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Topic Name
1 Meaning of Globalization, Emergence of Global institutions
2 Drivers of globalization, Globalization debate
3 Managing in global market place-A CASE STUDY
4 Global economic environment
5 Differences in political system
6 Differences in economic system
7 Differences in legal system
8 Differences in culture
9 values and norms, Case Study- McDonald’s and Hindu culture
10 Theory of Mercantilism- Theory of Absolute and Comparative
11 Cost Advantage-Haberler’s Theory of Opportunity Cost- Heckscher- Ohlin TheoryMarket
12 Imperfections Approach-Product Life Cycle Approach ,Transaction
13 Cost Approach- Dunning’s Eclectic Theory of International Production- Case Study
15 Cost Approach- Dunning’s Eclectic Theory of International Production-Case: (1) Case Study
16 Cost Approach- Dunning’s Eclectic Theory of International Production-(2) Case Study.
17 Nature and complexities: Code and common laws and their implications to Business-International Business
contract- legal provisions, Payment terms.
18 Nature and complexities: Code and common laws and their implications to Business-International Business
contract- legal provisions, Payment terms-Case: Wrong signal for FDI- A case study on Retrospective Taxation
19 Multi-Lateral Agreements & Institutions: Economic Integration – Forms: Free Trade Area, Customs Union
20 Common Market and Economic Union-Regional Blocks: Developed and Developing Countries- NAFTA- EU-
SAARC, ASEAN- BRICS- OPEC-Case: The Walkart of India- A case study on flipkart and Walmart merger.
21 Common Market and Economic Union-Regional Blocks: Developed and Developing Countries- NAFTA- EU-
22 Promotional role played by IMF-World Bank & its affiliates- IFC, MIGA and ICSID-ADB-Regulatory role played
23 MNCs – Nature and characteristics; Decision Making-Intra Firm Trade and Transfer Pricing – Technology
Transfer- Employment and labour relations
24 MNCs – Nature and characteristics; Decision Making-Intra Firm Trade and Transfer Pricing – Technology
Transfer- Employment and labour relations-Case:-Transfer pricing in cross Border Taxation- A case study of
LG Indian and LG Electronics India.
25 Management Practices- Host Country Government Policies-
26 International Business and Developing countries: Motives of MNC operations in Developing Countries ,
Challenges posed by MNC

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