Uniquenessof Prophet Muhammad

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Uniqueness of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

The uniqueness of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is not only non-comparative to his
predecessors of past Prophets, past Messengers and past humanity, but includes the
whole of humanity to date on this planet Earth. In a compact, he was not only the Last
and Final Prophet, but his arrival and magnificent service in those capacities, both as the
Last Prophet and Last Messenger, have been succinctly foretold in all the previous
leading Scriptures. This has been discussed in texts below, with particular referencing.
Not all people readily give recognition to this outstanding uniqueness.

1) The commencement of his outstanding uniqueness was already so, before his
birth. On 22nd April 571AD1, a child was born in Mecca, western Arabia. His name
was already given by his father to his mother in a Kashf2 to her, before his birth.
The given name was Ahmad.
2) Both his parents were from prominent families in Medina3, in northern Arabia.
The parents were married in Yathrib4 in 569AD. His father was Abdullah ibn
Muttalib, a son of Abdul Muttalib5 of Banu Hashim clan and who was a provincial
chieftain of Quraysh in Medina6 and its surrounding suburbs. In addition, by virtue
of being the chieftain of Quraysh, Abdul Muttalib was also the guardian7 of the
sacred Kaaba in Mecca. Ahmad’s mother was Amina bint Wahab, a daughter of
Abd Wahab8 of the Wahab clan and who was also of high standing amongst the
communities of Medina, but falling within the overarching administration of the

12th Rabi’ al- Awwal: The Prophet’s noble birth according to the Gregorian calendar is on the 22nd April (direct
equivalent) and this date is in accordance with the consensus of the Muslim scholars. Variation may be expected
in conversion of Gregorian calendar (365/366 days) dates with Hijri calendar (354/355 days) dates. The
Gregorian calendar was introduced in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII. All dates were reversed from 1582 to match
the Bible, relating to the crucifixion of Prophet Jesus Christ (ra), especially in the fixing of Easter dates. That was
very difficult. Prior to that change, the Romans’ Julian calendar was used, implemented in 46BC.
Kashf is a spontaneous reality vision experience (spiritual visionary experience of what is yet to happen). In a Kashf,
a sleeping person is awoken by an angel and that person immediately sees with eyes open: a spontaneous reality
vision of what is yet to happen. Generally, Kashf lasts in matter of seconds only. The Kashf is different from a
dream, because in a dream, the sleeping person experiences certain visionary imaging, whilst sound asleep for
longer times with eyes closed.
The distance between Mecca and Medina in Arabia is 439 kilometers (273 miles). Camel ride is 60km in a day.
In those early days, camel ride between Mecca and Medina took 2-3 days with several rest stops.
Former name of Medina.
Abdul Muttalib lived in Yathrib and he had 12 sons, 6 daughters and many grandchildren.
The original name for Medina was Yathrib. The name was changed in 622AD by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
This guardianship of the Kaaba was inherited from his ancestors’ lineage from Prophet Abraham (ra).
Abd Wahab was also of Yathrib and he had 4 sons and 3 daughters and some grandchildren.
Quraysh. Both the Muttalib and Wahab families directly descended at 40th degree
generation from the linage of Ishmael, the elder son of Prophet Abraham (ra).
3) Abdullah was a travelling wholesaler, who purchased spices supplied by coastal
sailing ships9 from India to the Persian Gulf in the east of Arabia; and then he took
them by camel-train for wholesales in the Damascus10 markets of Syria. From the
proceeds of his wholesales, Abdullah purchased lots of household items, which
he brought over and then retailed them in Mecca.
4) In 570AD, at his age of just 25, Abdullah left on his trading journey11. His wife
Amina, at her age of 16, was already pregnant with their first child. On one such
journey in 570AD, whilst Abdullah was on his return journey with several laden
camel-train from Damascus12, he became ill and died on the way. His servant
camel-riders buried him by the roadside13. Those camel-rider servants then
resumed their journey back to Mecca after transiting through Medina.
5) At that stage, Amina did not know that her husband Abdullah had died and was
already buried. In the meantime, soon after the death of her husband Abdullah,
Amina received a Kashf14. In this Kashf, she saw that her husband Abdullah visited
her and advised her that she was pregnant with their son as their first child; and
Abdullah stated that Amina must name their son as Ahmad15. At that point in time
Amina did not know that she was already a young pregnant teenage widow (of
just 16 years of age).
6) Some weeks later, the camel-train loaded with retail supplies and their camel-
rider servants arrived outside Amina’s house in Mecca. This was in 571AD. The
camel-rider servants then related to her about the death of Abdullah. Amina then
paid them off according to the employment contractual arrangement, which

