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Given that a student has an engineering background, what is the probability they
score 70 or less in component 1?
b. Answer: 0.0475 or 4.750%
2. In the given data set, what fraction of students with an engineering background
have scored 70 or less in component 1?
a. Answer: 0.0267 or 2.67% or 8 out of 300
3. Given the distributions, what is the expected value of the class score in
component 1?
a. 60% Engineering mean 75 = 45
b. 30% Commerce mean 76 = 22.8
c. 10% Other mean 85 = 8.5
d. Answer: 76.3000
4. In the given data set, what is the average score by students in component 1?
a. Answer: Mean: 75.4733
b. Median: 75
5. Given that a student scored 80 or more in component 1, what is the probability
that this student is neither from an engineering background nor a commerce
a. Engineer: 0.0475 * .6 = 0.0285
b. Commerce: 0.2119 * .3 = 0.06357
c. Other: 0.8944 * .1 = 0.08944
d. 0.08944 / (0.0285 + 0.06357 + 0.08944)
e. Answer: 0.49275 or 49.28%
6. What percentage of the students who have scored over 80 in component 1 are
neither from an engineering background nor a commerce background?
a. Answer: 11/29 scores over 80 were “others” (0.3793 or 37.93%)
7. The final score obtained by a student is the average of the scores in the three
components. Draw a sample of the students by choosing students with serial
numbers 1, 11, 21, … 291. Assume this to be a random sample.
a. Based on this sample, what is a point estimate of the mean score of
students taking this course?
i. Answer: 74.4889
b. Based on this sample, what is a 95% confidence interval of the mean
scores of students taking this course?
i. Standard deviation= 5.8038
ii. 95% confidence = ±2 standard deviations from mean
iii. Answer: [62.8813, 86.0964]
8. Suppose that the data set here represents a sample from a population of similar
students. Based on the data set, would you conclude that students with
engineering backgrounds have an average score of 75 in component 1? (Use
a. Sample Mean: ​74.82608696
b. Standard deviation: 2.782100066
c. Sample size: 184
d. Standard error: 0.205099
e. 1.96* 0.205099 = 0.40199431 on either side of mean
f. [74.42409265, 75.22808127]
g. Answer: a mean of 75 is within the 95% confidence interval, so the
population mean could be 75 however we cannot say that it definitely is.
9. Suppose we choose two random samples of 30 students each from the class.
The first sample contains students who have commerce backgrounds, and the
second sample contains students who have engineering backgrounds. The
average of the scores of the first sample is 75.8333, with a sample standard
deviation of 5.7813. The average of the scores of the second sample is 74.7444,
with a sample standard deviation of 3.4416. Based on these samples, would you
conclude that students with commerce backgrounds scored better than students
with engineering backgrounds?
a. Commerce:
i. Mean: 75.8333
ii. Standard deviation 5.7813
iii. Standard error 1.055516141
iv. 95% CI 2.068811636
v. [ 73.76448836, 77.90211164]
b. Engineering
i. Mean: 74.7444
ii. Standard deviation 3.4416
iii. Standard error 0.628347318
iv. 95% CI 1.231560743
v. [ 73.51283926, 75.97596074]
c. Answer: Confidence intervals overlap, therefore we cannot say that
commerce students scored significantly better than engineering ones
10. Based on the average of all three components, grades are awarded to students.
The rulebook says that no more than 20% of the students can score the highest
grade: A, and together, no more than 60% of the students can score the highest
and second highest grade i.e., A and B. Students who score neither A nor B get
a C grade. Now, the instructor wants to give as many A and B grades as the rule
book permits. In this context, answer the following questions:
a. What is the average score obtained by students with A grades?
i. Take average of top 20% of scores
ii. Answer: 82.41667
b. What is the average score obtained by students with B grades?
i. Answer: 76.24242
c. What fraction of students with an engineering background have scored A
i. Answer: 0.10870 OR 10.86957% of engineering students (20/184)
d. Among students who scored A grade, what fraction had engineering
i. Answer: 0.33333 OR 33.33333% of A students have an
engineering background (20/60)

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