoing professional development” that technology adds to their teaching.
gies, software, and telecommunications and Essential Condition 5, technical as- This cannot be accomplished in a single
networks” (ISTE, 2000, p. 1). Access was sistance, which suggests “educators have semester but must take place through-
not a problem for the university in this technical assistance for maintaining and out their teacher training program.
study: Both faculty and students had using technology” (ISTE, 2000b, p. 1). The trajectory of technology training
ready access to a wide range of technolo- Were these conditions met at the uni- should also extend into their teaching
gies, both in and outside their class- versity that was the focus of this study? internships and perhaps beyond. Future
rooms. Yet many participants expressed Although the researcher did not collect preservice teachers would benefit from
a concern that they rarely used these data on the level of technical expertise being able to consult with experts in
technology-rich environments, aside of the faculty of this teacher educa- technology integration as they begin to
from the required technology course. tion program, she did observe that the work in their own classrooms. ISTE’s
Thus, another implication of this study is campus provides ongoing professional Essential Condition 9, community sup-
that access to technology, while per- development and technical support for port, recommends that “teacher prepara-
haps a necessary condition for effective its faculty, academic teaching staff, and tion programs provide teacher candi-
training in technology integration, is graduate teaching assistants. In addition, dates with opportunities to participate
not sufficient. Curriculum and learning Essential Condition 10, support policies, in field experiences at partner schools
experiences need to be structured so recommends that “school and univer- where technology integration is mod-
that preservice teachers and their faculty sity policies, financing, and reward eled” (ISTE, 2000b, p. 1). Throughout
are motivated to employ the resources structures should be in place to support the interviews, participants consistently
available to them. technology in learning” (ISTE, 2000b, commented on the lack of technol-
Yet another implication of this study p. 1). Although policies associated with ogy support they received during their
relates to the seventh Essential Condi- accreditation, standards, and budget al- internships. Several also noted that their
tion, student-centered teaching, which locations were in place at this university, mentoring teachers did not use tech-
suggests that “teaching in all settings en- the researcher did not investigate the nology. Many stated they would have
compasses student-centered approaches personnel decisions in the teacher edu- appreciated some technology support
to learning” (ISTE, 2000b, p. 1). The cation program or the field experience from the university during their intern-
seventh essential condition reminds sites in regard to technology integra- ship so they could feel more confident in
us that a student-centered, hands-on tion (perhaps another research study). presenting technology-rich lessons.
approach is necessary for learners to de- Furthermore, ISTE suggests “retention,
velop confidence in their skills. As noted tenure, promotion, and merit policies Recommendations for Future Research
above, the majority of the participants reward innovative uses of technology Many researchers have surveyed stu-
in this study perceived that they did not by faculty” (ISTE, 2000b, p. 1). These dents before, during, and immediately
receive sufficient hands-on technology policies were not implemented within after completing their teacher prepara-
training throughout their program, and, the teacher preparation program. One tion programs; however, little research
as a result, many of the teachers in this implication of this study may be that has been done to follow teacher educa-
study expressed feelings of inadequacy technology integration needs to be more tion graduates into their careers. As this
with regard to technology integration. highly valued and rewarded within the study has demonstrated, such research
For university faculty to develop university to encourage faculty across can yield valuable insights about teach-
effective, student-centered, hands-on the curriculum to make the necessary ers’ self-efficacy, and more of it should
learning activities for the preservice investment of time and effort to enhance be done.
teachers in their classes, they must their skills. Also, although the findings from this
themselves be skilled in using the The final implication of this study study cannot be generalized and may not
technologies. This need is expressed in concerns time: Teachers need time, produce similar results at other universi-
the third Essential Condition, skilled both during and after their preservice ties, a replication of this study at a state
educators, which recommends that training, to observe, plan, practice, and or national level should be conducted so

Volume 28 Number 1 | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | 45

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(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l),, All rights reserved.

