Set Kertas Ujian Pertengahan Sesi Akademik Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 6 04

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Section and Full Marks
1. This exam paper has seven sections: Section question number marks gained
1, Section 2, Section 3, Section 4, Section 5,
Part 1 5
Section 6 and Section 7.
Part 2 4
2. You are required to answer all sections.
Part 3 5

3. For Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3, the Part 4 6

questions are followed with three answers
Part 5 5
option. For each question, choose only one
answer. Filled circle the bubble on the OMR Part 6 10
sheet for your answer. Part 7 15

4. For Section 4, Section 5, Section 6 and

Section 7 write the answers in the space given. TOTAL 50

Kertas peperiksaan ini mengandungi 13 halaman bercetak


[5 marks]
Question 1 to 5
Read the text carefully in each question. For each question, choose the correct answer.
Mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

Dear Jason,

I was rushing for my volleyball practice just now that I forgot to feed Leo. Please
feed him before our neighbours felt annoyed with his loud bark. I need your help
to wash the dishes too. Thanks!

Your sister,

Leo is Jason’s ______________.

A cat
B dog
C rabbit

Lisa : How long have you participated in this charity work?
Aleeya : I started voluntarily three years ago. I love to help people
and never turned back since then.
Lisa : I would like to give it a try too.
Aleeya : Sure, Lisa. You can join me in the a volunteer work next week.

Aleeya finds volunteering in charity work as ____________________.

A dull
B gratifying
C unsatisfactory

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Ujian Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2023 (UPSA)

From :
To :
Subject: Beautiful Langkawi

I’m at my grandmother’s house now. My family and I will be here for a fortnight.
Yesterday, I visited Dataran Lang and was amazed to see the huge eagle statuary.
How was your school holiday?

Idham will be staying over at his grandmother’s house for ______________.

A one week
B two weeks
C there week


15 July 2023

Dear students,

The Deputy Minister of Education will pay our school a visit on 25 July 2023.
Students are requested to maintain punctuality, cleanliness and discipline in
order to keep up with the good reputation of our school.

Madam Fatimah

Based on the notice above, students are expected to do the followings except ___________.

A speak offensively
B arrive at school timely
C wear their uniforms neatly

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The English Language Club is organizing a public speaking competition.

The competition will be held on 15 July 2023, at the school hall.

Suggested topics are as follows:

Year 6 : Why preserving nature is important?

Year 4 – 5 : Say NO to plastic straws!

Year 1 – 3 : We must love our mother Earth.

Interested students should give their names to the English Language Club
before 7 July 2023.

The public speaking competition may be held in conjunction of the __________________.

A Earth Day
B Teachers’ Day
C Independence Day

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[4 marks]

Question 6 to 9

Read the text carefully in each question. For each blank, choose the correct answer.
Mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.


One day, I had a bad toothache. I could not bear the pain, so my mum (6) ___________ a dentist

and made an appointment with him. While (7) ____________ for my turn, suddenly I heard a

loud scream from the next room. It was (8) _____________. I wanted to run back home but

mum stopped me. Finally, it was my turn to see the dentist. The dentist, Doctor Ameera was

kind and gentle. There was a small hole in my tooth and she said it would have to be treated.

The dental drill that she used made unbearable noise that was too (9) ___________ for me.

However, she treated my tooth in less than 30 minutes and my agony pain was suddenly gone. I

couldn’t thank her enough.

6. A contact 7. A wait
B contacts B waited
C contacted C waiting

8. A frighten 9. A loud
B frightened B loudly
C frightening C louder

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[5 marks]

Question 10 to 14
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. For each question, choose the correct
answer. Mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.


Astronauts are trained to travel in a spacecraft, work in space and do activities related to human
space exploration. While space flight may now seem routine, every trip into space can be a walk
between success and disaster. Therefore, most of an astronaut's career is spent undergoing
extensive training.

The training period is rigorous. The conditions in the simulator trainers can be
restrictive and uncomfortable. Exercises to produce the effect of weightlessness may cause air
sickness in new trainees.

Astronauts conduct experiments and gather information while in space craft including on
the International Space Station. They also conduct experiments with the spacecraft itself to
develop new concepts in design, engineering and the navigation of a vehicle outside the Earth's
atmosphere. During the launch and when working outside the spacecraft, astronauts wear special
designed spacesuits to protect them against various facets of the new environment.

10 Astronauts are trained extensively because ____________________.

A they have to conduct experiments with the spacecraft
B there is no guarantee that every trip to the space is a triumph
C the conditions in the simulator trainers are restrictive and uncomfortable

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Ujian Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2023 (UPSA)

11 Trainings to produce the effect of weightlessness may cause the followings except ______.
A vomiting
B sleepiness
C dizziness

12 Which of the following is not a task of an astronaut?

A Conduct experiments
B Gather information
C Design spacesuits

13 The word rigorous can also be replaced with ____________.

A easy
B calm
C difficult

14 The special spacesuits are designed to ___________________.

A produce the effect of weightlessness
B shield them against unfamiliar surroundings
C ease information gathering while in the space craft

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[6 marks]

Question 15 to 20
Read the text about three different outdoor activities. For each question, choose the correct
answer which fits the description. Mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.


A Hot-air balloon
Hot air balloon has a burner which is positioned between the wicker
basket and the balloon. The flame of the burner heats the air inside
the balloon and makes it rise. Strong wind, rain and fog are
unsuitable time to conduct hot-air balloon activity. The pilot can
ascent and descent the balloon with the burner. However, the
horizontal direction is controlled by the winds. It is thus the pilot
experience to handle the wind and the meteorological conditions
that becomes the key-success for a good flight.

