Internahi Report

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This is to certify that this report titled ‘An internship report’’ carried out from 4 th July to 4th

September 2022 at Mountain Hotel, Buea has been carried out by FELICITA NEH ACHU

with registration number 36649 for the award of a Higher National Diploma in Tourism

and .Hotel Management.

……………………… Date……………………

Madam Sobe Sandra

………………………… Date……………………


I FELICITA NEH ACHU declare that I am the sole author of this report. I understand the

nature of plagiarism and I am aware of the institutions policy on this. I declare that this

report is an original work by me and contains neither material previously published by

aother person nor material that has been accepted for the ward of a certificate in any other

institution except where due to acknowledgment have been made.

……………………. date ……………………………..

Felicita Neh Achu


This piece of work is dedicated to my family, supervisors and general manager and

managers of the various departments at Mountain Hotel who guided me and trained me

throughout my period of internship.


I acknowledge God for his continuous strength, grace and for giving me an understanding

family and daughter to support me throughout this internship.


The internship started out from 4th July to 4th September 2022 at Mountain Hotel, Buea.

Work commenced from 6am. I was assigned to different department during my 2 months

of internship. I was assigned to the Restaurant and Bar for a period of 4 weeks and also the

kitchen, reception , housekeeping and laundry department. This gave me the ability to fully

exercise what we were taught in class. I got to serve and attend to clients. During this

period I got to practice what was taught in class by our lecturers and I also got to see the

differences between theory and the actual field work. During this period of internship, a lot

of challenges were faced by me, as well as the hotel. I also recommended some idea that

could be useful to the hotel in the short and long run.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER ONE...............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Definition and Objectives of Internship.........................................................................1
1.2 Significance of Internship..................................................................................................1
1.3 Presentation of Company...................................................................................................1
1.3.1 Company History.......................................................................................................1
1.3.2 Brief description of the various departments and their functions...............................3
1.3.3 Products and Services offered by Mountain Hotel.....................................................4
1.3.4 Organizational Structure of the Organization............................................................5
1.4 Definition of Terms.......................................................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO..............................................................................................................................7
LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................................................................7
2.1 CONCEPTUAL LITERATURE.......................................................................................7
1.1.1 The butter Model of Tourist Resort development......................................................7
1.1.2 Stage 2 and 3 which is the growth and development.................................................7
1.1.3 Stage 4- the success or consolidation stage................................................................8
1.1.4 Stage 5-Problem-Stagnation......................................................................................8
2.2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK.....................................................................................8
2.2.3 Moissec (1977) Model...............................................................................................8

2.2.4 Frederick W. Taylor (1836-1845) Management study.............................................10
2.2.5 Henri Fayol(1841-1920)..........................................................................................10
2.2.6 Max Web’s theory (18644-1920) of bureaucracy....................................................11
CHAPTER THREE.........................................................................................................................12
INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES.......................................................................................................12
3.1 Week One and Week 2: Restaurant and Bar....................................................................12
3.2 Week 3 and Week 4 Activities: Bar and restaurant..........................................................14
3.3 Week 5 Activities : Kitchen.............................................................................................16
3.4 Week 6 Activities: Pastries..............................................................................................17
3.5 Week 7 and 8 activities: Reception..................................................................................18
3.6 Week 8 and 9 Activities: House Keeping........................................................................20
3.7 Week 9 Activities: Laundry Department.........................................................................22
CHAPTER FOUR...........................................................................................................................23
4.1 Similarities between theories and Practices with justification.........................................23
4.2 Differences of the practices and theories.........................................................................24
4.3 Personal Challenges.........................................................................................................24
CHAPTER FIVE.............................................................................................................................26
5.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................26
5.2 Recommendation.............................................................................................................26
1.1.5 Recommendation in line with the focus area which restaurant and Bar...................26
5.3 General Recommendation for the Company....................................................................26
Appendix 1: Activity fr om Restaurant and Bar department...........................................................28
Appendix 2: Coffee Breakfast.....................................................................................................28
Appendix 3: I and my Field Supervisor.......................................................................................29
Apendix 4:I and my deparement supervisor and.........................................................................29
fellow intern colleague................................................................................................................29
Aappendix 5: Me cooking in the Kitchen....................................................................................30



1.1Definition and Objectives of Internship

Internship is a professional learning experience that offers meaningful practical look

related to a student field of study or career interested. Internship gives the student the

opportunity to career exploration and development and to learn new skills.

