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1 Operating System - Concept, Components of operating system, operations of OS:

Program Management, Resource management, Security and protection. Views of OS:
User view, System View
Operating System (OS) is a crucial software that acts as an intermediary between computer hardware
and user applications. It provides an organized and efficient environment for managing various resources
and executing programs. Understanding the concept of an operating system requires exploring its
components, operations, and different perspectives: the user view and the system view.

1. Components of an Operating System:

- Kernel: The heart of the operating system that manages core functionalities such as memory
management, process scheduling, and device drivers.

- File System: Organizes and stores data on storage devices, allowing efficient data access and

- Device Drivers: Enable communication between hardware devices (e.g., printers, keyboards) and the
operating system.

- User Interface: Provides a means for users to interact with the computer system, including graphical
interfaces (GUI) or command-line interfaces (CLI).

2. Operations of an Operating System:

- Program Management: The OS handles program execution, including loading programs into memory,
managing resources required by programs, and facilitating their termination.

Example: When you open a word processing application like Microsoft Word, the operating system
loads the necessary program files into memory and ensures that the program can access the required
system resources, such as the CPU and memory.

- Resource Management: The OS efficiently manages system resources such as CPU time, memory, disk
space, and input/output devices. It allocates and controls these resources among different programs and
users to ensure fair and optimal utilization.

Example: In a multitasking environment, the operating system allocates CPU time to different
processes or programs based on priorities, preventing one program from monopolizing system resources
and causing sluggishness or crashes.

- Security and Protection: The OS safeguards the system and user data from unauthorized access,
malicious software, and system failures. It implements security measures like user authentication, access
control, encryption, and antivirus software to ensure data integrity and confidentiality.
Example: When you log into your computer using a username and password, the operating system
verifies your credentials and grants appropriate access privileges based on user permissions. It also
prevents unauthorized users from modifying or accessing sensitive files.

3. User View of the Operating System:

From a user's perspective, the operating system provides an interface for executing applications and
performing tasks. It enables users to interact with the system, launch programs, create files, and access
resources through intuitive interfaces like graphical desktops or command-line interfaces.

Example: When you double-click on a web browser icon, the operating system opens the browser,
allowing you to browse the internet, download files, and interact with web-based applications.

4. System View of the Operating System:

The system view focuses on the internal workings and management of the computer system. It
encompasses tasks such as process scheduling, memory allocation, file management, and device control.
The system view deals with the intricate mechanisms that enable smooth and efficient system operation.

Example: In the system view, the operating system assigns priorities to different processes, manages
memory to load and unload programs efficiently, maintains file organization on storage devices, and
controls interactions with various hardware components like printers or scanners.

In summary, an operating system is a vital software that manages hardware resources, coordinates
program execution, ensures system security, and provides user-friendly interfaces. Understanding its
components, operations, and perspectives allows us to appreciate its role in facilitating efficient and
secure computing experiences in various real-life situations.

1.2 Different Types of Operating systems- Batch operating system, Multi

Programmed, Time Shared OS, Multiprocessor Systems, Distributed Systems, Real
time systems. Mobile OS (Android , iOS).

Different Types of Operating Systems:

1. Batch Operating System:

A batch operating system is designed to process a large volume of similar jobs without user
intervention. It collects a batch of jobs, executes them sequentially, and delivers the results. Users
submit their jobs to the system, which then executes them in the order they are received, without
requiring user interaction during job execution.
Example: In a banking system, when customers deposit checks using automated teller machines
(ATMs), the batch operating system processes these transactions overnight, updating account balances
and generating reports.

2. Multiprogrammed Operating System:

A multiprogrammed operating system allows multiple programs to reside in memory simultaneously. It

improves CPU utilization by switching between programs when one is waiting for input/output
operations. This type of system keeps the CPU busy by loading and executing multiple programs

Example: In a desktop computer, while you are listening to music, editing a document, and
downloading a file simultaneously, the multiprogrammed operating system shares CPU time between
these programs, providing the illusion of parallel execution.

3. Time-Sharing Operating System:

A time-sharing operating system enables multiple users to access the computer simultaneously and
share its resources. It divides the CPU time into small time intervals, known as time slices or quantum,
and rapidly switches between users, giving each user the impression of dedicated access to the system.

Example: In a university computer lab, multiple students can simultaneously use the computers to
perform tasks like research, writing assignments, and coding projects. The time-sharing operating system
ensures fair and efficient resource allocation among the users.

