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Implementation of the project

How did the participating organisations manage practical and logistical matters (e.g. travel,
accommodation, insurance, safety and protection of participants, visa, work permit, social security,
mentoring and support, preparatory meetings with partners etc.)?
The project management team discussed practical and logistic matters with the participating staff and put
them in contact with the course providers in order to facilitate proper communication before, during and
after the course. Each participant arranged their travelling details according to the course schedule and
financial resources, as resulted from the project budget. The project team also checked prior to departures if
the participants had in possession all the necessary documents and papers concerning transportation and
accommodation (plane, coach tickets, insurance policies, pre-agreement regarding accommodation), as well
gathering these documents on the participants' return (invoices, boarding passes, certificates etc.). There
were numerous preparatory meetings with all the participants and each flux, to mentor and support the staff
throughout the project phases, as well as discuss the risk prevention methodology required for the project
The project management team kept continuous contact with the course providers so that all the necessary
arrangements should be done in due time and without major obstacles.
How were quality and management issues (e.g. setting up of agreements with partners, learning
agreements with participants, etc.) addressed and by whom?
After receiving the answer from the NA, the management team set a partner agreement both with the course
providers and the trainees, who were to take part in the project. The learners agreement which followed the
pattern offered by our NA, specified mutual contractual rights and obligations in order to ensure the
cascading function of the trainees, the targeted learner outcomes, a dissemination and implementation
procedures and assessment methods. All the participants were asked to deliver a dissemination plan on their
return and their unfolding was supervised and checked by the project manager, who also was in charge of
issuing Europass mobilities for each participant. The school manager signed the financial contracts with the
NA and afterwards each participant signed an individual financial contract with the school. The accountant
ensured the financial supervision (therefore each expense incurred by the project activities was registered
and reflected by justifying documents) and along with one member of the project management team took
care of all legal matters.
Each meeting and dissemination activity were registered in a minute, which ensures transparency and the
project steps.
What kind of preparation was offered to the different types of participants (e.g. task-related, intercultural,
risk prevention etc.)? Who provided such preparatory activities? How did you assess the usefulness of
such preparatory activities?
Each stage of the project, with emphasis on the pre-courses stage, required careful planning and preparation
from the project management team and shared with the participants. These preparatory activities were held
by Cosmina Dumitru and Laura Popenta and included:
- explanations concerning the content and filling in of all the contracts and papers regarding the mobilities;
- discussions on intercultural issues and activities to get the teachers familiarized with the course context and
cultural background
- explanations referring the providers' platforms
- discussions about risk prevention methodology for each mobility in each phase

- discussions about the trainees' expectations regarding the course content, implementation and its
implication for the staff professional development
Through individual study and teachers' meetings, the trainees informed themselves and also were informed
about the cultural, historical data and particularities of each region. The participants for the courses
organized by Interacting were required to collect educational games to be presented to the other trainees
attending the course "Play to Learn" and write and share personal short stories as a basis for some of the
activities during the course "Let's Tell Your Story". The teachers taking part in the course "Digital Dynamic
Cultural Dialogue" prepared an article to describe cultural heritage elements from our country in relationship
with the digital media, published a presentation about themselves, their professional context as well as their
CV in Europass format and got familiar with Web 2.0 tools used during the course. One of the teachers
taking part in "Play to Learn" course offered assistance and linguistic support to her peer colleagues, due to
her specialization in Spanish.
The course providers offered preparatory support for the teachers so they could navigate on their platforms
(Moodle and TwinSpace), present themselves, set up connections with the European participants, answer the
requirements of the course organizers including pre- evaluation and digital competence audit. They also
offered alternatives regarding the accommodation conditions and information regarding public transport,
course venue, social and free time activities, places to have meals.
The participants' informal feedback as well as individual reports and travel logs made reference to the
usefulness of all the preparatory measures mentioned above. There was also a positive feedback coming
from both course providers regarding the participants' motivation, linguistic and intercultural preparation,
involvement and good attitude towards the courses' tasks.
How were monitoring and/or support of participants carried out during the project?
The course providers Interacting Company and Kaunas Biennal provided pre - evaluation activities,
organised and delivered training, undertook ongoing monitoring during the course, evaluated the extend to
which the course objectives were met. During the courses, there was a system of self- assessment, peer to
peer evaluation and formal evaluation of the courses overall, all provided by the trainers. After the courses
held by Interacting, each participant was asked to fill in a post course questionnaire and Kaunas Biennal
used eTwinning as a monitoring tool.
The project management team offered support throughout the unfolding of the project as specified above
(teachers' meetings to explain content of documents, logisticala and practical matters, informative sessions
regarding the courses' content, the preparatory requirements and implementation and dissemination
procedures). The team also monitored the participants via checking their documentation, individual reports,
dissemination plans and travel journals, assisting and/or organizing the regional teachers' meetings and
workshops held to implement and disseminate the project outcomes and activities, both in school and other
educational contexts/institutions. A survey was delivered at various steps of the project in order to assess the
extend to which the objectives of the courses had been reached and the effectiveness of the dissemination
and implementation activities.
The only difficulty encountered during the incipient phase of the project was that one of the participants in
the first flux of mobilities decided to drop out due to personal reasons, therefore the project management
team replaced with another back- up person from the waiting list, with the necessary professional needs,
abilities, dedication and resources to take over, participate at the course and complete the tasks. Fortunately,
her withdrawal didn't affect the financial procedures as they hadn't been done yet at the time.

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