The main objective of internship is to expose you to the general public or a particular job

or profession or industry so that you have an idea of what is expected of you and how to

handle different challenges that comes in the industry or profession or industry. While you

might have an idea about what a job is like, you won’t know until you actually perform it.

1.2 Significance of Internship

The significance of this internship is both theories and practical all together to better up my

knowledge and understanding of Hotel I industry and how to adjust certain things in

the future when running my own business such as; the way to serve customers that is,

putting up a smiling face etc.

1.3 Presentation of Company

1.3.1 Company History

Mountain Hotel is a touristic resort of class situated at the foot of Mount Cameroon.

Mountain Hotel was built in 1952 by the British Colonial Administration. The hotel hosted

he ceremony of the independence of the then West Cameroon in 1961. After the

celebration Cameroon’s independence, the hotel was managed by private individuals like

Mr Koof, Mr Jean Claude the beaus, Mrs Motakaloko.

This hotel is managed by the Ministry of tourism and leisure: Madam Mbeng, Mr Nfor

Thedeous,Mr Guidem, Madam Rose Mbondi Mr Nfor Thoddeous from May 2015 to

October 2014 and Mrs Mbingolo Grace, General Manager from October 20144 till date. In

2014, the government started renovation work of the Hotel due to the forth coming

celebration of Cameroon’s independence and reunification day in Buea. His Excellency

Paul Biya had proclaimed. The renovation was also carried out to host some top

government officials diplomats that were to participate into the celebration of Cameroon’s


Mountain Hotel is a five star hotel with 112 rooms and 30 chalets. These rooms are of

different categories VIP chalet, deluxe, chalet, Junior suit, VIP rooms, executive room and

standard room,. A transportation service, parking, swimming pool, basket court, 200 seat

hall with secretariats, 25 seats meetings rooms, gym and 300 seats banquet ball. It has

various departments such as the kitchen, laundry, reception, restaurant/bar and

housekeeping, leisure and technical maintenance departments.

Mountain Hotel has repitation 112 rooms with the following categories of rooms with the

following ,

VIP Charlet 124,000frs

Executive Chambers 9400frs

Town Chambers 7500frs

VIP rooms 74000frs

Executive Senior 64,000frs

Executive Junior 49,000frs

Standard room 39,000frs

Mountain Hotel is a hotel known for its excellent customer services provision

1.3.2 Brief description of the various departments and their functions

Mountain Hotel has seven departments that helps with the running of the hotel which are

kitchen reception, housekeeping, bar and restaurant, technical and maintenances

department. These departments enable the smooth running of the hotel and the services

they offer excellent.

Firstly, we have the kitchen. This is where raw food such as plantains, fish, chicken is

being processed to eatable. In this departments we have things been found here like

cooking gas, plates, pots, fry pans, freezer etc. The main function of the kitchen is to

provide food to guest in presence and off presence that is, within the hotel and out of the

hotel using takeaways. They render human services during events and also provide forts

plate, tables and chairs, glasses etc during events.

Secondly, we have the reception. This is known as the front office. The first area that

guests meets when they gets into the hotel to get inquiries about the hotel. The main

function is welcome guests, do reservation, lodging, receiving calls, directing or escort of

guests to a specific location. They are the face of the hotel. Their presentation of anything

presents the hotel.

Furthermore, the house keeping department. This department is the general hygiene of the

hotel, that is, cleaning rooms, toilets, halls, corridors, walking parts etc. they are in

connection with the laundry department, which is involved with the dry cleaning of all

hotel linens; bed sheets, table clothes, comforters, window blinds, towels etc. this

department helps build and maintain the reputation of the hotel of it cleanliness and


In addition, there’s the restaurant and Bar. It’s the area of the hotel where people stomachs

are being taken care of. That is, foods and drinks are being served to customers or guests.

In the restaurant, they offer breakfast, lunch and dinner. As well, the bar offer cold drinks

and soft drinks. In this hotel, the bar and restaurant works in close relationship that is,

when eating you need water which comes from the bar. The main function is to provide

food to guests, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. When it comes to the bar, the provide

alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks to guests. This department is also in charge of providing

chairs, plates, forks etc which are services being offered.

