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Drafting and pleading assignment :

Part -1


1 . What is pleading ? Write about the object , fundamental rules and amendment of
pleadings ?

Pleading in Indian law refers to the formal written statements filed by the parties to a
lawsuit, outlining their respective claims and defenses. These documents serve as the
foundation of the legal proceedings, as they define the issues in dispute and provide the
framework for the court to adjudicate the case. The object, fundamental rules, and
amendment of pleadings are essential components of the Indian legal system, designed to
ensure fairness, clarity, and efficiency in the administration of justice.

Object of Pleadings:

The primary object of pleadings is to define the precise scope of the dispute and to enable
each party to know the case they have to meet. Additionally, pleadings facilitate the court
in framing issues, determining the admissibility of evidence, and ultimately rendering a just
and equitable decision. By setting forth the facts, legal theories, and remedies sought by
the parties, pleadings help streamline the litigation process and promote the expeditious
resolution of disputes.

Fundamental Rules of Pleadings:

In India, pleadings are governed by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (CPC) for civil cases,
and the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (CrPC) for criminal cases. Some fundamental
rules regarding pleadings under the CPC include:

Particulars to be stated: Pleadings must contain precise and specific allegations of facts
relevant to the cause of action or defense being asserted. Vague or general statements are
not sufficient and may be struck down by the court.

Conciseness and Precision: Pleadings should be concise and confined to material facts.
Parties are not allowed to plead evidence or arguments in their pleadings.

Non-frivolous and not vexatious: Pleadings must be bona fide and should not be frivolous
or vexatious. Any pleading filed for the purpose of delaying or harassing the other party may
be rejected by the court.

Verification: Certain pleadings, such as plaints and written statements, are required to be
verified by the party or their authorized representative, declaring the truthfulness of the
contents therein.

Amendment: The CPC allows parties to amend their pleadings with the permission of the
court, provided such amendments are necessary for the determination of the real
questions in controversy and do not cause prejudice to the other party.

Under the CrPC, similar principles apply to the drafting of complaints, written statements,
and other pleadings in criminal cases, with a focus on ensuring fairness and clarity in the
presentation of the case before the court.

Amendment of Pleadings:
The provision for amending pleadings is crucial to the Indian legal system as it allows
parties to correct errors, rectify omissions, and introduce new facts or legal arguments that
may arise during the course of litigation. Section 17 of the CPC empowers the court to
allow amendments to pleadings at any stage of the proceedings, provided such
amendments are necessary for the determination of the real questions in controversy.

The courts have wide discretion in granting or refusing amendments, and they consider
factors such as the stage of the proceedings, the nature of the amendment sought, the
prejudice caused to the other party, and the interests of justice. While the courts generally
adopt a liberal approach towards allowing amendments, they may refuse amendments
that are sought mala fide or with the intent to delay the proceedings.

In practice, parties are required to file an application seeking permission to amend their
pleadings, along with the proposed amendments. The court then examines the application
and decides whether to grant the amendment based on the aforementioned

Amendments to pleadings play a crucial role in ensuring the fairness and effectiveness of
the legal process by enabling parties to present their case accurately and comprehensively.
However, the courts also exercise caution to prevent abuse of the amendment process and
to maintain the integrity of the judicial proceedings.

In conclusion, pleadings form an integral part of the Indian legal system, serving as the
foundation for the adjudication of disputes in both civil and criminal cases. By defining the
issues in controversy and providing a framework for the presentation of evidence and
arguments, pleadings contribute to the fair and efficient administration of justice. The
object, fundamental rules, and amendment of pleadings are essential aspects of the
Indian legal framework, designed to uphold the principles of fairness, clarity, and
expediency in the resolution of disputes.

2. Draft a plaint in a suit of partition ?

[Plaintiff’s Name]

[Plaintiff’s Address]

[City, State, Pin Code]

[Phone Number]

[Email Address]


[Registrar/Court Officer]

[Name of the Court]

[District/City Name]

[State Name]

[Title of the Suit]

Plaintiff: [Plaintiff’s Name]


[Defendant 1’s Name]

[Defendant 2’s Name]

[Defendant 3’s Name]

[Add more Defendants as necessary]

Subject: Plaint for Partition


The Plaintiff, [Plaintiff’s Name], residing at [Plaintiff’s Address], hereby submits this plaint
for the partition of the property described herein against the Defendants named above.


1.1 The Plaintiff, [Plaintiff’s Name], is an adult Indian citizen, residing at [Plaintiff’s
Address]. The Plaintiff is entitled to a share in the property subject to this suit.

1.2 The Defendants are individuals who are also adult Indian citizens and co-owners of the
property subject to partition. Their particulars are as follows:

A. Defendant 1: [Name], residing at [Address]

b. Defendant 2: [Name], residing at [Address]

c. Defendant 3: [Name], residing at [Address]

[Add more Defendants and their particulars as necessary]


2.1 The property subject to partition is situated within the jurisdiction of this Honorable
Court, and hence, this Court has jurisdiction to entertain and adjudicate upon the present


3.1 The property subject to partition is described as follows:

[Description of the property, including its address, boundaries, and any other relevant

3.2 The said property was jointly acquired by the Plaintiff and the Defendants through
[mention mode of acquisition, e.g., inheritance, purchase, etc.], and all parties hold
undivided shares in the property.
3.3 Despite repeated attempts by the Plaintiff to amicably partition the property, the
Defendants have failed to cooperate, leading to the necessity of this legal action.

Cause of Action:

4.1 The cause of action arose when the Defendants refused to participate in discussions or
negotiations for the partition of the property, thereby necessitating legal intervention.

4.2 The Plaintiff seeks the partition of the property to obtain his rightful share and to put an
end to the co-ownership arrangement, which has become untenable due to the lack of
cooperation from the Defendants.

Prayer for Relief:

Wherefore, the Plaintiff prays for the following reliefs from this Honorable Court:

5.1 That a decree for partition be passed, dividing the property described herein into equal
or equitable shares among the co-owners, including the Plaintiff and the Defendants.

5.2 That a Commissioner be appointed by this Honorable Court to conduct the physical
division of the property and to prepare a partition plan for the same.

5.3 That the costs of this suit, including legal expenses and court fees, be borne by the

5.4 Any other relief or remedy that this Honorable Court deems fit and proper in the
circumstances of the case.

Relief Sought:

5.1 The Plaintiff seeks the following reliefs from this Honorable Court:
a) A decree of partition declaring the Plaintiff’s share in the immovable property.

b) Appointment of a Commissioner for the purpose of effecting the partition, if deemed


c) Any other consequential reliefs deemed fit by this Honorable Court.

d) Costs of the suit.


6.1 The Plaintiff relies upon the provisions of the Indian Partition Act, [Year], and other
relevant laws governing the partition of joint property in India.

6.2 The Plaintiff further relies upon the principles of equity, justice, and fair play, as
enshrined in various judicial precedents, to support the claim for partition.


I, [Plaintiff’s Name], the abovenamed Plaintiff, do hereby declare that the contents of this
plaint are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.



Signature of the Plaintiff


Verified at [Place] on this [Date] day of [Month], [Year], that the contents of the above plaint
are true and correct to my knowledge and belief.

[Signature of Plaintiff]

[Plaintiff’s Name]
Place: [Place]

Date: [Date]

[End of Plaint]

3. Draft a written statement in a money suit ?

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]


[Opposing Party’s Name]

[Opposing Party’s Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Name of the Court]

[Address of the Court]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Re: Written Statement in Money Suit

Case No: [Insert Case Number]

Honorable Judge,

I, [Your Name], defendant in the above-mentioned case, do hereby submit this Written
Statement pursuant to Order VIII Rule 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, in response to
the plaint filed by the plaintiff, [Plaintiff’s Name], dated [Insert Date of Plaint].

Preliminary Objections:

a. The defendant raises a preliminary objection to the maintainability of the present suit on
the grounds of [state the grounds, such as lack of jurisdiction, limitation period, etc.].

b. The defendant requests the honorable court to dismiss the suit in limine on the
aforementioned grounds.

Denial of Allegations:

a. The defendant denies each and every allegation made in the plaint and puts the plaintiff
to strict proof thereof.

b. The defendant specifically denies the claim that [state the specific allegations being
denied and provide reasons or evidence supporting the denial].


a. The defendant asserts a counterclaim against the plaintiff for [state the nature of the
counterclaim, such as damages, costs, etc.] arising out of the same transaction or
occurrence as alleged in the plaintiff’s plaint.

b. The defendant requests the honorable court to adjudicate upon the counterclaim along
with the plaintiff’s claim.
Affirmative Defenses:

a. The defendant asserts the following affirmative defenses:

i. [State the affirmative defenses, such as accord and satisfaction, estoppel, waiver, etc.].

b. The defendant relies on these affirmative defenses as a bar to the plaintiff’s claim.


a. The defendant asserts the right to set-off against the plaintiff’s claim any sum due to the
defendant from the plaintiff.

b. The defendant reserves the right to provide particulars of the set-off at the appropriate
stage of the proceedings.

