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GIÁO Trình Reading Level 4

speaking level 1 (Trường Đại Học Duy Tân)

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Mã môn học: ENG 266
Chủ biên: Th.S. Lê Thị Khánh Lam

Đà Nẵng, 2018

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Contents Page


Lesson 1: Coordinating Conjunctions & Correlative Conjunctions 4

Lesson 2: Prepositions of Time & Prepositions of Place & Prepositions of 18


Lesson 3: Prepositions of Reason, Concession, Purpose, Exception, and 29

Addition & Preposition OF and others & Other Prepositions

Lesson 4: Common expressions formed by Verb/adjective/Noun + 34

Preposition & Collocations with Prepositions

Lesson 5: Review & Collocations with Prepositions 52


Lesson 6: Positions of Noun clauses & Noun clauses Introduced by That 59

&Noun clauses Introduced by If/Whether

Lesson 7: Noun clauses Introduced by Interrogative Word & a Compound 64

Relative Pronoun & Distinguishing between What and That

Lesson 8: Basic points of Relative clauses & Positions and Functions of 72

Relative Clauses & Relative Pronouns & Usage of Relative Pronouns and
Relative Adverbs

Lesson 9: Revision 85


Lesson 10: Emails 96

Lesson 11: Announcements 105

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Lesson 12: Advertisements 116

Lesson 13: Articles 125

Lesson 14: Forms 136

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Basic points
Coordinating conjunctions, also known as coordinators, are used to join
two sentences or two parts of a sentence that are gramatically equal. The
two parts may be words, phrases, or clauses.

1. Use fruits and vegetables that are ripe.

2. The editor is responsible for collecting articles and publishing newsletters.

3. It was raining, so I put on my raincoat.

Repeated words in the phrases or clauses connected by a coordinating

conjunctions may be omitted.

4. The only way to get (customers) and (to) keep customers is through service.

5. They painted the wall and (they) fixed the window.

2 Correlative conjunctions always come in fixed pairs formed by a certain

word with a coordinating conjunction, joining two sentence elements that
are grammatically equal.

6. Tuna is sold as both steaks and fillets.

7. You can make your payment either in person or by email.

8. It depends on neither who you are nor what you know.

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1. Coordinating Conjunctions

1 Below are the coordinating conjunctions in English

and or but yet so for nor


1. Eating should be healthy and enjoyable.

2. I will go camping and canoeing this weekend.

3. There will be a party tonight, for he IS retiring this week.


1. So and for join clauses only. They cannot join words or

2. When we combine two independent clauses, a connecting adverb (however,
therefore, instead) or an ordinary adverb (also) cannot come in the postion of
a coordinating conjunction.

1. I wanted to clear my thoughts, therefore( so, )I went for a

3. And so/ and yet/ and then is the combination of the coordinating
and with the adverb to make the meaning much clearer.

When the subjects in a sentence are joined by and, a plural verb is used. When the
subjects are joined by or, their verb must agree with the subject nearest to it.

4. My boyfriend and I are going to the concert.

5. I doubt that we or our teacher is going to solve the problem.

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2. Correlative Conjunctions

Below are the correlative conjunctions in English

Both A and B Neither A nor B

Not only A but also Either A or B

B as well as B with A

The subjects connected by correlative conjunctions and the verbs in sentences must
agree in number.

6. Either bus or taxi is available from the airport.

7. Both coffee and tea have long and historic pasts.


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C. Choose the correct option given in brackets to complete each sentence

1. You can (both/ either/ neither) fax the document or mail it.

2. Mr. Smith was sick, (so/but/ or) he didn‘t go to work.

3. This machine is not only slow (but/or/nor) also complicated.

4. You have to bring both your passport (and/or/ nor) flight ticket.

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5. Booking a plane ticket online is cheap, (either/ but/ or) you have to do it early.

6. He didn‘t like his job, (or/but/so) he quit three months ago.

7. Either Sam (and/or/but) Tom will be sent to the new branch in L.A.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

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Actual Toeic test

1. The Maxwell Byrd Company prides itself on having established modern

efficient procedures unmatched in the industry.

A.Either B. so C. and D.too

2. All examinees should bring a driver‘s license or passport and a

pencil to the testing center.

A.Or B.and C. both D.either

3. To prevent electricity outages in areas where service is not readily available,

use major appliances before noon after 7p.m.

A.neither B. nor C.either D. or

4. If you placed an order, have not received your package, please

wait two months from the day it was shipped before making an inquiry.

A.but B.also C.then D.even

5. The training staff was instructed neither to give handouts before the sessions
to distribute the manuals until after the seminar had ended.

A.also B. nor C. or D.and

6. All of the workers were warned about wearing masks in the laboratory,
half of them ignored the advisory and got sick.

A.yet B. by C. so D. both

7. The new interior design of the office has both increased employee …….
productivity drawn many positive remarks from the clients.

A.Or B. yet C. like D. and

8. The chief executive is trying to decide whether to assign an individual

an entire team to evaluate last week‘s event.

A.So B. but C. or D. nor


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9. Better product advertising is needed that not only grabs the viewer‘s attention
……… stimulates consumer desire to spend money.

A.or B. but C.and D. therefore

10. Condidates will be considered on the basis of their prior experience on

their level of dedication and loyalty.

A.Although B. based on C. as well as D. in addition

11. Your participation in support of our charity benefit will help feed
the thousands of starving children our company sponsors.

A.And C.because D. however

12. The severance request has been processed by the head office, not by the
accounting department as of yet.

A.also B. or C. but D. unless

13. At the end Sarah‘s first month of employment, the company evaluated
her daily performance and her total month‘s production.

A.Either B. both C. plus D. so

14. This project began almost five months ago is expected to be finished
in December.

A.or B. so C. and D. but

15. Our store will be refinanced, to save on long-term interest rates and to
ensure a solid credit rating.

A.either B.both C.neither D.not only

16. The company will have performance reviews over the next few weeks,
the manager is going to inform all employees of the review process.

A.since B.but C.or


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17. The restaurant critic advised patronizing the newly opened Greek
restaurant nor the 20-year-old grilled food eatery.

A.And B.either C.with D.neither

18. Make sure that not only the agenda the annual report have been put onto
the envelopes for each of the directors as well.

And B. or C. but D. so

19. You can either submit your application by email send the needed
information by post.

A.or B. and C. nor D.also

20. All new computer technicians should receive and up-to-date training in
the use and maintenance of state-of-the-art equipment.

A.Adequacy B.adequate C.adequateness D. adequately


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0 Prepositions of Time

1. Prepositions that show a point of time

Since from until/by before/ prior to + a point of time (3 o‘clock, July, Friday
morning, etc.)

The project team leader would like to see us before 5:00 p.m.


1. Until means up to a particular time or event; by means not later than.

The library will be open until 7.

You should submit the report by 7.

2. Below are some common expressions expressing a point of time.

Three weeks from now

Three weeks prior to the date

From 3o’clock onward(s)

3. Prepositions that show a period of time or a duration

She has been using English for ten years.

Pete guided the employees through the training process.



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1. FOR expresses how long something has lasted; DURING indicates when
something happens, meaning from the beginning to the end of a particular

The mechanic has been working on the project for 2 years.

Countless foreigners travel to Italy during the Christmas season.

2. IN can also precede a period of time, meaning no more than/ within.

Your application for membership will be processed in two days.

3. Identifying a point of time or a duration to use prepositions correctly.

I will have this done (within/by) the end of the month.
We have been married (for/since) two years.
1. Fill each gap with an appropriate preposition.
1. The construction will be finished February.

2. The meeting lasted 5 hours.

3. He founded the organization 1999.

4. The National Art Gallery will be open May.

5. Every employee has to come back to the office 2p.m.

6. The factory will be closed the Christmas season.

7. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. You have to pay a deposit (by/until/at/within) 30 days.

2. The annual sales meeting will be held (in/at/on/for) noon.



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D.Fill the gap with correct preposition

1. What are you doing the weekend?

2. I don't know yet. Maybe I'll go to the cinema Saturday.

3. That's interesting. I haven't been to the cinema so many years.

4. We could go there together the afternoon.

5. That would be great. But I would prefer to go there the evening. I

am visiting my grandma Saturday.

6. That's okay. The film starts eight o'clock.

7. I can pick you up half past seven. How long does the film last?

8. It lasts two hours and forty-five minutes.

9. From eight till a quarter eleven.

10. That's right. But I must hurry home the film. I have to be home
eleven o'clock.


11. Prepositions of Place


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Identify the prepositions of place in the following examples:

Prepositions Examples

--------------------------- He lifted his hands above/over his head.

------------------ Look in the cupboard below/under the sink.

--------------- I sat down beside/next to my wife.

-------------------- There is a park right behind the building.

------------------------- There‘s a table between a and chair a bookshelf.

The midday meal was served between 2 and 4 o‘clock.

They walked among the crowds.

------------------------- I like to sit near a window.

------------------- All staff should be aware of activities within the company.

The profit of this year increased within five percentage points

of its competitors.

---------------------- Some of the travelers wanted to walk around the night


12. Common expressions with over/ under/ between/ within/ around

In addition to showing a place, the preposition over/ under/ between/ within/ around
can be used to refer to a state, connection, relationship, etc.

Prepositions Expressions

Over Have the edge over

Under Under new management

Under close supervision

Under current contract


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Under control

Under pressure

Under investigation

Under review

under consideration

Under discussion

Under development

Between A difference/ gap between A and B

Within Within a radius of

Around Around the world

Around the corner

A. Choose the correct option given in brackets to complete each sentence

1. The car stopped (at/into/on) the intersection.

2. The new office is (at/on/over) the third floor.

3. There is a paper shredder (under/between/over) the desk.

4. There are many museums (into/in/at) the city.

5. I saw the notice (on/for/at) the board yesterday.

6. The law firm (across/through/ behind) the street will lay off 15 lawyers.

7. The executive officers walked (along/among/within/over) the corridor.


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C. Complete the exercise according to the picture

1. (In/on/at) the picture, I can see a woman.

2. The woman is sitting (at/ in front of/ on) a table.

3. She is sitting (in/on/at) a chair.

4. There is another chair (across/opposite/ beside) the woman.

5. Her feet are (beside/on/under) the table.

6. The woman is holding a cup (at/ in/into) her hands.

7. (Above/ at/ on) the table are a laptop, a paper, a calculator, an appointment
calendar, two pens and a muffin.


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8. The woman is looking (at/on/to) her laptop.

9. The woman's bag is (between/behind/under) the table.

Prepositions of Direction

Identify prepositions of Direction in the following examples

Prepositions Examples

--------------------------- The copy can be obtained from the office

------------------ They will send the package to your client

--------------- We walked across the ice. pass /go past

-------------------- I walked through the woods.

------------------------- Newman walked along the street.

------------------------- I‘m leaving for Busan.

------------------- She walked towards me.

We moved all the luggage into the room.

---------------------- I took the key out of my pocket.


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10. Common expressions with from/to/along/across/out of

Besides indicating direction, from also shows who gave the opinion, to refers to a
state, out of is used with the meaning without /beyond the range or limit of, etc. Below
are some common expressions

Prepositions Expressions

From from one‘s viewpoint

To to the relief of to one‘s satisfaction to a great


to my knowledge to your heart‘s


along along the shore along the side of

across across the street across from the post


out of out of date out of control out of stock

out of room out of reach out of town

out of season out of print

out of paper out of order


A. Decide which of the choices (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the sentence.

1. Subscribers to the online newsletter were informed that their names would be
removed the list if they did not reply to the e-mail asking if they wished to be

(A) to (B) from (C) for (D) of

2. The new highway, which will run the mountains, is expected to cause
irreversible damage to wildlife and the ecosystem.

(A) through (B) during (C) out (D) against


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3. ―This product should be kept reach of children as it contains many
toxic agents.

(A) away with (B) out of (C) up until (D) without

B. Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition:

to, toward, on, onto, in, or into. Some sentences may have more than one possible
correct answer. Remember that a few verbs of motion take only "on" rather than

1. Anna has returned her home town.

2. The dog jumped the lake.

3. Are the boys still swimming the pool?

4. Thomas fell the floor.

5. The plane landed the runway.

6. We drove the river for an hour but turned north before we reached it.

7. The kids climbed the monkey bars.

8. Joanna got Fred's car.

9. The baby spilled his cereal the floor.

10. We cried to the man on the ladder, "Hang !"


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11. I went the gym.

12. Matthew and Michelle moved the table the dining room.

13. Allan left your keys the table.

14. Dr. Karper apologized for interrupting us and told us to carry with our

15. I walk the amusement park.

16. Pat drove Mike the airport.

17. Glenn almost fell the river.

18. The waitress noticed that there was no more Diet Pepsi Marty's glass.

19. Lee and Sarah took the bus that was heading the university.

20. Mary Sue jumped the stage and danced.


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C. Choose the correct preposition:

1. We walked (up/down/ over) to the top of the mountain and then we cycled
(through/up/down) to the bottom again.s

2. We both jumped (up/down/into) the swimming pool at the same time.

3. When I finished high school I drove (across/down/over) Europe in a caravan with

two of my friends.

4. In some countries, it's considered unlucky to walk (through/down/under) a ladder.

5. The athletes ran (around/off/up) the track for 1 hour.

6. You must always wear a helmet when you cycle in case you fall (under/off/into) the

7. The first person to swim (around/over/across) the English Channel was Mathew
Webb, in 1875.

8. He broke his ankle when he was trying to jump (over/ off/under) a hump in his

9. Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese sailor who sailed (off/around/over) the world
in the 16th Century.

10. In PE classes we have to climb (through/across/ up) a rope in 20 seconds.


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11. He was skiing (down/under/around) the hill when he had the accident.

12. I would never do base jumping. I think it's really dangerous to jump
(up/off/through) a building even if you have a parachute.

13. Stunt motorcyclists sometimes jump (over/under/across) cars or even buses.

14. The boat sailed (out of/ along/across) the river up to the sea.

15. Get (out of/up/along) the car now! I have to take you to school.

16. Drivers in the Paris-Dakar drive (down/across/out of) the Sahara desert.

17. Our class walked (on/down/through) a beautiful forest during our last school trip.

18. If you are afraid of heights, don't look (on/down/through) when you are climbing
the mountain.

19. The teacher walked (into/through/up) the class, so we stopped talking and sat

20. If I walk (in/through/over) that door, I will never come back.

D. Complete the exercise with convenient prepositions.

1. I usually meet up my friends the weekend.

2. Don‘t be late school.

3. You are the new student Portugal.

4. Are you a teacher this school?

5. Jessica is vacation. She is Italy now.

6. What is this called English?

7. Look the flowers.

8. Adam's birthday is July.

9. Don‘t run the classroom.


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E. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. Compare your answers your partner‘s.

