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Progress Checklist

This document is designed to help you see how much progress you are
making. After each module, you should be able to say you can confidently do
each of the things below.

Speaking- Module 1
I know:
 What my plan of action is.
 The structure of the speaking test.
 What is tested in the speaking test.
 The key to success.
 How to overcome the common problems.
Speaking - Module 2
I know:
 The 4 criteria I am marked on.
 The basic idea of what the 4 criteria are checking.
 The dos and don’ts of getting a band 7 or 8.
 The difference between a band 7 and a band 8.
Speaking- Module 3
I know:
 What to expect in Speaking Part 0.
 The format of Speaking Part 1.
 About ‘common topics’ used in Speaking Part 1.
 How to avoid common mistakes.
 How to develop my answers.
 How to prepare for Speaking Part 1.
Progress Checklist
Speaking- Module 4
I know:
 The format of Speaking Part 2.
 The common issues in Speaking Part 2.
 The Speaking Part 2 Strategy.
 The useful phrases I can use in my Part 2 answer.
 How to prepare for Speaking Part 2.
Speaking- Module 5
I know:
 The format of Speaking Part 3.
 Why most people don’t do well.
 How to overcome the most common problems.
 The most common types of questions.
 How to fully develop and structure my answer.
 How to prepare for Speaking Part 3.
Speaking- Module 6
I know:
 How to avoid the common misconceptions.
 How to learn vocabulary effectively.
 The key areas of vocabulary to focus on.
Speaking- Module 7
I know:
 How to avoid the common misinterpretations about grammar.
 How to avoid getting a very low score.
 The strategy for getting a high grammar score.
 The most common grammar tenses.
 The most common grammar structures.
Progress Checklist
Speaking- Module 8
I know:
 Which pronunciation features are tested.
 How the examiner will judge my pronunciation.
 How to improve clarity.
 How to determine the correct stress of a word.
 How to identify which words in a sentence should be stressed.
 What weak sounds are.
 How connected speech works.
 How intonation can affect meaning.
 How to improve my pronunciation.
Speaking- Module 9
I know:
 What fluency is.
 What coherence is.
 Why I need to worry about both fluency and coherence.
 How to get a higher score for fluency.
 How to get a higher score for coherence.
 How to improve my fluency and coherence.
Speaking- Module 10
I know:
 How to make sure I understand everything.
 How to consolidate my learning.
 Get the most from the system shown to me on this course.
 How to make meaningful improvements.
 How to practice.
 How to approach the exam on exam day.

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