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000000.000| ALWAYS| Logging started at 2023-12-28T18:25:41.

000000.007| ALWAYS| CFG| CrashHandler(Sentry)
000000.145| ALWAYS| CFG| Command Line: " 5315
OSqEsKj+N+ncJARAYWptDA== 3122442697410368" "-Product=LoL" "-
PlayerID=3122442697410368" "-GameID=36882729" "-PlayerNameMode=ALIAS" "-
GameBaseDir=C:\Riot Games\League of Legends" "-Region=PH2" "-PlatformID=PH2" "-
Locale=en_US" "-SkipBuild" "-EnableCrashpad=true" "-EnableLNP" "-UseDX11=1:1" "-
UseMetal=0:1" "-UseNewX3D" "-UseNewX3DFramebuffers" "-RiotClientPort=51788" "-
000000.311| ALWAYS| Live Profiling enabled. Will overwrite old RPD.
000000.312| ALWAYS| CFG| Build Version: Version 13.24.547.9214 (Dec 07
2023/10:41:40) [PUBLIC] <Releases/13.24> ChangeList: 5479214
000000.367| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Initializing on port 51788
000000.384| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Connected to app process.
000000.388| ALWAYS| FLOW| Initializing Renderer
000000.388| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Init enter
000000.388| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Init() exit successfully
000001.117| ALWAYS| rr3dRenderLayer::InitDevice(XRes = 1366, YRes = 768, BPP = 32)
000001.117| ALWAYS| rr3dRenderLayer::InitDevice: Creating X3D device
000001.117| ALWAYS| DXGI version: 1.6
000001.118| ALWAYS| Detected Adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti'
000001.122| ALWAYS| DXGI: Tearing support enabled.
000001.330| ALWAYS| DX11 feature level: 11.0
000001.423| ALWAYS| Using X3D Platform: DX11
000001.434| ALWAYS| X3D: Focus Gained
000001.441| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::RecreateOwnedResources
000001.441| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::InitResources exit successfully
000001.596| ALWAYS| AudioManager: Wwise Version v2019.1.10 initialized.
000001.616| ALWAYS| FLOW| Push: Bootstrap complete
000001.625| ALWAYS| FLOW| Push: Patching Current: Bootstrap
000001.642| ALWAYS| FLOW| Push: Patching complete
000001.651| ALWAYS| FLOW| Pop: Patching
000001.668| ALWAYS| FLOW| Pop: Patching complete Current: Bootstrap
000001.691| ALWAYS| FLOW| Push: LoLCommon Current: Bootstrap
000001.872| ALWAYS| FLOW| Push: LoLCommon complete
000001.874| ALWAYS| FLOW| Push: GameSession Current: LoLCommon
000001.883| ALWAYS| GameStartData::GameID=36882729
000001.886| ALWAYS| Client Clock Synchronization Started
000001.888| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Initializing on port 51788
000001.888| ALWAYS| CONN| Connecting to address ( port (5315)
000001.890| ALWAYS| CONN| Waiting for response from game server...
000001.890| ALWAYS| FLOW| Push: GameSession complete
000001.892| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Connected to app process.
000002.015| ALWAYS| CONN| Hard Connect at LocalSimTime(0.000)
000002.017| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[0] Scale negative delay correction: 0.013143
000002.017| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[0]: Scale(1.00) LocalTime(0.000)
SegmentStartTime(0.000) LocalOffset(3.028) Snap
000002.018| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[0] Pause negative delay correction: 0.013661
000002.018| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[0]: Command(Pause) LocalTime(0.000)
SegmentStartTime(0.000) LocalOffset(3.028) Snap
000002.018| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[1] Scale negative delay correction: 0.014011
000002.018| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[1]: Scale(1.00) LocalTime(0.000)
SegmentStartTime(1.828) LocalOffset(3.027) Snap
000002.018| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[1] Pause negative delay correction: 0.014042
000002.018| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[1]: Command(Unpause) LocalTime(1.828)
SegmentStartTime(1.828) LocalOffset(3.027) Snap
000002.094| ALWAYS| LCUChatClientAsync: Chat session is "loaded".