2. This key holder is very special me.

3. Kittens and mice are the same place.

4. Write me soon.

5. Have you got a piece paper?

6. What‘s that CD for? It is my exam.

7. I‘m tall black hair and brown eyes.

8. We have got a house a big garden.

9. I come a big family.

10. Match the pictures the names.

11. Is your house the country?

12. Guess. What do have I have my hand?

13. I have got two pens. What you?

F. Choose the correct answer:

1. Go these stairs until you reach the top floor.

1. in

2. through

3. on

4. up

5. He was stopped by the police for driving 120mph.

1. on

2. to

3. for


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4. at

5. I'm going Madrid next week.

1. to

2. in

3. of

4. at

5. We always listen to music the way to work.

1. by

2. in

3. on

4. for

5. Take your purse of your pocket and give it to me.

1. away

2. off

3. to

4. out

5. Are you talking me?

1. on

2. of

3. in

4. to

5. She called me midnight.

1. on

2. at

3. in

4. of

5. I'll see you the morning.


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1. on

2. at

3. in

4. of

5. What did you have dinner?

1. of

2. in

3. for

4. to

5. He's the tallest man the world.

1. of

2. over

3. in

4. to


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0 Prepositions of Reason, Concession, Purpose, Exception, and Addition

5. Prepositions of reason, concession, and purpose

Prepositions Example

because of We were late because of the rain

due to Due to the rise in the cost of fuel, all living expenses will increase

owing to

on account of

despite Despite a poor economy, the shop has been doing well.

in spite of

with all

for The club is hosting a party for all its members


Below are some common expressions with the preposition for:

For your convenience

for future use- cho những mục đích trong tương lai

for safety reasons – vì nhũng lý do an toàn

For further information- bt thêm thông tin chi tiết

articles for sale-

money for supplies -tiền trợ cấp

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A coupon for every $100

6. Prepositions of exception and addition


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Prepositions Example

except (for) I cleaned all the rooms except (for) the bathroom.

aside from

apart from
barring We should arrive at 10 o‘clock, barring any unexpected delays.

without I would have been in real trouble but for your help

but for

instead of Use graphics instead of words.

in addition to In addition to the new offices, the building has a coffee house on
the first floor.

Besides writing summaries, she proofreads all of the professor‘s

apart from


When except precedes clause, there is no preposition for after it.

I don‘t know anything about wine, except that I like it.


A. Decide which of the choices (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the

1 . The staff is planning to hold a farewell gathering an employee who served the
company for over twenty years.


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(A) by (B) for (C) to (D) from

2. The manager said that any changes, the proposal would be presented
at a special meeting of sustainable development organizations.

(A) except (B) barring (C) unless (D) because

3. Interest rates are falling a governmental push to raise all mortgage rates for
middle- homeowners.

(A) in spite of (B) according(to) (C) even though( sau là 1 mệnh đề) (D) in
addition to

2 Preposition Of and Others

7. The structure A of B

Usage Examples

A is a noun, B is its implied 1. the development of the company

2. consent of the parent

3. the retirement of our colleague

A is a noun, B is its implied 1. showing of his new movie

2. the marketing of luxury brands

3. the shipment of wine

4. the utilization of health care services

A and B are appositives. 1. a chance of meeting someone new

2. the idea of producing handbooks

3. a balance of 100 dollars

A is part of B. 1. this area of the city

2. the end of the month

3. the employees of the branch

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1. Prepositions for drawing people's attention to a particular subject

about on over
as to
as for- đối
concerning regarding


1. The following are frequently asked questions concerning the internship


2. We take pride in complying with all regulations with regard to food safety.


A. Decide which of the choices (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the sentence.

1. The independent audit of the company is expected to be concluded by the end

this month.

(A) in (B) by (C) of (D) on

2. Dr. Wilson will attend the workshop to moderate a panel discussion ethics of
new medical technology.

(A) by (B) to (C) on (D) with

3. A dispute workers‘ rights has caused union members employed at the

factory to walk out in a week-long strike.

(A) over (B) above (C) of (D) along


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0 Other Prepositions

3. Other Prepositions

Prepositions Examples

by Authenticated access is obtained by providing a valid name and password.

through Competence is achieved through training.

throughout( xuyên suốt Heavy rains have increased the water level behind dams throughout the country.

khắp lãnh thổ)

with without The children will discuss it with their teacher.

Headphones will enable you to listen to the music without disturbing anyone.

as He had served as a section director at the Ministry of Education.

like Like jogging, walking should have a steady and continuous motion.

unlike Swimming, unlike jogging, is ideal for any age or physical ability.

against Some consumers have campaigned against the use of furs in luxury clothing.

beyond Its functions go beyond what is necessary for an MP3 player.

following Following the conference, the banquet for the delegation will be held.

plus The newly launched mobile phone has all the same features plus digital music

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4. Common expressions with by/ through / with / without/ against /beyond

Prepositions Expressions

by by telephone/fax / mail by cash / check / credit card

by law
by land
through cooperation
through through the use of

with with no doubt with no exception

without with the aim of without paying

against against the law act against one‘s will

beyond beyond repair beyond one‘s capacity


A. Decide which of the choices (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the sentence.

1. Dayton Electronics recommends that all customers keep their receipts proof
of payment.

(A) as (B) except (C) on (D) into

2. Companies can save hundreds on airfares computer linkups which allow

for international meetings without leaving the office.

(A) above (B)through (C) into (D) down

3. Employees expressed content with their salaries and working hours the
exception of those in packing, who requested a pay increase.

(A) like (B)by (C) for (D) with


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B. Correct the underlined prepositions in the following sentences.

1. The article was as the current economic situation.

2. I‘m going to get to the airport at subway today.

3. Of CEO, she has to make important decisions.

4. The sales representatives apologized to us with being rude.

5. The company reduced the cost of making its products for a new process.

6. There is a conference room across on the copy room.

7. As addition to games, this device can play music and videos.

8. They discussed some issued regarded the process.

9. According the article, there will be many job openings this year.

10. Many things were said concerns the recent changes at the company.

C. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. The meeting (as/on/for/with) the interest rate will be held this Tuesday.

2. We were surprised (in/for/at/as) the news report.

3. (Regarding/ Excluding/ In spite of/ Regardless of) age and sex, anyone can apply
for the job.

4. Ten countries, (included/ including/ include/ includes) England, joined the



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1. Common Expressions Formed by Verb /Adjective / Noun + Preposition

1. Verb + Preposition

account for- giải thích, cân nhắc depend on/ rely on/count on associate A with B congratulate A on
add to- thêm vào sympathize with- đồng cảm, thông
cảm với ai nhìn a liên tuionfwr tới b
direct A to B
comply with- tuân theo wait for
return A to B
consist of- bao gồm keep track of- theo dõi ai
transfer A to B
contribute to- đóng góp vào employ A as B- thuê a đẻ làm b


They have only a few days left to comply with new regulations on factory
safety. The public associates the company name with trust and reliability.

2. Adjective + Preposition

absent from equivalent to- tương đương identical to consistent with –

phù hợp cới
responsible for comparable to/with- so sánh similar to
vs contrary to- trái
ngược với
Ex: Projects conducted by like organizations are similar to each other.

3. Noun + Preposition

access to exposure to an advocate for/of

a cause/reason for concern about/for/over a lack of

permission from a problem with a dispute about/over

an effect / impact /
a question about / concerning /

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influence on regarding

respect for a decrease / an increase/a rise /a drop

a solution to

Ex: The client has a question regarding the arrangements for the trip.

4. Fixed expressions of more than one preposition

by means of in place of in charge of in respect of

in honor of in violation of in observance of on behalf of

Of and Others

Ex: Fred Sumner will be giving the speech in place of Mr. Trent, who is down
with the flu.


1. Decide which of the choices (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the

1. Management has decided to transfer certain responsibilities formerly held by

the administrative division the accounting department.

(A) at (B) by (C) to (D) of

2. Educatio
n for Children, Inc. has always been an advocate effective
early education through home- and school-based programs.

(A) to (B) by (C) for (D)over

3. M
s. Turner asked us to use the original design for the product display
the one submitted by the team.

(A) because (B) instead of (C) despite (D) when

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2. Choose a correct option for each sentence.

1. The country has suffered from little investment (over/ until) the past year as
a result of poll instability.

2. (Due to/Except for) rising oil prices, import prices went up by 16 percent in

3. In recent years, private investors have become increasingly attracted to this

area (on/of) the city.

4. Requests for assistance via e-mail or live Internet support are only monitored
(since /during) regular hours of operation.

5. (At/Despite) a looming fiscal crisis, the country‘s economy has bounced

back from a slump.

6. Workshops are offered (before/throughout) the year on a variety of job

search tools and skills including resume writing.

7. (Aside from /Long since) the acquisition costs, the manager anticipated
additional costs for operational and restructuring expenses.

Decide whether each of the sentences below is correct or incorrect. If it is

correct, write “correct”; if it is incorrect, point out the mistake(s) and
provide (a) correction(s).

8. A recent report said consumer prices could exceed 4 percent on the end of
the year.

9. Professionals on the academic community frequently immigrate to places

where their skills earn better reward.

10. Guests can put their valuables in the hotel‘s safety deposit boxes for

11. Until approximately twenty years, the national debt is forecast to jump to
four trillion dollars.


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12. In observance for Labor Day, all US exchanges will be closed on Monday,
September 6.

13. All documentation on local cost payments, including tender documents,

must be retained to the future.

14. The expansion project will be completed since December 15 and will be
eligible for sales tax exemption.

3. Collocations with Prepositions

A collocation is a combination of two or more words that often go together.

Native speakers of English often use them to make their language more natural
and more easily understood. It is essential for you to treat collocations as single
blocks of language and learn them in chunks. You could learn them by topic,
such as time, number, weather, money, family, etc., or by a particular word,
e.g. take action, take a chance, take an exam. In this way, you can easily choose
the right answers to questions of vocabulary in the TOEIC test.

Question Type and Useful Tips

This type of question requires examinees to choose either a preposition or a

noun to form a correct collocation.

1. First, look for the preposition or noun given before or after the gap. Then,
choose an option that forms a collocation.

2. Next, put it into the whole sentence to see if it suits the context and the
meaning of the sentence. Last, decide the answer choice.

Requests for vacation time must be submitted writing at least two

weeks in advance.

(A) at (B) of (C) in (D) on


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Morris Marina, the head of the small business software division, will be
traveling to New Mexico tomorrow to attend a conference. As he will be gone
for the whole of next week, he has designated his next in , Hillman
Avenger, to be in charge of the division's business during his absence.

(A) order (B) command

(C) demand (0) advance

Common Collocations

01 in reply - phản hồi

In spite of sending several e-mails of complaint to the customer service department, the customer still
hasn‘t received a single message in reply.

02 of one‘s choice

Of one‘s choice= of one‘s own choice

Payments can automatically be deducted from the bank account of your choice

03 in preparation for- chuẩn bị cho cái gì

All computer should be put in boxes in preparation for our to the new office space.

04 in advance- trước

Reservations must be cancelled at least two weeks in advance to be eligible for a full refund.

05 in an effort to do - nỗ lực để làm gì

In an effort to + bare infinitive

In an effort to promote new line of products, Edu-toys created a television advertising campaign.

06 in a timely manner- trong điều kiện thichf hợp

In a timely manner = in a timely fashion

As the human resources department has received many resumes, all applicants will be contacted in a
timely manner.


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07 on arrival

On arrival = upon arrival

On arrival, all passengers are required to go through immigration and passport control.

08 in combination with- kết hợp với

This tablet, when, taken in combination with aspirin, will lower blood pressure and strengthen
immunity to infections.

09 to the point- xứng đáng để làm j đó

To the point: relevant and worth paying attention to

Come to the point: reach the focus point

The guest speaker‘s presentation on office management was informative and to

the point.

10 out of print- không còn xuât bản

Out of print =be discontinued (if a book/,magazine, etc,is out of print, it is no longer being published)

This book is currently out of print; however, there might be some used copies available online.

11 in celebration of- nhân dịp kỉ niệm của j đó

The department store is offering a 30 percent discount this week in celebration of their 30th

12 above one‘s expectation- vượt quá sự mong đợi của ai

Above one‘s expectations = beyond one‘s expectations

Product sales last month were above our expectations.

13 subsequent to- tiếp theo sau đó

Subsequent to = following

Subsequent to the introduction of cost-cutting measures, expense accounts are being monitored.

14 as a result of- bởi vì


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Many factories had to close as a result of new licensing regulations.

15 in exchange for- để đổi lấy cái gì

The company offered workers higher salaries in exchange for reduced health benefits.

16 out of one‘s reach- giữ xa tầm với của ai

Out of one‘s reach: away from the distance that can be touched

Ensure that blades for this razor are stored out of the reach of children.

17 to capacity - lấp đầy

Be filled to capacity = be completely full

The theater was filled to capacity every night of the week –long performance.

18 at the latest- muộn nhất là

At the earliest, at the best

In order to reserve a tennis court at the Fairfield Fitness Centre, you should register by next week at
the latest.

19 in search of- tìm kiếm

In search of = in the search for

Mr. Smith is in search of talented and innovative personnel.

20 at one‘s earliest convenience- càng sớm càng tốt

At one’s earliest convenience: as soon as one can (commonly used in business contexts)

Send some samples of your writing at your earliest convenience.

21 to an absolute minimum- tối thiểu

To an absolute minimum: to the smallest in amount or degree

The new microphone system keeps background noise to an absolute minimum.

22 until further notice- cho tới khi có thông báo khác

Until further notice: until another official announcement is made


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Without notice: without warning or announcement

The prices listed in the catalog are effective until further notice.

23 with the exception of- ngoại trừ

With the exception of = except

No one is allowed beyond this point, with the exception of authorized security personnel.

24 in one‘s absence- sự vắng mặt của ai

In one‘s absence = during one‘s absence

The staff will hold a meeting in the director‘s absence


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Part 5

01 Staff members are requested to send in reports on equipment

malfunctions at their earliest

(A) requirement

(b) decision

(c) explanation

(d) convenience

02 All prices listed on the company website are effective until further

(A) notice

(B) mark

(C) bulletin

(D) statement

03 All attendees to the international Trade Law Conference are

requested to register for the event advance at the convention
center‘s website.

(A) at

(B) to

(C) in

(D) near

04 The manufacturing contract awarded to Centrum was valued in

excess ten million dollars


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A to

B than

C of

D over

05 All household chemicals, such as cleaners or polishes, should be kept

reach of small children.

A out of

B away with

C up until

D without

06 Hight school students were paid on an hourly basis to distribute the

company‘s promotional flyers hand

A. through

B. with

C. by

D. in

07 Payment for internet services provided by Westcom can be paid for

with the credit card of your

A. election

B. choice

C. referral

D. option


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08 The department store offers the latest fashion apparel in a of
colors, ranging from light tints to dark shades

A. crowd

B. type

C. pack

D. variety

09 Sales figures for agricultural products went up by 5 percent as a

result growth in the domestic and export markets.

A. as

B. about

C. beyond

D. of

10 Those attending the Community Service Awards Ceremony are asked

to bring their invitations as they will be asked to present them
arrival at the hotel.

A. for

B. from

C. on

D. out


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Part 6

Questions 11-13 refer to the following notice.

Notice to Employees

Due to recent changes in occupational safety laws, Chubb industries employees

must agree to comply with the safety regulations described below. It has been
noticed that certain employees are reporting to work without their safety gear.
Protection goggles must be worn all times while working on the
assembly line. When substitute for another employee

11 A. of D. on

during their absence, please make sure to operate the machinery in

order to avoid injury or seek assistance from a manager using the machines.

12 A. cautiously B. happily C. preventively D. pessimistically

Aside from safety, occasional equipment malfunctions have forced us to adopt

biweekly inspections and maintenance procedures the aim of ensuring
that machinery that is running at optimum efficiency.

