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STATISTICS LOVER Dips Ac lemy fans 90011008 Cottied Wott rn Ps X has the probability density function f=" etix> Qa>2, \ then Var (4) is equal to ® (4) Let X bea normal random variable with mean 2d variance 4, and g(a)=P(aSX 1) equals = (= Oo aS TOCA Pn Fn Sr ae : (eee ee canned with CamScanner 2 ws |» Let X and Y be continuous random variables with the joint —_ suerte Sas), (xy) eR? 4 \" ( & et Yardy Then P(X >0,¥ <0)= RAG 00 yer logy, X has (4, 7 distribution with moment generating function M,(t)=e""", t e(—co,c0), then P(X <1000) equals 5 festove) * pl4ss yun 34) betting = f Cys 8:87 fee OJ Let x inane variable with the probability oe sie 7 gto ) Fea) res ooasorse, 71} 2 1-6(058) | F 0-69 15 IF £(22)=2 and Yar()=2, then P(X 0, p>0, x)= Qe } 0, otherwise. eri & 7 sit | If E(X)=20 and Var(X)=10, then (a,p) is ace) 2 Bn | (a) (2,20) ‘ ag ol? o | ) (2,40) ; | ea } (©) (4,20) 2 (@) (4,40) Let X bea discrete random variable with the moment generating function (43) Bre), i Mx) 04 steR, Then Scanned with CamScanner (@) E(x 15 (b) Var(x) = 2 © p(xei)= 22 @) P(x= yay = { Let X bea random variable with the moment generating function Then P(X €Q), where Q is the set of rational numbers equals ele wie ale = PY ae peed oo) = P( Ges nde) = FC <3 ee * [dea a% TPS HOUSE: 3% Fog) ioral ane he Sex Da 16 Ps 75, Ca ONG et ozaipeade cm: Website wenlionacademy Scanned with CamScanner ADS Academy Wears err rset Assignment-2 [os Let X’be a non-constant positive random variable with finite mean, Then, which of the following is true? (@) BE (log x) B(x") (©) log £(X) < B (log X) = [eas (x0) Let X' be a random variable with probability density function f, (x). Let Y = X? then, the probability density funtion of Ys: @)— [Fe(VE)+ fe(-Vx)]/2.x>0 OY [fi (Ve) + Se (We)]/2v%, x20 ©) [te(ve)P x20 @ 2f-(Vx)-1,x>0 X~B(16, 1/2)E[X(X-1)(X-2)(X-3)] is @) 16x 15x14 (b) 15x14x12 (©) 16x15«14«13 @) 16x15 Ae) 181413 a Sarai Haz Khas, Neat LUT, New DAnAI001, wn dipsaen ‘DIPS HOUSE: 78 (Fist Foo). [ ‘Ema netdonacate Scanned with CamScanner rei (di) Between 2 and 3 Us More than } and less than 2 (@) Determine the distribution of Y = (o) Evaluate its mean and variance. ‘There are 75 multiple choice questions with 5 alternatives in an examination, A candidate Knows the correct answer to only 15 of them and decides to just randomly mark one of the alternatives. A correct answer 10 this examination gets +1 marks and a wrong answer get -I/4 marks for the candidate. (a.) What are the expected marks of this candidate (What can you say about the probability of his marks being less than 10 or ereater than 20 (c) Evaluate the probability that this candidate wil gt mare than 30 marks (you can use the suitable approximation). Suppose Xs a random variable with probability density function wge-S)- acxe-e ‘The mean and variance X is, respectively, F(x) 1a © Be 4 BT 28 a ° 6) Mt oe F . @ oO ©) © it a 5 4 BH oa - None of the above ra Tunetion 4 ta)={ , led 0, | otherwise tobea probability density function, the value of Cis TOT Fa aati EONS TAT a Bp Scanned with CamScanner ' é ® F (e) None of the above (.)- The random variable X has the following probability distribution 7 P(X=1)=P(X=-1)=3, P(X =2)=P(X=-2)=2 (a) The median is positive (©) The mean is positive (©) The median is zero and the mean is negative |) The mean and median ae both 2er0 ao, fa ae =n)= ay N=1,2y then P(X 210)is | 3 | 7) 2) | -Lex<1. Then 11.) The random variable X has pdf f(x) (a) B(x)>0 -S MOUSE 8, (it Foo) Tis Sara Tews Khas Neat LET New DAL IOV16, Ph OLI)2GHSET, Cas wo bei Tal Webute: wwe diotacademcom oo 34 Scanned with CamScanner fx (x)= ce, ~00 <.x 5) =0.1, then the variance of X'is DB oc (a) At most 15 et pew7c]s ch (b) Equal to1 3 (©) Equal 02 we 35 Sa) Atleast 2.5 = ©) ‘The median of the random variable X whose pdf is given by (12x? (1- < rioeh xe (I-x), O 0.1). Then for allp 500 4 = @) asa (b) a s.05 (©) @>.01 (@) a=0 low is given the value of a discrete random