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Powered by Al Copilot Certainly! Let's explore the eauses of high birth rate: 1 Illiteracy: The percentage of illiterates in the country is reasonably high. The attitude of illiterate people towards marriage and childbirth has remained rigid. A low level of literacy among females is also responsible for a high birth rate Lack of Reproductive Health Knowledge: There is a lack of awareness about family planning and reproductive health in India. Many people are unfamiliar with birth control methods such as pills and condoms, leading to higher birth rates. Children as Labor: Children are often needed to work as labor and contribute to family income. This economic necessity encourages families to have more children, Inadequate Supply of Family Welfare Services: The availability of family welfare services, including contraceptives, is insufficient. Poverty and ignorance deter people from using contraceptives to practice small family norms, contributing to a high birth rate Effect of Religion: Religion plays a major role in large-sized families. The desire for a male child to provide continuity to family legacy persists, even when there are already several daughters in the family. Agricultural Occupation: India being an agricultural country, even children contribute to agricultural work. Rural populations tend to have larger families due to this factor. In summary, a combination of cultural, economic, and social factors contributes to India’s high birth rate, impacting population dynamics and societal norms

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