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Lecture 1.

2 Abbreviations

Lecture 1.2 Abbreviations

 

A shortened form of a written word, phrase or name used in place of the whole.
For example: ‘Dr.’ for Doctor, ‘Mr.’ for Mister, ‘gym’ for gymnastics, 'Tim' for Timothy.

A word which is formed from the first letters of other words, and which is pronounced as a full
word, for example NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation).

MEANING (English – English)

@  At (followed by an address)

a/c  Account

admin  Administration, administrative

ad/advert  Advertisement

AGM  Annual general meeting

a.m.  Ante meridiem (before noon)

a/o  Account of (on behalf of)

AOB  Any other business

ASAP  As soon as possible

ATM  Automated Teller Machine (cash dispenser)

attn  For the attention of

approx  Approximately

Lecture 1.2 Abbreviations

A.V.  Authorized version

 Blind carbon copy (copy sent to another person

without the knowledge of the main recipient)

cc  Carbon copy (copy to one or more people)

CEO  Chief executive officer

c/o  Care of (on letters: at the address of)

Co  Company

cm  Centimetre

COD  Cash on delivery

dept  Department

doc.  Document

e.g.  Exempli gratia (for example)

EGM  Extraordinary general meeting

ETA  Estimated time of arrival

etc  Et caetera (and so on)

GDP  Gross domestic product

lab.  Laboratory

Lecture 1.2 Abbreviations

Ltd  Limited (company)

mo  Month

N/A  Not applicable

NB  Nota bene (it is important to note)

no.  Number

obs.  Obsolete

PA  Personal assistant

p.a.  Per annum (per year)

Plc  Public limited company

pls  Please

p.m.  Post meridiem (after noon)

 Per pro
(used before signing in a person's absence)

PR  Public relations

p.s.  Post scriptum

PTO  Please turn over

p.w.  Per week

qty  Quantity

R&D  Research and development

re / ref  With reference to

ROI  Return on investment

RSVP  Repondez s'il vous plait (please reply)

s.a.e.  Stamped addressed envelope

Lecture 1.2 Abbreviations

VAT  Value added tax

VIP  Very important person

vol  Volume

wkly  Weekly

yr  Year

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