variable X and corresponding value of distribution function F(x) = P[X sx]. The value of the probability P[l < X <3] will be Oat F(x) [0.15 [0.45 “ir Fon lia Sea Maas Kins Near ELT, New DARF-IIO016 Ph (01) 2637527, Cat BOOTING DIPS OUSE: 2 (Fr Pat tafe dascadenn co: Webi: wencdpacaen com Scanned with CamScanner Ream &) 045 ©) 02s (@) 06s (232) A random variable Y has the probability function _Jety? for y=-2,-1,1,2 Pw) { ° otherwise |” Then the value of ¢ will be @ 1 oa Pr is 1 e “a @ ra function f (x 0s .x<2, because _44) It is negative for various values of X (b.) Its integrals from cto ois not 1 (c.) Its integral from 0 to 2 is not 1 (a) Itisnota linear function of X 25.) (a) 0(0+1) (ob) (0-1)/(0+1) (@) 1/8 048) 28 4xc-2x¢ -& is not a proper probability function ofthe random variable X, where For the distribution f (x) =(1-0)0" x = 0,1,2,.-,0-<0 <1 the probability ofthe event ‘X'= odd number’ is For Haut Rtas Near LT, New Dali 11O016, Ph (O11) 20557527, Ca BROMINE 7a (First Foor a { DIPS HOUSE 2 Fe af dntacadeny com: Website: wn Lu | Scanned with CamScanner ECs 0 Foi Osxel a6) HAC )2K4t ey 8 sxcd 1 x3 Then P| X= @) 1 1 o 5 , Let # (x)and F, (x) be two distribution functions. Then whieh of the following is a distribution function? AG) F(a) @) (b.) (©) R()+F (2) @) 2A)RC) orm die, the reward in pees foreach ofthe number 1, 2,3,4, Sand 6 tuning Ina game of throwing a unil reward in the game number that turned up. The expectes up is equal to the (a) 2.00 (by 2.50 (ce) 3.00 29) Forevery a,00 ‘Then the value of P(x .) ©) @ Dips Academy rs @ 4 6) 23 @ % () The probability mass function of a random variable X is given by 1 gery =0,1,2,.n p(x)=y2" ‘ ©, otherwise Then [SI is x Does not exist, Scanned with CamScanner SEs i Pn Sal Lt SHOE IN iat D>ips Academy (1) A if the ry. X has N (11,7) then the distribution of Z () Normal (0,1) ) Chi-square with | df (c) Gamma (3/2, 1/2) (@) — Half-normal 2) 2B Poisson (32) sta (b) Poisson (24) aha (©) Poisson (2) (4) None of the above (J The Arithmetic mean of two non-negative integers is 5. Their standard deviation will be (@) Less than 4 (b.) Atleast 4 (©) At most 5 (4) Greater than 5 (@) Nothing can be said based on the information given _ For a Normal distribution with mean 5, it was found that its first quartile is 2.5. Hence, its second and third quartiles are @) 25,25 (b) 25,5 ea 5,75 7? os (4) 25,75 (©) None of the above 1, New Dei 10016, Ph (@11} 26537527, Cale DOSES Webi wwdostademcom | Scanned with CamScanner—~ ie. eee aes eee Dips Academy | Font toes corthet maton | 6} Arandom variable takes only two values | and a with positive probability. If E(x) = P[X =I], then we must have une) a=0 jx [2 ry ) a@ an way 24 od 24 me an2(> peal Suppose X and Y are independent Binomial random variables with parameters (n,, p,)and (ny, Ps) respectively. Then Z =X +Y is Binomial sandow wade tles dee) ad | jellow nddidve oot tat. 4 eR P the 5M (©) None of the above (@) Binomial (n, +n,, p, +P.) (&.) Binomial (n, +n,(P, + Ps)/2) (©) Binomial (n, +n, p, + P2)sif B= P2=P (4) Binomial (n, + n5,(P, + P2)/ 2), if B= Pa =P __15) None of the above IEXis a random variable with normal distribution with mean 1 and variance 2 denoted by (1,2), what is the distribution of 2X ? (a) (2,2) () (2,8) @ (2,4) (a) (2,2) the following statements is always true forthe normal distribution? fol p(x 26)=1-P(X<5) P(x26)=P(X?9) Scanned with CamScanner | Pips Academy ‘Ant50 99012008 Certtied Matto A P(X 22)=1-P(X <1) PK 22) = (@) P(x >2)=P(x>3) P[X22 Je 99 NN (0,1),04, follows Poisson (1) 7 (6) Both 2X and x ‘are not Poisson 1¥.s ave Nav New Dane Ps OID OTE, Cas OTS | aaa RT aa 2 Scanned with CamScanner- Weep Dips Academy rte atte Ky isson FV. (©) ‘Thes.v. 2X follows Poisson (4) but 7 is not a Poisso x (4) Ther.v. 2X is not a Poisson r.v. but 5 is Poisson a “(Ty Aa X bea sv with (1,1). Define the events: A=(-2a+b|X>a)= ‘Then which of the following is a Possible dis (X > b) for all abe E. istribution of X? (@) Poisson (&.) Geometric (ec) Long-normal (@) Exponential FJ The moment generating function ofa random variable is (0.7 +0.3¢* The mean and variance of the random variable are respectively, ead @ (7,2) ‘s an be (3.2.1) nto > npeS ©) (24,7) a= fe a vaniancer Mf? @) (21,9) a the binomial distribution b(x ;16, 0.3), the probability P[X =3] is 0.36. The P[X = 4] will be (@) 0.0362 ple ale Be teres x oF 20. OSolFZ ~~) 0.5014 er 0.0501 (4) 0.0052 | 835 Ifthe random variable Y follows a binomial distribution with n=16 and p=0.6, then which one of the following statements is false? ape vaset The standard deviation of Y is more than 2 (b.) Visa discrete random variable _® ‘The number of distinct values of Y (@.) The mean of Y is 9.6 Scanned with CamScanner (Fn >» Assignment-3 SY The moment generating function of the random variable X is given by e®" . Then the distribution of X is (a) N(0,1) ot i 3 N ‘ . (b) (2,32) bails )) fa (©) (2,16) ee (2,64) | 26.) _JEK follows binomial distribution with parameters n and p, then variance of X /1n is er pl-p) wth) > ned x (&) —np(1- p) i eae 4 vais Loe ©) p(-p) va? 4, We @ 2052) 0 . F {Ina binomial distribution with parameters n and p, the probability of k successes is equal to probability of k failures, then |. Ve) (a) ken ) ke5 | () k=2n | " @) None of these is HOUSE: 2 et og Sua la Ks Near TN Dab ine dipsacaden com: Website: wn dip 2677, Co aS ES i i Scanned with CamScanner Tenia et a random variable X follow the probability distribution ¢ disdpabsdh or a combed P(x)=9"'p3 X=1,2,3,...g=1-p,O 2 © 1 (c) a Pe Let the random variable X follow chi-square distribution with parameter 6. Then E(X*) is 88 YX O eis & 2 Range) = 246 = 2 7 nuon(xde EDI feral 24 - +8 ev’ 80.) Ifthe moment generating function of a random variable X is (3+20') sthen P(X =2or3) is UO 1203 1 o% 5 (c.) 3x35 » 8 Suppose that X, and X, follow binomial distribution with parameters n,, Py and > Ps given that E(X,)=E(X,)- Then respectively. Its niPi= Make @ BAB "Pa iPS HOUSE: 38, (Fira Poop Ji ‘Ema Scanned with CamScanner —al G2) EX is the number of ‘six’ when 72 fair dice are thrown, then the value of E(X*) is 2 ery a VGLl j n292 EI? 1? @® 2 roe ae { @&) 10 6 « ere )e et Ss Brge np? 12 (@) 155 veya pte 10 33.) Let X be uniformly distributed over the imerval [a, b], where 0 a) andP(-1.50 f(x)={9 0 otherwise ‘What are the probabilities that on a given day (@) The water consumption in this city is no more than 6 million liters; (©) The water supply is inadequate if the daily capacity of this city is 9 million liters The CDF. of the r.v. Xis given by, F(x)a[I-G+x)e* forx>o ° for x<0 Find @) P(X <2), P(14) &) Thepaf of The p.d.f of the r.v. X's given by : alke(l-x) O) The CDF (©) B(X),Var(1-4X) and PO 8 Mt) = P(X 0 (0 otherwise F(x) ‘And hence find mean and variance. Find the probability that in five tosses of fair die @ 3 appears: (a) Atno time (&) Once (c.) Atleast two times with parameters n, p such that £(X)=10 and var(X)=6 ape io nega the Binomial distribution Let be ry. having 250-7) find n and p. ten bh Soa Reo Nr Dela 11010, Ps OU) 97807, Ce ue Kh ete nes wdc con, Ti et Few Jn Sa ‘IFS HOUSE 28, Fit Fee) 3 Scanned wih CamScanner™ @ _ G8, G9) (40.) aL (42) [_ 5) tethas the binomial distribution with x =2 and o3 =1.2 find n and p. PC aritaitens Yer Bin 41 OB ) yeu Bre (510%) If-X has the binomial distribution with n =100 and _p =0.1, Find P(X s E(X)-3Var(X)) ‘The probability that a certain kind of component will survive a given shock test is 0.6 find the probability that out of 7 components tested, at most 5 survive. e/< 5) A long time ago the occupational disease in an industry was such that the workmen had a 20% chance of suffering from it, If seven workmen were selected at random, find the probability that at most 5 of them contracted the disease, An automobile safety engineer claims that 1 in 10 automobile accidents is due to driver fatigue. What is the probability that at least 2 of S automobile accidents are due to driver fatigue? The probability that a patient