13A.from D. with

Be sure to allow the technicians full access to your work station so that they
can complete their the event of any other unexpected issues that may
delay productivity, report them immediately to the supervisor.


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Common collocations with Nouns

01 technical description- các thông số kỉ thuật

The report is a technical description of the new equipment needed for our
research laboratory.

02 apology for- xin lỗi vì vc j

Please accept our apologies for the delay, and we hope you have a pleasant

03 signs of wear- dấu hiệu của sự bào mòn

Signs of wear = sings of damage

The hotel facilities were out of date and had started to show signs of wear.

04 contribution to- đóng góp vào j

Ms. Milson is very involved with community pro-grams and makes frequent
contributions to local charities.

05 accounts payable department- bộ phận

This collocation refers to the department which takes care of unpaid debts.

Accounts payable

Accounts receivable

Reimbursements for travel expenses will be paid out by the accounts payable

06 compliance with + rule/law/regulation- tuân theo luật

The company operates in full compliance with current export laws.

07 discussion on- cuộc thảo luận về


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The public relations officer arranged for a press conference and discussion on
company‘s new medical breakthrough.

08 office efficiency –


10 Fuel efficiency

Production efficiency

Providing a comfortable environment will improve

Office efficiency

11 preference for- sự ưu tiên, sự yêu thichs hơn

Recent studies showed customer‘s preference for booking air tickets online.

10 media coverage- mức độ bao phủ của truyền thông

This collocation implies the reporting of a particular event or piece of news.

Media coverage of the new product launch helped raise the brand‘s profile.

11 obligation to – nghĩa vụ , bổn phận lm j

Have no obligation to

Guests have no obligation to pay for their bill until the final day of their stay at
the hotel.

12 attendance records- bản ghi chép ngày công

Employees‘ attendance records are confirmed each month before paychecks are

13 mastermind behind- nhũng người đòng vai trò quan trọng

Mastermind behind something refers to the person who comes up with all
strategies/details/plans for an important event.

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Mr. Grieves is the mastermind behind the candidate‘s new campaign strategy.

14 problem with

The staff is having a problem with their computers‘ operating system.

15 safety precaution- giữ an toàn

Safety precaution to action that are done to keep safety. Precaution is a count
noun, so the indefinite article a is used if it in the singular from (a safety
precaution). Another common collocation is fire precautions which refers to
action that are done to prevent fire

Construction workers were reminded to follow safety precaution at all times.

16 baggage allowance- cân nặng hành lý cho phép

This collocation means the weight of suitcases or bags that you are allowed to
take onto an aircraft.

Beginning in January, the carry-on baggage allowance for all international

flights will be twelve kilos.

17 performance appraisal- đánh giá hiệu suất của ai

Performance appraisal indicates a meeting between a worker and their manager

in order to discuss how well they are doing in their work.

The manager has to carry out monthly perform ance appraisals.

18 time constraints- áp lực về thời gian

Due to time constraints, the staff will continue the discussion tomorrow.

19 a form of identification- giấy tờ tùy thân

A from of identification may be a driving licence , an identity card, or a



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A from of identification is necessary to collect the package at the post office.

20 taxes on- dánh thuế lên

The revenue Department decided not to impose extra taxes on rice import.

21 system failures- hệ thống sụp

System failures; system malfunction or breakdowns

Due to repeated system failures, the current computer operating system will be

22 confidence in- tin tưởng ở ai

Have confidence in somebody

I have every confidence in Mrs. Foster‘s ability to manage the project


23 commitment to -

cam kết làm gì

24 Commitment to +


We have an abiding commitment to providing individualized service to


25 staff productivity

Labor productivity

The bestselling book talks about innovative ways to improve staff productivity.

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Part 5

01. Because of time , Mr. Pelham scheduled a second

meeting to discuss items that were not taken up on the agenda.

(A) inhibitions (B) necessities (C) obstacles (D) constraints

02 The store's website charges local sales tax all items purchased
by individuals living in the state of Indiana.

(A) on (B) by (C) at (D) in

03 Beginning next week, the bank will require two of...... identification when
cashing checks and making withdrawals.

(A) terms (B) marks (C) forms (D) prints

04 The office furniture at Solar Company established ten years ago has recently
begun to show signs of and age.

(A) wear (B) limit (C) failure (D) form

05 Even for domestic flights, baggage is three pieces of checked

luggage as long as the largest bag does not exceed 62 inches in length.

(A) permission (B) allowance (C) estimation (D) weight

06. Attendees to the product demonstration are under no to make

any purchase.

(A) requirement (B) guarantee (C) obligation (D) reservation

07 The instruction manual for Xenith's PD-320 laser printer is a

description of how the machine operates and also shows the installation

(A) periodic (B) informative (C) technical (D) careful


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08 Before your flight takes off, make sure the................. compartments have

been securely closed.

(A) overlaid (B) overhead (C) overdue (D) overpowered

09 The museum director has full confidence..................

the new curator's ability to organize and display the exhibits.

(A) by (B) with (C) on (D) in

10 Indira Masilimony will lead a discussion at the International Commerce

Conference the emerging marketplaces in China and India.

(A) at (B) by (C) on (D) out

Part 6

Questions 11-13 refer to the following article.

Security Chip Set to Reduce Fraud

In our rapidly modernizing world, more and more shoppers prefer to purchase
everyday items by credit card more than any other method. As a result, credit
card consumers have become increasingly vulnerable to fraudulent transactions.
But due to the efforts and innovative vision of Monica Hynde, the mastermind
a new, remarkably secure identification chip, shoppers will soon
be able to make easier and safer purchases.

11 (A) below (B) among (C) behind (D) about

Her team of top researchers took two years to develop the technology, based on
a small chip which contains the cardholder's personal information. Strict
standards were followed in developing this unit, to ensure with the
government's privacy regulations. The mechanism identifies


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12 (A) tolerance (B) compliance (C) application (D) reliance

purchasers, confirms their identity and minimizes potential consumer risks

when making transactions. Manufacturers anticipate that the new security chip
system will be by most major

13 (A) implemented (B) interpreted (C) notified (D) fulfilled

credit card companies by the end of next year.


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1.The company anniversary 8. The data will be posted on a secure password-

party will take place August protected server that is accessible exclusively
26, so please mark the authorized staff members.

date on your calendars. (A) for (B) within

(A) in (B) at (C) to (D) over

(C) on (D) for

2. The innovative website 9. Country Air offered free tickets to every

allows a traveler to search and passenger that missed their flight a
find locations of interest that lie
malfunction in the plane‘s engine.
a fifty-mile radius of the city.
(A) owed to (B) thanks for
(A) among (B) within
(C) resulting in (D) because of
(C) into (D) through

3. We need not 10. Employees who are planning to extend

remind everyone here today that holiday vacations with unused leave days must
mobile phones and pagers should inform their supervisors October 31.
be turned off while the symposium
(A) at (B) for
is progress.
(C) by (D) until
(A) at (B) on

(C) over (D) in

4. The BCN Company will not 11. Human resources personnel are trained to the
accept applications for transfers differences a resolvable conflict
to overseas branches
and an irresolvable confrontation.
the first of the month.
(A) upon (B) about
(A) by (B) when
(C) during (D) between
(C) until (D) through

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5. The Travel 12. We are holding a dinner this evening to
Holiday Group offers some of the congratulate Mr. Brian Banks his thirty
best horseback tours the coast


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the Eastern Mediterranean basin. years with the Meyers Cold Cuts Company.

(A) into (B) along (A) to (B) of

(C) under (D) among (C) on (D) from

6. The workshop teaches 13. the last ten years, professional and
managers and employees how to
business services comprised 38 percent of the
dispute someone else‘s ideas
total job growth in the Washington region
being disagreeable.
(A) In (B) On
(A) except (B) without
(C) Since (D) While
(C) whereas (D) otherwise

7. The director wants 14. As always, we here at Gray Consulting look

all of the items shipped by the end forward assisting you with your
of the week, of the cost.
future legal needs.
(A) regardless (B) regard
(A) up (B) in
(C) regarding (D) regarded
(C) to (D) on

15. The company‘s payroll office is located 18. It would toe better for business if we were

the corner of Faribault and 23rd associated some of the trade officers
Streets, across from the Trade Center.
at the embassy.
(A). at (B) in
(A) to (B) on
(C )of (D) to
(O) with (D) for

16. Wage works Corporation is planning to lay 19. Teen magazine is offering a special
off as many as 1000 employees the promotion, which entitles subscribers
gifts certificates at top clothing boutiques.
next two years.
(A) in (B) on
(A) at (B)by
(C) to (D) at
(C) until (D) over

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17. Whatever your security needs, Armed Guard 20. The manager hopes to increase production
provides 24 hours constant protection introducing bonuses for all employees
and service to our clients. who improve their production quota.

(A) around (B) of (A) by (B) from

(O) over (D) through (C) since (D) about

Questions 21-23 refer to the following advertisement.

PACIFIC Air Reaching for the clouds

As long-distance travel becomes more commonplace improved living

standards, airlines

21. (A) as to (B) due to

(C) in spite of (D) in place of

are taking action to attract customers, offering them a wide range of options. PACIFIC
Air with their spectacular project are focusing on speed, safety and
innovation to increase revenue.

22. (A) expansion (B) existence

(C) exception (D) experience

They have purchased five more double-deck jets and have refurbished their existing
carriers with sofas, personal computers with DVD and game playing
functions. Extra security measures

23 (A) comforted (B) comfortable

(C) comfortableness (D) comfortably

include buttons under armrests which report directly to security officers in the cockpit,
and a personal phone system to make calls and speak with the flight staff. PACIFIC
Air aims to attract families and groups of four or more through these added features.


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Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. we were all tired, we had to go on because it was much too late.

(A) Since

(B) Although

(C) However

(D) If

2. They met to discuss the possibility of a joint project; they failed to

come to an agreement.

(A) however

(B) therefore

(C) so

(D) but

3. Both he his wife were satisfied with the location of their new house.

(A) or

(B) nor

(C) and

(D) so

4. I like neither this tie that tie. Could you show me another one?

(A) or

(B) nor

(C) and

(D) so

5. I was visiting the Grand Canyon, I bumped into one of my friends

from Japan.

(A) While

(B) During

(C) For


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(D) Because

6. he left earlier than usual, we couldn‘t see him off.

(A) Even though

(B) However

(C) Because of

(D) Because

7. that he Is bright for his age, I think he is a little too young for this

(A) Despite the fact

(B) Despite

(C) Despite of

(D) In spite of

8. It seems that after to persuade Jane, he decided to try her mother.

(A) failed

(B) failing

(C) a failure

(D) fail

9. I‘m sure he can remember the details given enough time.

(A) if

(B) since

(C) upon

(D) until

10. Sound travels at 330 meters per second,_________light travels at 300,000

kilometers per second.

(A) as

(B) whereas

(C) as long as


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(D) provided

11. All should be submitted on time.

(A) applications

(B) applicants

(C) applying

(D) applied

12. Keep all the valuables in the

(A) save

(B) saving

(C) safe

(D) safety

13. he is quite old, he actively participates in group activities.

(A) Even

(B) Well

(C) But

(D) Though

14. I wonder anybody here owns a truck.

(A) that

(B) what

(C) once

(D) if

15. From now , we‘ll help you the best we can.

(A) to

(B) as

(C) since

(D) on


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Choose the best word or phrase for each blank.

Questions 1 through 3 are based on the following job advertisement.



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Questions 4 through 6 are based on the following email.

Subject: Subscription Date: March 23 2006
Dear sir,
I have subscribed to PC Land magazine for two years. My subscription expires
every January, subscription fees are automatically taken from my bank account by
direct debit. This is
4. (A) because
1. since
2. also
3. and
a method I is very convenient and allows me to continue receiving my
4. (A) but
1. however
2. since
3. although
Unfortunately, I have not received a single issue of PC Land so far this year. I
telephoned customer services at the end of January, and they said I would receive
my January issue with
my February issue. , I have received nothing, and it is almost the end of March.
4. (A) Despite
1. Although
2. However
3. And
Please sort out this problem, or I will need to ask for a refund.
Harold Windsor


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Basic Points

4. In a sentence, a noun clause can come in the position of the subject, object, or


1. What she read was a story by E.B. White.

2. I know that he is innocent.

3. My question is whether he is telling the truth.

What she read comes in the position of the subject of the first sentence. In the second
sentence, that he is innocent comes in the position of the object of the verb know. In
the last sentence, whether he is telling the truth comes in the position of the subject.

In a sentence, a noun clause can come in the position of the subject, object, or

4. A noun clause is formed by noun clause conjunction (+ subject) + verb:


1. I can‘t tell whether you are bored or entertained.

2. What makes him happy is the desire for art.

Whether you are bored or entertained is the object of the verb tell. It is formed by
the noun clause conjunction (whether) + subject (you) + verb (are).


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What makes him happy comes in the position of the subject of the sentence. It is
formed by the noun clause conjunction (what) + verb (makes).

Noun clause conjunctions include that, if/ whether, interrogative words who, what,
which, when, where, how, why, and compound relative pronouns whoever,
whatever, whichever, etc.


1. In a sentence, a noun clause – just like a noun – can come in the position of the
subject, object, or complement.

Subject Whether we have to work or not is unclear.

Object of a verb Daniel said that you had the file.

Object of a preposition The group talked about how the accident occurred.

Complement The problem is who will bring a car for tomorrow‘s trip

2. Prepositions and object pronouns cannot come in the position of a noun clause


The committee agreed that the next meeting would take place in Geneva.

He explained that the contract must be approved at this meeting.

TOEIC questions

Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or 2. The banking industry reported
(D) – best completes the sentence. the past year saw a 10 percent increase
in international wire transfers.
1. The company‘s press relations officer
confirmed Selectric, Inc. would no (A) about (B) this


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longer be manufacturing pagers. (C) on (D) that

(A) about (B) of 3. Please submit your picks for employee

of the month so that our manager can
(C) that (C) it
decide will be given the

(A) those (B) them

(C) who (D) while

II. Noun Clause Introduced by That

1. A noun clause introduced by that can come in the position of the subject, object of a
verb complement, or appositive in a sentence.

Subject That he won the first prize is hardly surprising.

Object of a verb I know that you didn‘t lie.

Complement The best thing about this guitar is that it stays in tune.

Appositive The claim that he stole the car is true.

2. Adjectives preceding a that-clause

be aware that be glad/happy that be sure that

be sorry that be convinced that be afraid that


The applicant is aware that the director is not in today.

The librarian is sure that the book was stolen.

3. Nouns preceding a that-clause as an appositive


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fact that statement that opinion that truth that

news that report that idea that (re)assurance that

rumor that claim that confirmation that


The radio commentator announced the news that oil prices would increase.

The entire company was surprised by the report that their factory would have to shut

Toeic Questions

Decide which of the choices (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the sentence.

1. Alice Diaz was willing to work over the weekends to ensure the success of
the ceremony is evidence of her devotion to her work.

(A) That (B) But

(C) Since (D) After

2. Mr. Forster was convinced his decision to sell

his shares had been the right one when the value of the stock plunged the next day.

(A) which (B) that

(C) about (D) of

3. During the meeting, the manager referred to the rumor the business was
losing money.

(A) then (B) that

(C) which (D) how


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III. Noun Clause Introduced by If/ Whether

1 Both the conjunctions if and whether (or not) are used when the noun clause
is formed from Yes/No question. In a sentence, a noun clause introduced by
if/whether can come in the position of the subject, object, or complement.