Prayer for Relief:

a. The defendant prays for the following reliefs:

i. Dismissal of the plaintiff’s suit with costs.

ii. Adjudication of the defendant’s counterclaim in the defendant’s favor.

iii. Any other relief deemed fit and proper by this honorable court.


a. I, [Your Name], do hereby verify that the contents of this Written Statement are true and
correct to my knowledge, belief, and information, and nothing material has been concealed

b. Verified at [Place] on this [Date].

[Your Signature]

[Your Name]
[as per Order VI Rule 15 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908]

4 . Draft an original petition and its counter in cases like mcop , rcop etc… ?


In the Court of [Court Name]

[Case Number]

[Petitioner’s Name]


[Respondent’s Name]

Petition for [Relief Sought]

The Petitioner respectfully submits as follows:

1. Parties:

The Petitioner, [Petitioner’s Name], is a [description of the petitioner, e.g., citizen of India,
resident of [Address], etc.]. The Respondent, [Respondent’s Name], is [description of
respondent, e.g., a corporation registered under the laws of India, etc.].

2. Jurisdiction:

This Honorable Court has jurisdiction to entertain and adjudicate upon the present matter.
3. Facts of the Case:

[Provide a concise yet comprehensive summary of the facts leading up to the dispute.
Include relevant dates, events, and any other pertinent information necessary to
understand the context of the case.]

4. Grounds for Relief:

The Petitioner seeks relief on the following grounds: [List the legal grounds or reasons why
the relief sought should be granted, supported by applicable laws, statutes, and

5. Relief Sought:

The Petitioner respectfully prays for the following relief:

[Specify the exact relief sought, e.g., an injunction restraining the respondent from [act],
damages in the amount of [amount], etc.]

6. Supporting Documents:

The Petitioner submits the following documents in support of this petition:

[List all supporting documents, such as affidavits, contracts, photographs, etc.]

7. Prayer:

In view of the foregoing, it is most respectfully prayed that this Honorable Court may be
pleased to:

[Reiterate the relief sought.]

8. Any other Relief Deemed Fit by this Honorable Court.

[Place]: [City]

[Date]: [Date]
[Signature of Petitioner]

[Name of Petitioner]

[Address of Petitioner]

[Contact Information]


In the Court of [Court Name]

[Case Number]

[Respondent’s Name]


[Petitioner’s Name]

Counter to Petition for [Relief Sought]

The Respondent respectfully submits as follows:

1. Parties:

The Respondent, [Respondent’s Name], is a [description of the respondent, e.g., citizen of

India, corporation registered under the laws of India, etc.]. The Petitioner, [Petitioner’s
Name], is [description of petitioner, e.g., citizen of India, resident of [Address], etc.].

2. Jurisdiction:

This Honorable Court has jurisdiction to entertain and adjudicate upon the present matter.

3. Facts in Dispute:
[Provide a concise yet comprehensive response to the facts presented by the petitioner.
Highlight any discrepancies or additional information that may affect the case.]

4. Legal Defenses:

The Respondent avers that the relief sought by the Petitioner is without merit due to the
following legal defenses: [List the legal defenses, citing relevant laws, statutes, and

5. Counter Relief Sought:

The Respondent respectfully prays for the following counter relief:

[Specify the exact relief sought, which may include dismissal of the petitioner’s claims,
damages for frivolous litigation, etc.]

6. Supporting Documents:

The Respondent submits the following documents in support of this counter:

[List all supporting documents, such as affidavits, contracts, photographs, etc.]

7. Prayer:

In view of the foregoing, it is most respectfully prayed that this Honorable Court may be
pleased to:

[Reiterate the counter relief sought.]

8. Any other Relief Deemed Fit by this Honorable Court.

[Place]: [City]

[Date]: [Date]

[Signature of Respondent]
[Name of Respondent]

[Address of Respondent]

[Contact Information]

This template serves as a basic framework for drafting a petition and its counter in Indian
legal proceedings, such as MCOP (Miscellaneous Cases of Original Jurisdiction) and RCOP
(Regular Cases of Original Jurisdiction). It should be customized as per the specific details
and requirements of each case.

5.Draft an interlocutory application on the cases like temporary injunction , advocate

Commissioner etc..?








Respectfully Sheweth:

The Petitioner is the lawful owner/possessor of [mention property/asset involved in the

dispute], as detailed in the original suit filed before this Hon’ble Court.

The Respondent has unlawfully trespassed/interfered with the Petitioner’s rights over the
said property/asset, as detailed in the plaint.

The Petitioner seeks urgent relief in the form of a temporary injunction to restrain the
Respondent from [describe the specific actions the injunction is sought against, e.g.,
trespassing, interfering, damaging, etc.] the said property/asset pending the disposal of the

The Petitioner submits that without the grant of a temporary injunction, irreparable harm
and injury would be caused to their rights and interests in the said property/asset.

The Petitioner further submits that the balance of convenience lies in favor of granting the
injunction, as the Petitioner stands to suffer irreparable harm if the injunction is not
granted, whereas the Respondent will not suffer any significant prejudice by being
temporarily restrained from [describe the specific actions].

The Petitioner also prays for the appointment of an Advocate Commissioner to visit and
inspect the said property/asset, document its current condition, and report back to this
Hon’ble Court regarding any damages or alterations caused by the Respondent’s actions.
The appointment ”f an Advocate Commissioner is necessary to ensure a fair and impartial
assessment of the situation, especially considering the contentious nature of the dispute
between the parties.

The Petitioner undertakes to abide by any terms and conditions that this Hon’ble Court may
deem fit to impose while granting the temporary injunction, including providing any
necessary security or indemnity.

The Petitioner further undertakes to cooperate fully with the Advocate Commissioner
appointed by this Hon’ble Court and to provide all necessary assistance and access to the
said property/asset for the purpose of inspection.

The Petitioner humbly prays that this Hon’ble Court may be pleased to:

a. Grant a temporary injunction restraining the Respondent from [describe the specific
actions] the said property/asset pending the disposal of the suit;

b. Appoint an Advocate Commissioner to visit and inspect the said property/asset,

document its current condition, and report back to this Hon’ble Court;

c. Pass such other orders as it deems fit and proper in the circumstances of the case.


In view of the foregoing, it is most respectfully prayed that this Hon’ble Court may be
pleased to:
a. Grant a temporary injunction in favor of the Petitioner restraining the Respondent
from [describe the specific actions] the said property/asset pending the disposal of
the suit;

b. Appoint an Advocate Commissioner to visit and inspect the said property/asset,

document its current condition, and report back to this Hon’ble Court;

c. Pass such other orders as it deems fit and proper in the circumstances of the case.

Place: [Place]

Date: [Date]

[Petitioner’s Advocate Name]

(Advocate for the Petitioner)

[Bar Council Registration Number]

6.Draft an execution petition ?

Execution Petition

In the Court of _____________

Case No. _______________

Title of the Case: ___________

Petitioner: ________________

Respondent: _______________

Execution Petition

1. Introduction:

The petitioner, ________________, respectfully submits this execution petition before this
Hon’ble Court seeking the execution of the judgment dated ________________ passed in the
above-captioned case in favor of the petitioner and against the respondent.

2. Background:

Briefly, the petitioner filed a suit against the respondent seeking ____________ relief. After
due proceedings and trial, this Hon’ble Court pronounced its judgment on ____________,
wherein it was held that ____________. The respondent was directed to ____________.

3. Compliance with Judgment:

Despite the lapse of ____________ days since the judgment was pronounced, the
respondent has failed to comply with the directions of this Hon’ble Court. The petitioner
has made several attempts to amicably settle the matter and execute the judgment, but all
efforts have been in vain.

4. Prayer for Execution:

In light of the above, the petitioner respectfully prays for the following reliefs:

a. Direct the respondent to comply with the judgment dated ____________

passed by this Hon’ble Court.

b. Issue necessary orders and directions to ensure the execution of the said

c. Pass any other order or direction that this Hon’ble Court deems fit and proper
in the circumstances of the case.

5. Grounds for Relief:

The petitioner submits the following grounds in support of the prayer for execution:

a. The judgment passed by this Hon’ble Court is final and binding on both

b. The respondent has wilfully disobeyed the orders of this Hon’ble Court
despite being given reasonable time for compliance.

c. The petitioner has a legitimate interest in the execution of the judgment as it

pertains to their rights and entitlements.

