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Structure and Freedom Act#1

The format of an image should provide something more than just a perspective. The angle and
colors about something build an evident identity, not just a physical identity as characteristics, but
also a freeze and tied reality about a context where time and space are involved, where people and
symbols testify with their own experience how distant is the reality between events and their
meaning. Can images embrace that what happens and that what means with the correct
elements? In that case the scale and purpose could represent more than an artistic expression, as
it does Dorothea Lange´s photography about Manzanar center in California for Japanese-American
citizens during WWII.

The image is divided in background, middleground and foreground where different elements are
partitioned, but in a subtle way to guide the viewer where to see and understand its weight. For
example, the lines of houses at the sides and some people walking as the foreground, a house
between lines but showing it´s front face with big mountains at the back are between the
middleground and the background, and finally but brighter the sky with a well raised USA flag also
within the foreground. The perspective is key to understand how and why did the photographer
specifically decided to take the pic from that angle and not from another side. As showing us to
who, to where and to what to attribute what´s happening at the background as a result about an

The way we see the world and the way is portrayed by a photographer firstly impacts with the
colors, we have also learned to attribute colors to symbols and the same way around it during
history images. That´s how there we naturally feel neutral about the image, depending on the
context it also gets melancholy but not as a usually positive feeling.

Manzanar Riot Act#2

Poems can eventually provoke a well complex consequence for the reader if it provides the correct
details and elements. What usually constitutes a poem, at the contrary of a picture in the case of
the colors is the rhythm within which the correct order of the syllables makes it sound well. in the
case of the Manzanar Riot, a simple but dancing style it´s perceive to catch a politic phenomenon
with the closely feeling of a place influenced by the environment ground.

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