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Encountering the Other: The Challenge for the 21st

Analyzing Literature Assignment By: Rodrigo Herrera

Comprehension Check
1. According to the author it may be that the small family tribes get meet casually with other tribes
during the hunting and exploring seasons, not just challenging their uniqueness but also their
notions from the world.

2. The author suggests is the cultural doctrine of hospitality which has one of its roots that surges
from the "apartheid" concept that maintains the idea to radically separate the existence of the
other with the superiority of someone itself, that in contrary maintains how the "Other" could be
more divine than hostile, as a trial from the gods.

3. According to the historical point of view from the author; the Europeans had left their country
almost exclusively with a conquering purpose since the gathering from new lands, until the
capturing of slaves or trade

4. In brief words it all goes how historical, religious, and cultural factors have
influenced on how individuals and societies perceive and interact with those who are
different from them. With globalization, encounters with the "other" have become
more frequent and suggests hiow it is essential to approach these encounters with
respect and understanding like the humanity that we are. It also goes deeper on how
different religious traditions have influenced encounters with the "other" differently,
either emphasizing hospitality or avoiding contamination. Proposing finally to create
more tolerant and inclusive societies and how individuals should reflect on their
encounters with the "other" to critically examine past and present interactions to
create a better future.

1. I get interested in the Melanesian tribes that Malinowski studied since the term
"Melanesian" is a broad umbrella term that encompasses a wide variety of
different cultures and traditions. It supports the idea from the essay that each
tribe has its own unique history and identity, and it's important to respect and
celebrate the diversity of Melanesian culture.
2. The author has developed an historical route or evolution from the humanity
cooperation, but at what extent does not the cooperation works?
Analyze the Text
3. I have learned mainly not just the historical roots that precedes our complex organization
as humans but also the fact that we had always maintain globally in a smaller scope as one
humanity with the same necessities but with different resolutions for different
circunstances. Prove of that is how actually in the text its mentioned how diverse are
religions, cultures and dynamics on the world.

 Monitoring day-to-day accounting operations

 Managing accountants and other staff responsible for transactions related
to billing, sales, collection, payroll and budget preparation
 Recruiting qualified accountants and other staff members for the
accounting team, and periodically training them in best practices in
 Ensuring that there is a backup process in place for all accounting and
finance-related operations
 Maintaining existing internal accounting policies and creating new policies
as required
 Determining ways to automate the accounting process without sacrificing
 Generating periodic accounting reports like monthly, quarterly and annual
financial reports for management
 Maintaining updated and accurate accounting books for cash receipts,
accounts payable and receivable, general ledger, payroll, utilities and other
capital expenditure
 Reconciling bank statements periodically
 Raking short-term and long-term financial recommendations to the
management based on the company's financial status and business goals
 Submitting reports like income forecasts, and revenue and expenditure
variance analysis periodically to avoid liquidity issues for the management
 Monitoring tax expenditure and other statutory financial requirements to
submit paperwork as required and ensure payment of corporate taxes on
 Conducting frequent audits within the organisation to eliminate
 Working with external agencies for the annual audits and ensuring proper
documentation and reporting

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