6. Documents in Support:
The petitioner relies on the following documents:

a. Certified copy of the judgment dated ____________.

b. Correspondence exchanged between the parties regarding compliance with

the judgment.

c. Any other document deemed necessary by this Hon’ble Court.

7. Interim Relief:

Pending the execution of the judgment, the petitioner prays for interim relief in the form of

8. Costs:

The petitioner also prays for costs of this petition to be borne by the respondent as per the
discretion of this Hon’ble Court.

9. Conclusion:

In view of the foregoing, the petitioner respectfully requests this Hon’ble Court to
expeditiously hear and dispose of this execution petition in the interest of justice.

Date: ________________
Place: ________________ [Signature of Petitioner]


Copy code

Name of Petitioner

Address of Petitioner


I, ________________, the petitioner herein, do hereby solemnly affirm and state that the
contents of this execution petition are true and correct to my knowledge and belief, and
nothing material has been concealed therein.

Verified at ________________ on this ____________ day of ____________.


Copy code

[Signature of Petitioner]

Before me,

Advocate/Notary Public/Judicial Magistrate,

(Seal and Stamp)

7. Draft the writ petition under article 226 ?

Draft of a writ petition under Article 226 of the Indian Constitution:

[In the High Court of [Name of the High Court]]

Writ Petition (Civil) No. [Insert Number of the Petition] of [Insert Year]

[Name of the Petitioner], [Age], [Occupation], residing at [Address], [City], [State] –



[Name of the Respondent], [Age], [Occupation], residing at [Address], [City], [State] –


Subject: Writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India


The Hon’ble Chief Justice and His Companion Justices of the High Court of [Name of the
High Court]

The humble petition of the Petitioner above-named:

That the Petitioner is an Indian citizen and resident of [City, State].

That the Respondent is [brief description of the Respondent, if an individual, or name of the
government department, if a public authority].
That the facts leading to the filing of this writ petition are as follows:

[Here, provide a succinct statement of the facts giving rise to the cause of action, including
any relevant dates, events, or actions by the Respondent that have led to the violation of
the Petitioner’s rights or interests.]

That the cause of action has arisen within the territorial jurisdiction of this Hon’ble Court.

That the present writ petition is being filed under Article 226 of the Constitution of India,
seeking [relief sought, e.g., quashing of an order, direction to perform a duty, etc.].

That the grounds for invoking the jurisdiction of this Hon’ble Court under Article 226 are as

[Here, list the legal grounds or constitutional provisions that support the petition, including
any violation of fundamental rights, statutory provisions, or principles of natural justice.]

That the Petitioner has no other equally efficacious remedy available under the law to
redress the grievances raised in this petition.

That the Petitioner has not filed any other petition before any court or authority regarding
the subject matter of this petition.

That the annexures to this petition are true copies of the documents referred to in the
petition and are being submitted for the perusal of this Hon’ble Court.

That the Petitioner therefore prays for the following reliefs:

[Here, specify the reliefs sought, such as quashing of the impugned order, issuance of a
writ of mandamus, etc.]

That any other relief or reliefs, which this Hon’ble Court deems fit and proper, may also be
granted in favor of the Petitioner.

That the Petitioner craves leave to add, alter, amend, or delete any grounds, reasons, or
prayers, which may be necessary or expedient, during the course of the proceedings of this

That the Petitioner undertakes to pay the costs of this petition and to comply with any
orders that this Hon’ble Court may pass in this regard.

That the present writ petition is being filed bonafide and in the interest of justice.

That the Petitioner shall remain present or be represented through counsel on all dates of
hearing of this petition.

[Signature of the Petitioner]

[Name of the Petitioner]

[Complete Address]


I, [Name of the Petitioner], the Petitioner hereinabove, do hereby verify that the contents of
paragraphs 1 to 15 of this petition are true to my personal knowledge and belief, and
nothing material has been concealed or falsely stated.

Verified at [Place], this [Date] day of [Month, Year].

[Signature of the Petitioner]

[Name of the Petitioner]

Draft the writ petition under article 32 ?

[Your Name/Petitioner’s Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Pin Code]

[Your Contact Information]


Before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India

Writ Petition (Civil) No. ______ of [Year]

[Your Name/Petitioner’s Name]

[Address of the Petitioner]

[City, State]


[Respondent’s Name/Authority/Entity]

[Address of the Respondent]

[City, State]

Subject: Writ petition under Article 32 of the Constitution of India

May it please your Lordships,

The humble petition of the petitioner above-named respectfully shows:

The petitioner is a [brief description of the petitioner’s identity and interest in the case].

The respondent is [brief description of the respondent’s identity and authority].

The cause of action arises out of [brief description of the events or actions leading to the

The petitioner submits that [brief summary of the legal issues involved and the grounds for
filing the writ petition, including any violations of fundamental rights or legal provisions].

The petitioner further submits that [additional details supporting the grounds for the
petition, including any relevant laws, precedents, or factual evidence].
The petitioner prays for the following reliefs:

a. Issue a writ of [mandamus/prohibition/certiorari/quo warranto/habeas corpus] or

any other appropriate writ, order, or direction, directing the respondent to [specific
relief sought].

b. Pass any other order or orders as this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper in the
circumstances of the case.

c. Grant any other relief or reliefs, whether interim or final, as this Hon’ble Court may
deem just and proper in the interest of justice.

The petitioner undertakes to abide by any conditions that this Hon’ble Court may deem fit
to impose in connection with the grant of any interim relief.

[Signature of the Petitioner/Advocate]

[Name of the Advocate]

[Advocate for the Petitioner]

[Bar Council Registration Number]

[Address for Service]


I, [Name of the Petitioner], the petitioner above-named, do hereby verify that the contents
of this petition are true and correct to my knowledge and belief and nothing material has
been concealed therein.
[Signature of the Petitioner]



9. Draft a private complaint in a cheque case ?

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, PIN Code]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]


[Judicial Magistrate First Class/Chief Judicial Magistrate]

[Name of the Court]

[Address of the Court]

Subject: Private Complaint under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

Respected Sir/Madam,
I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Address], would like to bring to your attention a matter of
grave concern regarding a dishonored cheque, and I hereby file this private complaint
under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.

The details of the case are as follows:

Complainant Details:

Name: [Your Name]

Address: [Your Address]

Contact Number: [Your Phone Number]

Email Address: [Your Email Address]

Accused Details:

Name: [Name of the Accused]

Address: [Accused’s Address]

Contact Number: [Accused’s Phone Number]

Events Leading to the Complaint:

On [Date], the accused, [Name of the Accused], issued a cheque bearing number [Cheque
Number] dated [Date of the Cheque] drawn on [Name of the Bank], in favor of the
complainant, [Your Name], for an amount of [Amount in Words and Figures]. The said
cheque was presented for payment by the complainant on [Date of Presentation], but it
was dishonored due to “insufficient funds” or “stop payment” as informed by the bank.

Legal Notice:

Following the dishonor of the cheque, a legal notice was duly sent to the accused
demanding the payment of the said amount within [Specify the Number of Days as per
Legal Requirement] days from the receipt of the notice, in compliance with the provisions
of Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. However, the accused failed to
make the payment within the stipulated period.

Cause of Action:

The cause of action arises from the dishonor of the cheque issued by the accused, which
constitutes an offense under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.

Relief Sought:

The complainant seeks the following reliefs from this Honorable Court:

a. Prosecution of the accused under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.

b. Direction to the accused to pay the cheque amount of [Amount in Words and Figures]
along with interest at the rate of [Specify the Rate of Interest] per annum from the date of
dishonor till the date of realization.

c. Any other relief or remedy that this Honorable Court deems fit and proper in the
circumstances of the case.

Documents Attached:

The following documents are attached herewith in support of the complaint:

a. Original dishonored cheque.

b. Legal notice sent to the accused.

c. Postal receipt/acknowledgment of the legal notice.

d. Any other relevant documents as deemed necessary.

In light of the foregoing, I earnestly request this Honorable Court to take cognizance of the
offense committed by the accused under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act,
1881, and initiate necessary legal proceedings against the accused.
I affirm that the contents of this complaint are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge, belief, and information.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

9 . Draft an anticipatory bail application for any of the suitable offenses ?

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Pin Code]

[Phone Number]

[Email Address]


The Honorable [Judge’s Name]


[Court’s Name]
[Court’s Address]

[City, State, Pin Code]

Subject: Anticipatory Bail Application in the matter of [Case Number]

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Name], the petitioner in the above-mentioned case, hereby submit this application
under Section 438 of the Code of Criminal Procedure seeking anticipatory bail for myself in
anticipation of my arrest in connection with [briefly describe the alleged offense].

