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Break Free Analysis, Adidas publicity

The video seems to perform a powerful depiction of the struggle against ours self limitations and
social boundaries that often restrict our freedom and potential. Through an emotional and
captivating visual narrative, it takes us on a journey with an old man protagonist who, despite
being confined to a nursing home, it longs for the freedom and excitement of running, a passion
that once defined his existence as a hollow trough the time.

The setting subtly captures the monotony and restriction of the nursing home environment,
contrasting with the protagonist's brief moments of freedom and memories. These memories and
environments been compared in different dyes of colors and accompany with music’s additional
layer of emotion, detailing the emotional ups and downs of the story. The short film begins by
showing the old man discovering a pair of old Adidas running shoes, a symbol of his glory days as a
runner. Despite the nursing home staff's attempts to stop his spirit, he persists, finding moments to
put on the shoes and feel the freedom of running, even if only in his imagination.

The story reaches its climax when, after several failed attempts to escape, the old man finally
breaks through the physical and social barriers that confine him. In a thrilling and liberating scene,
he runs across the open fields, freed at last from the constraints that bound him. This moment may
be a powerful metaphor for human resilience and determination to pursue happiness and
authenticity, no matter the circumstances.

Act. #2: Burker King Ad

Analyze the following the following image of Burker King.... Same document. Write an analysis of 250-300 words. Be creative
in analyzing. What´s the ad’s central message? What does the add suggest here or what does it want to represent? Go deep
into the analysis of the people in the video.

The image portrays an evident comparison between the product presented and the actually given
product in the commonly used marketing publicity of the famous Hamburgers business. The issue
shows explicitly how far and different are both exemplary from each other, but within a convenient
exaggeration of its qualities.

The scenario highlights both by positioning them at a blank space background that literally makes
them stand up from anything else, this subtly can be understand as an idealization about their
product. This, since it’s presented as something huge and more extraordinary than other common
and expected hamburgers, all of these performed through the correct angle about what it should
be and what it is in reality. And although there is no information about the cost of it, it is worth
mentioning its absence, for avoiding a negative impact to the viewer, since the first thing that the
image tries to appeal is to initiate the desire, but without considering how much to give in
exchange to gain the product, that´s how in that way the visual it´s totally captivating, and it’s
basically the perfect hook at everywhere, but specifically seize the key moments when someone is
hungry and essentially in a rush.

Act #4 Chevy Commercial

The Chevy commercial is a poignant narrative that captures the essence of life’s journey through
the point of view of a straight relationship between a girl and her dog. Although at first it may be
confusing (something that at last harms the brand) the commercial unfolds in reverse
chronological order, beginning with the girl’s farewell to her aging companion and tracing back to
the day her dog was brought into her life as a puppy. This storytelling technique emphasizes the
cyclical nature of life and the enduring presence of love and companionship but closely at the side
of the cars brand.

The message is clear, Chevrolet is not just selling a car; they are selling a companion for life’s
journey. The Chevy vehicle is too subtly present in the background of life’s pivotal moments,
suggesting reliability and continuity. The car witnesses the girl’s first driving lesson, her
heartbreaks, her triumphs, and her transitions, as much as the girl does. It represents a silent and
secure partner that accompanies her through all the highs and lows.

It invites viewers to ponder their own life’s journey and the companions, both human and non-
human, who have been there along the way as it taps into the deep emotional bond we share with
our pets, paralleling it with the bond Chevrolet hopes customers will feel towards their vehicle. It’s
an appreciation of life, love, and the memories we create with those who accompany us on our

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