Also, there is also the technical maintenance. This deals with the security, electricity, and

maintenance. Their main function is arrange bad objects, provide internet connection etc.

1.3.3 Products and Services offered by Mountain Hotel

Some of the products and services being offered by Mountain hotel, Buea is as follows;

 Lodging. They offer lodging services for tourist and the general public providing

very comfortable rooms.

 Reservation services. The hotel also offers reservation services. This is in the area

of customers booking a space or room before hand for future purpose.

 Rentals. The hotel also give out their halls for special events like birthday,

anniversaries, weddings and others

 Catering. They also offer catering services for events as they cook food for

different events

 Restaurant. There is also a restaurant owned by the hotel. This enables customers to

eat there.

 Club. The hotel also has a club for fun and musical nights.

1.3.4 Organizational Structure of the Organization



Resp Chef Chef

Resp reception Governante Resp ceial controleur Econome
Restaurant Comptable technique


Assistant Assistant Attache Aide

Maite Chef de tresoriere
d’hotel cuisine ceial Econome

Night receptionist
Chef de Chef de chauffeur
rang portie

½ Chef de ½ Chef de
range partie
linger Valet/F.oel
salle Commis de

1.4 Definition of Terms

 Cold room: A cold room is a type of refrigeration insulated space designed to

maintain tempaerature-sensitive, perishable items so they don’t get bad.

 Fluffines: this simply means creaming until it looks like mayonnaise.

 Charlet : this refers a luxurious rooms in a hotel for especial guests

 Linens: this is an all-encompassing term used to describe sheets, towels,

tablecloths, napkins, and related products that were original made of linen.




1.1.1 The butter Model of Tourist Resort development.

The purpose of the Model is to look at the way that tourist resorts grow and develop. The

tourist industry, like industry in dynamic and constantly changing. Therefore, the Butler

model is a way of studying tourist reports and seeing how they change over time and in

relation to the changing demands of the tourist industry. The model suggests that a tourist

area evolves through six predictable different stages, namely; exploitation, involvement,

development, consolidation, stagnation and decline or rejuvenation . In each stage of the

life cycle, the tourism industry undergoes a series of changes defines by the culture-the

reason exploitation stage. In this stage, the restaurant and bar is dissolved by limited

numbers of persons who tell stories to other people about what they experienced and as

time passes, it brings other group of persons to come and visit the restaurant and bar and

then, it becomes popular and many eventful activities are been carried out here and local

population get to provide services to the tourist who comes there.

1.1.2 Stage 2 and 3 which is the growth and development.

Here, the restaurant and bar gets known by many people as well as tourists and is now

often visited by local around the founders of the areas begins to provide guides to the

tourists with brochures to better interpret the place and amenities are added like shops for


1.1.3 Stage 4- the success or consolidation stage.

As the area grows more profit more profit is been gotten and people from various areas all

over the world get to visit the areas but though there is a success in the income, they turn to

do other things to place the customers thereby causing the culture of the place to change

thereby causing a mix culture and the forgotten of the original culture been offered there.

1.1.4 Stage 5-Problem-Stagnation.

Mountain Hotel as a whole is at a stagnation stage that is stage 5 because everything they

do there is boring to customers and it one and the same things they need to rebrand their

services and their products through this rebranding more customers can in. for example,

the bar they can come invest big musicals to come and sing thereby being entertained. This

attracts customers and this helps to create adversary of the hotel through this.


Theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study.

This theoretical framework introduces and describes the theory that explains why the

research problem under study exists.

