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Introduction to Bull

The Bull Temple, located in Basavanagudi, Bengaluru, is one of the
oldest temples in Karnataka, dedicated to Nandi, the sacred bull of Lord

HA by Harsheen Kaur
Location and history of Bull Temple
Location History

Situated at the Bugle Rock Park, it holds great Built in the 16th century by Kempe Gowda, the
historical and religious significance. founder of Bangalore.
Architecture and design of the
1 Ancient Influence
The temple showcases Dravidian style architecture.

2 Sculptures
Adorned with intricately carved figures and motifs.

3 Single Stone Structure

The idol of Nandi is carved from a single granite rock.
Significance and religious beliefs
associated with the temple
1 Hindu Mythology 2 Blessings
It is believed to be a sacred ground Devotees believe that praying here
where Lord Shiva’s vehicle, Nandi, is brings peace, prosperity, and
worshipped. fulfillment of desires.
Rituals and festivals celebrated at Bull

Vara Mahalakshmi Festival Kadalekai Parishe

A religious event that draws many devotees, Annual groundnut fair, a traditional festival held
especially women. near the temple.
Visitors and devotees of Bull
Tourists Devotees
A popular destination attracting Regularly visited by local residents
numerous tourists and photographers. and devotees from neighboring areas.
Preservation and maintenance of
the temple
Heritage Conservation
1 Protected under the Karnataka Ancient and Historical Monuments and
Archaeological Sites and Remains Act 1961.

2 Regular maintenance and restoration work is carried out to preserve its
Conclusion and key points about
Bull Temple
1 Cultural Gem 2 Community Hub
Reflects the rich cultural and Integral to the social and religious
religious heritage of Karnataka. fabric of Bengaluru.

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