Subject Whether we succeed id not important.

Object of a verb I will check if the movie is playing.

Object of a preposition I can‘t answer the question of whether or not computers can

Complement the question is whether this is true.


The clause starting with whether can also function as an adverb clause, meaning it is
not important if…

Ex: Whether you like it or not, I‘m coming to see you.

In conditional sentences, the conjunction if cannot be replaced by whether because in

this case the if-clause is an adverb clause, meaning under the condition that… not a
noun clause.

Ex: They will send you a catalog whether if you ask.

2 The fixed phrase whether A or B/whether or not is commonly used. If

cannot replace whether.


I don‘t know (if/whether) she likes me or hates me.

I can‘t tell (if/whether) or not email message is spam.

1. If cannot replace whether.


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3 An if-clause can come neither in the position of a subject nor after a


(If/ Whether) we succeed is not important.

2. The if-clause cannot come in the position of the subject, so if must be changed
to Whether.


I‘m confused about (if/whether) me should invite everyone in the class.

The if-clause cannot come after the preposition, so if must be changed to whether

TOEIC questions

A. Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), 2. She is still thinking about whether

(C) , or (D) – best completes the to boost the office‘s computer

systems with the latest software
1. Ms. programs.
Owen still isn‘t sure she
(A) or (B) or not
will open a production plant in
South America to cut down the (C) and (D) and not

cost of labor. 3. The committee is still deciding about

(A) if (B) thought

(C) however (D) while to allocate funds for monthly
training sessions for employees.

(A) if (B) that

(C) whether (D) which

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B. Choose the correct option given in brackets to complete each sentence.

1. Everybody thinks (that/if) he is competent.

2. The manager has not decided (that/if) he will hire more workers.

3. I strongly believe (that/whether) the team will meet the deadline.

4. The issue is (whether/ what) he is qualified or not.

5. (That/If) she made such a critical mistake during the presentation was shocking.

C. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. I don‘t know (but/ and/ if/ because) he has enough money to invest in the stock

2. My dream is (whether/ that/ so/ but) I start to run my own business.


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I. Noun Clauses Introduced by an Interrogative Word

1. A noun clause may be introduced by interrogative pronoun who, whose,

what, or which that is the subject or object of the noun clause. Hence, the
interrogative pronoun starts an incomplete clause.


1. I don‘t know who typed the letter.

2. What he said was under.

3. I don‘t know which is better.

2. A noun clause may be introduced by the interrogative adjective whose, what,

or which both modifying the noun following it and starting the noun clause
comes in the position of the subject or object of the sentence. Hence, the
interrogative adjective starts an incomplete clause.


1. I don‘t know whose car it is.

2. What clubs you are in is not important.

3. The discussion should be about which plan is better.

3. A noun clause may be introduced by interrogative adverb when, where, how,

or why. A complete clause follows an interrogative adverb.


1. The child will ask when she can start piano lessons.


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2. Where I found the book is a secret.

3. You need to practice how you should handle client complaints.

4. The shoppers wondered why the book was so expensive.

4. The noun clause interrogative word + subject + should + verb may be

changed to interrogative word + to-infinitive (phrase).


1. I have to decide what to do (= what I should do) first.

2. They don‘t know when to stop (= when they should stop).

Toeic Questions

Decide which of the choices (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the sentence.

1. The manager wants to know prepared the employee profiles for the
company website, as he finds them unprofessional and inappropriate.

(A) how (B) that

(C) which (D) who

2. To make preparations for the event, the caterer asked many people would
be present at the dinner.

(A) about (B) concerning

(C) how (D) what

3. The company‘s lawyer will know to do in

this situation, so let‘s make an
appointment to see him.

(A) what (B) that

(C) which (D) where


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II. Noun Clause Introduced by a Compound Relative Pronoun

1. A noun clause may be introduced by compound relative pronoun coming in

the position of the subject or object of a sentence. A compound relative has a
double function: It acts as the subject/ object in its own clause and it also acts as
a conjunction joining its clause to the rest of the sentence. Note that compound
relative pronouns usually have no expressed antecedents.

Whoever (= anyone who) Whomever (= anyone whom)

Whatever (= anything that) Whichever (= anything that, anyone who)

Subject Whoever (= anyone who) answer the phone was very polite.

Object You can select whatever (= anything that) you want.


A clause introduced by a compound relative pronoun may also function as an adverb

clause, not a noun clause.

Whatever you do, you need courage.

A pronoun cannot replace a compound relative pronoun.

Anyone (-> whoever) can solve that problem is a skilled person.

Whoever may be used instead of whomever. However, after a preposition, whomever

must be used.

You can give the box to whoever (-> to whomever) you want.

Whatever and whichever can precede a noun – just like an adjective.

Whichever road you take is a risk.


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2. The compound relative pronoun is the subject or object of a noun clause, so an
incomplete clause follows the compound relative pronoun.


1. Whoever visits my website is asked for a username.

2. Please choose whichever theme you like.

3. The context is the factor that decides whether an interrogative pronoun or a

compound relative pronoun must be used.


1. (Who Whoever) did it was not an amateur.

The sentence refers to anyone who did it, not someone in particular, so
whoever is more suitable.

2. (Whoever  Who) did it was not important.

The sentence refers to someone in particular, so who is more suitable.

3. I‘ll take (which Whichever) side you‘re not using.

The sentence refers to any side that the other person is not using, so whichever
is more suitable.

4. I have finally decided on (whichever which) side I should choose.

The sentence means among several sides, I have chosen one specific side, so
which is more suitable.


Decide which of the choices (A), (B), (O), or (D) best completes the sentence.

1. is said at this very private meeting is confidential and should not leave
the room for any reason.


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(A) Whichever (B) Whatever

(C) Whenever (D) However

2. The supervisor reminded us that needed a certificate of employment for

personal reasons should ask for Ms. Simon‘s assistance.

(A) who (B) whenever

(C) whoever (D) whomever

3. team of sales representatives has the highest number of units will receive
the Team of the month award.

(A) Which (B) Some

(C) Whichever (D) These

III. Distinguishing between What and That

1. A clause introduced by what functions as a noun clause, while a that-clause

my function as a noun clause, an adjective clause, or an adverb clause in a


1. It‘s hard to decide what is right to do.

2. I knew that there was a shortage of ink cartridges.

3. I have a plan that will help you stop smoking.

4. The movie was so funny that I watched it twice.

2. When a what-clause and a that-clause function as a noun clause, what starts

an incomplete clause and that starts a complete clause.

5. I want to know what makes you happy.

6. That you need more more money is obvious.


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A. Fill the gaps with what or that.

1. the sales figures indicate is not clear.

2. The CEO I met yesterday was brilliant.

3. The expert pointed out we have to focus on.

4. The money I deposited at the bank disappeared.

5. The president was not pleased with the proposal the manager made.

6. the analyst told us information should be seriously considered.

Toeic Questions

Decide which of the choices (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the sentence.

1. As an advertiser, it is absolutely vital to understand most customers

expect and want from manufacturers.

(A) how (B) that

(C) what (D) whether

2. Implementers understand they cannot use company funds earmarked for

project expenses on rest and recreation.

(A) about (B) it

(C) what (D) that

3. New computer programs have made it so much easier to store information in

databases even a novice can compile one from a given set of data.

(A) that (B) there

(C) what (D) when


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4. This is we know about the current economic situation.

(A) when (B) that

(C) whether (D) what

5. you said to the committee was very persuasive.

(A) that (B) what

(C) which (D) and

Choose a correct option for each sentence.

1 It is definite (that/what) she will commence with the presentation tomorrow.

2 It is not certain (whose / which) of the representatives will be sent to one of our
important clients.

3 Investors are afraid (that/what) the war on terror will cause stock shares to

4 They questioned her regarding her skills instead of (if/whether) she had the
appropriate experience.

5 (Who/Whoever) has an interest in the position of field manager should send a

resume to the main office.

6 It is difficult to know (that/what) to expect on the first day of a job.

7 He was of the opinion (that/which) the marketing team needed a new leader.

Identify the noun clause and state its position in each sentence.

8 Suppliers will have to decide when the time is right to make a change.

9 How the company manages to stay afloat with all its debt is a mystery.

10 The motorists were concerned about what roads had been blocked due to the


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11. New office chairs are what the receptionists have requested numerous times.

12 The company was founded on the idea that quality service should be provided to

13 The accountant doesn‘t understand why 10 percent of profit must go to pension


14 The fact is that some exports will have to be cut back because of inventory


Part 5

01. the holiday is only 08. When questioned as to he was

planning to work for the competition, Mr.
going to last three days is a disappointment
Graham said he would always be loyal to
to the entire staff.
Sanford and Sons.
(A) what (B) that
(A) whenever (B) while
(C) although (D) so
(C) whether (D) whereas
02. Our supervisor wants to know the final
09. We want all staff to be aware
revisions will be made to the contract.
security codes will be changed on the
(A) on (B) about following Monday.

(C) which (D) when (A) concerning (B) of

03. At 6:00, club members (C) that (D) which

joining the special clambake at the beach
10. Please remember the vacation
should be at the entrance of the Lakeside
policy has been changed this year.
(A) that (B) when
(A) all (B) somewhat
(C) if (D) what


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(C) when (D) whichever 11. Next week‘s workshop will focus on
to be an effective and trustworthy
04. The major issue we face is the fact
leader in the corporate world
within the next month our
spending will exceed the budget. (A) which (B) how

(A) that (B) coming from (C) what (D) that

(C) rather than (D) what 12. A key to closing a deal is to realize
knowing how to negotiate means
05. As the manager of the hotel, I can
having a sense of how people think and feel.
assure you that room you
choose will be of the highest standards. (A) so that (B) in that

(A) these (B) some (C) and that (D) that

(C) whose (D) whichever 13. Employees are reminded

they should limit their use of
06. The tailor shop is requesting the
office supplies, as budget cuts will be taking
customer to return the expensive suits
were mistakenly packed with his effect immediately.

purchase. (A) if (B) that

(A) what (B) whoever (C) still (D) yet

(C) this (D) that 14. Although staff members have some
leeway when it comes to daily activities, the
07. Doctor William will give a
supervisor determines
speech at the Remond Hotel remains
tasks get done by whom.
(A) when (B) whoever
(A) about (B) before
(C) what (D) whose
(C) whether (D) it

15. The new employees wondered ... 18. The chairman of Rochelle Petrochemicals


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they would be given health care and some is of the opinion the new
manufacturing plant will not significantly
(A) whom (B) if affect the environment.

(C) that (D) what (A) then (B) that

(C) how (D) when
16. Martin‘s job is so demanding ...
he takes occasional three-day leave to get 19. We will be holding a meeting this
away from the pressures of office work.
afternoon to decide needs to be revised
(A) that (B) there before the report goes to print.

(C) what (D) where (A) what (B) those

(C) whether (D) there
17. leaves the office last will
be required to make sure all the lights are 20. For those who have made an investment,
off and lock all doors behind them. happens during the first year is an
important indicator of how successful the
(A) who (B) whom
company will be.
(C) whose (D) whoever
(A) that (B) as

(C) what (D) how


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Part 6

This is in reply to your letter of complaint dated September 25. We credited your
account for t amount which you disputed in your communication. However, one of
our employees later gave another credit for the same situation. Could you check
you have the correct amount

21(A) where (B) though

(C) whereas (D) whether

your account? To remedy the problem, we have the extra amount. The
adjustment should

22.(A) withdrawn (B) retreated

(C) abolished (D) foregone

be reflected in your October account statement, which was sent out yesterday.

We apologize for our mistake and any difficulty it may have caused.

23.(A) sincerity (B) most sincere

(C) sincere (D) sincerely


Senior Accountant


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Basic points

A relative clause functions as an adjective and modifies a preceding noun (also

known as an antecedent).


1. The woman who lives next door is kind.

2. I found a shop where I can get a discount.

Who lives next door and where I can get a discount function as an adjective modifying
their antecedents (the woman and a shop). These relative clauses are also called
adjective clauses.

Relative clauses are divided into two types: defining and non-defining.

A defining relative clause is used to clearly define who or what is being referred to.
Without this information, it would be difficult to know who or what is being

A non-defining relative clause provides additional information which is not essential

to understanding the meaning of a sentence.

Defining relative clause I have two sisters who are teachers.

Non-defining relative clause I have two sisters, who are teachers.


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In the first sentence, the defining clause who are teachers defines the two
sisters. It can be inferred that besides these two sisters, the speaker may also have
other sisters who are not teachers.

In the second one, the non-defining clause who are teachers adds more
information to the two sisters. It can be understood that the speaker has only two
sisters and they are both teachers.

A non-defining relative clause may modify the whole sentence before it.


1. Charlie became a lawyer, which surprised his friends.

A relative clause is formed by relative pronoun (subject) + verb or relative adverb

+ subject + verb.


1. The reporter met the designer, who is now the company‘s president.

2. The bookstore has a cafe where you can enjoy classical music.

In the first sentence, the antecedent designer is modified by the relative clause
formed by the relative pronoun (who) + verb (is). Who could be seen as conjunction +
pronoun (and he / she).

In the second sentence, the antecedent a cafe is modified by the relative clause
formed by the relative adverb (where) + subject (you) + verb (can enjoy). Where
could be seen as conjunction + adverb (and there).

Relative pronouns include who, whom, whose, which, that; relative adverbs are
when, where, why, how.


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1. A relative clause can come between the subject and verb or at the end of a


1. The tourists whom Eric guided were from Germany.

2. I can‘t find the book which was on the desk.

Note: Unlike adverb clauses, relative clauses cannot come before and modify the
whole sentence.

1. Which is open 24 hours a day. the library is comfortable for reading. (Wrong)

2. Other adverbs or pronouns cannot be used in place of relative adverbs or

pronouns which starts a relative clause.


1. Fill out the application forms, (those which) are available online.

2. We often go to a restaurant (there where) we can eat hearty meals.

3. It is important to use relative pronouns correctly. Do not confuse a relative

pronoun starting relative clause and a conjunction starting a noun clause.


1. I know the boy (what/who?) broke this fence.

2. I know (what/who?) the boy did to the fence.

4. Only a finite verb (a verb that is conjugated) can be used in a relative clause.

3. The company will reply only to those who (meeting/meet?) our requirements.


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TOEIC Questions

Decide which of the choices (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the sentence.

1. Most of the products and goods are traded online are sold directly by the

(A) they (B) those

(C) that (D) these

2. Recently the director released the list of engineers have been nominated to

the bridge project.

(A) which (B) what

(C) who (D) they

3. Dietary supplements come from plants generally known to be safe, but

some may interfere with a wound‘s capacity to heal.

(A) whatever (B) what

(C) whichever (D) which


1. When the antecedent is a person, the relative pronoun who(m) is used. When
the antecedent a thing or an animal, the relative pronoun which is used.

4. We are looking for someone who is intelligent and dedicated.

5. The files which are stacked on his desk are due next week.


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Note: The relative pronoun that can come in the position of the subject or object of
relative clauses, regardless of the antecedents. However, it cannot come after a
preposition or a comma (.).