recovers from a rare blood disease is 0.6. If 7 people are known to have contracted this disease what is the probability that: (@) Exactly 4 survive p- 0G (©) Atleast $ survive jio-t The probability that a certain kind of vacuum tube will survive a thermal shock probability that among 20 such tubes ne20 pre. dS qa 0015 (&) Atleast 15 will survive por 17) test is 0.85. Find the (@) Exactly 17 will survive pO¢=/7/ ‘The probability that a college student doesnit graduate is 0.3. Five college students are chosen at random, find the probability that: fasts: (a) Three will not graduate (= C3) paord aot (©) Atleast one will not graduate tT 1 eter) DIFS HOUSE 38 First Fle) Sra haz Klas, Nar LT. New Da ATOONG PRs @TH.TGES E-mail oa on Webs wm dinaeseay oa BONG Serco! Pie) }) Suppose that for a very large shipment of integrated circuit chips. The probability of failure for any one chip is 0.10. Find the probability that at most 3 chips fail in a random sample of 20. nzze pore 3) qeot pod yeast player hits on 80% of his shots from the free throw line. What is the probability that he makes at most 4 of his next 5 free shots? P> C+ 0 PC AEA 1M L2ES) 2 O- S904 imi 470-20 {£40 % of the fuses produced by a company are defective what is the probability that at least 2 out of 5 fuses chosen at random will be non defective. mu Lag XIEADGGEH —PEONFO, 970-60 pleads 1 fered (46) A manufacturer knows that on the average 20% of the electric toasters which he makes will require repairs within 1 year after they are sold when 20 toasters are randomly selected, find appropriate numbers x and y such that: (a) The probability that at least x of them will require < nie (b) The probability that at least y of them will not require is, 2 (47.) When calculating all the values of a binomial distribution, the work can usually be simplified by first calculating (0; n, p) and then using the recursion formula b(x +13, p) ane (xn, p). Verify this formula and use it to calculate the values of the binomial distribution with n=5 and p=0.25. ‘A box of fuses contain 40. fuses, of which 8 are defective. If 15 of the fuses are selected at random and removed from the box in succession without replacement, what is the probability that at most two fuses will eel ig. tee FE WE ew persed nels (49) A box contains 100 microchips, 80 good and 20 defective. The number of defectives in the box is unknown to a purchaser, who decides to select 10 microchips at random without replacement and to consider the box acceptable if the 10 items selected include no more than 3 defectives. Find the probability of accepting this box. (80) Prove the following recursion formula for the hypergeometric distribution, (n=x)( =x) h(x rtim MN) =CyiveM ont ee) +h(x3n, M,N) ‘DIPS HOUSE Ta (Fr Foot) Jia Sura Ps ON ERATE, Ca DOTTIE lift dsaende —<—= Scanned with CamScanner (51) (62) ‘@ (S50) 66.) (87) 58.) roe 1f.X has the geometric distribution with P(X =1)=4P(X =2),Find P(X>1). 4 eee P(X =0)=1/2whatis ny.03. A light switeh is turned on and off until it fails. If the probability is 0.001 that the switch Will fail any time it is turned on or off, what is the probability that the switch will not fail during the first 800 times itis turned on or off? Assuming that the conditions underlying the geometric distribution are met. Ina “torture test” If the probability is 0.75 that a person will belive a rumor about the transgressions of a certain politician, find the probabilities that: (.) The fifth person to hear the rumor will be the first to believe it. (.) The eighth person to hear the rumor will be the third to believe it. \ IX has the geometric distribution with P(X =0.4, Find P(X>2) If-Xis is ax.v. having a geometric distribution, show that P(X =m +n/X>n)= P(X =m) memaslee perepcl Differentiating w.r-t p the expressions on both sides of the equation ° p(1 — p)""' =1. show that the mean of geometric distribution is given by p= e If X and Y have geometric and Poisson distribution respectively, £(Y)=2in £[X] and P(X =2)=P(Y =0). Find P(¥ >0). 