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*The sound of music coming from the headset.

"And this should be the last and finished"

I put down my pen and looked out the window.

"Ahh, the wind is so cold, by the way, what date is it now?"

I look at my laptop which I haven't turned off yet.When I saw it, it was already March and I
didn't even realize it, maybe because I was too focused on my work and I even forgot how
much time had passed.

Suddenly my cell phone rang and I saw it was my mother calling me.

"Jean!!!,Are you still busy studying? You study too much and you can get sick." Said Jean

"Ahh no I just stopped studying. I also feel a little nauseous now" Jean replied to her mother.

"I told you not to study too much huh, don't you want to go out to rest? Children your age
should be out of the house more often later you will get sick easily you know".

"I know mom, maybe you're right I might go out to rest for a while" Reply Jean.

"When I'm traveling don't forget to bring your cat Mr Puffle for a walk too" said Jean's mother.

"Ok mom, maybe I will play at my friend's house until the evening so don't be surprised if
there is no one at home at night" Say Jean.

"okay be careful outside mom loves you"

After Jean's mother said that, Jean immediately hung up the phone.

Jean immediately closed the window and got ready to go. She also didn't forget to take his
cat Mr Puffle with him.Jean closed the door and left the key on the carpet in front of the
house so her mother could enter the house when she came back from work.

"Okay mr puffle it's time for us to go for a walk" jean said while tying the rope to mr puff's

Jean was walking towards her friend's house but as she walked she saw the cherry trees
were starting to bloom. All the cherry trees along the road were also blooming, making a
very beautiful sight.The pink color of the cherry tree leaves and also a cool breeze in the
afternoon Makes Jean calm and relaxed.

Not long when Jean walked she arrived at his friend's house. When she got there she
immediately pressed the doorbell button next to the door.

"Who is there?" The voice that came from inside the house.
"This is Jean, Adam's school friend" Jean replied.

When Jean replied,there was silence and not long after that the voice of someone opening
the door of the house.The door opened and Jean saw her friend Adam.

"Ehh jean do you need help? Wow, you rarely come to my house without telling me at all"
Said adam.

"Well….. I want to take you for a short walk with Mr. Puffle.Do you have any free time now?"
Ask Jean.

"I'm out of work for now so I can go with you" Adam replied.

Not long after Jean chatted with Adam, Adam came inside and told Jean to wait a bit
because he would be getting ready.After Adam asked permission to leave the house with his
friends to his mother, Adam then left the house and closed the door.

"So where are we going?" Ask Adam.

"Actually I was going to ask you that" Answer Jean.

"Can't believe it's already cherry blossom season.How about we go to our usual place to
hangout with our friends?" Adam asked as he straightened his pants.

"Wow, you're right, we haven't been there for 2 years, I've pretty much forgotten where it is,"
replied Jean.

"Don't worry I remember the place where I often go there alone" Adam replied.

"You went there without taking me? How bad are you" Jean replied with a little laugh.

"You're always busy, that's why I rarely invite you" Adam said.

"Well now let's go there" Ask Jean.

"Let's pick up Nathan and Liz from their house as I remember not far from your house right?"
Jean said while walking,But Jean found it odd that Adam didn't follow her from behind.

"Heyy Jean Nathan and Liz don't live here anymore. Did you forget about that?" Adam
shouted from behind Jean.

"Seriously?... Ohh I must have forgotten about that so are we just going there?" Jean asked

Adam just replied by nodding his head then the two of them walked together from Adam
house they passed many blooming cherry trees along the way, even many cherry blossoms
that fell to the ground.Not long after they walked they finally got there.
"And it should be here" Adam said while pushing a plant that blocked their path.

"Woah the view is still as good as I remember it" Said Jean.

"Let's sit next to the cherry blossom trees over there that are blooming" Adam said.

They walked to the cherry tree and sat there. Jean also gave Adam a can of drink from his
bag which she prepared from home.

"I really miss our old friends,Now only the two of us are left" Adam said while opening the lid
of the drink.

"Yes, that's how it is, everyone has their own destiny" Reply Jean.

"You know what? I'm grateful to have a happy past because of you" Adam said.

"Yeah I'm also grateful to be friends with you, too bad Liz and Nathan aren't here to enjoy the
view" Jean said while stroking Mr puffle who was sitting beside her.

Suddenly a leaf from the cherry tree fell beside him and Adam picked it up.

"I hope they will remember us there,But it's true what people say friendship is like cherry
blossoms, it takes a long time to bloom but passes quickly without us realizing it" Said Adam
who was sitting relaxed beside Jean.

The End.

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