2.2.3 Moissec (1977) Model

Developed a difusionist model of tourism space depicting the structure of evolution

depicting the structure evolution of Moisse emphasized on the behaviour of tourists based

on depicting the structure evolution of a destination through time and space and noted

changes in the provision of resort and transport facilities and subsequent behavioural and

attitudirial changes amongst tourists, decision-makers and the host population. This

concept identifies five distinct phases regarding the changes that occur. To begin, he take

care of a dynamic element which is development of the region and in time and space. This

two is necessary in the past and will be in the future analysis development planning. This is

as a result of the tourist behaviour about certain things and also locals. This cause when

they want to build to decide well of it plan and location. So before we build your need to

think about the different means or mode in which transportation can be done and how the

tourist will reacts, then we need to create a flyer, website, creating radio lines, television

lines and enable the place to be known and ensure to check the behaviour of the locals in

that area, then later when tourists gets to know about the area and begin coming to the area

they should be made satisfied so they can give out reports about the particular place or area

so they can come back next time because they were very comfortable with the services

rendered there which bring us to the last to the next place where the place become a

foothold in the place because of it influences many tourists into the place and make the

area to grow at a rapidly speed causing development of the place. The location will need to

change by renovation and rebranding because the foothold of tourists in that place might

lead to attract many more potential and active tourist into the place.

Mountain Hotel has gone through the first phrases and is at phase 4 the hotel has a

stronghold has many guest good services but the hotel need to go through renovation and

rebranding to actually have full house of guest who come in and see how good their

services are and have brought potential guest by spreading how good their services area

and which in result bring more potential guest to come to the hotel. The hotel has to do

renovation and rebranding so as to continue to attract more and more guest into hotel so it

does not get or does not have remain at the stagnation stage.

2.2.4 Frederick W. Taylor (1836-1845) Management study

Firstly, Frederick W. Taylor (1836-1845) Management study work on productivity.

Taylor’s scientific management study works on productivity. F.W Taylor is often called

the ‘father of scientific management’. Taylor’s first job was that of a foreman at a steel

company where he observed that employees deliberately worked at a place slower than

their capacities. He studied and timed each element of the steel workers’ jobs. He

determined what each worker could produce and then designed the most efficient way of

doing each part of the total work. He implemented a wage system which linked the wages

of workers to their productions. Frederick W. Taylor was based on the fact that, all

managers should assign or position workers where they are best in doing based on their

ability and also train and supervises them so as to ensure that, they carry out their work or

tasks efficiently. Taylor principles contributes that development of management skills of

job design through the division of job design through the division of labour and

specialisation of labour. Frederick W. Taylor also suggested that work should be broken

down into different aspects through encouraging and promoted standardization and

specialization. For productivity in Mountain hotel to be encouraged, staffs a should be

supervised, trained and followed up by their supervisors and their general managers and

also their opinions must be considered and accepted if being reasonable.

2.2.5 Henri Fayol(1841-1920)

The principal of administrative management are considered to be some of the most

influential contributors to modern management theory. Henri Fayol was a contemporary of

F.W. Taylor and a French mining engineer who believed that techniques of effective

management could be defined and taught. This principle provide modern day managers

with general guidelines on how a supervisor should organize her department and manage

her staff. This theory is being applied at Mountain hotel because the management from the

manager is one that management from the manger is one that maintains an orderly and

clean facility to the value of promoting employee’s initiative and teamwork as stated by

Fayol. At Mountain hotel, the managers in each department make sure there is a peaceful

and orderly environment for workers to work and this promotes teamwork for all workers

and the managers.

2.2.6 Max Web’s theory (18644-1920) of bureaucracy

Max weber was a German who developed the bureaucratic model of the organisation as a

national way of structuring a complex organization. He believed that organization should

be managed impersonally and that employees in an organisation must follow established

rules and regulations in order to ensure the uniformity out of output. This system also is for

the situation and promotion of employee based on qualifications and not personal

relationships or personalities. This is being applied at Mountain Hotel in all departments

because hierarchy is involved where all the departments have been supervisors who are in

charge of supervising. They are more qualified and lead other employees under the same




Activities are tasks carriedout while on my internship. I carriefout my internship at

Mountain Hotel, Buea from 4th July to the 4th of September 2022. I work at the restaurant

and bar, kitchen, pastries, reception, housekeeping and laundry. It was a great period of

learning and improvement. It brought a great difference in my skill learned in school and

what I practices there in the hotel. At Mountain hotel, I was given the opportunity to meet

different types of people and to know knowledge on different types of décor for halls and

events. It was a great experience.

3.1Week One and Week 2: Restaurant and Bar

To begin, when I was brought to the restaurant and bar department, I was told to report for

work by 6:30 am before any customer shows up. When I arrived there, I swept, cleaned the

environment and then ensured all things for breakfast was available, such as, milk, tea leaf,

suger , butter amongst others. With the availability of these, making breakfast for

customers were made easy and quick. However, if the things are not available we have to

place order from the store house which is being signed by the maître.