000002.153| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Info Received ServerSimTime(0.000)
000002.153| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 0) 'wo0tph' -
Champion(Teemo) SkinID(18) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(b21fde2c-af37-5cea-9820-
bc0f2575aff4) ConnectionState(Disconnected)
000002.153| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 1) 'PhudZ10' -
Champion(Sivir) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(9a44680d-72ad-55b6-b4cb-
9637d2754841) ConnectionState(Connected)
000002.153| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 2) 'elkyubd' -
Champion(Maokai) SkinID(6) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(f6d3e3cd-77c9-52a5-98e8-
742540270cdf) ConnectionState(Connected)
000002.153| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 3) 'temptsqqcvznggjw'
**LOCAL** - Champion(XinZhao) SkinID(24) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(b5f0f0ff-b25d-
5835-bb1e-9ea957fb5e21) ConnectionState(Connected)
000002.153| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamOrder 4) 'temphzidlkegnqxa' -
Champion(Aatrox) SkinID(0) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(5e842a5d-9784-5d59-a3c6-
3dd39ceb7a99) ConnectionState(Disconnected)
000002.153| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 0) 'gwapomee' -
Champion(MissFortune) SkinID(8) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(a50f1599-ce84-507f-
a8c9-4034dfdffecf) ConnectionState(Disconnected)
000002.153| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 1) 'Senpai Hat' -
Champion(MasterYi) SkinID(9) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(176675d2-3e29-5fd9-992d-
c0f7989580f2) ConnectionState(Connected)
000002.153| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 2) 'ZOR dooby' -
Champion(Nautilus) SkinID(4) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(70cdf064-6ef0-54fc-a11e-
b4e4460e86fa) ConnectionState(Connected)
000002.153| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 3) 'SKT Keria' -
Champion(Ekko) SkinID(19) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(c9246f86-8379-5bf8-8983-
6add19612f4f) ConnectionState(Connected)
000002.153| ALWAYS| ROST| CONNECTION READY | TeamChaos 4) 'LicoLux' -
Champion(Jhin) SkinID(14) TeamBuilderRole(NONE) PUUID(9ef7986c-40b2-5144-ab1e-
a266d6248863) ConnectionState(Connected)
000002.153| ALWAYS| CFG| MultiplayerSettings Encryption=true Compression=true
MinimumSizeToCompressPayloadThreshold=0 CompressionLevel=3 Logging=false
Wireless=false Redundancy=false Threshold=0 Resends=20 Timeout=8.000
TimeoutDisplay=3.000 MinLatency=0.000
000002.328| ALWAYS| CONN| Game Server Connection Established after 0.438 seconds,
0 retries
000002.329| ALWAYS| FLOW| Push: Gameplay Current: GameSession
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 friends list:
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner collection:
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName 0012301 and
tagLine 5153
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Dune and
tagLine 0305
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName bambie and
tagLine seer
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Acier and
tagLine 8222
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Jasper and
tagLine 4264
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Yahusyuwa and
tagLine PH2
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName V33nus and
tagLine PH2
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Red and tagLine
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName jungkook BTS
and tagLine 9138
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName LikeGoat and
tagLine 2109
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Rakken2 and
tagLine 7791
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName riv04 and
tagLine 1106
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Big Duck and
tagLine 0666
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName skyr and
tagLine 2YJ
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Seraphine and
tagLine 09997
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName jater and
tagLine 0618
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName
DdEeSsHhOoWwEePp and tagLine 9530
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName LEEUWENHOEK and
tagLine 1979
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName 不想贏都不要贏
and tagLine 5363
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName muyotskie11 and
tagLine 8062
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Kaela and
tagLine 0530
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName ITS JAMES and
tagLine 6166
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName C I A R Á N and
tagLine 6004
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Filthyrottenapp
and tagLine YEAH
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Giantweed and
tagLine PH2
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName HyperZion and
tagLine 1014
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName FluxTzy and