4. Multiprocessor Systems:

Multiprocessor systems have multiple processors working together to execute tasks. These systems
enhance performance by dividing the workload among processors, enabling parallel processing. They
can be symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) systems, where all processors are treated equally, or
asymmetric multiprocessing (AMP) systems, where specific processors handle particular tasks.

Example: High-performance servers or supercomputers that process complex simulations, conduct

scientific research, or handle massive data processing often utilize multiprocessor systems to distribute
the workload across multiple processors, achieving faster and more efficient computation.

5. Distributed Systems:

Distributed operating systems consist of interconnected computers that work together as a single
cohesive system. They enable resource sharing, communication, and coordination among geographically
distributed computers. Distributed systems provide fault tolerance, scalability, and increased processing
Example: Cloud computing platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
use distributed systems to provide scalable and reliable computing resources to users worldwide. Data
and applications can be distributed across multiple servers in different locations, ensuring high
availability and efficient resource utilization.

6. Real-Time Systems:

Real-time operating systems are designed for applications that require timely and deterministic
responses. They guarantee that critical tasks are executed within specific time constraints, meeting hard
deadlines. Real-time systems are often used in industries such as aerospace, industrial control systems,
and medical devices.

Example: In an automated assembly line, a real-time operating system ensures that the robotic arms
perform precise movements within strict time limits, ensuring seamless coordination and preventing

7. Mobile Operating Systems (Android, iOS):

Mobile operating systems power smartphones and tablets, providing a platform for running mobile
applications. They offer features like touch interfaces, app stores, and connectivity options tailored to
the mobile environment. Android and iOS are two popular mobile operating systems.

Example: When using your smartphone, the mobile operating system, whether Android or iOS, enables
you to make calls, send messages, browse the internet, play games, and use various applications
optimized for mobile devices.

Understanding the different types of operating systems helps us grasp the diversity of computing
environments and their applications in real-life scenarios, ranging from batch processing to mobile
devices and complex distributed systems.

1.3 Command line based OS-DOS, UNIX GUI based OS-WINDOWS, LINUX.
Certainly! Here are descriptions of command line-based operating systems such as MS-DOS and UNIX, as
well as GUI-based operating systems like Windows and Linux, explained in a human-friendly manner:

1. MS-DOS (Command Line-Based OS):

MS-DOS, short for Microsoft Disk Operating System, is a command line-based operating system. In MS-
DOS, users interact with the computer through a text-based interface, where commands are typed into a
command prompt. It was widely used in the early days of personal computers and was the primary
operating system for IBM-compatible PCs before the introduction of Windows.
In real-life situations, MS-DOS allows users to navigate the file system, execute programs, manage files
and directories, and perform various administrative tasks through a series of commands. For example, to
list the files in a directory, one would use the "dir" command, and to change to a different directory, one
would use the "cd" command followed by the directory path.


Suppose you want to list the files in the "Documents" folder using MS-DOS. You would open the MS-DOS
command prompt, navigate to the "Documents" directory using the "cd" command, and then use the
"dir" command to display a list of files and folders in that directory.

2. UNIX (Command Line-Based OS):

UNIX is a powerful and versatile command line-based operating system that was developed in the 1970s.
It is known for its stability, scalability, and support for multi-user environments. UNIX provides a wide
range of utilities and commands that enable users to interact with the system efficiently.

In real-life situations, UNIX is used in various fields such as scientific research, web servers, and
supercomputing. It allows users to manage files, control processes, manipulate data, and automate tasks
through a combination of shell commands and scripts. UNIX's command line interface provides extensive
control and flexibility to experienced users.


Suppose you need to search for a specific word in multiple text files using UNIX. You would open a
terminal, navigate to the directory containing the files, and use the "grep" command followed by the
word you're searching for and the file pattern. UNIX will then search through the files and display the
lines containing the word you specified.

3. Windows (GUI-Based OS):

Windows is a popular graphical user interface (GUI)-based operating system developed by Microsoft. It
provides a user-friendly interface where users interact with the computer using windows, icons, menus,
and pointing devices like a mouse. Windows offers a wide range of applications and supports a variety of
hardware devices.