Those Indian coastal sailing cutters were called dhows.
The distance between Mecca and Damascus was 1,303 kilometers (810 miles) and which would take 55 days
minimum of continuous travel using camel-train. However, there is need to add few more days, considering the
need for camel-riders’ feed and water, and the need for rest of the camel-riders and their laden camels. The
average time lapse from Mecca to Damascus and back to Mecca with laden camel-trains usually took
approximately 4-5 months. Some of their camels were used as backup supplies for the riders’ food and water,
including carrying fodder and water for their camels, trekking through mainly vastness of rolling desert terrain.
The camel-train routing taken was from Mecca to the Persian Gulf in the east of Arabia and then re-routed
directly north to Syria. The return journey was from Damascus, transiting through Medina in the north, and then
directly south to Mecca.
Damascus in Syria, in those days was the international business and market trading centre in the Middle East.
Inasmuch as in this modern era, the main Asian trading centres of Asia are Bangkok, Singapore, and Hong Kong,
may be similarly imagined for Damascus in Syria. It was the main trading centre, in those days, 1500 years ago.
Traders had to travel from other neighbouring countries, using camel-trains and the journey took several months
in each direction.
Abdullah ibn Muttalib was buried at Dar ul Nabeghah, near Medina.
Kashf: Ibid Footnote 2.
Ahmad: This name comes from the Arabic root word “hamada” which means “to praise and to glorify.”
existed. She was now left with a train of camels and laden with lots of retail
merchandises. Almighty God inspired Amina how to manage her life thereafter.
7) Amina had to travel from house to house, pleading with neighbours to purchase
her merchandise. This then gave her some cash flow. She then gave birth to her
first child, a son in 571AD, and most dutifully named him Ahmad16.
8) Thereafter, new schemes of problems surrounded her: How was she going to
manage her newly born child (Ahmad), and carry on the business of selling
merchandise? How was she going to take all her camels to the oasis to feed them
grass and to drink water on daily basis? How was she going to manage her
housework and other chores?
9) It was also customary amongst the Quraysh of that era that very young mothers
had to have wet-nurses, as most very young mothers could not lactate. Because
Amina was a very young widow (a teenager aged 16-17), all other prospective
wet-nurses, who feared in not getting paid, refused to take up the contract of
nursing the newly born baby Ahmad. It soon became common knowledge in
Mecca that Amina was now a very young widow. After some difficulty in searching
around, (because she was a very young widow with no other income), and finally
a matured lady by the name of Halima bint Abi Dhuayb volunteered to take up
the contract of nursing newly born baby Ahmad, at an agreed contract cost.
10) In addition, Halima noticed a unique birthmark on the left back shoulder of
the baby. This birthmark was an oval shape of dark patches, with some hair
growth in a particular pattern. When Halima saw the birthmark, she understood
its interpretation and decided to become the baby’s wet-nurse. This therefore
placed a new chapter in lives of both Amina and her baby Ahmad. It became
incumbent upon Amina to become both a herdswoman in looking after her train
of camels17 and to rent out her camels for her cash flow, to those who needed
11) In the meantime, Amina continued to retail her stock of merchandises.
Soon the merchandise ran out of stock and Amina was now out of cash flow!
Amina had to continue as a herdswoman in minding her camels for renting. This
awkward and extremely difficult life continued for the next four years. Because
of the incumbency upon Amina to pay Halima regularly, in fully looking after her
child Ahmad, most of her income from sales of merchandise were exhausted and
she was able to earn only some money from camel rentals. Consequently, she

