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Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology
2022, Vol(issue) pages

Deep learning-based rice crop diseases classification and chemical

recommendation system using paddy leaf images
Dr. Sammer Zai *, Shah Awais, Kashif Ali, Usama Amjad
Department of Computer Systems Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro

Corresponding author: Dr. Sammer Zai, Email:
Received: 00 Month Year, Accepted: 00 Month Year, Published: 00 Month Year


Paddy leaves diseases Rice, one of Pakistan’s main crops, is essential to the country's
Deep learning algorithms agricultural system, rice is grown on millions of hectares and produces
about 7 million tons of grain year; it is an essential source of nutrition for
Classification Pakistan's expanding population as well as a means of living for many
ResNet-50 farmers. Despite its significance, this sector's development has failed in
Disease Management many places, which has led to yield losses. The primary causes of this
problem are diseases and natural disasters that impact paddy leaves,
Chemical recommendations especially when these diseases strike the plant at an early stage of growth.
But technological developments could completely change how diseases
are identified and treated in rice fields. This study introduces deep
learning-based approach to classify paddy leaves diseases and provide
chemical recommendations, a technological advancement which provides
real-time disease diagnostics by analysing photos of rice crops using
cutting-edge deep learning algorithms. Our goal is to improve the
sustainability of Pakistani rice production by providing a simple and easy-
to-use tool for disease management. Our strategy is centred on increasing
the accuracy and efficiency of disease diagnosis, giving farmers the tools,
they need to manage their crops, and eventually enhancing their standard
of living. Its methodology includes gathering data of various paddy leaves
that are infected with diseases, preparing the data to standardize datasets,
training and testing ML models, evaluating the models with various
metrics, optimization, creating an intuitive web application, and doing
real-world testing to get feedback. The results show an amazing 90–93%
accuracy rate of our ResNet-50 model in recognizing and classifying
diseases affecting rice crops, providing farmers in Pakistan's agricultural
industry with substantial improvements.

1. Introduction and research background exchange profits. Its productivity, yield per hectare,
and area under cultivation all demonstrate its
Rice is a staple and a major source of income for
significance. This crop thrives in areas where it is
Pakistan. It makes up fifteen percent of the foreign

© Mehran University of Engineering and Technology 2022 1

impossible to cultivate other crops or where there is diagnostics, giving farmers more control over their
a plenty of water available for irrigation during the crops and, consequently, better livelihoods.
summer, or Kharif. Rice prefers a soil pH of 5.0– 2. Literature Review
6.5, and Cheema et al. (1991) report that rice is
moderately tolerant of an exchangeable sodium Rice is a major source of nutrition for the growing
percentage (ESP) of 20–40%.[1] Additionally, population and a vital lifeline for millions of
according to the 1961 WAPDA report, this crop farmers, with an estimated 2.5 million hectares
may withstand soil containing up to 0.40-0.60 planted to the crop each year and an annual
percent white alkali and 0.10-0.20 percent black production of about 7 million tons. Nevertheless,
alkali. [2] Rice needs a steady supply of water and natural disasters such as weather anomalies,
it is often planted on thick clay soils with an flooding, and the merciless destruction of plant
impermeable subsurface layer (hard pan) that diseases continue to pose a threat to the industry's
restricts drainage. Because flooding removes salts health.[5] In an effort to understand the
from the soil, rice production can be utilized to complexities of rice diseases, scientists and
recover salty soils. researchers have painstakingly documented their
results over the years. Many disease kinds, such as
One reason for the low rice yields worldwide
Brown Spot, Dead Heart, Downy Mildew, Hispa,
(including in Pakistan) is the over forty diseases Tungro, Bacterial Leaf Blight, Bacterial Leaf
that affect the rice crop. Diseases can strike a plant Streak, Bacterial Panicle Blight, and Blast, are
at any point during its growth and development, covered by this large body of research. Every
targeting the seed planted, root system, leaves, disease has a distinct set of signs and causes,
stalk, leaf sheath, inflorescence, and even the grain necessitating careful approaches to both diagnosis
that is still growing. Different infectious diseases and treatment.[6] The spread of rice-related
are caused by bacteria, viruses, nematodes, and diseases is dynamic. Disease outbreaks are
fungi. Non-infectious diseases can be brought on by influenced by regional variables, crop cycles, and
extremes in temperature as well as variations in the climate. Because of its dynamic nature, it requires
levels of various nutrients that are vital to the crop ongoing adaption. In order to fight diseases, farmers
[3]. Although there may be numerous other reasons have modified their methods and introduced fresh
for variations in output, diseases cannot be approaches, such as timely planting, insect control,
disregarded, overlooked, or regretted since they and the prudent application of fertilizers and
also gradually reduce crop yield. The diseases that pesticides.[7] The vulnerability of many rice plants
mostly occur in rice crops in Pakistani region are to pests and diseases during their growth is a
Blast, Hispa, Tungro, Brown spot, Dead hart, recurring problem in rice production. Rice plants
Downy mildew, Bacterial leaf blight, Bacterial leaf are susceptible to various pests and diseases,
streak and Bacterial panicle blight, all are of major including but not limited to leaf blight, grass,
concern due to their effects on quality of plants, tungro, rice spout, and dwarf grass. Farmers
straw, or grain, and they attract attention due to their frequently use pesticides or other treatment
symptoms or indicators. [4]. techniques that may not necessarily be the best fit
Towards addressing these issues, we introduce for the type of disease or pest they are dealing with
an AI-powered rice crop diseases classification and in order to combat these dangers. This less-than-
chemical recommendation System. This creative ideal strategy occasionally results in fresh
approach uses deep algorithms to quickly diagnose outbreaks of illnesses and pests. [8] In the current
problems by analyzing photos of rice crops. Its goal rapid age of technical advancement, sophisticated
is to give farmers an easy-to-use and accessible tool instruments and approaches have been developed to
for managing and identifying diseases, therefore tackle rice-related diseases. Among these,
improving the sustainability of Pakistan's rice convolution neural networks (CNNs), Artificial
production. Our method uses artificial intelligence neural network (ANNs) or machine learning (ML)
to increase the efficiency and accuracy of disease techniques, have emerged as potentially