Also, when I went there, I was introduced to the different heads of the department and their

areas of leadership in the restaurant and bar. There is the assistant manager of the hotel,

chef de range, chef de range 2, chef de range 3, waiters and waitress, maître de Banquet,

commis Banguet, chef Bar man, Commis de batreso. They all work together in order to

produce a great result during programs and events in the hotel.

Futhermore,in the restaurant I learned that there are two types of lunch the Buffet and the

card leery. Buffet is where variety of dishes are prepared from the starter which is salad

various dishes, then fruits. On the buffet, the customer serves his/herself. If the buffet is

said to be 10,000 no matter the quantity of food a customer takes, if he/she will pay even if

its 10000frs, the customer walks to the table and serve himself. However, with the card

leery , the customer is shown the menu and he or she chooses what he/she wants to eat

from the menu card.

To add, I learn on services offered the Bar and restaurant. In the restaurant, they offered

food and take out, and room deliveries, breakfast. For the take out, they put them in

takeaway packages and some time they call beforehand so they come so as to get the food

prepared before they come for pickup. For the room delivery, the restaurant is called,

giving their orders and it is being written down alongside the room numbers so it can be

delivered to their respective rooms.

Also. Mountain Hotel renders three kinds of services; breakfast which is bread, pain choe,

croissant and tea, fruits juice, plate of fruits, and omelette among others. I also learned

during events, they offer times cutleries which are plate, knife, fork glass during event and

sometimes they render human services which is waitress to serve guests during events.

In addition, when serving a customer, you must serve in a clockwise direction and while

removing used plates. The last person you serve the food, you continue on to the next


I also learned how to welcome and receive customers or a guest during these weeks .that is,

presenting a warm greeting, with smile before showing them a seat and then present the

menu card. After taking their choice, then write their choice in the on the in the order book

then pass it to the kitchen.

More so, I was taught to be smart and active when attending to customers and be active

when attending to customers and be very hospitable towards each and everyone that comes

my way because our actions preserve’s the hotel reputation.

3.2Week 3 and Week 4 Activities: Bar and restaurant

During these weeks, I was assigned to the bar. Though the bar and restaurant are linked

together, they are separated when it comes to it functions and serving it guests.

Firstly, in the area of the bar I am to dry cleaning as well ass cleaning all the dirty glasses

of the day in preparation for the following day. Also, I am expected to remove all the

empty bottles for the previous day and remove it then to create space for the new bottles.

This makes the area very tidy.

In addition, I cleaned the tables and the freezers of any dirt that is on the surface or around

the environment.

Furthermore, I was asked to write down the stock of the drinks that are in the bar. This

helps us to know the exact number of drinks left and to enable the next person who is to

change shift know how many drinks have been sold. With this, it helps give account of the

total number of dinks available in the bar. When taking stocks, you check the freezer and

stand to see what has to be added.

Furthermore, I learned that when serving drinks on a tray, you can place the tray at the side

of your waist if need be in order to be visible to the customers. If you do not have the

stability to hold the tray, so as to avoid the bottles from falling, you can put it all on the

table before opening the drink and serving to the customers.

Also, customer service entails that, after serving your customers you can ask them if they

need glasses or anything else and if they want their drinks opened. If not, you can leave

allowing the opener on the table with them.

Moreover, I as well learned about the three types of wine; the red wine, white and rose

wine. The red wine is served at normal temperature and white and rose wine are always

served chilled. Also. When the wines are kept in the freezer they can not be remove and

left out for a long time. It’s expected to be served immediately. This is because it will get

bad due to the change in temperature of the wine.

Also, there are different types of whiskey. They include, aperitics which is served before

meal. It helps gives appetite, that is, it serve a an appetizer such as gin, mastini, balley,

gordons, ROM. These are all a classification of whiskey in which two component which

are wheat and millet. Example, white whiskey are not white in color because they use two

component and digestive which are taken after meals which are also known as conial like

henessy. Conials are mostly served with sugar because they have better taste.