During her Kashf, her husband advised her to name their son Ahmad and that he will be really great. In her
Kashf, she saw herself asleep and Abdullah visiting her. Then she saw in her Kashf, rays of light were passing
away from her abdomen to all parts of the world. She knew her son will indeed be really great.
Amina had to take her camels for feeding and to get some water at some far away oasis in the Meccan desert.
In addition, she had also inherited some goats from her husband, mainly for milk. Then she had to wait for
people to rent her camels for cash flow. That was very strenuous work for her at her young age of 17.
was stressed and not eating enough for her own wellbeing. This seriously
deteriorated her health. Amina became very weak. In 576AD, Halima returned
Ahmad back to Amina. There was no more cash flow!
12) Ahmad then remained with his mother Amina for the first time, for less
than a year and for the first time enjoying his own mother’s love. The situation
not only did not improve, but Amina was also facing a new situation, which was a
cultural obligation amongst the Quraysh at the time. Amongst the Quraysh, the
daughter-in-law had to present her first born son to her father-in-law. Yet another
problem was that she was at Mecca and struggling to survive, whereas on the
contrary, her father-in-law Abdul Muttalib was custodian of the Kaaba, but
resident at Medina, as the chieftain of Quraysh in Medina and its suburbs.
13) Notwithstanding such difficult complications, Amina continued to be
inspired by Almighty God. Amina then took Ahmad on the regular camel-train18
and proceeded to Medina. This was in 576AD. This will be the very first time that
Ahmad will be meeting his grandparents.
14) Upon reaching Medina, the cultural matters were resolved. Amina stayed
at Medina only for a short time with her in-laws. This was so because Amina had
her camel-rental responsibility as her only source of cash flow, and also her own
home was in Mecca. She had to return to Mecca after completion of her cultural
obligations. Amina had to plan her income for her survival and her child Ahmad.
15) On the return camel journey from Medina and back to Mecca, Amina was
still very weak and frail, she fell very sick and died on the camel-train. The rest of
the camel riders then dug a grave and buried her by the roadside19 at Abwa.
16) Ahmad already knew that his father Abdullah had died before Ahmad was
born. There was no photography in those days and so Ahmad had no idea what
his father looked like. Now Ahmad witnessed the death of his own mother and
then further witnessed her burial right before his eyes! Ahmad knew that he was
now an orphan! So saddening! The rest of the camel riders reached consensus
that they must now return to Medina and handover the child Ahmad to Abdul
Muttalib, as the chieftain of Quraysh in Medina. This event happened in 577AD.
17) Thereafter Abdul Muttalib accepted Ahmad as his grandson for adoption.
Notwithstanding that the orphaned child Ahmad was already 6 years old and had
already lived all along with the name Ahmad, Abdul Muttalib changed the child’s
name from Ahmad to Muhammad20. Abdul Muttalib, after having considered the
circumstances surrounding the orphaned child Ahmad, decided that the child is

The camel-trains were many camels tethered together on a single very long rope, for fear of not getting lost
in the vast rolling Arabian Desert.
In those days, there was no hospital facilities and the dead had to be buried right away in the hot desert.
Muhammad means “praiseworthy.”
now in a new district of Medina, with totally new communities21 and he must
therefore lead a new life with a new name of Muhammad. Muhammad was both
brilliant and a fast learner. Although there were many other children of his age
groups (mostly as cousins on their grandfather’s estate), Muhammad was not
involved in their daily childhood behaviour and he was principled to be very
honest and disciplined.
18) In 578AD, Abdul Muttalib, Muhammad’s grandfather also died.
Muhammad was then left in the care of his paternal uncle Abu Talib. After a few
years, his paternal uncle Abu Talib, decided to resume the trade practices, which
Muhammad’s father (Abdullah) was involved in. This was mostly in the early
period 580-594AD. Accordingly, Muhammad accompanied his uncle to travels
from Medina to the Damascus markets and back. Each of these journeys took
many months to return.
19) During one such journey, as they were passing near a monastery22, a Syrian
monk by the name of Baheera, came down from the hilltop and offered water to
Abu Talib, to Muhammad and to the other riders of the camel-train. Baheera saw
the brightly glowing face of Muhammad and he also noticed the birthmark on
Mahammad’s back left shoulder23; and Baheera advised Abu Talib to take great
care of Muhammad as his interpretation of the birthmark indicated that
Muhammad will be a very great person in his later life24.
20) Throughout his early teens, Muhammad was left to learn and to practice
animal husbandry on his grandfather’s estate. In addition, Muhammad was also
involved in sales of livestock, in the main, this involved renting of camels, buying
and selling camels, cattle, sheep and goats. Almost all people who had any dealing
with Muhammad, reached consensus that Muhammad was most polite, honest,
exacting, humble, and consistent in his business dealings. Consequently, they
gave him a nickname of Al-Ameen25.
21) This trend continued for several years into his age of early 20s. Praises of
Muhammad’s clean dealing and honesty began to spread out amongst the camel
renting and animal sales communities of both Medina and Mecca. That message
reached a widow, whose name was Khadija bint Khwalid. She sent an envoy from