2P(X =2). Find P(X > 2) If the rv. X has the Poisson distribution with P(X = Co Zol© (ous IfX has the Poisson distribution with P(X = 0) = 2P(X =1). Find P(X >1). PS HOUSE 28, (Fist loon) Jia i Rtas, Nea IT New DelnF1016 Fh (01) 26757, Cas BOOMS IPS HOUSE: 28 nt al Website: wn dibacnemcom ae Ee Scanned with CamScanner (x =2)=3P(x 1) ts the Poisson distribution such that Py |). Find the mean, (62) If Xhas a Poisson distribution with parameter 2 such that P(X =2)=9P(X = 4). Find B(x). = (63) Suppose 2% of people on the average are left handed. Find the probability that at least four are left handed ar 200 le, O02 +f eee ee pCaprie Ie PC483) =ONS6EE (64 I the probability that an individual suffers a bad reaction from the injection of a given serum determine the probability that out of 2000 individuals exactly 5 will suffer a bad reaction. 0.001, proet! Ptes]e O7252 O.034 n22eee ct Aone b (65,)—Suppose that 1% of all transistors produced by a certain company are defective. A new model of computers requires 100 of these transistors, and 100 are selected at random from the company’s assembly line. Find the probability of obtaining 3 defectives. 2-0" thin dL p(gnzpe &! vod nate ob al ala 4 31 7 Bae = 0.2450) (66) If 2% of the books bound at a certain bindery have defective bindings, use the Poisson approximation (o the binomial distribution to determine the probability that five of 400 books bounded by this bindery will have defective bindi 20.02 lefective bindings. ones) o.OFlG r -8 ne deo, | (67) Telephone calls enter a college switch board at a mean rate 1/3 call per minute according to a Poisson process. Find the probability that at most 10 telephone calls wil enter the college switch board during wo hours. (68) ‘The number of monthly breakdown of a computer is a rv. having a Poisson distribution with 2=1.8. Find | the probabilities that this computer will function a month: | (a) Without a breakdown (e.) With only one breakdown radioactive panicles passing through a counter during 1 milisceond in a Isboratory (69, verage number of (69.) The average a ‘Wat isthe probability that 6 pres enter the couatr ina given millisecond? What is the experiment is probability that atleast 10 particles enter the counter in 2.5 milliseconds? e046, (O11 2O5TEET, Ce BOREL evediuacsdemycooe ay nS Hane Kas Nea DurS HOUSE Sa Fit Fete ioscadeon com: We Scanned with CamScanner (70) qn (72) 73) (74) 3) (76.) (7) Airanutaites) The average number of trucks arriving on any one day at a truck depot in a certain city is known to be 4, ‘What is the probability that on a given day at least three trucks will arrive at this depot? Also what is the Probability that on a period of 3 days between 12 and 15 trucks will arrive at that depot? A certain kind of sheet metal has, on average, five defects per 10 square feet. If we assume a Poisson distribution, what is the probability that a 15 square feet of metal will have at least 6 defects? istribution with mean =I. Find P(X >1/X >2) If-X'has expone If X has exponential distribution with standard deviation = 2. Find P(X <1/X <2). Assume the length x in minutes of a particular type of telephone conversation is a r.v. with p.d.f [Let torx>o F(x) oh 0 otherwise (.) Determine the mean length £(X) of this type of telephone conversation. (>) Find the variance () SD. of ¥ (a) Find B(x +5)? Suppose itis known that the life’ ofa particular compressor in hours has the p.d.f atti Fe=tanpe™ forx>0 © otherwise (@) Determine the mean life of the compressor (&) Find the variance and S.D of X. ‘Suppose a certain solid state component has a life time or failure time (in hours) X ~ Exp(100). Find the Probability that the component will last at least 80 hours given that it already worked more than 30 hours. If Z~N(0,1)and P(-A A) ‘DIPS HOUSE: 28, (Fist Flour Ja Sara Haus Khas, Nenr LUT, New Delb-110016,Phs(O1)}20857827, Cel BOOIIIING Toll Ilo dioscademcomt Webae wrmdlarsdem.coe Scanned with CamScanner eis (78) Given the normally distribution t.v. X with o? = 25 and P(X <35)= 0.719. Find (9) WX-N(O.1)and P(O< Zc) 80.) Given the normally distribution ry. Nwith jx =25 and P(X > 10) =0.9332. Find «7, (1) Given X ~N(u, 07) with o? =25and P(X <45)- 0.8849. Find 1. (82) If X~N(400, 2500), find P(360 < X < 469) and P(X =.400). 