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Goodbye Bismarck?

The Foreign Policy of Contemporary Germany:

Gunther Hellmann
The document "Goodbye Bismarck? The Foreign Policy of Contemporary Germany" provides a
comprehensive analysis of the foreign policy discourse within modern Germany, focusing on the
presence of five distinct schools of thought and their implications for Germany's future foreign
policy choices. These schools include pragmatic multilateralists, Europeanists, euroskeptics,
internationalists, and normalization-nationalists, each offering unique perspectives and policy
One of the key observations made in the document is the common emphasis on multilateralism
across the different schools of thought. While there is a consensus on the importance of multilateral
approaches in foreign policy, the schools diverge when it comes to European integration. The
document suggests that Germany's future foreign policy options are somewhat constrained, with a
focus on multilateral and integrationist strategies. It underscores the significance of restructuring
the European security framework and highlights Germany's pivotal role in shaping the trajectory
of European integration.
Moreover, the document critiques the role of major Western allies in defining multilateral action
and points out the lack of development in the foreign policy program of the new democratic right.
It also raises concerns about the shortcomings in German and European international relations
scholarship, particularly in the study of grand strategy. The document stresses the importance of
discourse in shaping foreign policies and advocates for the use of refined methodological
instruments to better understand and analyze the complexities of foreign policy decision-making.
The text also references cognitive approaches to foreign policy decision-making, suggesting that
further refinement in this area could offer valuable insights into the sources of specific policy
recommendations and preferences for particular grand strategies. By analyzing the development
of arguments in foreign policy debates, researchers could assess the strength of various policy
recommendations and gain deeper insights into the practical theories held by influential voices in
foreign policy discussions.
In conclusion, the document paints a nuanced picture of the diverse landscape of German foreign
policy discourse, showcasing the array of perspectives and recommendations put forth by different
schools of thought. It underscores the importance of multilateralism and European integration in
Germany's future foreign policy decisions while also highlighting the need for more sophisticated
analyses and methodological tools to navigate the complexities of contemporary foreign policy
Overall, the document serves as a valuable resource for understanding the intricacies of German
foreign policy discourse and provides insights into the factors shaping Germany's foreign policy
choices in the contemporary geopolitical landscape. It calls for a more nuanced and comprehensive
approach to studying foreign policy decision-making processes and emphasizes the critical role of
discourse in shaping policy outcomes.
Breaking with convention? Zeitenwende and the traditional pillars of
German foreign policy: Bernhard Blumenau
I. Introduction German foreign policy has historically been characterized by stability across
governing coalitions, with key principles such as integration into the Western alliance, European
integration, and a rejection of military means. Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government, which took
over from Angela Merkel in late 2021, initially seemed to continue Merkel's policies. However, in
response to Russian aggression against Ukraine, Scholz's coalition upheld the Nord Stream 2 gas
pipeline project, sparking international criticism.
II. Zeitenwende Speech Scholz's Zeitenwende speech marked a significant shift in German
foreign and security policy, emphasizing the need for both 'soft power' and 'hard power' in the face
of the Russian threat. The speech outlined a commitment to sanctions on Russia, European
armament projects, armed drones, and equipping the armed forces with capabilities for NATO's
nuclear participation. These announcements ended longstanding debates in German politics and
received widespread support from the Bundestag.
III. Implications of Zeitenwende The Zeitenwende speech signaled a departure from traditional
German foreign policy approaches, particularly in terms of defense spending and military
rearmament. Scholz's government aimed to invest more than two percent of the GDP in defense,
strengthening Germany's sovereignty and contributing to European security. The speech also
emphasized the importance of the EU as a framework for action, highlighting a commitment to
European unity and decision-making.
IV. Analysis of Zeitenwende The implications of Zeitenwende on German foreign policy are
significant, with a focus on defending the status quo in post-Cold War Europe. The speech reflected
a shift towards a more assertive stance, endorsing a strong Bundeswehr and addressing long-
standing debates on defense spending, weapon exports, armed drones, and NATO commitments.
The Bundestag's support for these policy changes solidified Zeitenwende's impact on German
foreign and security policy.
V. Conclusion Scholz's Zeitenwende speech marked a turning point in German foreign policy,
signaling a shift towards a more assertive and proactive approach in response to global challenges,
particularly the Russian threat. The speech reaffirmed Germany's commitment to the West,
European defense, and multilateralism while also addressing past shortcomings in defense
spending and military capabilities. Overall, Zeitenwende represents a significant departure from
traditional German foreign policy approaches, with a renewed focus on strengthening European
security and unity.

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