Abdul Muttalib had 12 sons and 6 daughters. There were many grandchildren on his Medina estate.
They passed through the ancient town of Bosra in Syria. There was a monastery nearby on a hill. The ruins of
that monastery still stand to this day and it is often visited by Muslims.
It was common dressing for Arab youths in those days to have two pieces of clothing. One was the lower
drape as wrap around from waist down. The other drape was worn across the upper body, in such a way as
giving exposure of the left shoulder.
The birthmark remained for rest of his life and it was also seen when Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) body was
being bathed for his funeral at Medina in 632AD.
"Al-Amin" (in Arabic), is an Arab name meaning "faithful, trustworthy" and Muhammad was later sought out
as a much needed and an impartial arbitrator, when all the tribes of Mecca were about to fight each other.
Mecca to Medina and offered Muhammad the position of her Business Manager,
although Muhammad never went to school and could not read or write. He could
not even read or write his own name and only used thumbprint. Over the years,
Khadija noticed that her business spiralled to success in all aspects, as never
before. She took particular interest and offered her marriage to Muhammad, a
few years later, in 594AD.
22) Then at the age of 25 Muhammad married26 Khadija, a widow27 of age 4028,
who was a businesswoman29 of Mecca. This was in year 595AD30. After his
marriage he was very successful in increasing her business most extraordinarily,
and he was singularly instrumental to free her slaves and thereafter, all slaves in
23) Muhammad lived to be a person who always had a friendly sweet smile. He
had a very powerful memory, lively imagination and quick understanding. His
speech was soft, yet firm. He never wore any fine clothes in his life and led a life
of practical simplicity. Muhammad did not discard clothes because they were old
or got torn. He washed and mended his clothes and never became a burden upon
other people to do things for him. Muhammad had his very special feelings for
partly orphaned or fully orphaned children. He understood their experiences.
Since his childhood, Muhammad disliked worship of idols. He considered them as
lifeless creations of man, rather than the living Almighty God. When Muhammad
was a child, the worship of idols was the normal way of life for most Arabians.
People had their own personal handcrafted idols as gods. Muhammad hated
making and consumption of any intoxicating beverages or anything which altered
the mind. He also hated all forms of vice and kept away from people with bad
habits. The religion in practise by the family of Abdul Muttalib was Hanif31.

Of course there was prior consensus reached between the families of Abu Muttalib’s sons and the Khwalids
for concurrence in the proposed marriage.
Khadija bint Khwalid’s first husband was Atiq (she had a son and a daughter from him). He was killed in
communal fighting in Mecca. Her second husband was Malik (she had two sons and a daughter from him). He
was also killed in communal fighting in Mecca. Muhammad’s first child from Khadija was Fatima al-Zahra (ra).
Later Fatima al-Zahra (ra) got married to Ali ibn Abu Talib. Muhammad had 7 children: 4 girls and 3 boys from his
marriage. Eldest was Fatima al-Zahra (ra). All died in childhood except Fatima al-Zahra (ra). Fatima al-Zahra (ra)
lived on, had two sons (Hassan ibn Ali and Hussain ibn Ali; both got killed), and she also died in 632AD.
Islam does not impose age differences between spouses before marriages. In this case the age difference of
wife Khadija was 15 years senior to husband Muhammad. Islam also permits new remarriages of widows.
Khadija ran a camel-rental business and had over 1,000 camels. She was a highly-placed widow, having
inherited her business and wealth from her previous husbands. In addition to renting out camels, she was also
transporting merchandise as a tradeswoman.
Seven children were born to them out of that marriage. Out of this marriage, Muhammad had his first child
as a daughter. She was Fatimah al-Zahra (ra) (d.632AD). Refer Footnote 27.
The religion in practise by the family of Abdul Muttalib was Hanif. This religious belief of Hanif had commenced
with Ishmael (ra), the elder son of Prophet Abraham (ra). Young Muhammad was always in deep meditation according
to the principles of Hanif, as known to him in practice, then. Whereas the descendants of Isaac became the
Muhammad started his meditation in a cave called Hira, which was hollowed out
in the side of the mountain Jabbal-al-Noor and where he spent most of his free
moments in meditation. It was on one such date32 in the month of Ramadan that
Archangel Gabriel suddenly and visually appeared to Muhammad inside that cave
in the form of a well-made man. Archangel Gabriel, then delivered the revelation,
which are the first five verses of the Holy Qur’an at Chapter 96. Prophet
Muhamad (pbuh) received his first revelation from Archangel Gabriel inside that
cave in Mecca: HQ96:1-5 “Read in the name of your Lord Who creates — read
and your Lord is most Generous, Who taught by the pen, taught man what he
did not know.”
24) The above first set of 1-5 verses were the words of Almighty God, the first
Divine revelation delivered as a single message in Mecca, to Muhammad, using
Muhammad as an inspirational human medium, to introduce Islam as a
completed religion to the whole World’s people and later, the Holy Qur'an as its
Divinely revealed final Scripture33.
25) The balance of verses HQ96:6-19 were delivered at a later revelation. It
should be noted that inasmuch as the preface to a book is it’s introductory,
outlining its subject, scope and general structure, the 19 verses of Chapter 96
deem the role of preface of relationship of Almighty God to mankind, the
Greatness of Almighty God and the vulnerability of mankind, and the stressed
need for mankind to be educated, and so enabling reading of the Holy Qur’an for
salvation of mankind.
26) The Holy Qur’an is the material set of instructions for correct compliance
in the relationship of humanity to Almighty God. Reverting to the first visitation
by Archangel Gabriel and the recital of the first five original verses of Chapter 96
(HQ96:1-5), Muhammad took up the responsibility of a Prophet34 and
Messenger35. Muhammad was now ordained and admitted to the Prophetic
Office36. This was his initiation into prophethood and henceforth he is referred to