tagLine 8400
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Epsy and
tagLine 4667
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Pakunoda and
tagLine VON
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Daxx and
tagLine QTPIE
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Insanity and
tagLine P4KYU
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName BlackDeath99
and tagLine PH2
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName D4rKcRiMeLOL
and tagLine PH2
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName SP Xolaani and
tagLine Bang
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName PHX VEGA and
tagLine 2719
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName lHide On
Bushl07 and tagLine PH2
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Jjell23 and
tagLine PH2
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Aintlexc and
tagLine PH2
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Takashi and
tagLine 0720
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName KenjiKurama and
tagLine 8137
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName bj josue and
tagLine PH2
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Shady Nasty and
tagLine 7349
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName PixC Dust and
tagLine kram9
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Moooondeeee and
tagLine 9384
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName XxKevin and
tagLine PH2
000003.102| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName FrankVoizDawan
and tagLine PH2
000003.103| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Brent and
tagLine 5994
000003.103| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Sana masaya ka
and tagLine Sakit
000003.103| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName DudeDoom and
tagLine PH2
000003.103| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName 로즈마리 and
tagLine 1816
000003.103| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName YooTrick and
tagLine PH2
000003.103| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Mi Zu Iro 06
and tagLine PH2
000003.103| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName Kivryelle and
tagLine Niel
000003.103| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner with gameName xNighTmar3 and
tagLine 7819
000003.203| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 muted players list:
000003.203| ALWAYS| Successfully received v2 summoner collection:
000003.379| ALWAYS| Set focus to app
000003.379| ALWAYS| CFG| OS Version: 10 Professional, x64 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)
i5-3330 CPU @ 3.00GHz, (4 cores) Instruction Set Level 7Physical memory:
8589934592Display info: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4293918720 Driver:
000003.464| ALWAYS| FLOW| Push: Gameplay complete
000003.466| ALWAYS| FLOW| Push: LoadingScreen Current: Gameplay
000003.478| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Initializing on port 51788
000003.482| ALWAYS| LCURemotingClient: Connected to app process.
000003.486| ALWAYS| LCUVoiceChatClient: Disabling voice, channel not available at
000004.083| ALWAYS| FLOW| Begin Async Loading
000004.083| ALWAYS| FLOW| Push: LoadingScreen complete
000004.560| ALWAYS| Client Clock: InitialSync->Converging after 2.673 seconds.
Offset(3.055666) Outliers(1) Delay(0.042659) DelayVariance(0.000023)
000005.659| ALWAYS| LOAD| LOADING: Begin Game Object Update
000005.667| ALWAYS| LOAD| LOADING: End Game Object Update
000006.853| ALWAYS| PreloadGlobalEffects
000006.972| ALWAYS| PreloadGlobalEffects Finished
000009.794| ALWAYS| FLOW| Async Loading Complete
000009.803| ALWAYS| FLOW| Data Load Complete
000009.803| ALWAYS| FLOW| Start Main Loop
000009.885| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[0]: Scale(1.00) LocalTime(0.000)
SegmentStartTime(0.000) LocalOffset(3.056) Snap
000009.885| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[0]: Command(Pause) LocalTime(0.025)
SegmentStartTime(0.000) LocalOffset(3.056) Snap
000009.885| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[1]: Scale(1.00) LocalTime(9.736)
SegmentStartTime(9.697) LocalOffset(3.056) Snap
000009.885| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[1]: Command(Unpause) LocalTime(9.722)
SegmentStartTime(9.697) LocalOffset(3.056) Snap
000009.885| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[0]: Scale(1.00) LocalTime(0.025)
SegmentStartTime(0.000) LocalOffset(3.056) Snap
000009.885| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[0]: Command(Pause) LocalTime(0.025)
SegmentStartTime(0.000) LocalOffset(3.056) Snap
000009.885| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[1]: Scale(1.00) LocalTime(9.722)
SegmentStartTime(9.697) LocalOffset(3.056) Snap
000009.885| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[1]: Command(Unpause) LocalTime(9.722)
SegmentStartTime(9.697) LocalOffset(3.056) Snap
000009.885| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_PREGAME to
GAMESTATE_SPAWN for reason Received StartSpawn packet.
