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Effective opening – Why?


What questions do you have as the reader?


Ending the opening “I would never have a quiet life” – creates tension, suspense. Something
has happened in the past.

Interesting adjective: __________________________________________________________

Language features:_________________________________________

Now the narrator takes us back to the past with “Two weeks ago”

How does the narrator link this paragraph to the previous paragraph?

How does the narrator link paragraph two to paragraph 3?

The narrator used “sweet summer morning” to alert you to the flashback in Paragraph 3 – “On that
sweet summer morning.” A sign post.

Language features:__________________________________________________________________

Sliced links back to the words __________________________________________________________

Semantic field of cutting. Again a negative atmosphere is created.

Interesting vocabulary:_______________________________________________________________
Effective opening

Introduced the door
Atmosphere created
through deep scars, fear,

Sense of foreboding

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