I respectfully submit the following for your kind consideration and favorable orders:

Facts of the Case:

[Provide a concise overview of the incident leading to the allegations against you, including
any pertinent details relevant to the offense.]

Legal Grounds:

a. [Provide legal provisions relevant to the offense alleged against you, highlighting any
mitigating factors or defenses.]

b. [Discuss any legal precedents or case laws that support your claim for anticipatory bail.]

Apprehension of Arrest:

[Detail any specific threats, notices, or actions by law enforcement authorities indicating
your imminent arrest.]

Risk of Tampering with Evidence:

[Demonstrate how your pre-arrest custody is unnecessary to prevent any tampering with
evidence, providing assurances of your cooperation with the investigation.]

Personal Background:

[Present your personal background, including your residential address, occupation, familial
ties, and any other relevant information.]

Cooperation with Investigation:

[Assure the court of your willingness to cooperate fully with the investigation, including
appearing for questioning, providing necessary documents, or any other assistance
required by the authorities.]

No Previous Criminal Record:

[Assert if applicable, that you have no previous criminal record and are not a flight risk.]

Submission of Passport/Security:

[If deemed necessary, offer to surrender your passport or provide any other form of security
to ensure your availability during the investigation.]

Precedents and Case Laws:

[Cite relevant case laws or precedents where anticipatory bail has been granted under
similar circumstances.]

Prayer for Relief:

In light of the above submissions, I humbly pray that this Honorable Court may be pleased

a. Grant me anticipatory bail in the event of my arrest in connection with the

aforementioned case.
b. Pass any other order(s) that this Honorable Court deems fit and just in the interest of


[Offer an undertaking to abide by all conditions imposed by the court if anticipatory bail is

Interim Protection:

Pending the hearing and disposal of this application, I also pray for interim protection
against arrest.


I, [Your Name], the petitioner herein, do hereby verify that the contents of this application
are true and correct to my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been concealed


In conclusion, I submit that the grant of anticipatory bail to me would not only protect my
personal liberty but also enable me to cooperate fully with the investigation and assist in
the dispensation of justice. I assure this Honorable Court of my utmost sincerity and
compliance with any conditions that may be imposed.


a. [List any documents or annexures attached in support of your application.]

I, therefore, most respectfully pray that this Honorable Court may be pleased to grant me
anticipatory bail and pass any other orders as deemed fit and just in the interest of justice.

[Your Name]

Place: [City]

Date: [Date]

10 . Draft a criminal revision petition?

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Phone Number]

[Email Address]



The Honorable High Court of [Name of the High Court]

[City, State]

Subject: Criminal Revision Petition under Section [Section Number] of the [Name of the

Respected Sir/Madam,
I, [Your Name], the petitioner herein, humbly submit this Criminal Revision Petition before
this Honorable Court seeking the indulgence of this esteemed Court for the revision of the
judgment passed by the [Name of the Lower Court] on [Date of Judgment] in the case of
[Case Title]. The grounds for this petition are as follows:


The petitioner was aggrieved by the judgment passed by the [Name of the Lower Court] on
[Date of Judgment] convicting him/her of the offense under [Section Number] of the [Name
of the Act]. The said judgment is erroneous, unsustainable, and prejudicial to the rights and
interests of the petitioner.

Statement of Facts:

(Provide a concise summary of the relevant facts leading to the filing of this petition,
including the charges, trial proceedings, and key issues contested during the trial.)

Grounds for Revision:

a. Error of Law: The judgment suffers from a manifest error of law, wherein the Lower Court
failed to consider crucial legal principles and precedents applicable to the case.

b. Misapplication of Evidence: The Lower Court erroneously evaluated the evidence

presented during the trial, leading to a flawed conclusion.

c. Violation of Procedural Fairness: There were serious lapses in procedural fairness during
the trial, including [mention specific instances].

d. Failure to Appreciate Defense Evidence: The Lower Court overlooked significant

evidence presented by the defense, which could have influenced the outcome of the case.

e. Miscarriage of Justice: The judgment resulted in a miscarriage of justice, as it failed to

consider mitigating factors and disproportionately penalized the petitioner.


In light of the foregoing, the petitioner humbly prays for the following reliefs:

a. Set aside the judgment passed by the Lower Court on [Date of Judgment].
b. Grant bail to the petitioner pending the disposal of this revision petition.

c. Conduct a thorough re-evaluation of the evidence and legal issues involved in the case.

d. Pass an order acquitting the petitioner of all charges leveled against him/her.

e. Grant any other relief or remedy deemed fit by this Honorable Court in the interest of

Interim Relief:

Pending the disposal of this revision petition, the petitioner respectfully seeks interim relief
in the form of [mention specific interim relief sought, such as stay on the execution of
sentence or release on bail].

Declaration and Verification:

I, [Your Name], the petitioner herein, solemnly declare and verify that the contents of this
petition are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Date: [Date]

[Signature of the Petitioner]

[Name of the Petitioner]

Part – 2

1.What is conveyancing and write about the general principles of drafting ?

Conveyancing in Indian law refers to the legal process of transferring property from one
party to another. It involves a series of steps and legal documents to ensure a smooth and
lawful transfer of ownership. Conveyancing plays a crucial role in real estate transactions,
ensuring that both parties fulfill their obligations and rights in accordance with the law.
Here’s an overview of the general principles of drafting in conveyancing:

Understanding the Parties Involved: The first step in drafting conveyancing documents is to
understand the parties involved in the transaction. This includes the seller (vendor) and the
buyer (purchaser), as well as any other relevant parties such as mortgage lenders, trustees,
or legal representatives.

Identification of Property: Clearly identifying the property being transferred is essential.

This includes providing detailed descriptions of the property, including its physical
boundaries, dimensions, and any other relevant details that may affect its ownership or

Due Diligence: Before drafting any documents, it’s crucial to conduct thorough due
diligence on the property. This may include verifying the seller’s ownership rights, checking
for any encumbrances or liens on the property, and ensuring compliance with local zoning
and land use regulations.
Drafting the Agreement: The primary document in conveyancing is the sale agreement or
deed of conveyance. This document outlines the terms and conditions of the property
transfer, including the purchase price, payment terms, conditions precedent, and
warranties or representations made by the seller.

Legal Formalities: Conveyancing documents must adhere to various legal formalities and
requirements mandated by Indian law. This includes ensuring that the agreement is
properly stamped and registered with the relevant authorities, as well as complying with
any local or state-specific regulations governing property transactions.

Title Investigation: Drafting conveyancing documents also involves conducting a title

investigation to verify the seller’s ownership rights and identify any potential defects or
disputes regarding the property’s title. This helps to mitigate the risk of future legal
challenges or disputes over ownership.

Drafting Additional Documents: Depending on the nature of the transaction, additional

documents may be required, such as mortgage deeds, lease agreements, or powers of
attorney. These documents must be drafted carefully to accurately reflect the intentions
and obligations of the parties involved.

Consideration of Tax Implications: Conveyancing documents should also take into account
any applicable taxes or duties associated with the property transfer, such as stamp duty,
capital gains tax, or goods and services tax (GST). Properly addressing these tax
implications helps to ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations.

Execution and Registration: Once the conveyancing documents have been drafted, they
must be executed by the parties involved and registered with the appropriate government
authorities. This step finalizes the transfer of ownership and provides legal certainty to all
Post-Completion Obligations: After the property transfer is complete, there may be
additional obligations or steps to be taken, such as updating property records, transferring
utilities, or notifying relevant stakeholders of the change in ownership.

In summary, drafting conveyancing documents in Indian law requires careful attention to

detail, adherence to legal formalities, and consideration of the rights and obligations of all
parties involved. By following these general principles, conveyancing practitioners can help
ensure a smooth and legally compliant property transfer process.

2. What is deed? Explain the kinds of deeds? Explain in detail about the Component parts
of the deeds? ?

Deeds in Indian Law: An Overview

In Indian law, a deed is a legal document that serves as evidence of an agreement or

transaction between parties. It typically involves the transfer of property rights, although it
can encompass various other legal matters as well. Deeds play a crucial role in ensuring
the validity and enforceability of transactions, providing clarity and protection to the parties
involved. This document will delve into the different kinds of deeds recognized in Indian law
and provide a detailed explanation of their component parts.

Kinds of Deeds:

In Indian law, deeds can be broadly categorized into several types based on their purpose
and the nature of the transaction they entail. Some of the common kinds of deeds include:
Sale Deed: A sale deed is a legal document that transfers ownership of property from one
party to another. It outlines the terms and conditions of the sale, including the purchase
price, description of the property, and rights and obligations of the parties involved.

