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User role represents a specific set of tasks or responsibilities assigned to a group of

users or user within an application. Assigning user roles enables organizations to
control the actions each user can perform in the system. For example:

• Admin
• Owner
• Customer
• User
• Academic advisor
• Teacher
• Students

Functional Requirements and Non-functional requirements :

Functional Requirements Non- Functional Requirements

Help understand the functions of the system. Help understand the performance of the system.
Such as (log in -Search an item ) such as (security , validation ,flexibility and
maintainability )
Explain the characteristics that a system is Explain the way in which the product should work (how it
expected to have. should behave).
Identify what the system must or must not do. Identify how the system should do it.
Will allow the system to perform, even if the non- The system will not work with non-functional requirements
functional requirements are not met. alone.
Ensures the system will meet user requirements. Ensures the product meets user expectations.
Usually defined by the user. Usually defined by software engineers, developers,
software architects or other technical experts.
For example : The user SHALL be able to log in For example : The system MUST respond to log in requests
through a web interface within 1 second
Problem statement 1: university enrolment
The educational structure of the university consists of divisions. Divisions contain
several departments. While a single division administers each degree, the degree may
include courses from other divisions.

In fact, the university prides itself on the freedom of choice given to students in
selecting courses towards their degrees.

The flexibility of this course selection process puts strains on the university.

pre-enrolment activities
• The pre-enrolment activities must include mail-outs of last semester’s
examination grades to students, together with any enrolment instructions.
Validation :

• Individually tailored programs of study must not contradict the rules

governing the degree, such as the structure of prerequisite courses so that
the student can qualify for the degree’s compulsory courses.
• A student’s choice of courses may be restricted by timetable clashes,
maximum class sizes and so on.
Enrolment activities
• The system must accept the students’ proposed programs of study.

Resolution of some of the problems may require consultation with academic

advisers or Department Staff.

Discuses this scenario, extract the users role and justify the function and non-
functional requirements.
Problem statement: Solution

University Enrolment System Requirements

User Roles:

* Students: Access course information, pre-enroll, submit programs of study.

* Academic Advisors: Review and approve student programs.

* Department Staff: Manage course, class size limits.

System Functions:

Functional requirements :

* Pre-Enrollment Activities:

* send mail-outs with grades and enrolment instructions.

* Display course information for browsing.

* Allow students to pre-select courses for their program.

* Enrollment Processing:

* Accept student-submitted programs of study.

Non-Functional requirements :

* Validation:

* Check for prerequisite completion for chosen courses.

* Identify timetable clashes for chosen courses.

* Verify course availability based on class size limits.

* Generate notifications for students about any issues in their submitted program
(e.g., missing prerequisites, timetable clashes).

* Make sure the enrolment met all requirements.

* Data Management:

* Store student information, academic progress, and past enrollments.

* Track class size limits and availability.

* Technical Considerations:

* Security: Protect student data, ensure authorized access only.

* User Interface: Easy to use for students and staff with different levels of access.

* Reporting: Generate reports on enrolment trends.

* Integration: Consider future integration with other systems (e.g., financial systems).

* Accessibility: The system should be accessible to students with disabilities.

By implementing a system with these functionalities, the university can

streamline its enrolment process.

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