communities of Israelites and further subdividing into divisions of Judaism after their Exodus from Egypt (1300BC).
The remaining five odd-date nights of last ten days in the month of Ramadan are of special significance, and
one of these nights is the Night of Majesty and called as Lailat al-Qadr. It is on this night that Archangel Gabriel
appeared and delivered the first five verses of Chapter 96 as HQ96:1-5. They could be 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th
in month of Ramadan. It is widely accepted as the 27th of Ramadan and referred to as Laylat-ul-Qadr in Asia.
The whole of Holy Qur’an constitutes of 114 Chapters and composed of 6236 revealed verses as final revealed
Scripture. Its recital may be either sequential or selected at random according to the circumstances needed.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was both a Prophet (Nabi) and a Messenger (Rasul) and last and final in the series
of Prophets’ and Messengers’ ordinations on Earth. All Prophets are normal human beings and are not in any
way superhuman. Prophets and Messengers must live, serve humanity with absolute purity and then die in this
world as regular human beings.
It is prequalification for a Messenger to also be a Prophet.
The Prophetic Office (Spiritual) is a terminology taken to mean all the servants of Almighty God. Servants of
Almighty God are taken to mean Prophets and Messengers ordained by divine revelations and all His angels,
with exclusive respect as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Thereafter the words “Peace
Be Upon Him” (pbuh) are always added after his name, and after he became a
Prophet, (also as “Rasul-Allah (pbuh).” It must be understood that all Prophets and
Messengers are regular human beings inasmuch as we all are. They need the
basics of existence and are not supernatural37. Prophet Muhamad (pbuh) received
subsequently over a period of 23 years, Almighty God’s Divine revelations on the
truthfulness of Islam as the Last and Final religion, comprising a compendium of
114 Chapters and 6236 verses. There are several quotations which establish Islam
as a religion.
27) The following are some examples only: HQ3:19 “Surely the (true) religion
with Allah is Islam. And those who were given the Book differed only after
knowledge had come to them, out of envy among themselves. And whoever
disbelieves in the messages of Allah — Allah indeed is Quick at reckoning.”
HQ3:85 “And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted
from him, and in the hereafter he will be one of the losers.”
28) Prophet Muhamad (pbuh) delivered Almighty God’s messages on the five
principles of Islam, as stated in the Holy Qur’an: No1. Accept and worship only
One Almighty God. Here is a quotation lending support to this principle: HQ2:163
“And your God is one God; there is no God but He! He is the Beneficent, the
Merciful.” No2. All Muslims must perform Muslim prayers five times daily. Here
are two quotations as prescriptive to compulsion for prayers. HQ11:44 “And keep
up prayer at the two ends of the day and in the first hours of the night. Surely good
deeds take away evil deeds. This is a reminder for the mindful.” HQ17:78 “Keep
up prayer from the declining of the sun till the darkness of the night, and the