Gift Deed: A gift deed is executed when one person voluntarily transfers ownership of
property to another without any consideration in return. It is often used for gifting assets
such as land, buildings, or other valuable items to family members or loved ones.

Lease Deed: A lease deed is a contract between a lessor (property owner) and a lessee
(tenant) that grants the lessee the right to use the property for a specified period in
exchange for rent. It specifies the terms of the lease, including the duration, rent amount,
and conditions of use.

Mortgage Deed: A mortgage deed is used to create a legal charge on property as security
for a loan. It allows the lender (mortgagee) to take possession of the property if the
borrower (mortgagor) defaults on the loan payments.

Partition Deed: A partition deed is executed to divide jointly owned property among co-
owners. It defines the share of each co-owner and facilitates the transfer of ownership of
specific portions of the property.

Power of Attorney: A power of attorney is a legal document that grants authority to an

individual (the attorney-in-fact) to act on behalf of another person (the principal) in legal or
financial matters. It can be general or specific, depending on the scope of authority

Release Deed: A release deed is used to relinquish or transfer a person’s interest or rights
in a property to another party. It is often executed to clear title defects or settle disputes
regarding property ownership.
Will: While not strictly a deed, a will is a legal document that allows a person to specify how
their property and assets should be distributed after their death. It outlines the
beneficiaries and the manner in which the estate should be distributed, providing clarity
and preventing potential disputes among heirs.

These are some of the common types of deeds recognized in Indian law, each serving a
specific purpose in facilitating legal transactions and protecting the rights of parties

Component Parts of Deeds:

Deeds typically consist of several essential components that are necessary to ensure their
validity and enforceability. These components vary depending on the type of deed and the
specific requirements prescribed by law. However, some common component parts of
deeds include:

Title: The title of the deed identifies the type of document and the parties involved in the
transaction. It often includes phrases such as “Deed of Sale,” “Gift Deed,” or “Lease Deed,”
followed by the names and addresses of the parties (grantor and grantee).

Recitals: Recitals provide background information about the transaction, including the
reasons for executing the deed and any relevant facts or circumstances leading to the
agreement. They help establish the context of the transaction and clarify the intentions of
the parties involved.

Operative Words: The operative words of the deed contain the essential terms of the
agreement, such as the transfer of property rights, consideration (if any), and any
conditions or covenants that the parties must adhere to. These words constitute the heart
of the deed and define the legal rights and obligations of the parties.
Description of Property: A deed must contain an accurate description of the property being
transferred or affected by the transaction. This description typically includes details such
as the location, boundaries, dimensions, and any other identifying features necessary to
clearly identify the property.

Consideration: Consideration refers to the value exchanged between the parties as part of
the transaction. While some deeds, such as gift deeds, may not require consideration,
most deeds involving the transfer of property rights involve some form of consideration,
which is often monetary but can also include other valuable assets or services.

Signatures: The deed must be signed by the parties involved in the transaction, indicating
their consent to the terms and conditions outlined in the document. The signatures must
be affixed in the presence of witnesses and, in some cases, a notary public or other
authorized official to ensure the deed’s validity.

Seals: In certain jurisdictions or for specific types of deeds, affixing a seal to the document
may be required to authenticate it and give it legal effect. While seals are less common
today, they were traditionally used as a formal indication of the parties’ intention to be
bound by the terms of the deed.

Date and Execution Clause: The deed should contain a date indicating when it was
executed, along with an execution clause confirming that the parties have willingly and
voluntarily entered into the agreement. This clause may also include statements regarding
the parties’ capacity to enter into the deed and their authority to do so.

Witnesses: Most deeds require the signatures of witnesses who can attest to the validity of
the document and the parties’ execution of it. The witnesses must be competent adults
and should not have any direct interest in the transaction to maintain impartiality.

Registration and Stamp Duty: Depending on the nature of the transaction and the
applicable laws, deeds may need to be registered with the relevant authority and stamped
to evidence payment of stamp duty. Registration helps ensure the deed’s authenticity,
protects the parties’ interests, and provides legal recognition to the transaction.

These are some of the essential component parts of deeds that are necessary to create a
valid and enforceable legal document. It’s important for parties involved in a transaction to
carefully draft and execute the deed in accordance with the prescribed legal requirements
to avoid any disputes or challenges to its validity in the future.

In conclusion, deeds play a vital role in Indian law as legal instruments for documenting
and formalizing various transactions, including the transfer of property rights, creation of
security interests, and delegation of authority. Understanding the different kinds of deeds
and their component parts is essential for ensuring compliance with legal requirements
and protecting the rights and interests of the parties involved.

3.Draft a Sale dead of an immovable propery ?


This Sale Deed is made on [Date], between:

Seller: [Name of Seller], residing at [Address of Seller], hereinafter referred to as the

“Seller”, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be
deemed to mean and include his heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives,
and assigns of the ONE PART.

Buyer: [Name of Buyer], residing at [Address of Buyer], hereinafter referred to as the

“Buyer”, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be
deemed to mean and include his heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives,
and assigns of the OTHER PART.

Whereas, the Seller is the absolute and lawful owner of the property more particularly
described in the Schedule below.

And whereas, the Buyer has offered to purchase the said property and the Seller has
agreed to sell the same to the Buyer upon the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing:


1. Description of the Property:

The property consists of [Description of Property], situated at [Address of Property], and

more particularly described in the Schedule below.

2. Sale Consideration:

The total sale consideration for the said property is the sum of [Amount in words] (INR
[Amount in numbers]) which has been paid by the Buyer to the Seller as per the terms and
conditions agreed upon between the parties.

3. Payment Terms:

The Buyer has paid a sum of [Amount in words] (INR [Amount in numbers]) to the Seller as
advance payment at the time of execution of this Sale Deed, and the balance amount of
[Amount in words] (INR [Amount in numbers]) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller on or
before the date of registration of this Sale Deed.

4. Delivery of Possession:
The Seller hereby agrees to hand over peaceful, vacant, and physical possession of the
said property to the Buyer on the execution of this Sale Deed.

5. Encumbrances and Liabilities:

The Seller hereby covenants with the Buyer that the said property is free from all
encumbrances, charges, liens, mortgages, or any other adverse claims, and undertakes to
indemnify and keep indemnified the Buyer against all claims, demands, actions, or
proceedings in respect thereof.

6. Title and Authority:

The Seller hereby represents and warrants that he/she has full right, power, and authority to
sell and transfer the said property, and that there is no defect in his/her title to the said

7. Stamp Duty and Registration:

The Buyer shall bear all expenses incurred for stamp duty, registration charges, and other
incidental expenses in connection with the registration of this Sale Deed.

8. Arbitration Clause:

Any dispute or difference arising out of or in connection with this Sale Deed shall be settled
by arbitration in accordance with the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, or any
statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Sale Deed on the day, month,
and year first above written.

[Signature of Seller] [Signature of Buyer]

[Name and Signature of Witness 1]

[Name and Signature of Witness 2]


(Description of the Property)

[Description of the Property]

4.Draft a morrgoge deed of an immovable property ?


This Mortgage Deed is made this [Date] day of [Month], [Year], BETWEEN:

[Name of Mortgagor(s)], residing at [Address], hereinafter referred to as the “Mortgagor(s)”,

which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to
include his/her/their respective heirs, executors, administrators, representatives, and
assigns of the ONE PART;


[Name of Mortgagee(s)], residing at [Address], hereinafter referred to as the “Mortgagee(s)”,

which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to
include his/her/their respective heirs, executors, administrators, representatives, and
assigns of the OTHER PART.
WHEREAS, the Mortgagor(s) is/are seized and possessed of or otherwise well and
sufficiently entitled to the property more particularly described in the Schedule hereto and
hereinafter referred to as the “Property”;

AND WHEREAS, the Mortgagor(s) is/are in need of financial assistance and has/have
requested the Mortgagee(s) to lend or advance to the Mortgagor(s) the sum of [Amount in
Words and Figures] (hereinafter referred to as the “Loan”) on the security of the Property;

AND WHEREAS, the Mortgagee(s) has/have agreed to lend or advance the Loan to the
Mortgagor(s) on the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing;


Mortgage of the Property: In consideration of the Loan or the sum of [Amount in Words and
Figures] now paid by the Mortgagee(s) to the Mortgagor(s) (the receipt whereof the
Mortgagor(s) do hereby acknowledge), the Mortgagor(s) hereby covenants with the
Mortgagee(s) that the Mortgagor(s) will pay the Mortgagee(s) the said sum of [Amount in
Words and Figures] with interest thereon as hereinafter provided, and that the Mortgagor(s)
hereby grants and mortgages to the Mortgagee(s) all the Property together with all buildings
and structures thereon.