1. The baker, (that who) is French, opened a new store in the area.

2. The person with that (with whom) I talked last week is my lawyer.

2. There are three kinds of relative pronouns: subject pronouns, object pronouns,
object relative pronouns and possessive relative pronouns.

Positions Subject Object Possession


People who whom, who whose

Things / animals which which whose, of which

People and that that



1. I know the person who is standing in line.

2. The car which is in the garage is Steve‘s.

3. The girl (whom / who) I met yesterday is my best friend.

4. He took the medicine (which) the doctor prescribed.

5. I had to meet with my neighbor, whose dog I have been watching, he students
are writing a report, the topic of which is Korean history.


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TOEIC Questions

Decide which of the choices (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the sentence.

1. Any Contract is not signed by the members of the Board of Directors

would have no legal power even though its terms may have already been

(A) who (B) which

(C) whom (D) of which

2. Gecko is an organization mission is to provide financial relief to

families left homeless by natural disasters.

(A) which (B) that

(C) whom (D) whose

3. Job candidates are presently unemployed or are studying to obtain a

degree must furnish this information on their application forms.

(A) who (B) which

(O) whom (D) whose


1. Preposition + relative pronoun

1. When the noun in the first sentence and the object of the preposition in
the second sentence the same person/thing, the two sentences may be
joined into a complex sentence using the structure Preposition +
relative pronoun.


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1. I ran into a woman. + I had worked with her.

I ran into a woman whom I had worked with.

I ran into a woman with whom I had worked.

2. An appropriate preposition will be used depending on the meaning of the

antecedent or the verb in the relative clause.


1. I had a holiday during which I was able to see my family.

2. This is the book about which we talked yesterday.

3. A complete clause follows the structure preposition + relative



4. You have a sponsor to whom you must submit a report.

2. Indefinite pronoun + of + relative pronoun

one/each some/any many / much / most

+ of + relative pronoun (whom /which/whose + noun)
all/both several half/the rest


5. The program enrolls 20 students. + All of the students are women.

The program enrolls 20 students, and all of them are women.

The program enrolls 20 students, all of whom are women.

3. Omitting subject relative pronouns


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The subject relative pronoun in the structure subject relative pronoun + be may be


1. The place (which was) chosen for the reception is beautiful.

2. I want to know the person (who is) responsible for this mess.

3. The park (which is) around my house is open for day use only.


B. Fill in the gaps with who, which, or whose then answer the questions:


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B. Fill in the correct relative pronoun. If it can be omitted, put it in brackets.


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TOEIC Questions

Decide which of the choices (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the sentence.

1 - Electronic delivery methods such as e-mail and fax are the most common ways
which international communications are made these days.

(A) to (B) for

(C) by (D) of

2. There were more than 100 graduate students in attendance at our internship fair,
many of had prior work experience.

(A) who (B) whom

(C) them (D) that

3. Of the three applicants for appointment to a managerial position, two

have worked in an international setting.

(A) eligibility (B) eligible


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(C) eligibly (D) eligibleness

4. The people names are on the list will receive incentives.

(A) who (B) whose

(C) also (D) that

5. The exhibition we visited yesterday was very interesting.

(A) who (B) whom

(C) that (D) whose

6. People about high taxes should talk to the accountant.

(A) concerned (B) to concern

(C) are concerned (D) whom concerned

7. We are looking for a person eligible for the managerial


(A) who (B) who are

(C) whom are (D) who is

8. People signed up for the program yesterday for a 5% discount.

(A) who (B) what

(C) whom (D) which

9. The company sells kids‘s toys increased its productivity.

(A) whom (B) which

(C) who (D) what


1. Different relative adverbs are used depending on the antecedents.


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Antecedents Relative adverbs

Time [day, year, time] when

Reason [the reason] why

Place [place, building] where


1. Thursday is the last day when classes meet.

2. The place where I had lunch has a great salad bar.

3. The article explains the reason why customers are so indecisive.

Note: When how is used, there is no antecedent

1. I tried to figure out the way the machine works.

2. I tried to figure out how the machine works.

2. Relative adverbs may be replaced by the structure preposition + relative pronoun.


1. The conditions where (= in which) the laborers work are unacceptable.

2. The day when (= on which) he proposed to me was the best day of my life.

3. A complete clause follows a relative adverb; an incomplete clause follows a relative



3. Tomorrow is the last time when we will be able to see each other before you


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4. That is the boy who broke my window.


A. Cross out the incorrect subject or object pronoun in each sentence.


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B. Fill in the correct relative adverb.

C. Fill on who, which, whose, when, where, or why. Say whether they


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Toeic Questions

D. Decide which of the choices (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the sentence.

1. Any person would like to visit the exhibition must have a

written statement of permission from administration.

(A) who (B) when

(C) which (D) whose

2. The new shuttle service, has been operating since

last year, serves all of
the city‘s main stopping points.

(A) who (B) which

(C) what (D) where


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3. She applied to the company she had previously worked when just out of

(A) which (B) when

(C) of which (D) where

4. Find the computer file I store all the information.

(A) in that (B) where

(C) which (D) when

5. I don‘t know I should deal with this problem.

(A) the way how (B) how

(C) when (D) what

6. This is the bank I save all my money.

(A) where (B) how

(C) when (D) why

E. Choose a correct option for each sentence.

1 Mr. Gomez is familiar with Asian culture, (which/they) will help him as the
liaison for Hong Kong.

2 All applicants (which/who) are waiting in line must have their documents

3 Any staff writer (whose/that) proposal is selected for funding will receive an
all-paid vacation.

4 The company purchased mobile communication devices (those/that) serve both

as phones and e-mail portals.


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5 Customers (who/they) wish to sign up for a store membership may stop by the

6 Working for the firm allows you to purchase stock options (which/who) are
offered as incentives.

7 People (whom/whose) names are on the waiting list must call again tomorrow.

Decide whether each of the sentences below is correct or incorrect. If it is correct,

write “correct”; if it is incorrect, point out the mistake(s) and provide (a)

8 On your desk is the receipt for the airline tickets where must be picked up

9 The number of entertainment programs that is directed at young adults is

steadily increasing.

10 The upcoming workshop is the first one that the company having organized.

11 Miscommunication between coworkers is a problem when has caused a lot of

tension in the office.

12 The main building, that houses the superior officers, has an electronically
monitored gate.

13 The company manufactures diet pills and sleeping tablets, both of them are top

14 The surroundings where the employees work are pleasant.


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F. Choose the correct answer:


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A. Choose the correct answer:

1. The director developed a list of criteria 8. Mr. Thompson collected a list of

for development, he feels will employees were unable to attend
boost the the official company picnic.

company‘s prestige. (A) whose (B) who

(A) which (B) that (C) whom (D) whoever

(C) what (D) who

2. A conference to discuss the terms of the 9. Enclosed with this letter is a pre-
settlement will be held at a time and place addressee stamped envelope to
to both parties involved. mail your application for membership to
our club.
(A) acceptance (B) acceptingly
(A) which (B) in which
(C) accept (D) acceptable
(C) what (D) whenever

3 Interpid Travel employed eight certified 10. The company is requesting that high-
agents, all of were trained at the level executives complete a survey
details what their main tasks
same institute in Manhattan.
consist of.
(A) what (B) whom
(A) who (B) why
(C) this (D) their
(C) which (D) where

4. Conference attendees confirm 11. The package was sent to Mr.

their attendance early will be eligible for Jones was returned to us when the mail
pre¬assigned seating. carrier could not locate the address on the
shipping label.
(A) whose (B) what
(A) when (B) who
(C) who (D) whom
(C) what (D) that


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5. At a meeting yesterday, we studied the 12. GasCo sells more than 8 million
most recent budget proposal, the gallons of oil a year, half of is
board thinks will help pull the corporation consumed in the United States alone.
out of debt.
(A) many (B) which
(A) whether (B) where
(C) each (D) whose
(C) which (D) that

6. Changes in our organizational structure 13. Please tell the person in charge to let
have created ways for employees to us know the assessment forms
explore opportunities were have been completed by the participants.
previously not available.
(A) when (B) that
(A) what (B) those
(C) what (D) whatever
(C) that (D) there

7. People entering business administration 14 A dinner will take place next Friday to
need a broad knowledge of the culture in honor Richard Perkins, has been a
they will eventually put their great asset to this bank for over thirty
professional raining to work. years.

(A) which (B) that (A) who (B) which

(C) whom (D) whose (C) whose (D) of which

15. When the director asked 18. The Mother Nature Garden Show,
responsibility the project was, he was told annually demonstrates the
that it was the CEO‘s. newest technology in horticulture, draws
over 5,000 after during its week-long run.
(A) who (B) which
A) when (B) which
(C) whose (D) that
(C) where (D) whose

16. Mr. McKenzie has been 19. We are currently seeking a partner firm
working on the campaign longer than marketing principles are similar
anyone else will take charge of the project. to our own.

(A) whom (B) whose our own.

(C) who (D) which (A) who (B) which

(C) whose (D) where


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17. Only Speedy Shipping offers a variety 20 An employee performance
of delivery options utilize both air during a specified period is satisfactory is
and sea transportation. entitled to a wage increase based on
current standards.
(A) why (B) that
(A) who (B) whom
(C) where (D) what
(C) whose (D) in which

Part 6

Questions 21-23 refer to the following e-mail.



Re: Press conference


The correct date for the press conference is on December 16. In my last
communication, I

21(A) consequently (B) properly

(C) mistakenly (D) substantially

told you that it would be on December 12. I got the date mixed up with an
appointment I have with a reporter from Business Week. You probably already know
that Alan and I arranged

22.(A) have (B) to have

(C) having had (D) would

special bus service between the hotel where the conference will be held and our
offices. This is to facilitate the transport of staff, guests and equipment to the hotel.
I'm trying to verify the name of the delegates will be using the service
to make certain that we have a sufficient number of seats.

23.(A) whose (B) whom

(C) which (D) who


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. Could you send me this list as soon as possible?

B. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.


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In Part 7, there are also four sets of two related passages which are called double
passages. For e-mail / letter-related readings, the first is an e-mail or a letter; the
second is possibly another e-mail / letter or an invoice, announcement, etc. which is
related or responds in some way to the first one.

Typical Passages

E-mail & E-mail: An e-mail requests for a change in a meeting schedule and
an e-mail responds to that request.

E-mail & Order: An e-mail from a customer is sent to a household

appliance company and an order lists the items wanted.

E-mail & Announcement: An e-mail invites somebody to a conference and an

announcement states the date, venue, events, and speakers.

Letter & E-mail: A letter sent from a company introduces a promotion or a

job offer and an e-mail accepts it.

Useful Tips

Step 1: Identify the key words in the questions to decide which reading you should
first refer to. For double passages which include e-mails and /or letters, the sender's
and recipient's names and the verbs in the questions are usually the key words. You
can then, look at the parts From: ... and To:…… to quickly read the corresponding


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Step 2: Look for the first hint related to the key words in either of the readings, then
look for the second hint in the other one and use them both in order to choose the
correct answers.

Reading 1. E-mail

To: Vannah Bianca <>

From: Alexander Trebek <alter@bayou.eom>

Thank you for your order (05900) dated April 11. Unfortunately, portions of your
order are currently out of stock:

* Conference room chairs - $1,879.99 * Bookcase — $3-49.99 * Filing cabinets

$ 299.99.

I contacted our supplier, and they informed me that they will be shipping us new stock
within two weeks. I can | send you the items when they arrive, or refund you for the
purchases. I apologize for the trouble.

Reading 2 : E-mail

To; Alexander Trebek <>

From: Vannah Bianca <>


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Dear Mr. Trebek,

Thanks for updating me on the status of my order. Actually, send me everything when
it arrives, except the conference room chairs. I will simply order the chairs from a
different company. You can refund the cost of the chairs by providing us with a
company credit certificate. Thanks again.

Q: For what amount does Ms. Blanca want to be refunded?

Reading Practice

Read the following passages and choose the best answer to each question given.

Dear Ms. Kimmel,

We at O‘Brien Kitchen Supplies received your recent order (#skim338531) for the
following items:

Product number Description Amount

P-493 Danforth dinner plates 12

B-820 Danforth soup bowls 8

C-243 Revere silver soup spoons 18

Your credit card will be charged for the purchase, and your order will be shipped
within three business days. If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail at


From: Sara Kimmel <

Subject: order (#skim338531)

I am writing in reference to my recent order (#skim338531). The order is correct and

complete but I was wondering if I could make some changes. I originally ordered 8 of
item B-820 but would like to increase that number to 12.


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1. What is the main purpose of the letter?

(A) To promote new products

(B) To confirm order details

(C) To notify a customer of unavailable items

2. What item does Ms. Kimmel want to order more of ?

(A) Spoons

(B) Soup bowls

(C) Dinner plates

Dear Mr. Chamroom,

It was great to see you again in Kuala Lumpur for the trade fair, and I wish I had more
time to speak with you about some of the challenges you are having managing your
company‘s Bangkok branch. Our company is sponsoring the upcoming Intercultural
Office Management (IOM) Conference this June. I am sending you an attachment of
the conference schedule. I think the conference might useful for you, especially
Gordon Ramsey‘s presentation on cultural sensitivity in an office environment. I do
hope you can make it to the conference.

Lilian Chen

Fifth Intercultural Office Management (IOM) Conference

June 9-11 , Temasek Hotel

The following is a list of events planned for the biannual IOM Conference this June.
Those wishing to attend the conference are urged to contact Delia Lee at


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3. What is the day of the event which Ms. Chen recommends to Mr. Chamroom?

(A) June 9 (B) June l0 (C) June 11

4 What is true about the events listed in schedule?

(A) Their times have changed.

(B) They are hosted once a year.

(C) They will be held at a hotel.

Questions 01-05 refer to the following e-mails.

From: Angela Lansbury <1>

To: Andy Griffith <>

Subjects: Change of flights

I finally managed to find some seats for the flight to Dubai to attend the

Technology convention. Persia Air is fully booked; however, there are three other options you
can choose from.

Arabia Air has the 20 seats we requested, but they are all economy seats. I know you
wanted to book 6 business class seats for the senior management. The flight leaves on
Friday, April 9 and arrives on Saturday. So, you have a day and a half free before the
convention begins on Monday.

The second option is Middle Eastern Airlines. They can provide us with 6 business
class seats and 14 in economy class. They are cheaper than Arabia Air, but the
problem is that there is no direct flight. We will have a 6-hour stopover in Amsterdam,
but the flight arrives on Saturday.

The last option is Aladdin Airways. The prices are less expensive than the other two,
and they can accommodate all our seat requirements. However, the flight arrives at 4
a.m. on Sunday, so that doesn‘t give people much time to rest and prepare for the

Anyway, please contact me right away because tickets are selling fast, so they need to


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be booked as soon as possible.

From: Andy Griffith <>

To: Angela Lansbury <>

Subject: Flights

Thanks for your e-mail. I know it is not easy to find flights with the convention only
two weeks away. The executives will want business class seats, so we should book our
flights with the airline that arrives on Saturday night. I think we will all need our rest
after such a long trip, and they can provide the seats we need for a reasonable price.
Go ahead and book those tickets, and send me an itinerary when it is done. Also,
please make sure to request seats near the exit or window for everyone's comfort.

Thanks a lot!