© Mehran University of Engineering and Technology 2022 2

revolutionary methods for early disease
Numerous classification algorithms are included
in this study, such as fuzzy logic, principal
component analysis, K-nearest neighbour (KNN),
probabilistic neural networks (PNN), genetic
Figure 3.2 Normal Figure 3.3 Bacterial Figure 3.4 Bacterial
algorithms, support vector machines (SVM), and Paddy Leaf Leaf Blight Leaf Streak
artificial neural networks (ANN). Applications for
the classifications of plant leaf diseases can be
found in a variety of sectors, including biology and
agriculture. For farmers, early knowledge of crop
health and disease identification is critical to the
development of successful control programs.[10]
The natural sensitivity of field plants to certain
bacterial and fungal diseases has made the
Figure 3.5 Hispa Figure 3.6 Blast Figure 3.7 Bacterial
identification and detection of diseases in rice Panicle Blight
harvests more important. This research proposes an
IoT-based architecture for rice disease predictions
and detection and response. The framework is
based on machine learning and deep learning
techniques, which facilitate well-informed
decision-making in smart farming systems.[11]
3. Methodology
This chapter outlines the research approach used to Figure 3.8 Tungro Figure 3.9 Downy Figure 3.10 Dead Hart
create rice crop diseases Identification-specific
image recognition-based recommendation
application. The following essential elements are
included in the methodology:

Figure 3.11 Brown Spot

3.2 Data Preprocessing

Fig 3.1 Methodology
The obtained data is pre-processed before the model
3.1 Data Collection is trained. To standardize the dataset, this process
The dataset has been collected from Crop entails resizing, normalizing, and augmenting
Production Department SAU, Tandojam and Rice images. The robustness and diversity of the dataset
research centre Tandojam. We used 10.407 (75%) are increased by using techniques like data
labelled paddy leave images across 10 Classes (9 augmentation.
Diseases and normal leaf) as our training data and 3.3 Training and Testing
3,469 (25%) of the 9 diseases and normal leaf for
testing purposes. To train models for rice crop disease identification,
the research uses ResNet50, a cutting-edge deep

© Mehran University of Engineering and Technology 2022 3

learning technique. Subsets of the dataset are used chemical recommendation system is done in a
for testing and training. The model is fed labelled methodical manner, from gathering data and
images during the training phase, and its accuracy training models to creating user interfaces and
and performance are assessed during the testing testing the system in real-world settings. The input
phase. and outcomes gathered at this stage will direct the
system's improvement and possible incorporation
3.4 Model Evaluation
into farming methods.
A variety of evaluation metrics, including as
3.7 Models used for Training and Testing of image
accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and area under
the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC-
AUC), are used to thoroughly assess the Table 1
performance of the trained deep learning models. Deep learning models summary
These metrics offer information on how well the
algorithm detects and categorizes rice crop Model used Contribution Limitation
illnesses. CNN Ideal for Replications of
Complex picture features
The goal of the optimization stage is to improve the
accuracy and efficiency of the CNN models. To get
better outcomes, you can use strategies like transfer VGG-16 Improved Precision Training
learning and hyperparameter optimization. The and accuracy consumes a lot of
models are improved to make sure they can identify time
diseases in the field in real time.
3.6 USER INTERFACE (WEB APPLICATION) ResNet-25 Performance and It takes time
To give farmers an easy-to-use tool for interacting computational when testing
with the AI-powered system, a user-friendly web complexities are
application has been built. By integrating the balanced
trained ResNet 50 model, the application enables
users to upload photos of rice harvests and obtain ResNet-50 Cutting edge Much complex
real-time disease diagnosis. The user interface has Outcomes in model but
been developed with accessibility and ease of use in Image accurate.
mind, catering to a broad spectrum of users, Identification
including non-techies.
In this last stage, the web application is thoroughly
tested in actual agricultural environments. Target
users engage with the system and offer input; these 3.7.1. TensorFlow
users are mostly farmers and agricultural This framework is a good option for training
specialists. The user-friendliness of the program is Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to detect
evaluated through usability testing, and input is and control rice crop illnesses because it is widely
gathered for incremental changes. The used for image analysis and classification tasks.
effectiveness of the system in identifying diseases Tools for data preprocessing, model validation, and
and its influence on crop management are assessed. deployment are all part of its extensive ecosystem,
This thorough approach guarantees that every step which guarantees a smooth end-to-end solution.
of the research and development process for the AI-
powered rice crop disease classification and