Payment of Loan and Interest: The Loan shall be repaid by the Mortgagor(s) to the
Mortgagee(s) on or before [Date] with interest at the rate”of [Interest Rate] per annum from
the date of this Deed until payment.

Covenants of Mortgagor(s): The Mortgagor(s) hereby covenants with the Mortgagee(s) as


a. To pay the Loan amount and interest in accordance with the terms of this Deed.

b. To maintain the Property in good condition.

c. To insure the Property against risks as required by the Mortgagee(s).

Default: In case of default in payment of the Loan or any part thereof, the Mortgagee(s)
shall have the right to exercise all rights available to them under law, including foreclosure
of the Mortgage.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This Deed shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction], and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the courts of [Jurisdiction].

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Mortgage Deed on the day
and year first above written.


[Description of the Property]


1.__________________________ [Signature, Name, and Address of Witness 1]

2.__________________________ [Signature, Name, and Address of Witness 2]


1.__________________________ [Signature, Name, and Address of Mortgagor 1]

2.__________________________ [Signature, Name, and Address of Mortgagor 2]


1.__________________________ [Signature, Name, and Address of Mortgagee 1]

2.__________________________ [Signature, Name, and Address of Mortgagee 2]

5. Draft a lease deed of an immovable property ?

[Title: Lease Deed of Immovable Property]

This Lease Deed (“Deed”) is made on [Date], at [Location], between:

[Name of Lessor], residing at [Address] (hereinafter referred to as the “Lessor”), which

expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to
include his/her heirs, legal representatives, administrators, executors, and assigns;


[Name of Lessee], residing at [Address] (hereinafter referred to as the “Lessee”), which

expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to
include his/her heirs, legal representatives, administrators, executors, and assigns;

WHEREAS, the Lessor is the lawful owner of the immovable property described as
[Description of Property], situated at [Address/Location] (hereinafter referred to as the
AND WHEREAS, the Lessee desires to take on lease the said Property for a term, and under
the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned;



The Lessor hereby leases to the Lessee, and the Lessee hereby takes on lease from the
Lessor, the said Property for a term of [Duration of Lease] commencing from [Start Date]
and ending on [End Date], subject to the terms and conditions herein contained.


The Lessee agrees to pay to the Lessor a monthly rent of [Amount in Words] (INR [Amount
in Figures]) for the said Property, payable in advance on or before the [Date] of each
calendar month during the term of this Lease.


The Lessee shall deposit with the Lessor a security deposit of [Amount in Words] (INR
[Amount in Figures]), which shall be refundable to the Lessee without interest upon
termination of this Lease, subject to deductions for any damages to the Property or any
outstanding dues.


The Lessee shall use the Property solely for [Intended Use], and shall not use the Property
for any unlawful or immoral purposes.


The Lessee shall maintain the Property in good condition throughout the term of this Lease,
and shall be responsible for all repairs, maintenance, and upkeep of the Property,
excluding structural repairs.

Either party may terminate this Lease by giving [Notice Period] prior written notice to the
other party. Upon termination, the Lessee shall vacate the Property and return possession
of the same to the Lessor in the same condition as received, reasonable wear and tear


This Lease shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India, and
the courts of [Jurisdiction] shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising out of
or in connection with this Lease.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Deed on the day, month, and
year first above written.


[Name of Lessor]


[Name of Lessee]

[Two Witnesses]

[Signature of Witnesses]

[Name and Address of Witness]

[Signature of Witnesses]

2. ________________________

[Name and Address of Witness]


6. Draft a gift deed of movable and immovable property ?

Draft of a gift deed for both movable and immovable property under Indian law:

[Title: Gift Deed of Movable and Immovable Property]

This Deed of Gift is made this [Date] day of [Month], [Year],


[Name of the Donor], son/daughter of [Father’s Name], residing at [Complete Address],

hereinafter referred to as the “Donor” (which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the
context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include his/her heirs, executors,
administrators, and assigns) of the First Part;

[Name of the Donee], son/daughter of [Father’s Name], residing at [Complete Address],
hereinafter referred to as the “Donee” (which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the
context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include his/her heirs, executors,
administrators, and assigns) of the Second Part;

WHEREAS the Donor is the absolute and rightful owner of the properties described below
and is possessed of the same;

AND WHEREAS the Donor, out of his/her love and affection for the Donee, desires to gift the
said properties to the Donee;

AND WHEREAS the Donee has accepted the said gift;


That the Donor doth hereby grant, convey, transfer, and assign unto the Donee ALL THAT
[Description of Immovable Property] situate at [Complete Address] and more particularly
described in the Schedule annexed hereto and forming part of this Deed of Gift.

That the Donor doth hereby grant, convey, transfer, and assign unto the Donee ALL THAT
[Description of Movable Property] more particularly described in the Schedule annexed
hereto and forming part of this Deed of Gift.

That the Donor hereby covenants with the Donee that he/she has full right, absolute
authority, and lawful powers to give, grant, convey, transfer, and assign the said properties
to the Donee and that the same are free from all encumbrances, charges, liens, and claims
whatsoever and that he/she has not done or knowingly suffered any act, deed, or thing
whereby the said properties or any part thereof are or may be impeached, charged, or
incumbered in any manner whatsoever.
That the Donee hereby accepts the said gift and agrees to abide by all the terms and
conditions contained herein.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Donor has hereunto set his/her hand and seal, the day and year
first above written.


By the Donor

[Signature of Donor]

In the presence of:

[Name of Witness 1]

[Address of Witness 1]

[Name of Witness 2]

[Address of Witness 2]

[Schedule of Immovable Property]

[Description of Immovable Property]

[Schedule of Movable Property]

[Description of Movable Property]

[End of Deed]
7.Draft a promissory note of the debt of rs 20,00,000 @ the interest rate of 2% per month ?

[Promissory Note]

Date: [Insert Date]

Principal Amount: Rs. 20,00,000/- (Indian Rupees Twenty Lakhs Only)

Interest Rate: 2% per month

I, [Borrower’s Name], residing at [Borrower’s Address], hereby acknowledge that I am

indebted to [Lender’s Name], residing at [Lender’s Address], in the sum of Rs. 20,00,000/-
(Indian Rupees Twenty Lakhs Only), with an interest rate of 2% per month.

Loan Terms: I promise to pay to [Lender’s Name] the principal sum of Rs. 20,00,000/-
(Indian Rupees Twenty Lakhs Only) together with interest thereon at the rate of 2% per
month, calculated from the date of disbursement of the loan until the entire amount is fully

Payment Schedule: The entire principal amount along with accrued interest shall be
payable in [number of installments] monthly installments of Rs. [amount] each,
commencing from [date of commencement], and continuing on the [same date] of each
succeeding month thereafter until the entire amount is repaid.
Interest Calculation: Interest shall accrue on the outstanding principal balance from the
date of disbursement until the date of full repayment. Interest shall be calculated on a
monthly basis.

Mode of Payment: The payment shall be made by [mode of payment, e.g., bank transfer,
cheque, cash], to the account specified by [Lender’s Name].

Prepayment: The Borrower reserves the right to prepay the outstanding principal amount
along with accrued interest at any time without any penalty.

Default: In case of default in payment of any installment or breach of any other terms and
conditions mentioned herein, the entire outstanding amount shall become due and
payable immediately, and the Borrower shall be liable to pay interest on the outstanding
amount at the rate of [penalty interest rate]% per month until fully repaid.

Governing Law: This promissory note shall be governed by the laws of India, and any
dispute arising out of or in connection with this note shall be subject to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the courts in [City], [State].

Amendments: Any modification or amendment to this promissory note shall be valid only if
made in writing and signed by both parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Promissory Note as of the
date first above written.



[Borrower’s Name]


[Lender’s Name]

[Seal (if applicable)]

[Witness’s Signature]

[Witness’s Name]

[Witness’s Address]

[Seal (if applicable)]

[End of Promissory Note]

8.Draft a will deed by a grandfather in favour of his grandchildren with respect to wet lands
of 5 acres and dry lands of 5 acres , 80 pounds of jewelleries and bank savings amount of rs
30,00,000 ?


I. Introduction:

This Deed of Will is made and executed by [Grandfather’s Name], aged [Grandfather’s Age],
residing at [Grandfather’s Address], hereinafter referred to as the “Testator,” on this [Date of
Execution], in the city of [City Name], State of [State Name], India.
II. Recitals:

Whereas, the Testator is the rightful owner and possessor of certain assets and properties,
both movable and immovable, and desires to make provision for their distribution after his

Whereas, the Testator has the intent to provide for his grandchildren, namely
[Grandchildren’s Names], hereinafter referred to as the “Beneficiaries,” out of his love and
affection towards them.