In real-life situations, Windows is commonly used by individuals, businesses, and organizations for
various purposes such as productivity, entertainment, and gaming. Its graphical interface simplifies tasks
by allowing users to navigate through directories, launch programs by clicking on icons, and perform
actions using intuitive menus and dialog boxes.


Consider writing a document using Microsoft Word on Windows. You would simply double-click on the
Microsoft Word icon, and the program will launch with a user-friendly interface. You can then create,
edit, and format your document using the tools and features provided by the application. Windows
handles the interaction between you and the program, making the entire process more visually
appealing and accessible.

4. Linux (GUI-Based OS):

Linux is an open-source operating system that comes in various distributions (or "distros"). It is known
for its stability, security, and flexibility. While Linux can be used through a command line interface like
UNIX, it also offers a range of graphical user interfaces, making it accessible to users with varying levels
of technical expertise.

In real-life situations, Linux is utilized in a wide range of applications, from servers and embedded
systems to desktop computers. It provides a robust and customizable platform for various tasks such as
web hosting, software development, and scientific research. Linux distributions often come bundled with
a suite of software applications, offering users a complete and tailored computing experience.


Suppose you want to install new software on your Linux system using the Ubuntu distribution. You would
navigate to the "Software Center" or "Package Manager" through the graphical interface, search for the
desired software, and click on the "Install" button. Linux will handle the installation process, including
any necessary dependencies, and provide feedback on the progress and completion of the installation.

Remember to study and understand these concepts thoroughly to be well-prepared for your

Certainly! Here's the breakdown of each service with a detailed explanation and 3 marks assigned to

2.1 Different Services of Operating System.

1. User interface (3 marks): The user interface allows users to interact with the operating system using
various methods such as a command-line interface (CLI), batch interface, or graphical user interface
(GUI). It provides a means for users to input commands, access system functions, and receive feedback
or output. The user interface plays a crucial role in facilitating user-friendly interaction with the system,
enhancing productivity and ease of use.

2. Program execution (3 marks): The operating system manages the execution of programs on the
computer system. It loads program files into memory, allocates necessary resources, and initiates their
execution. The operating system ensures proper allocation of CPU time, memory, and other resources to
programs, optimizing their performance and ensuring fair resource sharing among different processes.

3. I/O operations (3 marks): The operating system handles input/output (I/O) operations, facilitating
communication with peripheral devices such as disks, tapes, printers, and network interfaces. It provides
abstractions and device drivers to enable seamless interaction between user programs and the
hardware. The operating system manages data transfers, handles interrupts, and optimizes device
utilization, ensuring efficient and reliable I/O operations.

4. File-system manipulation (3 marks): The operating system manages the file system, which includes
file creation, deletion, organization, and access control. It provides a hierarchical structure for organizing
files and directories, allocates and tracks disk space, enforces access permissions, and ensures file
integrity and security. The operating system handles file-related operations, such as reading, writing, and
modifying files, ensuring efficient and secure data storage.

5. Communications (3 marks): The operating system facilitates communication between different

systems or processes. It provides mechanisms for interprocess communication (IPC) and network
communication, enabling the exchange of data and messages. The operating system handles protocols,
packetization, routing, and error detection, ensuring reliable and efficient communication across

6. Error detection (3 marks): The operating system incorporates error detection mechanisms at both
hardware and software levels. It performs error checking during data transfers to ensure data integrity
and consistency. The operating system also handles system-wide error processing, such as disk errors,
memory errors, or network errors, and provides error recovery mechanisms to prevent system crashes
or data corruption.

7. Accounting (3 marks): The operating system includes accounting services to track resource usage by
users and processes. It records information such as login times, resource consumption, and system
activities. Accounting provides insights into resource utilization, helps in system billing and cost
allocation, and enables system administrators to monitor system performance and usage statistics.
8. Resource allocation (3 marks): The operating system manages the allocation of system resources,
including CPU time, memory, and devices, among different processes or users. It employs scheduling
algorithms to allocate CPU time fairly, manages memory to optimize usage and prevent conflicts, and
handles device access to ensure efficient resource utilization. The operating system aims to provide
maximum system throughput and responsiveness while avoiding resource contention.

9. Protection and security (3 marks): The operating system implements mechanisms to protect the
system and user data from unauthorized access, malicious activities, and breaches. It enforces user
authentication, access control policies, and encryption techniques. The operating system handles
security measures such as user permissions, firewall configuration, intrusion detection, and system
monitoring to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of system resources and data.

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