To add, I also got to learn about the two types of cocktail which is the alcoholic and non-

alcoholic. Example of alcoholic cocktail is magito whereas non-alcoholic s virgin mogito.

To continue, I was told the above mentiones drinks has their own different types of glasses.

This is because drinks like red wines are served in a bigger glass because has to breath

while white wines are served in smaller glasses.

In addition, I got to learn and know the quality of a wine. In order to know it quality, the

wine is stirred. When the top of the wine is thicker than the bottom, its considered a good

wine. In order to also know a good quality wine, we use our sense of smell in order to get

the sweet aroma.

Moreover, red wines are not stored in a fridge, instead it’s the white wines that can be

stored in the fridge. This is because the white wine needs to be chilled before it can be

served as compared to the red wine. Also. When serving a wine like black label, you must

serve alongside water and soda. The more expensive the wine, it simply means it has been

stored for a longer period of time in the production house. The wine does not gets bad as

times goes by instead, it increases it quality because it is how it gets more quality.

3.3Week 5 Activities : Kitchen

When I was assigned to the kitchen department I was drilled on the basic rules in order to

help govern and guide the staffs on how to work in the different surfaces.

To begin, I was taught on a professional way of preparing breakfast for customers. On a

daily basis at the hotel, they offer their customers omelette; scrambled omelette. Cheese,

vegetable, Sandrine and sausage omelettes. In the making of omelettes I learned that, in

order to make sardine omelette we need eggs, white pepper, salt, sardine oil as per the

recipee. For the preparation, we need to first wrist the eggs with a pinch of salt, white

pepper then will put sardine into the egg mix, then when the oil is hot we can they put the

eggs into the frying pan. We then allow it stay on the fire for some time then you turn each

sides to get dry then you can remove serve.

In addition, I learned how to make emmle de beef which is also known as meat which is

cut in the shapes of fingers. White pepper, onions, green pepper, garlic, salt, thymes is the

recipe used in making emmle de beef. For the preparation, you fry the meat then put

tomatoes inside, then add onions, garlic, thymes, white pepper, pepper, salt a bit of water

and allow it to cook a bit then remove and serve. It can be eaten alongside with rice, irish,

yam and plantain.

Furthermore, I learned on how the different industries gas are been used. There are sections

that you need to put water in the gas plate so that while you are cooking and water or oil

drops it will be ready to be removed.

In addition, I learned about the various chef or cooks according to their rank in the kitchen.

While in the kitchen, I also learned about the different types of salad fruits and vegetable

salad. We were taught on the different types of designs to do on our salad to make it look

very presentable.

Also, I learned about the different styles on preparing different dishes such as fried rice,

white sauce, salad cream, how to present food on the plate in order for it to look

presentable thereby making the customers wanting more and to come back next time.

3.4Week 6 Activities: Pastries

Here, we dealt with the breakfast items and also pastries. For the pastries, we were taught

of starters which are nems, pizza, pan cake without salt with vegetables, kuiche. Starts in

pastries are used as a base for your dough. It involves a preparatory step to making your

dough rather than simple dough.

In addition, we were taught of desserts for events and coffee for breakfast. For example,

pineapple upside down, chocolate moust, cream caramel , partner. Desserts in pastries

maeans a usual sweet course or dish(as of pastry or ice cream) usually served at the end of

a meal.

Furthermore, we were taught on snacks that can be offered in events, parties, birthdays.

Snacks such as doughnuts, chinchin, groundnuts, peanut, cupcake, small minor cakes


Moreso, we were taught that in offering coffee break we can serve various cake but in a

pastry that one can have one like, nems, sugar balls, fish pie, sausages roll, chocalus bans.

In addition, we were taught on what to serve during a cocktail party. Here, everything is

served in smaller sizes that is packable sizes that is someone can take it with toothpick,

cake, cream cramel, chinchin groundnut.

Also, we were taught on what to serve for breakfast to make it presentable and healthy for

the body here we have croissant, sugar balls, pain cholo, bread, French bread, puff puff ,

pancake, puissant. I learned a lot simple recipes that makes the pastry sector memorable

In addition, I was taught on the 4 different methods of making cakes; creaming method, fat

method, sponge method and blubbering method. In the creaming method, we have plain

cake and from plain cake other cakes can be made because a part is taken and different

flavour of your choice. The fat method uses oil in making cake and bacondate is used.