Whereas, the Testator hereby declares his last will and testament with respect to his
assets, as enumerated and detailed herein.

III. Declaration of Will:

In accordance with the Indian Succession Act, 1925, and other applicable laws and
regulations, the Testator hereby declares his will and distributes his assets as follows:

IV. Distribution of Assets:

Wet Lands: The Testator bequeaths unto his grandchildren, equally and jointly, a parcel of 5
acres of wet lands situated at [Location], along with all appurtenances and rights attached

Dry Lands: The Testator further bequeaths unto his grandchildren, equally and jointly,
another parcel of 5 acres of dry lands located at [Location], along with all appurtenances
and rights attached thereto.
Jewelleries: The Testator hereby gives and transfers unto his grandchildren, equally and
jointly, 80 pounds of jewelleries, including but not limited to gold, silver, and precious
stones, to be distributed among them as per their mutual agreement.

Bank Savings: The Testator directs his executor to liquidate his bank savings amounting to
Rs. 30,00,000 (Rupees Thirty Lakhs) and distribute the proceeds equally and jointly among
his grandchildren.

V. Appointment of Executor:

The Testator hereby appoints [Executor’s Name], aged [Executor’s Age], residing at
[Executor’s Address], as the Executor of this Will, to execute and administer the provisions
herein stated.

V. Miscellaneous Provisions:

In the event of the demise of any of the Beneficiaries before the distribution of the assets,
the share of the deceased Beneficiary shall devolve upon his/her legal heirs.

The Executor shall have the power to sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of any or all of the
assets herein bequeathed, if necessary, to facilitate the execution of this Will.

VI. Revocation Clause:

The Testator hereby revokes all Wills, codicils, or testamentary dispositions made by
him/her at any time prior to this Will.

VII. Governing Law:

This Will shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India.

VIII. Execution:

The Testator has hereunto set his hand and seal in the presence of the witnesses, who have
subscribed their names as witnesses in the presence of the Testator and in the presence of
each other.

In witness whereof, the Testator has executed this Will on the day and year first above

[Grandfather’s Signature]

[Grandfather’s Name]

[Date of Execution]

Signed, sealed, and delivered by the Testator in the presence of:

[Witness 1 Name]

Address: [Witness 1 Address]

Occupation: [Witness 1 Occupation]

[Witness 2 Name]

Address: [Witness 2 Address]

Occupation: [Witness 2 Occupation]


I, [Executor’s Name], hereby accept the appointment as Executor of this Will and agree to
execute and administer the provisions contained herein to the best of my abilities.

[Executor’s Signature]

[Executor’s Name]

[Date of Acceptance]

This Will has been executed in my presence and to my satisfaction.

[Witness 1 Signature]

[Witness 1 Name]

[Date of Witnessing]

[Witness 2 Signature]

[Witness 2 Name]

[Date of Witnessing]

This Will Deed consists of five pages, including this page, and each page has been signed
by the Testator, witnesses, and Executor at the bottom.
9.Draft an adoption deed relating to the adoption of a minor girl aged about two years old ?


This Deed of Adoption is made and entered into on this ____ day of ______, 20, by and

[Name of the Adoptive Parent(s)], Adult Indian citizen(s), residing at [Address], hereinafter
referred to as the “Adoptive Parent(s)”, which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the
context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include their respective heirs,
executors, administrators, and assigns of the ONE PART.

[Name of the Child], a minor girl aged about two years, born on [Date of Birth], at [Place of
Birth], Indian citizen, presently residing at [Address], hereinafter referred to as the “Child”,
which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be
deemed to mean and include her respective heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns
of the OTHER PART.

WHEREAS, the Adoptive Parent(s) are desirous of adopting the Child and the Child is willing
to be adopted by the Adoptive Parent(s) as their legally adopted daughter.

AND WHEREAS, the natural parents of the Child have consented to the adoption of the
Child by the Adoptive Parent(s) and have relinquished all their parental rights, duties, and
responsibilities towards the Child.
AND WHEREAS, the parties hereto have agreed to execute this Deed of Adoption to record
the terms and conditions of the adoption.


1. ADOPTION: The Adoptive Parent(s) hereby adopt the Child as their legally adopted
daughter, and the Child shall henceforth be considered and treated in all respects
as the natural-born daughter of the Adoptive Parent(s).

2. NAME: Upon adoption, the name of the Child shall be changed to [New Name] and
she shall be known by this name henceforth.

3. PARENTAL RIGHTS: The Adoptive Parent(s) shall have all the rights, duties, and
responsibilities towards the Child as if she were born to them in lawful wedlock,
including but not limited to the right to make decisions regarding her education,
healthcare, and upbringing.

4. RELINQUISHMENT OF PARENTAL RIGHTS: The natural parents of the Child hereby

irrevocably and unconditionally relinquish all their parental rights, duties, and
responsibilities towards the Child and consent to the adoption of the Child by the
Adoptive Parent(s). They undertake not to interfere in any manner with the custody,
care, and upbringing of the Child by the Adoptive Parent(s).

5. LEGAL STATUS: The adoption of the Child by the Adoptive Parent(s) shall be deemed
to be a legal and valid adoption under the laws of India, and the Adoptive Parent(s)
shall have all the rights and obligations of a legal guardian towards the Child.

6. NO OBJECTION: The parties hereto undertake not to raise any objection or claim
against the adoption of the Child by the Adoptive Parent(s) and agree to execute any
further documents or deeds as may be necessary to give effect to this Deed of

7. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the day
and year first above written.

SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED by the within named Adoptive Parent(s)

__________________________ [Signature of Adoptive Parent(s)]

[Name of Adoptive Parent(s)]

SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED by the within named Child

__________________________ [Signature of Child]

[Name of Child]


_________________________ [Signature of Witness]

[Name and Address of Witness]

_________________________ [Signature of Witness]

[Name and Address of Witness]

10.Draft a power of attorney deed ?

Power of Attorney Deed

This Power of Attorney Deed is made on [Date], by [Principal’s Name], residing at [Address],
hereinafter referred to as the “Principal”.

Appointment of Attorney:

The Principal hereby appoints [Attorney’s Name], residing at [Address], as their attorney-in-
fact to act on their behalf in all matters as described herein.

Scope of Authority:

The Attorney shall have the authority to act on behalf of the Principal in the following

a. Real Estate: To buy, sell, lease, mortgage, or otherwise deal with any real estate property
owned by the Principal.

b. Financial: To operate bank accounts, deposit or withdraw funds, manage investments,

and execute financial transactions on behalf of the Principal.

c. Legal: To represent the Principal in legal proceedings, sign legal documents, and engage
legal counsel if necessary.

d. Business: To manage business affairs, sign contracts, and make decisions related to
business interests of the Principal.

e. Personal: To handle personal affairs, including but not limited to, signing agreements,
accessing medical records, and making healthcare decisions on behalf of the Principal.


The Attorney shall not have the authority to:

a. Make gifts or donations of the Principal’s assets without explicit written consent.

b. Enter into agreements or contracts that extend beyond the scope outlined herein.
c. Make decisions that would cause harm to the Principal’s interests.

d. Sign any document or take any action that would violate the law.


This Power of Attorney shall remain in effect until [Date], unless revoked earlier by the
Principal in writing.


The Principal reserves the right to revoke this Power of Attorney at any time by providing
written notice to the Attorney and any relevant third parties.

Reliance of Third Parties:

Third parties may rely on the representations and actions of the Attorney as if they were
made or performed by the Principal.

Governing Law:

This Power of Attorney shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of


The Principal hereby affirms their intention to grant the Attorney the powers described
herein by signing this Power of Attorney in the presence of witnesses.

In Witness Whereof, the Principal has executed this Power of Attorney Deed on the day and
year first above written.

[Principal’s Signature]
Signed and delivered by the Principal in the presence of:

Witness 1:




Witness 2:




[Attorney’s Signature]

Accepted and Acknowledged by the Attorney:

[Attorney’s Signature]

Part – 3

Rules of high court , Registration and stamp Act :

1.What are the matters heard by a single judge division bench and full bench of high court ?
In the Indian legal system, High Courts are significant judicial bodies with the authority to
adjudicate on various matters. The composition of benches within High Courts, whether
single judge division benches or full benches, often depends on the nature and complexity
of the cases presented before them. Let’s delve into the matters heard by each type of

Single Judge Division Bench:

Civil Matters:

Appeals: Single judge division benches hear appeals from lower courts in civil cases. These
may involve disputes related to property, contracts, torts, family matters, etc.

Writ Petitions: Matters related to writ jurisdiction under Articles 226 and 227 of the
Constitution, including those concerning fundamental rights, administrative law, and
public interest litigation (PIL).