B Camping

Camping is a form of outdoor recreation involving overnight stays

with a basic temporary shelter such as a tent. Camping is suitable
not only for adults but also for school children. Campers spend time
outdoors in pursuit of activities that provide them enjoyment,
educational experiences and family or team bonding. Camping also
teaches us lifesaving skills to meet our basic needs such as clean
water, build fire, cook decent food and basic aid.

C Hiking and trekking

Hiking is walking in the great outdoors, usually following an

established trail. The terrain might be flat or bumpy, but we will still
have enough energy to look around and enjoy our surroundings.
Trekking is another way of enjoying the nature, but it differs from
hiking whereby the environment tends to be more challenging.
Trekking requires more stamina. Hiking and trekking are also a
great way to immerse ourselves in the culture and history of a
country or area.

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A Hot-air balloon
B Camping
C Hiking and trekking

15. This outdoor activity is child-friendly and encourages closeness in [1 mark]

family or group relationship.

16. This outdoor activity requires experiences and good knowledge [1 mark]
about the atmosphere situation.

17. This outdoor activity allows us to engage with nature, values and [1 mark]
the story of a place.

18. The weather state is a huge factor that determines if we can embark [1 mark]
with this activity.

19. This activity will teach us how to care for ourselves and test our [1 mark]
survival skills.

20. This activity is a form of exercise that will test our energy [1 mark]
endurance while enjoying the nature.

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Ujian Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2023 (UPSA)

[5 marks]

Question 21 to 25
Read the descriptions of the words below about some cool activities. Fill in the blank with letters
to form a correct word. The first letter for each word has been given.

21. This activity involves in performing fictional roles in plays, movies or television.

A ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ [1 mark]

22. This sport activity is a winter sport that requires us to slide down snow-covered hills and

S ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ [1 mark]

23. This water activity involves moving through water in a small water vessel with the aid of
a double-bladed paddle.

K___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ [1 mark]

24. This activity requires the process to create and update articles, photos and other forms of
content and publishing them on a website.

B___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ [1 mark]

25. This activity requires the skills to prepare food by combining, mixing and heating

C___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ [1 mark]

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Ujian Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2023 (UPSA)

[10 marks]

You went to a career fair with your father in Kuala Lumpur last week. You visited a healthcare
booth because you are interested to become a veterinarian doctor someday. You would like to
share with your cousin about your experience at the career fair.

Write an email to him/her.

In your email,

 Explain your experience at the career fair.

 Explain why you would like to become a veterinarian doctor.

Write your answer between 30-50 words in the space below.

From : __________________________________________
To : __________________________________________
Subject : __________________________________________













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[15 marks]

A new food cafe in your neighbourhood is launching its opening promotion. You want to give it
a try and you would like to invite your best friend to join you.

Write a message to him/her and explain why you would want to go to the opening promotion
and invite him/her to go with you.

Write your answer between 50-80 words in the space below.

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Part Question Answer Topics from textbook Unit Marks

1 B Comprehension - 1
2 B Comprehension - 1
3 B Comprehension - 1
1 4 A Comprehension - 1
5 A Comprehension - 1

6 C Past simple tense Unit 1 1

7 C Past simple + WHILE + past continuous Unit 1 1
8 C Adjectives ending with -ing and -ed Unit 1 1

9 A Too/not enough + adjectives Unit 3 1

10 B Comprehension - 1
11 B Comprehension - 1
3 12 C Comprehension - 1
13 C Comprehension - 1
14 B Comprehension - 1

15 B Comprehension - 1
16 A Comprehension - 1
4 17 C Comprehension - 1
18 A Comprehension - 1
19 B Comprehension - 1
20 C Comprehension - 1

21 Acting 1
22 Skiing Unit 3 1
5 23 Kayaking 1
24 Blogging 1
25 Cooking 1

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(10 marks)

From :
To :
Subject : Career fair

Dear Azri,
I went to a career fair with my Dad in Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur last
week. The place was flooded with a lot of visitors and there were so many booths to visit. I
visited a healthcare booth that was organized by Mahsa Medical School because I am very
interested to become a veterinarian doctor. I want to become a vet doctor because I love animals
so much and I want to help animals remain healthy and live comfortably. I hope to open a vet
clinic someday too. The staffs at the booth were very friendly and helpful in accommodating
information on how to pursue my ambition. They gave me a few veterinarian course booklets for
me to refer as my guidance. I wish you could come with me too.

Your cousin,

Explain your experience at the career fair.

Explain why you would like to become a veterinarian doctor.

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(15 marks)

Dear Melissa,

I received a leaflet in my post box today about an opening promotion launch by a new food cafe
in our neighbourhood. The cafe is run by Fauget Western Food and it’s just a stone’s throw
away from our house! I want to give it a try and would like to invite you to join me because both
of us love western food. Moreover, the food is reasonably priced between RM9 to RM15 and
they offer a free cola for every purchase too which is a good save! I can’t wait for us to cycle
there and get a bite on my favourite hot dog on this Saturday. I hope it tastes good. Your
favourite juicy burger is waiting for too! Let me know if you’re interested. Bye!

Your friend,

Reason why you would want to go to the opening promotion

Supporting idea 1
Supporting idea 2
Supporting idea 3

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Ujian Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2023 (UPSA)

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