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Outline for solving EE for boosted BTZ

March 17, 2020

(A) After solving the equation of motion for x̃0 and ṽ 0 we get

k1 z
ṽ 0 = −(1/f (z)) + p (1)
f (z) f (z)(1 − z 2 k 2 ) + k12 z 2 (1 − f (z))
−k2 z
x̃0 = p (2)
f (z) f (z)(1 − z 2 k 2 ) + k12 z 2 (1 − f (z))

Now integrate to get ṽ(z) and x̃(z) upto an integration constant v0 , x0 , at the boundary t0
and v0 are same

(B) Now turning point calculation

(f (zs )(1 − zs2 k 2 ) + k12 zs2 (1 − f (zs ))) = 0 (3)

Now solve k2 in terms of k1 and zs , take the +ve root

(C) Now make the substitution z = zs cos(φ)

Now in the range φ ∈ {−π/2, π/2}, the boundary values have to be evaluated, we want (v0 , x0 )
to be (0, 0), so we have to set (v0 , x0 ) accordingly

v(φ)|φ=π/2 = 0,

will give v0 , same thing for x0

(D) At the other end (π/2, π/2) the points are arbitrary (ν, ξ)

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