technology training experiences of nov- rate the NETS•T within their teaching Brzycki, D., & Dudt, K. (2005). Overcoming
ice teachers who have graduated from so that present and future preservice barriers to technology use in teacher preparation
programs. Journal of Technology and Teacher
different RU/VH Universities across teachers receive adequate exposure to Education, 13(4), 619–641.
the state or across the nation have the these technology standards. Bullock, D. (2004). Moving from theory to
opportunity to share their technology Integrating technology and the practice: An examination of the factors that
training experiences. Examining these NETS•T throughout the teacher educa- preservice teachers encounter as the attempt
novice teachers experiences may provide tion program will require administration to gain experience teaching with technology
during filed placement experiences. Journal
insights that could promote change and faculty to not only think differently of Technology and Teacher Education, 12(2),
within teacher preparation programs about technology, but also to adjust their 211–237.
across the United States and enhance own behavior. As Jacobsen, Clifford, and Creswell, J. (1998). Qualitative inquiry and research
the effectiveness of preservice teachers’ Friesen (2002) observe, “Learning how design: Choosing among five traditions. Thousand
technology training. to teach and learning in new ways with Oaks, CA: Sage.
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Another recommendation for future technology requires imagination, intel- conducting, and evaluating quantitative and
research would be to expand this study lect, creativity, and no small courage” (p. qualitative research (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River,
by interviewing the designated technol- 368). The integration of technology into NJ: Pearson.
ogy teachers from each school and/or all aspects of teacher education must Creswell, J. (2008). Educational research: Planning,
the technology coordinators to see what be, as Mills and Tincher (2003) have conducting, and evaluating quantitative and
qualitative research (3rd ed.). Jersey City, NJ:
types of technology training experiences pointed out, a developmental process. Pearson/Prentice Hall.
they believe preservice teachers need. In fact, the disconnect that so many Creswell, J., & Clark, V. (2007). Designing and
Because they help teachers every day, of the preservice teachers in this study conducting mixed methods research. Thousand
these on-site experts see firsthand what perceived is likely evidence that we are Oaks, CA: Sage.
kinds of additional training our novice in the midst of the process, struggling to Doering, A., Hughes, J., & Huffman, D. (2003).
Preservice teachers: Are we thinking with
teachers need. match words with deeds and provide the technology? Journal of Research on Technology in
Finally, research is needed on how kinds of support teachers will need in a Education, 35(3), 342–362.
university faculty are using technology quickly changing technology environ- Fleming, L., Motamedi, V., & May, L. (2007).
in their own teaching and to what extent ment. However, as we move through Predicting preservice teacher competence in
these uses align with the NETS•T. All 20 the process, it is important for teacher computer technology: Modeling and application
in training environments. Journal of Technology
participants in this study requested more educators to have the goal in sight of a and Teacher Education, 15(2), 207–231.
modeling of technology integration time when technology is integrated into Gay, L., & Airasian, P. (2000). Educational research
from faculty in their content courses and learning across the curriculum, both in competencies for analysis and application (6th ed.).
within their methods courses. Research K–12 settings and the educational insti- Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
is needed to confirm these participants’ tutions where preservice teachers receive Glaser, B., & Strauss, A. (1967). The discovery of
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reports that university faculty members their training. Henning, J., Robinson, V., Herring, M., & McDonald,
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range of tasks—delivering content in student teaching: An examination of teacher
Author Note work samples. Journal of Computing in Teacher
PowerPoint presentations, accessing Susan R. Sutton, PhD, is an assistant professor at
information on the Internet, or com- Education, 23(2), 71–76.
St. Cloud State University, where she teaches classes
Imbimbo, J. (2003). The voice of the new teacher.
municating via e-mail—and not in the in information media. She is the coordinator of the
Washington, DC: Public Education Network.
ways that K–12 teachers are likely to Vera W. Russell Curriculum and Technology Center
Imbimbo, J., & Silvernail, D. (1999). Prepared to
and the Instructional Technology Discovery Lab in
need most. teach? Key findings of the New York City Teacher
the School of Education. She holds a BS in education
Survey. New York: New Visions for Public Schools.
with a concentration in special education from Ball
Conclusion International Society for Technology in Education
State University and an MS and PhD in education
(ISTE). (2000a). Resources for assessment. Eugene,
The overall conclusion of this study is with a concentration in instructional technology
OR: Author.
that, to be authentic, relevant, and re- from the University of Tennessee. Her research inter-
International Society for Technology in Education
ests involve the use and integration of technology in
tained, technology training needs to be (ISTE). (2000b). NETS for Teachers 2000 essential
teacher education, faculty development using tech-
infused throughout the education of pre- conditions. Retrieved from
nology, and distance education/online instruction.
service teachers. It should be addressed standards/nets-for-teachers.aspx
Please address correspondence regarding this article
International Society for Technology in
as an aspect of all the educational topics to Susan Sutton, Center for Information Media,
Education (ISTE) (2003). Educational
and standards covered in their classes, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN, 56301.
computing and technology standards. Eugene,
modeled in all of the instruction that OR: Author. Retrieved from http://www.
they receive, and utilized in all of their
practical experiences. A single technol- References ForTeachers/2000Standards/NETS_for_
Bogdan, R., & Biklen, S. (2007). Qualitative Teachers_2000.htm
ogy course is not sufficient. Second, all research in education: An introduction to theory International Society for Technology in Education
faculty members throughout the teacher and methods (5th ed.). Needham Heights, MA: (ISTE). (2007). About ISTE. Retrieved from http://
preparation program need to incorpo- Allyn & Bacon.

46 | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | Volume 28 Number 1

Copyright © 2011, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l),, All rights reserved.
Technology Training Experiences

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(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l),, All rights reserved.

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