Criminal Matters:

Criminal Appeals: Appeals from lower courts in criminal cases are heard by single judge
division benches. These may involve challenges to convictions, acquittals, or sentences.

Quashing of FIRs: Petitions seeking to quash First Information Reports (FIRs) or criminal
proceedings may be adjudicated by a single judge bench.

Company Law Matters:

Corporate Disputes: Single judge division benches handle matters related to company law,
such as disputes between shareholders, directors, or other corporate entities.

Taxation Matters:
Tax Appeals: Appeals against orders of tax tribunals or authorities are heard by single judge
division benches. These may pertain to income tax, goods and services tax (GST), or other
tax laws.

Other Matters:

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): Cases involving intellectual property disputes, including
patents, trademarks, and copyrights, may be heard by single judge benches.

Service Matters: Disputes related to employment, including service conditions,

promotions, and disciplinary actions, are adjudicated by single judge division benches.

Full Bench:

Constitutional Matters:

Constitutional Interpretation: Full benches of High Courts hear matters involving

substantial questions of constitutional law, including interpretation of the Constitution, its
provisions, and constitutional validity of laws.

Landmark Cases:

Important Precedents: Matters of significant public interest or legal importance are often
referred to a full bench for adjudication. These cases may establish important legal
principles or precedents.

Conflict of Judgments:

Resolution of Conflicting Decisions: When there are conflicting decisions by different

single judge division benches or smaller benches of the High Court, the matter may be
referred to a full bench for resolution.

Review of Precedents:
Reconsideration of Previous Decisions: Full benches may review and reconsider earlier
decisions of the High Court to ensure consistency and coherence in the application of law.

Reference by Single Judge Benches:

Complex Issues: Single judge division benches may refer complex legal questions or
matters involving substantial public interest to a full bench for comprehensive
consideration and adjudication.

In summary, while single judge division benches handle a wide range of civil, criminal, and
specialized matters, full benches are reserved for matters of exceptional significance,
constitutional interpretation, resolving conflicts, and establishing important legal
precedents. Both types of benches play crucial roles in the Indian judicial system, ensuring
fair and effective dispensation of justice.

2.What are the documents which are compulsory registrable and not compulsorily
registrable under the indian registration Act ? Explain the effect of non registration of
documents ?

Compulsory Registrable Documents under the Indian Registration Act:

Instruments of Gift: Any instrument that transfers ownership of movable or immovable

property as a gift must be registered under the Indian Registration Act. This ensures the
legal transfer of ownership and protects the rights of both parties involved.

Lease Agreements: Lease agreements for immovable property with a duration exceeding
one year must be registered. This registration provides legal validity to the terms and
conditions of the lease, ensuring that both parties adhere to their obligations.
Sale Deeds: Sale deeds for immovable property are compulsorily registrable to transfer
ownership from the seller to the buyer. Registration of sale deeds provides legal
authenticity to the transaction and protects the interests of the buyer against any future

Mortgages: Any document creating or transferring an interest in immovable property as

security for the repayment of a debt must be registered. Registration of mortgages ensures
that the mortgagee has a legally enforceable right over the property in case of default by the

Exchange of Property: Documents pertaining to the exchange of immovable property must

be registered to validate the transfer of ownership between the parties involved.

Power of Attorney: Instruments granting power of attorney in relation to immovable

property must be registered to be legally enforceable. Registration of power of attorney
documents ensures that the authorized person can act on behalf of the principal in
property-related matters.

Documents Not Compulsorily Registrable:

Lease Agreements: Lease agreements for immovable property with a duration of one year
or less are not compulsorily registrable under the Indian Registration Act. However, parties
may choose to register such agreements for added security and legal validity.

Agreements to Sell: While agreements to sell immovable property are not compulsorily
registrable, registering them provides legal evidence of the transaction and helps prevent
future disputes regarding ownership and terms of sale.

Trust Deeds: Trust deeds are not compulsorily registrable under the Indian Registration Act.
However, registration may be advisable to establish legal validity and prevent challenges to
the trust’s authenticity in the future.
Partition Deeds: Partition deeds, which divide jointly owned property among co-owners,
are not compulsorily registrable. However, registration can help avoid disputes regarding
the division of property and establish legal rights of the parties involved.

Will: While it is not compulsory to register a will under the Indian Registration Act,
registration can help prevent challenges to its authenticity and ensure its proper execution
according to the testator’s wishes.

Effect of Non-Registration of Documents:

The non-registration of documents that are compulsorily registrable under the Indian
Registration Act may have several legal consequences:

Inadmissibility as Evidence: Unregistered documents cannot be used as evidence in court

to prove the transaction or ownership rights contained within them. This means that parties
may not be able to rely on unregistered documents to establish their legal rights in case of

Risk of Invalidity: Non-registration may render the document invalid or unenforceable,

especially in transactions involving immovable property. Without registration, the
document may lack legal authenticity and may not be recognized by authorities or courts.

Voidable at the Option of the Party: In some cases, non-registration may render the
document voidable at the option of the affected party. This means that the party adversely
affected by the non-registration may choose to void the transaction or seek legal remedies
for any losses incurred.

Difficulty in Enforcement: Unregistered documents may face challenges in enforcement,

as they may not have the same legal standing as registered documents. This can lead to
delays, disputes, and additional legal costs for parties involved in the transaction.
Risk of Third-Party Claims: Without registration, there is a risk that third parties may make
competing claims to the property or rights contained within the document. Registration
helps establish priority and protects against subsequent claims by third parties.

In conclusion, the registration of documents under the Indian Registration Act is essential
to ensure their legal validity, enforceability, and protection against future disputes. Non-
registration may lead to various legal consequences, including inadmissibility as evidence,
risk of invalidity, difficulty in enforcement, and vulnerability to third-party claims. Therefore,
parties involved in transactions should ensure compliance with the registration
requirements to safeguard their interests and rights effectively.

3.Explain in detail about various kinds of stamps under Indian stamp Act?

Explanation of various kinds of stamps under the Indian Stamp Act:

**1. Adhesive Stamps:

Adhesive stamps are stamps that are affixed to documents or instruments to indicate that
the required stamp duty has been paid. These stamps are purchased from authorized
vendors and are available in various denominations to meet the requirements of different
transactions. Adhesive stamps are commonly used for agreements, leases, deeds, and
other legal documents.

**2. Impressed Stamps:

Impressed stamps are those that are impressed or embossed directly onto the document
or instrument. These stamps are typically used for official documents issued by
government agencies, such as licenses, permits, and certificates. The stamp duty is paid
by affixing the impressed stamp at the time of execution or issuance of the document.

**3. Revenue Stamps:

Revenue stamps are a type of adhesive or impressed stamp specifically used to denote
payment of taxes or duties on various transactions. These stamps are issued by the
government and are required for a wide range of activities, including property transactions,
financial transactions, and legal proceedings.

**4. Court Fee Stamps:

Court fee stamps are a type of revenue stamp specifically used to pay court fees in legal
proceedings. These stamps are affixed to documents filed in court to cover the cost of filing
the case, obtaining copies of documents, and other court-related expenses. Court fee
stamps are essential for initiating legal actions and ensuring access to justice.

**5. Non-Judicial Stamps:

Non-judicial stamps are stamps used to denote payment of stamp duty on various non-
legal documents and transactions. These stamps are required for agreements, leases,
conveyances, and other transactions that are not related to court proceedings. Non-
judicial stamps are available in different denominations based on the value of the

**6. Judicial Stamps:

Judicial stamps are stamps specifically used to pay stamp duty on legal documents filed in
court or used in legal proceedings. These stamps are required for various court-related
documents, including affidavits, petitions, bonds, and decrees. Judicial stamps help fund
the functioning of the judicial system and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

**7. Special Adhesive Stamps:

Special adhesive stamps are stamps issued for specific purposes or transactions that
require special treatment under the law. These stamps may be issued for transactions such
as insurance policies, share transfers, and foreign exchange transactions. Special adhesive
stamps are designed to meet the unique requirements of these transactions and may have
specific denominations and designs.

**8. Postage Stamps:

Postage stamps are a type of adhesive stamp used to prepay postage for mail delivery
services. These stamps are affixed to envelopes, parcels, and other mail items to indicate
that the sender has paid the necessary postage fees. Postage stamps come in various
denominations to cover different mailing requirements and are issued by postal

In summary, the Indian Stamp Act provides for various kinds of stamps, including adhesive
stamps, impressed stamps, revenue stamps, court fee stamps, non-judicial stamps,
judicial stamps, special adhesive stamps, and postage stamps. Each type of stamp serves
a specific purpose and is used to denote payment of stamp duty on different transactions
and documents. These stamps play a crucial role in ensuring the legality and validity of
various financial and legal transactions in India.

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