1 Why is Ms. Lansbury contacting Mr. Griffith?

(A) To provide flight information

(B) To make hotel reservations

(C) To confirm convention attendance

(D) To request personal information

2 What is indicated about Aladdin Airways?

(A) It arrives on Saturday.

(B) It is the least expensive.

(C) It has no business class seats available.

(D) It does not provide direct routes to Dubai.

3 What is indicated in the second e-mail?

(A) An itinerary has been sent.

(B) The flight is very long.


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(C) The convention lasts for two weeks

(D) A discount will be offered.

4 What airline does Mr. Griffith choose?

(A) Persia Air

(B) Middle Eastern Airlines

(C) Aladdin Airways

(D) Arabia Air

5 What is Mr. Griffith concerned about?

(A) Finding a hotel with available rooms

(B) Arranging transportation to the convention center

(C) Arriving on time for the event

(D) Making sure the travelers are comfortable

Questions 06-10 refer to the following e-mails.

To: John Walton

From: Mary Allen, Mountain Promotions

Date: JV1 ay 4

Subject: Meeting

Dear Mr. Walton,

I know we have a meeting scheduled for Friday, May 7 to discuss your advertising
plans, but I am afraid I will have to postpone the appointment. My team is currently
working on a promotional campaign for Archetype Corp., and they want us to make a
short presentation at that time. Could we meet on Monday, May10 instead?

I am looking forward to meeting with you and going through some ideas for
advertising your product. Also, if you could send me some details about what type of
advertising campaign you are interested in. I could come up with a few ideas before


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we meet.

1 apologize for this delay and hope to hear from you soon.


Mary Allen.

6 Why did Ms. Allen write the e-mail?

(A) To arrange a presentation

(B) To reschedule a meeting

(C) To make changes to an advertising campaign

(D) To request a price list

7 According to the first e-mail, what will Ms. Allen do on Friday?

(A) Make a presentation


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(B) Meet with her director

(C) Attend a seminar

(D) Travel out of town

8 When is Mr. Walton‘s medical appointment?

(A) May 9

(B) May 10

(C) May 1 1

(D) May 12

9 What did Mr. Walton send with his e-mail?

(A) A copy of a contract

(B) Contact information

(C) Details about a product promotion

(D) A sales report

10 What does Mr. Walton ask Ms. Allen to do?

(A) Send him a document

(B) Telephone him

(C) Cancel his appointment

(D) Meet at his office


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11. What is the purpose of this letter?

(A) To ask for a job

(B) To describe a company

(C) To recommend an employee for a new job

(D) To advertise a position

12. The word "motivated" in paragraph 2, line 1, is closest in meaning to

(A) committed

(B) irritated

(C) intelligent


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(D) mobile

13. What has Alice Newbold done for the past five years?

(A) She has been an administrative assistant.

(B) She has worked for a marketing company.

(C) She has looked for a job.

(D) She has supervised James Jones.

Find these words and phrases, and guess their meanings „in this memo.

14 authorized

(A) have permission

(B) wrote a book

15 submit

(A) give


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(B) tell about

16. in advance

(A) very skilled

(B) before

17. keep track of

(A) ride a train

(B) know about

18. What is the purpose of this memo?

(A) To order new supplies

(B) To explain a new system

(C) To introduce Mr. Whitehead

(D) To describe where supplies are kept

19. Who has keys to the supply closet?

(A) Only Ms. Lee

(B) Only Mr. Whitehead

(C) Both Ms. Lee and her assistant

(D) All office staff

20. The word "essential" in paragraph 2, line 2, is closest in meaning to

(A) dispensable

(B) expensive

(C) forgotten

(D) necessary

21. How can a staff member get office supplies?

(A) By filling out a form

(B) By asking for the key to the supply closet

(C) By ordering them from the supply company


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(D) By calling Ms. Lee


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For advertisement-related readings, the first is an advertisement on a
product/service/event or a job advertisement; the second is possibly a non-prose
reading, an article, an e-mail or a letter which asks for more information about the
advertised thing, or an e-mail or a letter applying for the job.

Typical Passages

Advertisement & Non-Prose An advertisement advertises a product and a

Reading: leaflet gives instructions on how to use the

Advertisement & Article: An advertisement advertises a product and an

article comments on the product.

Advertisement & E-mail: An advertisement mentions an upcoming

event and an e-mail requests necessary
materials for participants.

An advertisement mentions a job/position

vacancy and an e-mail applies for it.

Useful Tips
Step 1: Identify the key words in the questions to decide which reading you should
first refer to.

Step 2: Look for the first hint related to the key words in either of the readings, then
look for the second hint in the other one and use them both in order to choose the
correct answers.

Reading 1: Advertisement


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Grand Opening of Jewel Hotel‘s Event Hall!

Starting on May 1, Jewel Hotel opens its brand new event hall! Catering, floral
arrangements, and even entertainment can be arranged for a variety of events. As a
special offer to promote our grand opening, we are offering a free three-night stay at
the hotel for two guests when reserving the halt from May 5 to June 5. E-mail us at for an estimate or reservations.

Reading 2: E-mail


Prom: Margie Nicastro <>

My daughter is getting married on May 19 and we are looking for a facility to hold her
wedding reception. We expect about 120 guests, and would require dinner and floral
arrangements as well. We will provide our own entertainment, but would need the
sound system set up. Could you please send me a rough estimate? If the cost is within
our budget, we would like to make a reservation on that day.

Q: What will Ms. Nicastro probably receive for free if she rents the hall?

Reading Practice

Read the following passages and choose the best answer to each question given.

Interlingua Electronic Dictionary

- 20 different world languages!

- A list of common phrases for world travelers!

- A database of more than half a million words!

- An audio function to listen to pronunciation!

Interlingua electronic dictionaries are the number one seller on the market. Our newest
model for $129.99 and can be purchased at most electronics stores and travel shops.
For further information, visit our website at


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OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS: Interlingua Electronic Dictionary (Model IED45,
IED47, IED63, IED69)

1 . Plug the charger into your electronic dictionary. Let the battery charge until
the green light comes on.

2. Press ‗'select‖ to choose the language you wish to translate.

3. ―Type in the word or phrase you wish to translate, and then press
4. For a pronunciation guide, press ―select‖ and use the arrow keys to choose

* Only for IED69: For audio pronunciation, scroll down and select

1, Where can the electronic dictionari purchased?

1. At a website (B) At bookstores (C) At travel shops

2. What model number is most likely being advertised?

A) IED45 (B) IED63 (C) IED69

GRAPHICS ARTIST WANTED: Harlequin Advertising

Harlequin Advertising is seeking an experienced graphics artist. Applicants must have

a minimum of three years of experience in graphics design and an applicable
university degree. A strong knowledge the French language is also desirable. Duties
will include development of print advertisements for Harlequin‘s clients. Only
candidates chosen for interviews will be contacted. To apply for the position, send
your resume, cover letter and list of references to Arlene Sorkin at

To: Arlene Sorkin -<>

From: Ram Isley <>


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Subject: Graphics artist position

Dear Ms. Sorkin,

I am writing in response to your company‘s advertisement for a graphics artist. I am

currently working as a graphics artist for Thurman Publishing, a position I have held
for the past four years. I also excellent computer skills and work well with a team. I
am forwarding you a copy of my résumé and other documents you requested. I do
hope to hear from you soon.

3. What does Harlequin Advertising NOT ask applicants to send?

(A) A resume (B) A diploma (C) A reference list

4. According to the e-mail, which qualification for the job does Ms. Isley meet?

(A) Fluency in French

(B) A relevant university degree

(C) Experience in graphics design

Questions 01-05 refer to the following advertisement and e-mail.

Royal Indian Cruise Lines Recruitment Fair

March 11, 9:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m.

Raj Motel and Resort, Bengali Mall

Royal Indian Cruise Lines recently added three new ships to its fleet. We will be
hosting a recruitment fair to fill job openings created by this expansion. Our managers
and directors will be conducting on-site interviews for the following positions in our
restaurant and food preparation department:

- wait staff

- extent lanners

- head chefs

- assistant chefs

- kitchen staff


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Royal Indian Cruise Lines offers all employees full medical coverage, competitive
salaries, paid vacations and generous biannual bonuses. Applicants wishing serious
consideration are requested to send us an application package including a résumé,
cover letter, current employment status and a medical history report. Please send these
documents to our main office in Mumbai by February 21.

Royal Indian Cruise Lines

Personnel Department

153 Besant Road

Shiva Building, Mumbai 400-018

*Faxes or e-mails will not be accepted.

To: Indira Kurian <>

From: Sanjeev <>

Subject: Recruitment Fair

Date: February 18

We received the application package you sent us, but unfortunately, it is incomplete.
We received your resume, cover letter and current employment .status. We will
require the additional documents before we can register you for our recruitment fair
and schedule an interview' for you. Please send us this information as soon as
possible. Once we have received it, we will send you an e-mail with a list of available
times for interviews. I have attached a list of specific jobs with this e-mail for you to
go through and select which positions you might be interested in.

Thank you for your interest in Royal Indian Cruise Lines.

1 What is being advertised?

(A) A recruitment event


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(B) A cruise line

(C) A travel agency

(D) A restaurant

2 What is NOT mentioned about Royal Indian Cruise Lines?

(A) It is based in Mumbai.

(B) It is hiring new managers.

(C) It recently expanded its fleet.

(D) It offers a bonus package.

3 In the advertisement, the word ―consideration‖ in paragraph 2, line 2 is closest

in meaning to

(A) sensitivity

(B) mention

(C) notation

(D) attention

4 What is Ms. Kurian asked to provide?

(A) Medical information

(B) Insurance papers

(C) An identification card

(D) A telephone number

5 Why did Mr. Rao attach a list of available jobs?

(A) To assist Ms. Kurian in arranging her trip.

(B) To help Ms. Kurian select jobs to a apply for.

(C) To inform Ms. Kurian of pay rates

(D) To review Ms. Kurian‘s interview schedule.

Questions 06-10 refer to the following advertisement and memo.


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Buddha‟s Bungalow
45 Sunset Drive, NW

Located in the historic and quiet residential area of Sunnydale, Buddha‘s Bungalow
has the comforts of home, close to home. Relax while experiencing the remarkable
service, fine dining, and fresh tastes of Asia. We use only the highest quality organic
ingredients, along with flavors and spices imported from the Last, to ensure you a
taste extravaganza you‘ll never forge. We‘re taking things a step further with our new
Daily Deals Lunch Specials!

Pop in for Monday Madness where we offer a delectable selection of appetizers for
only $9.99. On Tasty Tuesday, our head chef whips up a culinary masterpiece of his
own invention and it‘s bound to lie superb. Mouth-Watering Wednesday leaves you
licking your lips because every dish comes with a fresh fruit shake! Order any entrée
off our menu on Terrific Thursday for 60 percent off the regular price! Drop by on
Fantastic Friday and finish your meal with a complimentary dessert. Don‘t miss out on
a chance to awaken your taste buds. Hurry to Buddha‘s Bungalow today!

"‗Buddha‘s Bungalow offers the most abundant lunch specials in town. Choose from
a selection of sizzling curries and tempting noodle dishes, all served with a generous
bowl of rice, a variety of appetizers and your choice of authentic teas. You are
guaranteed to leave full.‖

Amber Jasperson. Food Critic.

―Filled with authentic smells, cushions, wall ornaments and trinkets from Southeast
Asia, walking into Buddha‘s Bungalow is like-being whisked away to Thailand.‖

Carrie Dwight. Food Choice Writer


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6. What is emphasized about the food in the restaurant?

(A) It is made hot and spicy.

(B) It is made in Thailand and flown in.

(C) It is made by Asians.

(D) It is made from naturally grown ingredients.

7. What does the critic say about the restaurant?

(A) The decor imitates the Indian environment.

(B) Its menu is priced reasonably.

(C) They offer a wide variety of lunch items.

(D) The location is convenient.

8. What is the purpose of the memo?

(A) To describe the new lunch menu

(B) To ask for additional help during lunch hours


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(C) To inform employees of new operating hours

(D) To announce a new work schedule

9. In the memo, the word ―set‖ in paragraph 1, line 6 is closest in meaning to

(A) solidify

(B) establish

(C) gather

(D) put

10. On what day does the restaurant require four extra kitchen staff?

(A) On Monday

(B) On Tuesday

(C) On Thursday

(D) On Friday

Question 11-13 refer to the following advertisement and letter


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11. What kind of work is advertised?

(A) Human resources

(B) Architecture

(C) Management

(D) Marketing

12. In the letter, the word ―impact‖ in paragraph 2, line 4, is closest in meaning to

(A) effect


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(B) collision

(C) force

(D) problem

13. What requirement stated in the advertisement does Ms. Dankert NOT address?

(A) Budget management experience

(B) Experience with promotional events

(C) Knowledge of computer software

(D) Supervisory skills

Question 14-18 refer to the following advertisement and email.


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14. Where did Kelvin Adams see the ad?

(A) On the Internet


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(B) In the newspaper

(C) In a shop

15. What feature probably attracted Kelvin to this apartment?

(A) The central heating

(B) The price

(C) The location

16. How many rooms are there in the apartment?

(A) 2

(B) 5

(C) 6

17. What does Kelvin request?

(A) Directions to the apartment

(B) Pictures of the apartment

(C) An appointment in March

18. Which of the following is likely to be a problem?

(A) The availability date

(B) The policy on pets

(C) The apartment size


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Questions 19-23 refer to the following advertisement and letter


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20. How far is the hotel from the beach?

(A) 5 minutes

(B) 30 minutes

(C) 1 hour

(D) 2 hours

21. What is advertised as part of the package?

(A) A suite of rooms

(B) A private beach


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(C) A chance to visit a second country

(D) A chance to visit historic ruins

22. How does Mr. dayman feel about the hotel?

(A) He is unhappy there was nowhere to swim.

(B) He is angry his balcony was too small.

(C) He did not like the size of the Jacuzzi.

(D) He feels the advertisement misrepresented the hotel.

23. What was Mr. dayman NOT disappointed about?

(A) The view from his window

(B) The quality of the food

(C) The tour to Turkey

(D) The lack of a bus service

24. Which option does Mr. dayman wish he had chosen?

(A) The visit to the local villages

(B) The trip to Turkey

(C) The snorkeling tour

(D) The visit to Kefalonia


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For announcement-related readings, the first is an announcement; the second is

possibly an article, a non-prose reading, or an e-mail. Mostly, an e-mail responds to
the announcement.

Typical Passages

Announcement & Non-Prose Reading An announcement is about a seminar and a

form is sent in for participation.

Announcement & E-mail: An announcement is about a workshop

which is going to be held and an

e-mail requests for detailed information on

the workshop.

An announcement is about a journey

itinerary and costs and an e-mail mentions
some change in joining the journey.

Useful Tips

Step 1: Identify the key words in the questions to decide which reading
you should first refer to.

Step 2: Look for the first hint related to the key words in either of the readings,
then look for the second hint in the other one and use them both in order to choose
the correct answers.

Reading 1: Announcement


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Soundbyte Magazine announces its convenient new online advertising registration
service, available at Advertisement submissions are accepted
until 5 p.m on Fridays for Category A (Non- Profit Organizations and Individuals) and
before 12 noon on Tuesdays for Category B (Businesses). Bates are $5 for Category A
and $25 for Category B. The magazine is out on newsstands Wednesdays for the low
price of $3.