8) ¥(0, 9). Find P(|X|<1) (84) The lengths of components produced by a machine are normally distributed with standard deviation 1-5 mm- og of the components are longer than 100 mm, Calculate the mean value of the lengths Ata certain setting 25° at this setting? iance 16 inch®, How many (6S) Ifthe heights of 500 students are normally distributed with mean 70 inches and ve students you expect to have heights between 66 and 72 inches? (86) An electrical firm manufactures light bulbs that have 2 length of life that is normally distributed with mean equal to 800 hours and a standard deviation of 40 hours. Find the probability that a bulb burns between 778 and 834 hours. (87) The speeds of motorists passing # particular point on & motorway are Found to be normally distributed with df deviation 8 kiv/. mean 115 km/h and stan (a.) Find the percentage of motorists whose speeds exceed 120 km. () Find v such that the speed! of 207 of the motorists does not exceed v knvh. (88) ‘The volume (injliters) of Hiauid im bottles filled by a machine is normally distributed with mean 1.02 and slandapeviation Scanned with CamScanner AniS0.9007 200E es (89) 00.) @1) (92) (a.) What is the probability that a bottle, sclected at random, contains less than | liter. (©.) To what value must the mean be altered f0 reduce the probability (a) to 1% (assuming the standard deviation is unaltered)? ‘certain machine makes electrical resistors having a mean resistance of 40 ohms anda standard deviation of 2 ohms. Assuming that the resistance follows a normal distribution and ean be measured to any degree of accuracy what percentage of resistors will have a resistance that exceeds 43 ohms? Gauges are used to reject all components in which a certain dimension is not within the specification 1-50.44, It is known that this measurement js normally distributed with mean 1.50 and standard deviation 0.2. Determine the value d such that the specifications "cover" 95% of the measurements. A manufacturer's process for producing coke cans can be regulated so as to produce cans with an average ‘weight 200 gm, ifthe weights are normally distributed with variance 100 gm, Find the percentage of cans such that: (2) ‘The weight of a can in more than 215 gm (b) The weight of can between 205 gm and 215 gm A controlled satellite is known to have an error (distance from target) that is normally distributed with mean 2210 and standard deviation 4 feet. The manufacturer of the satellt defines a "success" as a firing in which the satellite comes within 10 feet of the target. Compute the probability that the satellite fails. ‘DIPS HOUSE: 35 Firs Flown Sa Sara aez Khax Near ILE New eh ee RT 7. Ca Re canned with CamScanner i ‘Assignment-4 ‘nso S001 J00e Cored Insttate ba g (5) Ifthe discrete Assignment-4 For each of the following, determine whether the given function can serve as the probability mass function of ary. with the given range, For each of the following, determine the constant c so that the function can serve as the probability mass function of ar-v. with the given range. oy for x =1,2,3,4,5 © a) ©) @) For each of the following, determine whether the given values can serve as the values of a distribution function of a random variable with the range x=1,2,3,4 (a) F()=0.3,F(2)=0.5, F(3)=0.8 and (4) =1.2 (©) F(1)=0.2, F(2)=0.4, F(3)=0.7 and F(4)=1.0 (©) F(t) =0.25, F(2)=0.61, F(3)=0.83 andF(4)=1.0, For what values of f can f(x)=(1-K)k* serve as the of a ry. with countable infinite range fs) ry. has the CDF, x= 0,1,2,3,4, ao ins sR Ne Nev DARI, Ps 1 2ST Ca OTIS nl ascaercom: Webs we dlncedem comm ‘DIPS HOUSE: 26 Scanned with CamScanner

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