000009.897| ALWAYS| Trying to find if v2 gameNameAndTagline PusangGreen#7059 is in
buddy list returned false
000009.965| ALWAYS| LDS| Initialized companion for player temptsqqcvznggjw:
000010.040| ALWAYS| Trying to find if v2 gameNameAndTagline wootph#4466 is in buddy
list returned false
000010.160| ALWAYS| LDS| Initialized companion for player wo0tph: PetFenroar
000010.189| ALWAYS| Trying to find if v2 gameNameAndTagline gAgnZtEr#5024 is in
buddy list returned false
000010.247| ALWAYS| LDS| Failed to initialize companion for player PhudZ10:
Missing GCO
000010.275| ALWAYS| Trying to find if v2 gameNameAndTagline elkyubd#momo is in
buddy list returned false
000010.311| ALWAYS| LDS| Initialized companion for player elkyubd: PetTFTAvatar
000010.335| ALWAYS| Trying to find if v2 gameNameAndTagline temphzidlkegnqxa#PH2 is
in buddy list returned false
000010.366| ALWAYS| LDS| Initialized companion for player temphzidlkegnqxa:
000010.393| ALWAYS| Trying to find if v2 gameNameAndTagline gwapomee#PH2 is in
buddy list returned false
000010.409| ALWAYS| LDS| Failed to initialize companion for player gwapomee:
Missing GCO
000010.444| ALWAYS| Trying to find if v2 gameNameAndTagline DawnLiwayway#FPWD is in
buddy list returned false
000010.482| ALWAYS| LDS| Initialized companion for player Senpai Hat: PetSGCat
000010.506| ALWAYS| Trying to find if v2 gameNameAndTagline ZOR dooby#PH2 is in
buddy list returned false
000010.507| ALWAYS| LDS| Failed to initialize companion for player ZOR dooby:
Missing GCO
000010.534| ALWAYS| Trying to find if v2 gameNameAndTagline T1 Keria#8054 is in
buddy list returned false
000010.621| ALWAYS| LDS| Initialized companion for player SKT Keria:
000010.659| ALWAYS| Trying to find if v2 gameNameAndTagline losersleague#5722 is in
buddy list returned false
000010.660| ALWAYS| LDS| Initialized companion for player LicoLux: PetTFTAvatar
000010.702| ALWAYS| FLOW| Spawning completed
000010.702| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-BC89AC41
000010.718| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-6671BCAD
000108.065| ALWAYS| CLK| Replica[0]: Command(Unpause) LocalTime(0.025)
SegmentStartTime(0.000) LocalOffset(3.058) Interpolate
000108.066| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_SPAWN to
GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP for reason Received Game Start Packet.
000108.074| ALWAYS| FLOW| Pop: LoadingScreen
000108.146| ALWAYS| FLOW| Pop: LoadingScreen complete Current: Gameplay
000108.150| ERROR| >>> BuffHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 0aa32391
000108.169| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-8711AB1A 0.0246922
000108.248| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-9651ACAB
000108.249| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-B2890C00
000108.316| ALWAYS| GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP AudioUpdate
000108.317| ALWAYS| GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP EndRender & EndFrame
000108.318| ALWAYS| FLOW| SEJ-891ACC45
000108.318| ALWAYS| Enabling System Load Monitoring: 1000ms
000124.583| ALWAYS| Client Clock: Converging->Synchronized after 120.023 seconds.
Offset(3.059199) Outliers(2) Delay(0.042721) DelayVariance(0.000045)
000132.539| ALWAYS| Chat received valid message: journey? with speaker DisplayName
elkyubd#momo and preamble <font color="#40C1FF">[Team] elkyubd (Maokai): </font>
000341.060| ALWAYS| Chat received valid message: gg with speaker DisplayName
gAgnZtEr#5024 and preamble <font color="#40C1FF">[Team] gAgnZtEr (Sivir): </font>
000885.947| ALWAYS| Chat received valid message: end with speaker DisplayName
elkyubd#momo and preamble <font color="#40C1FF">[Team] elkyubd (Maokai): </font>
000890.586| ALWAYS| Chat received valid message: ff with speaker DisplayName
elkyubd#momo and preamble <font color="#40C1FF">[Team] elkyubd (Maokai): </font>
000891.995| ALWAYS| Chat received valid message: ,ff with speaker DisplayName
