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Lecture 5.

1 Transitional phrases

Lecture 5.1 Transitional phrases

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Transitional phrases for meetings and presentations.

 Transitional Phrases
Transitional phrases help move smoothly from one point to the next in meetings, or through
the main parts of a presentation, making a meeting or presentation flow more logically and

These words and phrases are also called "signpost language".

They tell the listener what has just happened and what is going to happen next.
They link one idea to another, introduce new elements or present more options.
They clarify some issues, expand on certain points, remind listeners of important details.
Generally speaking, they guide the listener through a meeting or presentation and help
them make comparisons and/or draw conclusions.

1. We are here to discuss / to talk about /to learn more about ...

2. The first thing to remember is …

3. It must be remembered that …

4. On the positive / negative side …

5. Another key point to note is …

6. A major concern is …

7. A point often overlooked is …

8. A significant issue this year is …

9. For one thing …

10. As an illustration, let me show you …

11. This chart shows a breakdown of ...
12. To give you an example, ...

Lecture 5.1 Transitional phrases

13. Let me expand on that point …

14. By that I mean …

15. Translated into real terms this means ...

16. To put it differently / to put it another way …

17. In other words, what we need to do is ...
18. The significance of this is...
19. Simply put, that means ...
20. So what I'm saying is ...

21. This relates to what I was saying earlier about…

22. Let's consider this (point/aspect/possibility) in more detail...

23. I’d like to elaborate on that.

24. With this in mind let’s look at …

25. Keeping these points in mind let's turn to …

26. Now that we understand…

27. It’s important to realize that …

28. There is no doubt whatsoever that…

29. For this reason we must …

30. Moving on to our next area of interest…

31. This brings us to the next topic (on the agenda) which is ...

32. We’re pushed for time, so let’s discuss….

33. The next area I'd like to focus on is ...
34. Let's turn our attention to ...

35. The next important element is…

36. Before we end the meeting, I’d like to summarise the main points …
37. If I can just sum up the main points...
38. Let me remind you of the points we've covered ...

40. To recapitulate / to sum up/ in conclusion

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