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Ayala Blvd, Ermita, Manila, 1000 Metro


Internet Search Tool

I. Learning Objectives:

1. Identify and differentiate various search engine

2. Understand and value the use of search engine
3. Use and apply all the acquired knowledge for making different tasks (poster slogan about
search engine)

II. Discussions

The Internet - is a telecommunications network that uses telephone lines, cables, satellites and
wireless connections to connect computers and other devices to the World Wide Web;
discovered by Tim Berners-Lee. It can be defined as the wired or wireless mode of
communication through which one can receive, transmit information that can be used for single
or multiple operations.

The Internet can be used to:

• access a huge library of information from websites around the world

• send and receive email messages

• share photographs and video clips with your friends and family

• buy goods and services (and often save money!)

• carry out online banking

• play games with other people online

• catch up on TV and radio programmers that you've missed – or watch them again

• learn something new with an online course.

What is a Search Engine?

Search Engine is computer software used to locate a user specified word, phrase, image, sound
or other page or file located on the World Wide Web. Each search engine builds and rebuilds its
database through scripts followed by automated web crawling scripts. The purpose of a search
engine is to extract requested information from the huge database of resources available on
the internet.

Top 8 Search Engines


It is an American search engine company, founded in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page
that is a subsidiary of the holding company Alphabet Inc. More than 70% of worldwide online
search requests are handled by Google, placing it at the heart of most Internet users’
experience. Google began as an online search firm, but it now offers more than 50 Internet
services and products, from e-mail and online document creation to software for mobile
phones and computers.


Bing is a search engine created and operated by Microsoft, replacing its former Live
Search, Windows Live Search and MSN Search offerings. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer revealed
the search engine in May 2009 and was fully operational in June 2009. Bing is Microsoft’s
attempt to challenge Google in the area of search, but despite their efforts they still did not
manage to convince users that their search engine can produce better results than Google.

Yahoo! is an Internet portal that incorporates a search engine and a directory of World
Wide Web sites organized in a hierarchy of topic categories. As a directory, it provides both new
and seasoned Web users the reassurance of a structured view of hundreds of thousands of
Web sites and millions of Web pages. Yahoo! began as the bookmark lists of two Stanford
University graduate students, David Filo and Jerry Yang. After putting their combined bookmark
lists organized by categories on a college site, the list began to grow into an Internet

4. ASK

Formerly known as Ask Jeeves, was started in 1996 by Garret Gruener and David Warthen. is based on a question and answer format where most questions are answered by
other users or are in the form of polls. It also has the general search functionality but the results
returned lack quality compared to Google or even Bing and Yahoo.
5. Aol

AOL stands for America Online. AOL is a technology solution, web search and content
delivery company. America Online came into existence in 1991 but its predecessor’s were
Control Video Corporation (1983-1985) and Quantum Computer Services (1985-1991). It was
bought by Verizon for 4.2 Billion Dollars in 2015

Dogpile is a metasearch engine, meaning that it gets results from multiple search
engines and directories and then presents them combined to the user. Dogpile currently gets its
results from Google, Yahoo, Bing, and more.


DuckDuckGo is an Internet search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers' privacy

and avoiding the filter bubble of personalized search results. DuckDuckGo distinguishes itself
from other search engines by not profiling its users and by deliberately showing all users the
same search results for a given search term and emphasizes returning the best results, rather
than the most results, generating those results from over 400 individual sources.

8. The Internet Archive

The Internet Archive is a non-profit organization that is compiling a historic database of
Web sites and other digital content. This search engine lets users travel back in time to see how
web pages looked in years gone by.



Crawler- Human-
Based Powered

1. Crawler-based search engines\

Crawler-based search engines, such as Google create their listings automatically. They
“crawl” or “spider” the web, then people search through what they have found. If web pages
are changed, crawler-based search engines eventually find these changes, and that can affect
how those pages are listed. Page titles, body copy and other elements all play a role.

2. Human-powered directories

A human-powered directory, such as the Open Directory Project and Yahoo!

depends on humans for its listings. A directory gets its information from submissions, which
include a short description to the directory for the entire site, or from editors who write one for
sites they review. Changing web pages, has no effect on how they are listed.

3. Hybrid search engines

A hybrid search engine is a type of computer search engine that uses different types of
data with or without ontologies to produce the algorithmically generated results based on web
crawling. Hybrid search engines use a combination of both crawler-based results and directory
results. A hybrid search engine will favour one type of listings over another.

Search Engine Optimization Essentials

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) allows you to achieve top search engine placement and a tap
into a new source of qualified visitors who are actively searching for products and services on
the Internet. SEO help both humans and technology discover, locate, and access desirable
content. They also try to prevent and limit access to undesirable content.

Search Engine
Optimization Essentials

Link /
Content Popularity
Component component
1. Content Component

The most important part of the content component of a search engine algorithm is
keyword selection and where you place keywords on your web pages. In order for your target
audience to find your site on the search engines, your web pages must contain keyword
phrases that match the phrases your target audience is typing into search queries. Finding
these keywords that your target audience uses to find your product is accomplished by
conducting keyword research.

2. Links / Accessibility Components

The strategy of placing keyword-rich text on your web pages is useless if the search
engine spiders have no way of finding that text. The way your web pages are linked to each
other has huge impact on your site's search engine positioning.

3. Popularity Component

• Link Popularity
• Click-through Popularity
• Social signals

Attaining an optimal popularity component is not simply obtaining as many links as

possible to a website. The quality of the sites linking to your site holds more weight than the
quantity of sites linking to your site. The major search engines are measuring how often end
users are clicking on the links to your site and how long they are staying on your site. They are
also measuring how often end users return to your site.
III. Documentation
IV. Reflection

After studying different search engines, I learned that Google is still the number
one search engine in the world in terms of its’s popularity and usage followed by
Bing in its second place and so on. I learned that I should use these search engines
wisely and effectively for me to have and acquire relevant knowledge and
information. I also learned that not all search engines are the same, they are
different from each other in terms of search results. Not all search engines are
safe from hackers and viruses that’s why I should monitor my internet browsing
habits. There are also types of search engines and these are Hybrid-search engine,
Crawler-based search engine, and Human powered directories. By these types,
we can classify different search engines that we need to use for.

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