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Engineering Mechanics – Assignment 1

1. What will change if the straight link BD is replaced by the curved link as
shown in the lecture?
a. Nothing
b. FBD of ABC
c. FBD of BD
d. FBDs of BD and ABC
Ans: a

2. When the extra weight W1 is added at point B, choose the option that best
describes the FBDs of links BD and ABC.

Ans: b
3. The pole AB shown in the picture is totally 15m long and has a uniformly
distributed mass of 150 kg. It is supported at both its ends on “smooth”
walls. What is magnitude of the reaction force at A? Take the value of the
gravitational acceleration to be 10m/s^2 (mark the option that is closest to
your answer)

a. 250 N
b. 300 N
c. 333 N
d. 376 N
Ans: c
4. Consider the previous question and assume now that the walls “aren’t
smooth”, would the reaction forces at A and B change? Would the value of T
(the tension in the cable) change? (Hint: no need of any calculation)
a. No, No
b. No, Yes
c. Yes, No
d. Yes, Yes
Ans: d
5. The extraction of a nail is greatly facilitated by a block placed under the head
of a claw hammer. Consider a 200 N pull on the handle, which is required to
pull the nail. Calculate the tension in the nail and enter a numeric answer in
Newton (the answer must match exactly).

Ans: 800 N
6. Consider the previous question. What is the magnitude of the force between
the head of the hammer and the block? (mark an answer closest to the answer
you obtain)
a. 343 N
b. 564 N
c. 850 N
d. 755 N
Ans: d
7. A person performs slow arm curls with a 90 N weight as shown in the figure.
The brachialis muscle group has a major role in this exercise. Determine the
magnitude of the force exerted by these muscles. (Consider the weight of the
forearm to be 14 N that is acting effectively at the point G)
a. 693 N
b. 750 N
c. 843 N
d. 945 N
Ans: a
Credits: Vikrant Sharma (NPTEL NOC Jan-March 2015)

Comments : This is because the line segment BD does not change

even when the link is curved. The forces are always equal and
opposite, and act along the line segment BD (for net force and net
moment to be zero)

Comments: Options a, c and d get ruled out as none of them have net force
and the net moment to be zero. Hence, the only possible answer can be b!

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Comments: If the walls are rough, friction forces will act and hence the
reaction forces will change. But, the friction forces will be equal and
opposite to each other. Hence, this would not affect the value of the

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