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RTA Directions: In questions no. { to 2, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which expresses the right meaning of the given word. TD) Affiliate A) Control 8) Associate C)_Copy D) Discriminate 2S Explicit W) Clear B) Obvious ©) Cautious D) Exorbitant Directions: Jn questions no. 3 to 4, out of the four alternatives, Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word 3. Moderate’ A) Abnormal B) Weak C) Extreme D) Separate 4. Diffidence A) Boldness B) Outspokenness C) Fluency D) Obstinacy Directions—{Q. 5 to 10): Some parts of the’Sentences have errors and some have none. Find out Which part of a sentence has an error and answer corresponding to the appropriate letter (A, B,C). If there is no error, corresponding to (D) in the Answer Sheet. 5. A) He dare / B) not to / C) go there / D) No error, 6. A) My uncle / B) has lett / C) for Bombay last Saturday. /.D}No error 7. A) There appears / B) a number of problems / C) and /teally dé nat know how to solve them. / D) No error 8. _ A) The students were / B) looking toward to / C) meet'tHe eines Stientist. / D) No error. 9. ‘A) Whole the chapter / B) is tull of printing errors which are'th outcome / C) of the proof reader's carelessness. / D) No error 10. A) As soon as the peon rings the bell, then all /B) the students come,{6 the assembly room ©) for prayer. / D) No error. 11. Which of the following countries have co-chaired the first founding contefénca) of the International Solar Alliance (ISA-2018)? A) India and Bangladesh 8) India and Russia ©). India and France D) India and Germany 12. The famous hill-station ‘Kodaikanat' lies in A) Nilgiti hills 8) Palani hills ©) Cardamom hills D) Javadi hills 13. Which among the following is the most abundant Green-House-Gas(GHG) in the earth's atmosphefe?) A) Carbon dioxide B) Water Vapour ©) Sulphur Dioxide D) Tropospheric Ozone (2) PG-aP-25 Scanned with CamScanner 14. AS. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20, a 22, 23, 24. 25, Lion-tailed macaque’ is the key faunal species of which Biosphere Reserve? A) Nilgiri B) Dehang-Debang C) Dibru-Saikhowa D) Nokrek The Potassium Graphite and Calcium Graphite can be mostly used as which among the following? A) Moderators: B) Semiconductors C), then eigenvalues of A are (B) -1 and 5 (©) 2 ad (D) and 3 wit (48) ae tng on mats? M+ 61 (C) M? = 6M —71 (D) MF 6M Tr 50. Let Mf be a non (A) [MI of order 3. Then the det {of BM is 3) (D) 9M SL $2. The general solution of the differential (Aye ert (B) yser 83. The solution of the initial value problem 22 4% 8 when “ty ra lis (Aya (Byrtty=t (Chee 34. The general sel 1 of the differential equatic (A) yl) = eye + ee (B) yr) = (C) ylir) = ere + exe (D) yr) = ere + ea $5. Solution of the differential equation ydr — rdy +6! “de =0 is given by (D) y+ 3? (ute se (By yal ser (Chyna 56. A card is drawn from a pack of well-shuttied playing cards, What is the probability that it is either a spade or an ace? (A) A/13, (B) 9/13 (ey 1/52 (D) 51/52 Page 3 Scanned with CamScanner 37. 58 6 6s 66 aglasem.cor Let E and F be two independent events. Which of the following isa true statement? (A) E and Fo (C) Band FP are indep ident dependent events, (B) Band F are de udent events, (D) E° and Fe wont, dent events, If E and F are two events, then the probability of oceurrence of either Bor Fis (A) P(E) + PCF) (B) PEW) (C) POE F) (DD) PLE) PCP) ts such that P(E") = 0.7, PUR) =k «wt nts A,B 1 is the probability that the problem will Ww? to three stu nal C whose chin respectively, WI 1 aare try inelepender (wt WP(EUF) = & are respectively 12 id ot toot (A) and 5 (B) gan gam (D) | amd 5 Iftwo events E PCE) and PUP) is (A) PLE) s PUP) (B) PUP) s PUED lationship between ) SPUR) (D) PLE) = 2P(F) 1 a _— WE P(E) = 4. PUP) = 4 anid PLEU F) = pation PUBRN is equal to 1 1 at MG By Os (Dp Suppose X is a real-valued random variable. Which of tgifoMayiiy, values cannot be attained by £(X) and £(X?), respective (Aya (B24 wa fl Lot X boa random variable with the morent generating function My (€ R. Thon the value of Var(X') equals 1 1 a] 5 5 Ma ©; Op For a Poisson variate X E(A*) = 6, then the the value of BCX) is (Al (B)3 (cy2 (Dy Page Scanned with CamScanner 67. 73, 74. 75 76. aglasem.con Let X be a random variable with probability density function jay = (OO oe be , othe: Then the of kis (aye (yt «co (Dt TEX and ¥ are independent Ganuna variates, then the distribution of X + ¥ is (B) Poisson (c) Bi 7 (D) Normal with distribution function F. then the distri- (B) Exponential (C) Uniform (D) Normal ins distributions has lack of memory property? (C) Bernoulli (D) Binomial O ¥) equ a (NE A family of distribution in which mea (A) binomial distribution (C) normal distribution Chobysher's inequality can be applied to a disteibl (A) only Poission (B) (C) only exponential normal < (C) POL EX <1) £0.36 (Dy ry yeod central moments of odd order are (C) two. (D) infinite: it generating function of Bernoulli distribution is (A) (a+ pe’) (B) a+r)" — (Chater! (D) a+ pet (D) any distribution for which the mean and varianee are defined If for a random variable X. E(X) = 0 and E(N*) = 06, ths (A) PIS NV <1) 506 (BY Pi-1 ) 206 & lay (A) zero (Bye ~ Neo"), then t The mome Page 5 Scanned with CamScanner 7M 78. 80. st 4 86 87 IX is unifor aglasem.cor variable X has the random variable ¥ (Ay (By (cy 75 (D) 100 the joint probability density funtion of randony variables N ane Fis fra) = rey for 0 1 is the critical region for testing Mo : 0 = 2 against alternative Jf 0 = 1, on asis of single observation from the population f(r) = Ge", 0 O aud fx(13,8) = We, 22 > 0, respectively (A) TN) = XN, + 2Ny is sutticient for @.(B) T)(N) =X, (G) TUN) = Ny + Xp is sulficient for &. (D) T(N) = | = Xp is sufficient for @. distributed as W(@.1). Then the ammbers of (By) 3 (cya (D) Infinity Ky be a random sample of size 3. from a pops 1 with finite Ihiasexd (po 100. If the null hypothe (A) Typel error (B true and we rejeet it, then we get mpling error (D) St Le) < Page 8 Scanned with CamScanner

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