Example of cake here includes; banana cake, ved vervet cake, moist chocolate, yourget


3.5Week 7 and 8 activities: Reception

A Receptionist is an employee whose job is to welcome customers into the hotel or taking

an administrative support position. We work in the waiting area or the front of the desk.

To begin, I learned to welcome customers and guests and make them comfortable, escort

guest or visitor to specific areas or offices, they receive or cancl who do not make it up.

They collect money from customers for the services they want to receive.

Also, we learned that before a customer chck into a room he/she needs to fill a form known

as the police form. This contains the detail information of the customers according to their

identity card.

Furthermore, I learned to be a good receptionist, we need to be a great listener, proactive,

welcoming, patient towards customers.

To add, I also learned about the types of keys being used; maural and magnetic key card.

They also have an activator which is only used by the receptionist to activate a door when

the key is not available or forgotten inside a room. There is also called master key because

it is only one available.

Also, there are four blocks at the hotel which include; Block A, B, C and D. There are also

three lanes in the hotel. There are also three lanes in the hotel. block A has 15 rooms,

Block B has 24 rooms, Block C has 20 rooms and Block D has 42 rooms. Block A has

standard rooms, executive, single, junior suits VIP rooms, while block B has standard

rooms and executive rooms and block C and block D have senior executive rooms. There

is a charlet at the hotel which are found in lane 1,2 and 3. Lane 1 has 10 executive charlet,

4 VIP charlet and 2 big charlet. Lane 2 has 6 executive charlet and 2 VIP charlet.

Moreso, the hotel has attractive sides which is the mountain view. This could be clearly

visible from Block A,B and D. Meanwhile, block C has the sea view.

In addition, we were told about the various standard of rooms and prices which ranges as


Standard rooms 39000frs

Exexutive rooms 49000frs

Senior executive 14000frs

Twin room 75000frs

Junior suite 124000frs

Executive charlet 94000frs

Prestige charlet 204000frs

At Mountain Hotel, each room is having an additional sum of 4000frs which goes to the

government which is known as tourist prices

Also, I also got to learn about the abbreviations of the various rooms. That is the

abbreviation X which stands for standard rooms, while XX standard executive, SXX which

means executive rooms and VIP referring to very important personnel.

3.6Week 8 and 9 Activities: House Keeping

For the housekeeping they are five governant. The chief in head is Madam Flora and

theother four governant controls the other four blocks. Block A is controlled by Mr

Placede, B by Madam Mofor, Block C and lane 1 by Mr Enow and Block D by Madam


On internship, we were taught on how to present ourselves before entering a room. That is

putting a smiling face because our faces represents the hotel.

Also, at the house keeping I learned that there are two groups of clearners those in charge

of room cleaning and those in charge of open space that is conference hall, toilet, corridors.

Furthermore, I learned that before you go into a room, we are expected to knock and open

the door gently then check the room by opening the cupboard . this is to be able to know if

it’s a check out room or stay-in in order to continue with the cleaning by first opening the

windows, follow by the rest of the room.

Also, I learned that in the VIP room, we put toothbrush, handwash, shaving cream,

showering cup, towels as well as foot mat in each room.

Moreso, I learned that the procedure in cleaning a checkout room. Before entering the

room, you ring 3 times,knock 3 times and open slowly. Start by disinfecting the room with

dethol or any other disinfection. After that, put WC inside the toilette pot and then open the

windows and empty the trash. Also sweep the room, dust and remove dirty bedspread with

hand gloves, mop the floor with sano bri and wash toilet snack with crème a recurer.

To add, I learned that for upper check in rooms, we need to get the rooms clean very fast

for like 10 minutes but for the checkout rooms we can stay long as we are to change

everything in the room.

Also, I learned that we change the bedspread of each room evry after 2 days but when its

dirty we can change after a day.

Furthermore, I learned to design and make a bed. That is, removing the bed spread then

replacing it with a new one and then adding another bedspread on it before adding the


Governant overall

Assistant Governant Chef of laundry

Equiper leage
Room maids


3.7Week 9 Activities: Laundry Department

I learned that when I come in the morning I am expected to sweep the environment then

dry clean and keep the area clean and also wash dirty bedspreads and towels.

