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I. Single Response type:

I. Objective type Questions:
1. The most rapidly dwindling natural resource in the world is _________________
a) Water b) Soil c) Sunlight d) Forest
2. Which of the following activities, if not checked in time, many ultimately lead to the rise in sea
level causing the flooding of low-lying coastal areas?
a) Desalination b) Deforestation c) Desertification d) Desegregation
3. The national park which is located in Rajasthan is _______________
a) Corbett National park b) Kanha National prk
c) Sariska National park d) Satpura National park
4. The Siberian crane comes to india every year in winter for a few months.
a) To escape the severe summer b) To escape the severe winter
c) To escape the heavy rains d) To Escape the from predators
5. Which of the following is an extinct species of Animals
a) Tiger b) Desert rat c) Snow leopard d) Dodo
6. Sanjay Gandhi wild life sanctuary is located in ___________________
a) Rajasthan b) Manipur c) Madhya Pradesh d) Maharashtra
7. Those species of plant and Animals) which are found exclusively in a particular area are called ---
a) Epidimic species b) Pelagic species c) Pandemi species d) Endemic species
8. The part of the earth in which living organisms exist (or which support life) are called
a) Lithosphere b) Globe c) Hydrosphere d) Biosphere
9. Which of the following will animal is not listed in the Red Data book of India ___________ wild
a) Black buck b) Flying Squirrel c) Tiger d) Leopard
10. Which of the following is an Endangered species of Animals
a) Dinosaur b) Asiaticlion c) Irish deer d) Hyena
II. Fill in the blanks:
11. Deforestation increases the level of ___________________ in the Atmospheare
12. Species found only in a particular area is known as __________________ species.
13. A place where Animals are protected in their natural habitat is called _______________ sanctu.
14. Satpura national park is a part of ___________________ Biosphere reserve.
15. Red data book contains a record of ____________________ species.
16. Migratory birds fly to far away places because of _________________ changes.
17. In reforestation, the planted trees should be gnererally of the same ________________ which were
cutdown in that.
18. The plants found in a particular region are known as _____________
19. The Indian Government launched project tiger in ___________________ to protect the tiger.
20. W.W.F stand for ____________________
21. IUCN stand for _________________________ for _____________________ and ___________
III. Match the following:
Column-I Column-II
1. Dodo, Tasmanian wolf a) Vulnerable species
2. Great Indian Bustard, Indian gharial b) Endangered species
3. Giant pands, Asian Elephant c) Critically Endangered species
4. Indian Rihinoceros Mandrill d) Extinct species

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