who deliver revelations and errands to His servants. What constitutes the Prophetic Office? From names of
Prophet Adam (as) to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), a total of 124,000 Prophets (Nabi) were ordained by Divine
revelations, but directly delivered to them by the stewardship of Archangel Gabriel, as spiritually contracted
servants. Out of 124,000 Prophets, only 313 are Messengers (Rasul). Out of 313 Messengers, only 25 have been
mentioned by name in the Holy Qur’an as past case studies. Note: that every Messenger (Rasul) is also a
Prophet, but every Prophet (Nabi) is not a Messenger. All of these 124,000 prophets were regular human beings
who must eat food, drink water, breath air and need atmospheric pressure to stay alive. The figure of 124,000
prophets is quoted by Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal in his Musnad No 21257. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the
Last and Final Prophet and after his death in 632AD, that sealed off all prophets of any description whatsoever
being ordained by Divine revelations, to serve humanity on earth. This is stated in the Holy Qur’an at HQ33:40
“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the prophets.
And Allah is ever Knower of all things.” Seal means total shutting off arrival emergence of any prophet of
whatsoever description: No new prophet and no re-entry of any of the past 124,000 prophets will eventuate
anywhere in this World.
Contrary to beliefs and practices by several other religions regarding their religious leaders’ supernatural
capabilities of flying through space and intergalactic travelling, and also their perceived ability to transform into
other objects, such as deities and animals, Islam makes it clear that all Prophets and Messengers are regular
human beings. Their only difference from us regular human beings, is that they have been dedicated as ordained
Prophets or Messengers, as true servants of Almighty God and no more.
recital of the Quran at dawn. Surely the recital of the Quran at dawn is witnessed.”
No3. Practise of charity38 is a compulsion, which Prophet Muhamad (pbuh) both
practised himself and imposed on his followers to do likewise. Here is a quotation
in that regard. HQ9:60 “(Zakat) charity is only for the poor and the needy, and
those employed to administer it, and those whose hearts are made to incline (to
truth), and (to free) the captives, and those in debt, and in the way of Allah and
for the wayfarer — an ordinance from Allah. And Allah is Knowing, Wise.” No4.
Performance of fasting in the month of Ramadan is essentially a prescribed
compliance order. Prophet Muhamad (pbuh) himself fasted as a perfect exemplar.
Here is a quotation from the Holy Qur’an at HQ2:183 “O you who believe, fasting
is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may
guard against evil.”
29) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) clarified in the Holy Quran that there may be
situations, when people cannot fast and the resolve for them has been stated at
HQ2:185 “The month of Ramadan is that in which the Quran was revealed, a
guidance to people and clear proofs of the guidance and the Criterion. So whoever
of you is present in the month, he shall fast in it, and whoever is sick or on a
journey, (he shall fast) a (like) number of other days. Allah desires ease for you,
and He does not desire hardship for you, and (He desires) that you should
complete the number and that you should exalt the greatness of Allah for having
guided you and that you may give thanks.” No5. Perform pilgrimage to Mecca, if
possible. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also stressed upon people that they must
perform pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj), if they have both the capacity to do so, and
whilst leaving behind sufficient funds for the spouse and family during the
absence from home to Mecca and pilgrim’s return back to home. This has been
stated in the Holy Qur’an at: “HQ2:158 “The Safa and the Marwah are truly

In Islam, charity is an obligatory and compulsive requirement for all those Muslim persons of either gender
and includes all in the household’s headcount. It is the 3rd of five compulsory obligations. Charity in Islam has
three-tier mainstreams in sequential priority of: (1) Zakat. (2) Sadaqah. (3) Sadaqah Jariyah. These are explored
in brief clarity as: (1) Zakat is a payment of 2.5% or one-fortieth of person’s net savings above the Nisab for each
year. Nisab is the minimum amount of wealth a Muslim must have—after calculating necessary expenses—to
be eligible to contribute zakat. Nisab is equivalent to the current value of 3 ounces of gold. In other words, the
wealth on which zakat should be paid must have been held for at least one full year. Muslims must pay this 2.5%
Zakat to Muslims only, either directly or through an institution of Muslims’ affairs (e.g. a mosque or a Jamaat).
The distributors must also be Muslims and the final recipients must also be Muslims. (2) Sadaqah is
circumstantially short-term, as voluntary charity and the amount is at the will of the benefactor. Again, Muslims
may pay this Sadaqah either directly or through an institution of Muslims’ affairs (e.g. a mosque or a Jamaat).
The final recipients may be either Muslims or both Muslims and not-Muslims. Examples of Sadaqah are assisting
people in dire needs, such as natural disaster, wars, destruction or demolition of homes, etc. In the main there
are 17 classifications of Sadaqah recommended in the Hadith. (3) Sadaqah Jariyah is circumstantially long-term,
such as sponsoring and funding of orphanages, building community projects, building prayer halls (Markaz) or
mosques for Muslims. Each time the Sadaqah Jariyah object or institution is used, the initial funders of it will
continue to get blessings from Almighty God.
among the signs of Allah; so whoever makes a pilgrimage to the House or pays a
visit (to it), there is no blame on him if he goes round them. And whoever does
good spontaneously — surely Allah is Bountiful in rewarding, Knowing.”
30) In year 621AD, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) experienced a Kashf39. In this
incident, later referred to as Miraj-un-Nabi, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had a visual
experience, where he visually saw himself in abstract, of his own spiritual travels
to Yathrib40, Sinai, Jerusalem, glimpsed Hell and glimpsed Heaven, and then
returned back to Earth, using exactly the reverse routing. Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) was still physically in his bed .