Reading 2: E-mail

To: Soundbyte Magazine

From: Natalie Bowers

Subject: Advertisement submission

I‘d like to place a Category A advertisement in your publication:

For Sale: T4-A high-performance loudspeakers. Compact design and professional sound
quality. Only owned for 6months. Good as new. $1.600 or negotiable.

Please send the billing statement for the advertisement to 283 Moa St, Pt. Chevalier,
Auckland. Thank you.

Q: How much will Natalie‘s advertisement cost?

Reading Practice


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Read the following passages and choose the best answer to each question given



Thank you for your generosity and kind support for the Carolina Ballet Company.

Name: Mary Martin Tel.: 555-9382 Mob.: 003 555-798

Address: 1485 Neverland Lane, Raleigh, NC.

Please select which type of sponsorship you are interested in.  Patron  Benefactor

Total amount of your donation: $490 Method of payment:  Credit card  Cash

 personal check

1 How many performances does the Carolina Ballet Company do each year?

(A) One

(B) Two

(C) Three

2 What benefit will Ms. Martin receive?


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(A) A CD of productions

( B ) Reserved seating

(C) A costume for the Ball

Evergreen University China Tour

The history department will be sponsoring a study trip to China this year. Students can
enroll for course and receive university credit. The courses are as follows:

Please contact Rosalind Chao at for further information or to


03 What is the purpose of the announcement?

(A) To provide information on a tour

(B) To schedule summer courses

(C) To request registration fees

04. For which course did Colm Meaney enroll?

(A) Post-revolutionary China


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(B) History of the Tang Dynasty

(C) Modern Chinese Archaeology

Questions 01-05 refer to the following announcement and e-mail.

North African Congress of Public Utilities Development

Urban Planning Presentations and Workshops: April 6-10

Several presentations and workshops will be conducted during the congress. These
activities are geared toward city planners, and topics will include sanitation
technology, environmental advances, park development and water safety. The
presentations will be conducted by urban planning professionals from all over the
globe. The goal is to help city planners renew their knowledge of urban development.


The presentations and workshops will be held at the Ramesseum Motel in Cairo, only
five minutes from the convention center where the congress will be held. The hotel
has also agreed to offer a discounted rate on accommodation to those attending these


A fee of $50 will be charged to those cancelling by April 3. Those cancelling after this
date will not be reimbursed for their admission fees. Cancellations must be made in


The cost is $300 for full admission to all presentations and workshops. The fee
includes lunch at the hotel.


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Subject: Hotel reservation

I am planning on attending the urban planning presentations and workshops at your

hotel during the North African Congress of Public Utilities Development. I would like
to stay at your hotel for a total of four nights from April 5-10.

The announcement for the events at your facilities stated that your hotel has a special
offer for attendees to the workshops and presentations. Could you please send me the
details of your offer*?

Thanks for your time.

Harvey Dent

1 According to the announcement, who are the workshops and presentations for?

(A) Sanitation engineers

(B) City planners

(C) Environmentalists

(D) Hotel employees

2 In the announcement, the word ―renew‖ in paragraph 1 , line 4 is closest

in meaning to

(A) exchange

(B) apply


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(C) renovate

(D) update

3 What is NOT mentioned as a cancellation policy?

(A) Refunds will be given three days after the event.

(B) Those who cancel by April 3 will be charged a fee.

(C) Admission fees are not refunded for cancellations after April 3.

(D) Only written cancellations are accepted.

4 What can be inferred about the presentation?

(A) They will be held at the convention

(B) Presenters are from several different countries.

(C) They are free of charge to congress attendees.

(D) Advance registration is required.

5 What does Mr. Dent request?

(A) Shuttle schedules from the airport

(B) Information on discounted room rat

(C) Complimentary meal vouchers

(D) Hotel restaurant discounts

Questions 06-10 refer to the following announcement and membership form.

Metropolitan Museum of Arts and Sciences (MMAS)

A Presentation by Mustafa Khalil

Date and time: February 28, 4:00 p.m.


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Location: MMAS event hall

The Metropolitan Museum of Arts and Sciences (MMAS) is pleased to present a

lecture by Mustafa Khalil, famed Libyan film director. Mr. Khalil will be speaking
about the new generation of Middle Eastern filmmakers. Following the speech, the
newest film by Mr. Khalil Children of the Sand will be shown.

Mr. Khalil is an expert in Middle Eastern film and has made more than twenty movies
in his forty-year career as a director. His film Women at the Well won several
international awards. In addition, Mr. Khalil also spends much of his time offering
advice to new up-and-coming directors.

Following the film, a reception will be held in the museum's gardens at 7:30 p.m.
Guests will have a chance to meet Mr. Khalil as well as several other young film
directors from the Middle East. Reservations for the reception are required. If you
would like to reserve a seat, please contact our public relations manager.

Tickets for this event are $12 for guests and $10 for students. Those wishing to
become members can fill in the enclosed form.

Metropolitan Museum of Arts and Sciences (MMAS)


Benefits of Metropolitan Museum Membership:

- Free admission to all events at the museum

- Free admission to the museum for one year

- Subscription to Modern Film Magazine

- Tickets for annual Grand Ball event

Membership fees are $120 for individuals and $200 for families. Please fill in the
following information and return it, along with your payment to our public relations


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Name: ………………………………………………………………


Family members: ………………………………………………..

Phone number:…………………………………………………

E-mail: ……………………………………………………………

Type of membership requested:


Method of payment: ……………………………………………………………

*All members wishing to make reservations for particular events can call our public
relations manager Mark Lee at 555-4323.

06 What is toeing advertised in the announcement?

1. A movie (B) A talk (C) A tour (D) An exhibition

07. Who is Mustafa Khalil?

(A) An actor

(B) An artist

(C) A filmmaker

(D) A museum curator

08. What does a single membership for the museum cost?

(A) $10 (B)$1 2 (C) $120 (D) $200


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09. What is being indicated about the event February 28?

(A) Admission is free for those with memberships.

(B) There is limited seating.

(C) Tickets can be purchased at the door.

(D) It is for museum staff only.

10. What should people do if they want to attend the reception?

(A) Buy a ticket

(B) Visit the public relations office

(C) Gall Mark Lee

(D) Fill in a form

Questions 11- 15 refer to the following announcement and form.


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11. What is the purpose of the announcement'?

(A) To introduce a new trainer

(B) To provide details about a conference

(C) To advertise business classes

(D) To promote a sales convention

12. In the announcement, the word ―delivering‖ in paragraph 1 , line 5 is closest in

meaning to

(A) sending

(B) naming

(C) presenting

(D) traveling

13. What is MOT a subject of a course?

(A) Developing management strategies

(B) Creating a reward and commission system

(C) Designing a company website

(D) Lowering office expenditures

14. What is the fee for the course Mr. Koppel plans to attend?

(A) $300

(B) $350

(C) $400

(D) $450


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15. What does Mr. Koppel want to know?

(A) Whether a course is still available

(B) Whether the company provides a discount for groups

(C) The dates scheduled for one of the classes

(D) The e-mail address of a trainer



For article-related readings, the first is an article; the second is possibly another
article, a non-prose reading, letter, or an e-mail. Mostly, an e-mail responds to the

and Useful Tips

Typical Passages

Article & Article: An article reports a show recently held and

an article introduces the products of a


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company having participated in the show.

Article & Non- Prose Reading: An article reports a promotion campaign of

a business and a table shows details of this
promotion campaign.

Article & Letter: An article gives comments on a book

recently published and a letter written by
the author shows his objection to the

Article & E-mail: An article introduces a new product and an

e-mail shows the support of a customer.

Useful Tips

Step 1: Identify the key words in the questions to decide which reading
you should first refer to.

Step 2: Look for the first hint related to the key words in either of the readings,
then look for the second hint in the other one and use them both in order to choose
the correct answers.

Reading 1: Article

Mall Opening Scheduled for March


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Manchester's newest shopping mall will open in March. Katherine Jones, the vice-
president of Brighton Properties, came up with the idea of the shopping center which
blended in with the neighborhood. Jones hired famed architect Mike Douglas to create
the structure, which used components of previously existing buildings to build a
shopping mall. The shopping mall will include 90 stores and a cinema. The grand
opening is scheduled for March 19.

Reading 2: E-mail

To: Darren Mayes

From: Joseph Brighton

I just got back from an inspection of the new Manchester mall. Everything seems to be
going as planned. The only problem I had was with the exterior of the building on
Birch Street. Your architect has used the fronts of existing buildings to develop the
mall. However, the entrance is very small and there is no space for cars to stop. I think
we will need to expand the size of the entrance. Please speak with the architect and let
me know what you think.

Q: Who will Darren Mayes most likely speak with?

Reading Practice

Read the following passages and choose the best answer to each question given.

UTV Delays Premiere of Cosmos 3

The UTV network announced Monday that its newest science fiction series. Cosmos
3, will not be launched this fall as previously scheduled. The network gave no specific
reasons for the delay, but did deny that it was caused by budgetary issues. However,


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Kyra Farrell, UTV spokesperson, did confirm that there was a recent cast change for
the actress playing the lead female role. Sources close to the production claim that this
is the primary reason for the delay. Industry insiders claim that the actress dropped out
of the show following several disagreements with the director of the series. Gene

Cosmos 3: Impressive Despite the Delay

After nearly a five-month delay, UTVs new space fantasy Cosmos 3 will premiere on
the network this Thursday night at 8 p.m. Marina Mulgrew was originally cast in the
lead role of Captain Zalda was later replaced by Zoe Nichols early In the production.
However, perhaps the wait was worth it. Cosmos 3 is sure to impress audiences with
its innovative stories and incredible special effects

1. Who is the director of Cosmos 3?

(A) Kyra Farrell (B) Gene Barry (C) Zoe Nichols

2. Why was the premiere of Cosmos 3 delayed?

(A) The show went overbudget.

(B) Gene Barry was busy with another production.

(C) Marina Mulgrew was replaced with Zoe Nichols.

Free Trial Versions Meet with Success for Anti-Virus Software

One of the most recent trends in marketing anti-virus software is offering a trial
version of the program for free. Users can download the software without charge, and
use it for a specified time. After that time is up, they have the option of paying a fee
for continued use of the full version of the program and regular updates for the


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software. AVAGE was the first company to use this marketing tool, now the second
highest seller of anti-virus software around the world. In fact, of the top selling virus
programs, only the eighth bestseller does not provide customers with a free trial
version of their software.

3. Which software company was the first to provide a free trial version?

(A) V-Killer

(B) Bugfix


4. What is suggested about the Netrodent software program?

(A) It is the highest selling anti-virus software.

(B) It is only for sale as a full version program.

(C) It provides free software updates.

Questions 01-05 refer to the following article and e-mail.


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Decrease in Amazon Deforestation Is no Reason for Celebration

Recent government reports show that the rate of deforestation in the Amazon basin
has de-creased by nearly 20 percent since the 1 970s. Officials say this is the lowest
rate since 1991. But environmental critics say it is too soon for celebration. Most of
the deforestation is due to construction of new towns, clearing land for soybean fields
and creating grazing land for cattle.

Dr. Sonya Braga from the ministry of the National Institute of Space Research (NISR)
in Brazil says, "At the current rate of deforestation, the Amazon rainforest will be half
its size in just two decades.‖ NISR conducts annual studies of the rainforest by
examining pictures of area taken by satellite.

Since 1 970, the Amazon rainforest has decreased in size by nearly 1 million square
miles. Sot scientists say that one square kilometer of rain forest may contain up to 150
thousand species of trees and plants, not to mention the vast array of animal life and
insects. Although advances are being made in slowing down deforestation, more
protective measures are necessary to guarantee the safety of this world treasure.

To: Jan Grady

from: Greg Knight

Subject: Deforestation article

Dear Ms. Grady,

Thank you for your article on the deforestation of the Amazon in Green Machine
Magazine‘s May issue. I appreciate you informing the public on this serious problem.
However, there were a few facts in your article that were incorrect.

First, you mentioned that the size of the rainforest has decreased by 1 million square
miles in size since 1970. Actually, it decreased in size by 1 million square kilometers.

Also, you wrote that one square kilometer of rainforest can contain up to 150 thousand


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species of plants and trees. Your number is correct, but this is ONLY for plants. There
are also 75,000 species of trees.

I just thought you might want to know about these errors. But again, I want to thank
you for doing your part in conserving what is left of the Amazon rainforest, and agree
with your opinion about the area. I look forward to reading your articles in next
month's issue.


Greg Knight

Amazon Warrior Conservation Society

1 What is NOT mentioned in the article as a reason for deforestation in the


(A) Construction of towns

(B) The sale of lumber

(C) Creating grazing land

(D) Making soybean fields

2 According to Ms. Braga, how long will it take for the rainforest to decrease by
50 percent?

(A) One year

(B) Ten years

(C) Fifteen years

(D) Twenty years

3 Why was the e-mail written?


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(A) To report errors in the article

(B) To request a subscription

(C) To submit an article

(D) To ask for a donation

4 What can be inferred about Green Machine Magazine in the e-mail?

(A) It is available for purchase in Brazil.

(B) It is published monthly.

(C) It is a free publication.

(D) It is a new magazine.

5 What would Greg Knight and Jan Grady probably agree on?

(A) Government should increase the budget for the rainforest‘s safety.

(B) Scientists need to pay more attention to the rainforest‘s ecosystem.

(C) Farmers are to blame for deforestation of the rainforest.

(D) More needs to be done to conserve rainforest.

Questions 06-10 refer to the following article and e-mail.

UniCorp Announces Appointment of New Senior Vice President

New York: City-based financial investment firm, Unicorp. finally announced that
Donald Branson will be taking over as senior vice president of the European branch.
The announcement comes after months of speculation as to who would take over the
position after the retirement of Richard Trump, who held the job for more than fifteen

Not surprisingly, Branson has worked as a regional director at Unicorp for the past


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five years. Financial experts correctly predicted that Trump would find a replacement
within the company.

At a press conference in London on Tuesday, Branson announced that he will also be

organizing an investors‘ meeting in Paris on Jan. 22. ―It is both Mr. Trump‘s and my
wish to make this transition go as smoothly as possible," he said, adding that the
meeting is intended for reassuring UniCorp investors in Europe that he is up to the

Although most analysts agree that Branson is a reasonable replacement, a recent 3

percent drop in company shares reveals that this is not necessarily the ease for

To: Gary Greenspan, Investment Relations Manager

From : Ivana Helmsley

Date: January 17

Subject: Investors‘ meeting

Thank you for your message regarding the investors‘ meeting to be held next week on
Jan. 22.

I would like to confirm that I will toe attending the meeting and would like to accept
your kind offer of accommodation at the Printemps Hotel.

As for our personal meeting, you mentioned that you are free for lunch on Jan. 21. I
suggest we meet at the hotel at 1 p.m. Our meeting shouldn‘t take long, as I simply
wanted to go through i few concerns I have about the recent drop in UniCorp stock
value in Europe.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Ivana Helmsley


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6 What is the purpose of the article?