In addition, I learned that when washing dresses, bedspread and towel, they are sometime

wash separately because of the use of parazone.

Moreso, I learned that material dresses are not to be washed with omo detergent but soap

because detergent can destroy the fabric.

Furthermore, I as well learned that there are 3 different machines in the laundry department

there is a dryer and two washing machine and learned about the long press iron. I was

taught on how to use them.



4.1Similarities between theories and Practices with justification

Theoretically, we were taught in class about body languages. That is, any actions we put in

front will be passing out information. This was applied during my internship as I was to

put a smiling face and be humble.

Also, theoretically we taught on customers relationship managers that is, we were taught

on communication, connection and show appreciations but when it come to the practice, I

got the opportunity to meet guest, serve them, greet them asking them if they needed

anything, and get to know their various choices thereby putting the theoretical knowledge

into practice.

More so, theoretically, I was taught to always inquire feedback about their meals or

services. While on internship, I got to serve customers and getting feedback from them and

got to know what can be changed

Also, theoretically we were taught to be patient and not be quick to get angry even if the

customers are the ones at wrong. While at the internship site I got to experience this and

learned to be silence even if I am on the right and always say sorry.

Fuhermore, we were also taught in school on how to be welcoming, to entertain guests, get

to know them and get to provide the services that will go best with their needs. While at

the internship I got to know how to handle guests problems by first knowing what the hotel

situation and who is the best person to address all the questions and able to answer.

To begin, the manner to approach that you are to put in front are the same theoretically

things thought in school just that I got to experience it physically during my internship at

Mountain Hotel.dn

Also, we were taught on how to welcome and handle guests in school and this was

applicable at Mountain Hotel at the reception department.

4.2 Differences of the practices and theories

Theoretically, we were not taught about the uniforms needed in the kitchen or at work.

Meanwhile at the internship site, we were not allowed to enter the kitchen without our


Also, theoretically, we were not taught on how to take reservation. This made it difficult as

my first week at the reception department was a little bit strenuous as I didn’t have much

knowledge on the area

4.3Personal Challenges

During my internship period I faced a lot of challenges especially at the bar and restaurant

department. This is because while at this department, you put under a lot of pressure which

usually results to mistakes due to the fact that they do not want to ruin the reputation of the


Also, I faced challenges of standing for a long time at the bar and restaurant. Working at

these departments entails you stand for long without seating thereby causing my feet to

hurt due to the fact that that we put on cover shoes thereby causing swollen legs.

In addition, I faced challenges at the level of time factor corresponding with transportation.

Due to the fact that I have to report to work very early in the morning and finding a taxi at

that time to the venue is usually very difficult. This causes me to arrive late thereby, facing


Another challenges faced was financial challenges. This is usually period of financial

constraint which causes lack of transport fair to report for work.



To conclude, I was able to pass through all various departments at Mountain hotel and I

got the opportunity to learn a lot of new and helpful attitude and activities at the various

area I was opportune to work at and I know it will help me in the future. All the chapters

above are explanation of everything I faced while I was at mountain hotel and everything. I

was thought during my internship and also all challenges and all the people who helped me

in one way or the other through that particular period making it a success.


1.1.5 Recommendation in line with the focus area which restaurant and


They have to introduces new style of setting the table and new ways of serving people to

make it more entertaining and interesting.

They have to introduce different styles of doing room deliveries to make it more affordable

by guests in the hotel such as if they are in the room they try serving tea and different types

of breakfast depending on what the guest ask to make them come more and to request more

room service.

5.3General Recommendation for the Company

They need to do maintenance to the hotel structures such as he walk path and some rooms

They have to do rebranding of the hotel to attract more customers because there is a lot of

competition in the hotel business.

Also, I recommend that understanding should be given to interns because they do not

understand the ways of the hotel, that is how it fully operates.

Furthermore, there need to be more publication or creation of more aware of the hotel to be

able to attracts more customers not only during festive season but on normal says with the

use of television, radio stations and flyer.


Appendix 1: Activity fr om Restaurant and Bar department

Appendix 2: Coffee Breakfast

Appendix 3: I and my Field Supervisor

Apendix 4:I and my deparement supervisor and

fellow intern colleague

Aappendix 5: Me cooking in the Kitchen


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