31) This is recorded in the Holy Qur’an at HQ17:1 “Glory be to Him Who carried
His servant by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Remote Mosque, whose
precincts We blessed, that We might show him some of Our signs! Surely He is the
Hearing, the Seeing.” This Kashf clarification is succinctly stated at HQ17:6042
“And when We said to you: Surely your Lord encompasses people. And We made
the vision which We showed you only a trial for people, as also the tree cursed in
the Quran. And We warn them, but it only adds to their great inordinacy.” This
clarification has been given with retrospect43 to HQ17:1.
32) In this visionary spiritual experience, he saw himself travelling with
Archangel Gabriel on the Buraq44. He saw that he met spirits of 124,000 past
Prophets and Messengers. He led the spirits of 124,000 past Prophets and
Messengers, a prayer of 2 rakats. Thereafter he was informed that all past
Prophets were accepted into Muslims' canopy. He saw that he toured and he was
shown Heaven and Hell: as 7 levels each. Almighty God spoke to him and showed
him his future as the Final Prophet for rest of his life, from that point onwards,

Ibid. Footnote 2.
Ibid. Footnote 4.
The next wife of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (Aisa (ra)) is the key witness: She said the event happened
between the prayer times of Tahajjud and Fajr. She said his beddings were still warm. Kashf was the
trip (spiritual visionary experience of what is yet to happen) to: Yathrib, Sinai, Jerusalem, and Heaven and back
using the same routing. This is recorded in Surah Bani Israel HQ17:1 and HQ17:60. He saw himself in Kashf that
he travelled on Buraq levels 1-6 with Archangel Gabriel. They stopped at level 6. Then he saw that he travelled
alone to 7th level on Buraq. Surah HQ17:60: Sidrat-ul-Muntha at 7th level. There he met spirits of 124,000 past
Prophets and Messengers. He performed prayer of 2 rakats as the Imam. Then he accepted them all into
Muslims' canopy. He further toured and was shown Heaven and Hell: 7 levels each. Shown 7 levels of Hell: surah
Al-Muddaththir 74:26-31. He also felt Presence of Allah as extremely heavy Spirit. Allah spoke to him and
showed him his future as Prophet for rest of his life 621AD-632AD and ultimate success of Islam spreading all
over the world like the Lote tree, with branches spreading out. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) saw in that Kashf that
he had visually returned to his bed, using the same routing.
Hadith Sahih Bukhari 63:42 and also Hadith Sahih Bukhari 59:6.
The retrospect aspect is vitally important to understand, as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was only human,
inasmuch as we are humans, and he did not have neither the physical ability to travel into space nor the
existence of human survival means in space outside the Earth’s environmental atmosphere.
The Buraq was supposed to be a very large imaginary flying horse.
from 621AD-632AD; and the ultimate success of Islam spreading all over the
world, like the Lote tree branches spreading out. Later Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
narrated his experiences of Miraj-un-Nabi as a Kashf to the not-Muslim
communities of Mecca. Khadija died in 619AD at age of 65 and she was buried in
Mecca45. In year 622, the not-Muslim communities of Mecca revolted against
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
33) Thereafter Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his followers experienced an
exodus out of Mecca. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) together with Abu Bakr fled
directly to Medina. The other Muslims had to find refuge. They also had to flee
by sailing vessels across the Red Sea and settled in Abyssinia first, then later they
resettled in Medina. It was from this moment that the Muslim calendaring system
commenced. All Muslim calendar dates after this event will have an AH suffix46
after it, notwithstanding that that the regular Gregorian calendar will continue as
normal. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) converted the entire mind-set of the people of
Yathrib with rights to girls/women, rights of widows, rights against slavery,
fundamental human rights, marriage and divorce, and basic democracy.
34) He built the Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, and then Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
changed name of Yathrib to Medina. From 623AD-630AD, Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) defended Islam in 28 armed conflicts against thousands of not-Believers. If

he had not defended his people, Islam would have been wiped off.
35) Later in 632AD Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) returned to Mecca victoriously
with 10,000 pilgrims. They all performed Hajj. Most importantly, also in 632AD,
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) delivered the Last Sermon from Mount Arafat in Mecca.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) clarified that no Prophet or Messenger will come after
his death47. Thereafter Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) returned to Medina, a few days
later. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was at Medina for his remaining three months.
36) In 632AD, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) passed away at age of 63. He was
buried at Medina. There were no direct bloodline descendants of Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) after he passed away.
37) After the death of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on 8th June 63248, there were
four khalifas (Caliphs) as successors, appointed to allow smooth continuity of
Islam. The four khalifas were: Abū Bakr Siddique (serviced 632–634AD), ʿUmar ibn

Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) Uncle Abu Talib died in 619AD.
AH means after Hijri. The Hijri year or era is the era used in the Islamic lunar calendar, which begins its count
from the Islamic New Year in 622, after Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his followers were evicted from Mecca
and had to take refuge in Medina and Abyssinia respectively. Umar ibn Al-Khattab (the second Khalifa) is
considered to be the creator of the Hijri calendar, which is made up of 12 months, dictated by the cycle of the
moon. The Hijri calendar started in 639AD and has 354-355 days.
This farewell sermon on Mount Arafat also matches with the Holy Qur’an about finality of Prophet at HQ33:40
(Ibid Footnote 36). Mount Arafat is 70m high but 454m above sea-level, southeast of Mecca.
The Hijri calendar equivalent is Rabi’l 13, 11AH.
Khattab (serviced 634–644AD), ’Uthman ibn Affan (serviced 644–656AD),
and ʿAlī ibn Abu Talib (serviced 656–661AD).
38) After the death of Ali ibn Abu Talib, the system of khalifas also ceased
permanently, as khalifas come as successors to Prophets only and not to any
other person49. The above account of a normal human being is as an exemplary
person, as a Prophet of Almighty God, and who as a Prophet had lived and
demonstrated exactly what was revealed to him, directly from Almighty God; but
through the stewardship of Archangel Gabriel. The above gives a profile of
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from his most humble beginnings as an orphaned child
and lived to be as the Last and Final Prophet50 of Almighty God.
39) He became the undisputed leader of the entire Arabian community. In
addition to his exemplary simplicity, he served as a Prophet of Almighty God for
23 years. This period commenced from his first revelation, which are the first five
verses of Chapter 96 of the Holy Qur’an (HQ96:1-5) in year 610AD to the final sets
of revelations in the year 632AD.
40) As indicated in the introductory paragraph, the arrival and prophetical era
of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has been foretold in many scriptures, prior to the
Divine introduction of Islam and the Divine revelation of the Holy Qur’an.
41) Whilst Almighty God had assigned and provided humanity with Prophets
and Messengers, it was always in the plans of Almighty God that there will be the
Last and Final Prophet, as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Accordingly, Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) has been specifically mentioned and with slight variations in the
pronunciations and spellings of his names51 in several of past scriptures, prior to
the Holy Qur’an.
42) After 23 years of extensive research at global level, Maulana Abdul Haque
Vidyarthi wrote his book “Muhammad in World Scriptures52.” As part of his
extensive research, he has most convincingly proved the early notifications of the
arrival of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

A person cannot be a khalifa to a Reformer (Mujaddid). Mujaddids will continue to come every Hijri as
caretakers and in correct maintenance of Islam from falsehood. No more khalifas after 661AD.
This is a unique aspect, which places Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) above all previous Prophets and Messengers.
This was expected, as different cultures and languages have certain characteristics in pronunciations.
Some of the early scriptures prior to the Holy Qur’an, which have made references to the future Prophet
(Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)) are as follows: Jewish Scriptures, both the Old Testament and the New Testament
of the Bible, ancient Egyptian Scriptures, Hindu Scriptures, Zoroastrian Scriptures, Buddhists writings (as
Scriptures) to mention a few as examples. The book “Muhammad in World Scriptures” has been published in 3
volumes, printed and published by Din Muhammad Press, Lahore in Pakistan: first published in Urdu in 1936
(then as India) and in English in 1940 (then as India), second English edition in 1966, and third English edition in
1975. Further printing and publishing have been done in United States of America.
43) The marvellous work done by Maulana Abdul Haque Vidyarthi53, shows
that Almighty God had at all material times planned the arrival and service of
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), as the Last and Final Prophet; and the wider public were
living within that expectation, although the exactness of that era was not
specifically foretold.
44) The uniqueness of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is by any sane person’s stretch
of imagination, completely incomparable to anybody in this World.
45) It is for all correct thinking Muslims to guide and assist other Muslims; the
Holy Qur’an has sanctioned that correct advice shall be given to those who need
to be guided. This is given in the Holy Qur’an at HQ3:104, as “And from among
you there should be a party who invite to good and enjoin the right and forbid the
wrong. And these are they who are successful.”

a) After the prophetical services of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Almighty God sealed
off the emergence of all Prophets – there will be no more Prophets or Messengers
of any description whatsoever. The proof is at surah Al-Ahzab HQ33:40
“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah
and the Seal of the prophets. And Allah is ever Knower of all things.” Archangel
Gabriel will not descend anymore to appoint another Prophet or Messenger on
this planet Earth.
b) The Holy Qur’an is the last and final of all revealed scriptures from Almighty God
and there will not be any new revealed scripture thereafter.
c) Fatima al-Zahra (ra) also died in 632AD at age of 28 and this was after the death of
her father Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). There were no direct bloodline descendants
of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
-End of Document-


Maulana Abdul Haque was a most celebrated scholar of Hebrew, Greek, Sanskrit, Hindi and other ancient
languages, in addition to contemporary English. He was a writer and researcher on Islam and Comparative
Religions. He was also a Missionary and Debater of Islam.


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