(A) To report some financial statistics

(B) To announce a new executive

(C) To analyze reasons for profit losses

(D) To describe a company‘s recent expansion

7 What was the position of Mr. Branson prior to his promotion?

(A) Investment manager

(B) Chief accountant

(C) Director of sales

(D) Regional director

8 Why did Ms. Helmsley write to Mr. Greenspan?

(A) To confirm her attendance at a meeting

(B) To make a restaurant reservation

(C) To request information about a new employee

(D) To arrange a consultation about investment in the company

9 Where will Ms. Helmsley meet Mr. Greenspan ?

(A) In New York

(B) In Paris

(C) In Los Angeles

(D) In London

10 What is Ms. Helmsley concerned about ?


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(A) The company policies regarding investors.

(B) The fluctuation of market shares

(C) The proposed company expansion

(D) The recent decrease in company s value

Questions 11-15 refer to the following article and e-mail.

Last Wednesday, OrionAir started its training course for flight attendants. The course,
includes four sessions, is for current airline hospitality employees and focuses on
improving in-flight service skills and how to treat first-class passengers. The course
began with a presentation by Abigail Lang, a hospitality consultant from Air Service
Training (AST) with thirty years of experience in the industry. The second session on
Thursday was conducted by a professional event planner, who gave OrionAir's
employees different tips on presentation and display of meals, beverages and other
items in an aircraft.

Ms. Lang will also be leading the final two sessions of the course. She said. "We
encourage all in-flight staff to sign up for the last two training sessions, and hope the
information can provide them will help make their job easier and the passengers more
comfortable." attendees will also receive a free travel bag for participating in the
training course.

To: Abigail Lang, Air Service Training

From: Elaine Dickinson

Date: Pvt arch l 2

Subject: Training Session

Dear Ms. Lang.

I just wanted to thank you for providing such an informative and interesting training


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course. I attended all four of the sessions your company conducted for OrionAir, and
found you to be an exceptional instructor with a lot of experience in our field. You
seemed to understand the problems we face on a daily basis. My colleagues and I
found your ideas and suggestions very useful. You can be sure we will start using
your ideas in our workplace. Finally, we also appreciated the free travel bag very
much, and thank you for this kind gesture.


Elaine Dickinson

11. What is NOT true about the training course?

(A) It began last Wednesday

(B) It is about customer service.

(C) It is intended for event planners.

(D) It includes four sessions.

12. In the article, the word "treat‖ in paragraph line 3 is closest in meaning to

(A) work under

(B) deal with

(C) find out

(D) react to

13. Why did Ms. Dickinson write the e-mail?

(A) To request a free gift

(B) To ask about a training course

(C) To thank an instructor


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(D) To offer a suggestion

14. What most likely is Ms. Dickinson‘s job?

(A) A pilot

(B) A flight attendant

(C) An event planner

(D) A travel agent

15. Why did Ms. Dickinson receive a travel bag?

(A) She ordered it.

(B) She won a contest.

(C) She attended the training course

(D) She registered for a membership

Questions 16- 20 refer to the following article and e-mail.

Landscape Artist Creates Local Gardens

Agnetha Anderson is becoming a household name among those interested in garden

design. Following her critically acclaimed work for the courthouse gardens in
Melbourne, Ms. Anderson has done several projects including the landscape design
for the new home of local entrepreneur Benny Johnson. Johnson has also hired
Anderson to develop the grounds surrounding his company‘s new headquarters which
will be located in Sydney. ―I‘ve thoroughly enjoyed working with Agnetha. She has
an incredible vision about what a garden should be. She creates outdoor spaces that
feel comfortable and relaxing. I can hardly wait for her to start on our next project in
Sydney,‖ says Johnson.


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When asked why her gardens and landscaping are becoming so popular, Anderson
said, ―I think a garden should be a place where people can relax. You should feel free
to sit on the grass and take your shoes off. I try to create a beautiful and
accommodating atmosphere through my work.‖ She also mentioned that designing
gardens gives her the opportunity to be creative and spend time outdoors. ―The only
drawback is that I don‘t have enough time to spend at home in my own garden,‖ she
added. Anderson says she is still in the planning stages for her next project with Mr.
Johnson, but looks forward to getting started as soon as possible.

From: Benny Johnson

To: Agnetha Anderson

Subject: Landscaping plans

I am very excited about working with you again on our second project, and I just
received the plans and blueprints you've drawn up this morning. I am very pleased
with what you have done so far. I especially like the idea for the pond surrounded by
trees. However, I was wondering if we could move it further away from the entrance.
As we will have a lot of traffic through that area, I would like a larger space around
the entrance. Could you keep the design for the pond, but simply move it to the left
side of the building? Let me know if this is OK. You can just write me an e-mail.
Other than that, everything else looks wonderful. Thank you for all your help.


16. What is the purpose of the article?

(A) To announce the opening of a new park

(B) To profile a landscape designer

(C) To provide information on local plants


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(D) To report the opening of a new public garden

17. What does Agnetha Anderson say is a disadvantage of her job?

(A) She has to travel a lot.

(B) She doesn‘t have enough time at home.

(C) She spends too much time outdoors.

(D) She cannot be as creative as she would like.

18. What design project is Benny Johnson discussing in his e-mail?

(A) The courthouse garden

(B) The yard at his private home

(C) The grounds for his new headquarters

(D) The landscaping of a local park

19. What does Benny Johnson ask Agnet Anderson to change?

(A) The size of the garden

(B) The location of the entrance

(C) The position of the pond

(D) The number of trees

20. What is NOT indicated about Benny Johnson?

(A) He is a local businessman.

(B) He is opening a new office.

(C) He enjoys working with Ms. Anderson.

(D) He wrote an article about Ms. Anderson.


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For non-prose-related readings, the first is in the form of a(n) list/chart/

graph/schedule/ agenda/invoice / itinerary, etc.; the second is usually an e-mail, a
letter, an article, etc.

Typical Passages

Non-Prose Reading & E-mail: A table of prices is given by a publisher and an

email orders some book.

An invoice shows some items which have been

delivered and an email responds to the invoice.

A web page points out customers‘ complaints and

an e-mail shows the company apologies.

Non-Prose Reading & Letter: A brochure publicizes a performance and a letter

states the audience


Useful Tips

Step 1: Identify the key words in the questions to decide which reading
you should first refer to.

Step 2: Look for the first hint related to the key words in either of the readings,
then look for the second hint in the other one and use them both in order to choose
the correct answers.

Reading 1: Agenda


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Blueprint Imaging Services, Ltd.

Agenda for Meeting with Advanced Machinery Suppliers

9:00 a.m. Ordering Quantity & Time Frame Helen Clark: Blueprint Imaging

9:30 a.m. Customized Manufacturing Specifications Heather Hughes: Crayon

Factory Supply

10:00 a.m. Review of Advanced Machines Winston Peters: Anderson Technologies

10:40 a.m. Post-purchase Maintenance and Servicing Steve Dunne: Silicon

Machine Production

Reading 2: E-mail

To: Winston Peters. Anderson Technologies

From: Helen Clark, Blueprint Imaging

Subject: Monday‘s Meeting

Dear Winston,

It was a pleasure meeting you. I am especially impressed by the presentation on

consumer-tailored production as our current supplier's products have become
outdated. This information helped bring us one step closer to making an order. We
discussed at the meeting the possibility of a discount for large orders. If you can
provide us with the price reduction, I am sure we can draw up a contract.

Q: Whose presentation had the most impact on Ms. Clark‘s decision to order?

Reading Practice


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Read the following passages and choose the best answer to each question given.

Marion Coleman Art Museum Guides and City Guide Books

This is a partial list of our best-sellers. Visit our website for a complete list.

Please fill out the order form and send it in the addressed envelope. PIease, include
$6.50 for regular shipping fees (1 week) or $ 10.50 for express mail (3 days).

To: Marion Coleman Publications

From: Jessica Chang

Subject: City Guides

Dear Madam or Sir,

I am just writing to say thank you for your company's excellent service and products! I
order New York and Chicago city guides recently and was happily surprised to
receive them after days, even though I only paid for regular shipping. The pictures and
information about the attractions were perfect. I will continue to use them whenever I


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01 What museum guide costs the same amount as a Seattle tour guidebook?

1. Fine Art Museum for San Francisco

2. Metropolitan Museum of Art

3. The Art Institute of Chicago

2. How much was the shipping charge Chang‘s order?

(A) $6.50

(B) $10.50

(C) $11 .90

Joe Keller‟s Nightmare at Midnight

Powerhouse Theater Company, Sept. 11-17, 7:30 p.m.

Directed by Frank Warner

Cast: Marty Brewster Grant Barry

Abigail Brewster Jean Mall

Marta Brewster Josephine Adair

Theodore Carry Alex Johnson

An Evening of Old-Fashioned Mystery! By Archie Leach

Powerhouse Theater Company's newest production of Joe Keller‘s famed mystery

Nightmare at night is a suspenseful treat! The direction is perfect and performances of
all actors are perfectly. Especially worthy of praise is the actress playing Abigail, who
steals the show with her humorous portrayal of a sweet old lady with a dark secret.
Tickets can be purchased at the box office or by (250)555-9993.


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3 What performer does Mr. Leach refer to in the review?

(A) Josephine Adair

(B) Alex Johnson (O) Jean Mall

4. Where can tickets be purchased?

(A) At a website

(B) At the theater

(C) At the city hal

Questions 01-05 refer to the following web contact form and e-mail.

Cool Waters Air Conditioning Contact Form


Thank you for contacting Cool Waters Air Conditioning. Please fill out the following
information and then press the ―‘SEND‖ button on the bottom of the screen. We will
get back to you as soon as possible.

Name: Erica Williams E-mail: _

Address: P. O. Box 55-A, Manchester, Iowa 52057

Phone: (319) 555-84-95 Business Phone (optional):


I purchased an air conditioner from your Maple Street branch last Monday on July 2.
The machine runs, but it seems the fan is not working. Could you please send
someone over to the above address to have a look at it?


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To: Erica Williams < >

From: Customer Service <>

Date: July 8

Dear Ms. Williams,

We received your message dated July 7 concerning the air conditioning unit you
bought on July 2. We apologize for the inconvenience this problem may have caused
you. We received a list of factory defects in Wind's new series of air conditioners
earlier this week:

W-P542. Temperature controls inaccurate

W-P543 Problems with fan system

W-P602 Sleep-mode not running properly

W-P604 Remote control malfunction

We will replace the defective parts and send someone over to service your air
conditioner tomorrow. Please let us know what time is best for you.

1 On the contact form, what information is optional?

(A) E-mail address

(B) Mailing address

(C) Home phone number

(D) Business telephone number

2 In the e-mail, what is being discussed?

(A) Source of the shipping error

(B) Reimbursement of the repairing charges


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(C) A solution to the customer‘s problem

(D) The production process of a machine

3 What air conditioner model does Ms. Williams probably have?

(A) W-P542

(B) W-P543

(C) W-P602

(D) W-P604

4 When did Ms. Williams send the web form?

(A) July 2

(B) July T

(C) July 8

(D) July 12

5 In the e-mail, the word ―running‖ in the table, line 3 is closest in meaning to

(A) operating

(B) jogging

(C) organizing

(D) travelling

Questions 06-10 refer to the following invoice end e-mail.

Big Wheel Bikes Order Number:


928 Grandview Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA Date:


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Biking shorts Adrenaline Speed 2 $49.98

Water bottle Genesis 2 $11.98

Sunglasses Carlucci 1 $69.99

Helmet Terrain 1 $89.99

TOTAL: $221.94

The Fast Silver helmet that you ordered is currently out of stock. We don't expect a
new shipment of them until next month. We tried calling you several times but
couldn't reach you. We have sent along a Terrain helmet which usually retails for
$129.99 but only charged you for the cost of a Fast Silver helmet.

As always, if there is any problem with your order or anything has been damaged,
please contact our service department immediately at 555-7273 or e-mail us at Please have your order number when calling, or include it on
any e-mail.

To: : Customer Service, Big Wheel Bikes

From: Vince Armstrong

Date: June 5

Subject: Recent delivery

I just received my order this morning and unfortunately, there were a few problems.
The Carlucci sunglasses were broken. Also, even though the Terrain helmet is of
greater value, I would prefer waiting for the Fast Silver helmet, as it is a bit lighter
than the Terrain one. I will send back these two items this afternoon. If you could send


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me a replacement pair of sunglasses, I would appreciate it. As for the helmet, you can
just send me a Fast Silver helmet when your shipment arrives. Thanks for your help.


Vince Armstrong

6 What does Big Wheel Bikes say about Mr. Armstrong‘s order?

(A) Some items will be shipped at a later time.

(B) ―They didn‘t charge him extra for a more expensive helmet.

(C) The order will not be delivered for another month.

(D) The total price has been charged to his credit card.

7 What does Mr. Armstrong say about an item he received?

(A) It was too expensive.

(B) It was the wrong size.

(C) It was broken.

(D) It was the wrong package.

8 What does Mr. Armstrong want Big Wheel Bikes to do in July?

(A) Send him a Fast Silver helmet

(B) Ship a pair of new sunglasses

(C) Refund his money

(D) Reimburse him Tor delivery charges

9 What requested information did Mr. Armstrong forget to include in his e-mail?

(A) His mailing address

(B) His order number


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(C) His contact information

(D) His credit card details

10 What is true about the Fast Silver helmet?

(A) It sells quickly.

(B) It is out of production.

(C) It is lighter than the Terrain helmet

(D) It is the most expensive one on the market.

Questions 11-15 refer to the following e-mail end billing statement.

TO: Ann Wilson, Customer Service Department, SHSS

FROM: Nancy Francis, Puget Sound Consulting

DATE: April 10

SUBJECT: Question about billing statement

I received the billing statement from your company for the recent installation of our
office's new security system. We are very pleased with all the equipment and feel that
our Facilities are now much more secure.

I did have one question about the bill. Your sales representative Kurt Vainar told us
there would be no charge for installation of any equipment we purchased under the
unit price of $100. However, the statement lists a $50 charge for the installation of
items that cost only $70 (Please see the attachment). Could you please contact me
concerning this error as soon as possible? Please call me at (509)555-4678 within the
next two days, as I -will be leaving For my vacation.

Thanks for your time.


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Nancy Francis

Director, Puget Sound Financial Consulting Services


Saint Helena Security Services (SHSS)

839 42nd Street, 2 R Spirit Building, Seattle, WA.

3-4-59 Olympic Boulevard, Tacoma, WA 993GT

TO: Nancy Francis, Director of Puget Sound Consulting DATE: Apr. 7


SUBMIT PAYMENT TO: Saint Helena Security Services

R.O. Box 22872

Tacoma, WA 99367

Thank you for choosing SHSS as your security service provider. We hope to continue
to supply you with all your security needs. Please contact us at (509)555-4376 or
email us at for additional information or questions.


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11. What type of business is Puget Sound Consulting?

(A) A financial service provider

(B) A security firm

(C) An advertising company

(D) A conference organizer

12. Why did Ms. Francis write the e-mail?

(A) To complain about a product

(B) To request a price estimate

(C) To ask about a billing mistake

(D) To enquire about new office space

13. When is Ms. Wilson advised to call Ms. Francis?

(A) By April 7 (B) By April 9 (C) By April 10 (D) By April 12

14. What was supposed to be installed for free?

(A) Locks (B) Motion detectors (C) Cameras (D) Security lights

15. What is NOT mentioned in the statement?

(A) Contact information

(B) Customer's address

(C) Bank account number

(D) Total service price


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1. Cho, D. (2012), Hackers TOEIC reading. Hochiminh,Vietnam: Hochiminh city General

Publishing House.


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