elkyubd#momo and preamble <font color="#40C1FF">[Team] elkyubd (Maokai): </font>
000913.270| ALWAYS| Chat received valid message: wa with speaker DisplayName
PusangGreen#7059 and preamble <font color="#40C1FF">[Team] PusangGreen (Xin Zhao):
000913.701| ALWAYS| Chat received valid message: aw with speaker DisplayName
PusangGreen#7059 and preamble <font color="#40C1FF">[Team] PusangGreen (Xin Zhao):
000914.102| ALWAYS| Chat received valid message: aw with speaker DisplayName
PusangGreen#7059 and preamble <font color="#40C1FF">[Team] PusangGreen (Xin Zhao):
000914.422| ALWAYS| Chat received valid message: wa with speaker DisplayName
PusangGreen#7059 and preamble <font color="#40C1FF">[Team] PusangGreen (Xin Zhao):
001087.235| ALWAYS| Chat received valid message: aw with speaker DisplayName
PusangGreen#7059 and preamble <font color="#40C1FF">[Team] PusangGreen (Xin Zhao):
001087.634| ALWAYS| Chat received valid message: aw with speaker DisplayName
PusangGreen#7059 and preamble <font color="#40C1FF">[Team] PusangGreen (Xin Zhao):
001118.977| ALWAYS| Chat received valid message: aw with speaker DisplayName
PusangGreen#7059 and preamble <font color="#40C1FF">[Team] PusangGreen (Xin Zhao):
001119.311| ALWAYS| Chat received valid message: aw with speaker DisplayName
PusangGreen#7059 and preamble <font color="#40C1FF">[Team] PusangGreen (Xin Zhao):
001119.682| ALWAYS| Chat received valid message: aw with speaker DisplayName
PusangGreen#7059 and preamble <font color="#40C1FF">[Team] PusangGreen (Xin Zhao):
001120.079| ALWAYS| Chat received valid message: aw with speaker DisplayName
PusangGreen#7059 and preamble <font color="#40C1FF">[Team] PusangGreen (Xin Zhao):
001120.447| ALWAYS| Chat received valid message: aw with speaker DisplayName
PusangGreen#7059 and preamble <font color="#40C1FF">[Team] PusangGreen (Xin Zhao):
001127.950| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP to
GAMESTATE_ENDGAME for reason Received Game End Packet.
001127.950| ALWAYS| FLOW| ALE-8SDFH23F
001129.492| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_ENDGAME to
GAMESTATE_PRE_EXIT for reason RiotUI End of Game Message Handled
001129.497| ALWAYS| CONN| Requesting disconnect (22)
001129.497| ALWAYS| FLOW| Switching Game State from GAMESTATE_PRE_EXIT to
GAMESTATE_EXIT for reason PreExit Game State is Complete.
001129.500| ALWAYS| FLOW| Finished Main Loop
001129.558| ALWAYS| =================== Perf Stats (all in ms)
001129.558| ALWAYS| Average Frame Time: 6.17
001129.558| ALWAYS| Average FPS: 161.96 fps
001129.558| ALWAYS| StdDev Frame Time: 9.28
001129.558| ALWAYS| Max Frame Time: 2800.88
001129.558| ALWAYS| Ave GPU Frame Time: 3.18
001129.558| ALWAYS| StdDev GPU Frame Time: 0.73
001129.558| ALWAYS| Max GPU Frame Time: 29.50
001129.558| ALWAYS| GPU Time Histogram:
001129.558| ALWAYS| Histogram Buckets:
001129.558| ALWAYS| Frame Time Histogram:
001129.558| ALWAYS| Max Memory = 899.125 / 1923.262 MiB (Active/Used)
001129.762| ALWAYS| FLOW| Cleanup Complete
Result: 200: SUCCESS
001129.844| ALWAYS| FLOW| Pop: Gameplay
001130.051| ALWAYS| FLOW| Pop: Gameplay complete Current: GameSession
001130.052| ALWAYS| FLOW| Pop: GameSession
001130.070| ALWAYS| FLOW| ALE-8SDFH23F
001130.075| ALWAYS| FLOW| Pop: GameSession complete Current: LoLCommon
001130.080| ALWAYS| FLOW| Push: PostGameUI Current: LoLCommon
001130.097| ALWAYS| FLOW| Push: PostGameUI complete
001130.121| ALWAYS| FLOW| Pop: PostGameUI
001130.138| ALWAYS| FLOW| Pop: PostGameUI complete Current: LoLCommon
001130.140| ALWAYS| FLOW| Pop: LoLCommon
001130.158| ALWAYS| FLOW| Pop: LoLCommon complete Current: Bootstrap
001130.174| ALWAYS| FLOW| Pop: Bootstrap
001130.191| ALWAYS|
ssage_body":"Game exited"}
001130.192| ALWAYS| AudioManagerWwise::Finit
001130.212| ALWAYS| FLOW| Destroying the renderer
001130.212| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Close() enter
001130.685| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Close() exit

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