© Mehran University of Engineering and Technology 2022 4

3.7.2. FastAI2 diseases classification and chemical
recommendation system, The study's path from
It is renowned for being simple to use and for
start to finish has produced a plethora of
producing deep learning models quickly, which
information, insights, and potential answers to the
makes it the perfect option for this research
enduring problems Pakistani rice farmers face.
endeavour. FastAI2 streamlines the machine
Following the main goals of the project, we have
learning workflow by offering streamlined APIs for
concentrated on providing farmers with a state-of-
preprocessing, importing data, and training models.
the-art artificial intelligence tool for rice disease
Additionally, a variety of pre-trained models are
diagnosis and management. We will examine the
included, facilitating rapid model selection and
effectiveness of our deep learning models, their
experimentation. The framework is useful for
implications for managing the health of rice crops,
developing and refining CNNs for rice crop disease
and their potential to improve farmers' lives as we
detection due to its ease of use and applicability.
work through the findings and the debates that
3.7.3. PyTorch follow. Here, we examine the concrete results and
PyTorch is an open-source machine learning their importance as we embark on our mission to
framework that has become well-known due to its change Pakistan's rice farming landscape.
user-friendly and flexible dynamic computation 4.1 Working of the proposed model
graph. Deep learning tasks such as image analysis
and classification make extensive use of it.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and other
sophisticated models can be easily developed and
customized by academics because to PyTorch's
dynamic nature and user-friendly interface.
3.8. Model Deployment
3.8.1 Django
Developed for quick creation of online applications,
Django is a high-level web framework built in
Python. It has built-in capabilities for user
authentication, database administration, and other
features, and it adheres to the Model-View-
Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. The on-line
interface of our AI-powered rice crop disease
classification and chemical recommendation Figure 4.1 Flowchart
system is developed with ease because of its ability
to streamline the process of creating reliable and Figure 4.1 shows the flow of our project which
secure web apps. Fist the standard libraries of starts by monitoring the paddy crops and
python such as NumPy, Matplotlib along with identifying the infected leaves, farmers or field
libraries of tensor flow and Django framework are assistant can capture multiple clear pictures of those
imported, Further the dataset of paddy leaves is leaves, before sending those images as an input to
loaded and then the classes of paddy diseases are the proposed deep learning model, images will be
defined, at last, ResNet-50 is integrated with the pre-processed which means their size adjustments,
web Interface that is developed using Django. noise removal and normalization will be performed.
After that images will be fed to the model which
4. Results and Discussion
will test the images and accurately classify the
Here, we provide the findings and a comprehensive diseases in their respective classes, Results will be
analysis of our deep leaning based rice crop

© Mehran University of Engineering and Technology 2022 5

visible on the web interface with the disease name seen blue colour varying from light blue to dark
and chemical recommendation. blue, dark blue shows the maximum number of
class images that the model find hard to train and is
Table 1
confused, Total number of images shown in this
Performance Metric showing precision, recall, matrix is around 400 and it is a 10*10 matrix
F1Score and accuracy of following models used showing actual and predicted values by ResNet-50
for training and testing of paddy images. model of each disease separately which clearly give
Model Precision Recall F1 Score Accuracy us the idea about the images that the model is
CNN 0.75 0.73 0.72 0.75 predicting and matching to the actual class defined.

VGG-16 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.80

ResNet-25 0.84 0.82 0.82 0.85

ResNet-50 0.87 0.90 0.89 0.92

4.2 Model Learning Rate (ResNet-50)

Figure 4.3 Confusion matrix 1

Figure 4.2 Model Learning Rate

It is shown in the figure 4.2 that how our algorithm

learns or updates the value of a parameter estimates,
it shows that the training of the dataset is reliable
with the suggested value=0.00012022. The learning
curve graphically depicts how a process is
improved over time due to learning and increased
4.3 Confusion matrix
In the Figure 4.3 and 4.4 it is shown the confusion
matrix of 9 diseases starting from bacterial leaf
blight to tungro, confusion matrix is used to show Figure 4.4 Confusion matrix 2
the relationship between the actual and predicted
values by the model, in the main diagonal it can be 4.4 Model Accuracy Score (ResNet-50)

© Mehran University of Engineering and Technology 2022 6

results will be generated on their screens. In the (B)
it is shown that the result has been generated after a
user has uploaded an infected paddy leaf image as
an input, the model accurately identifies the disease
as ‘Tungro’ and provides suitable
recommendations that farmers should use to
prevent the disease from spreading.
4. Conclusion
In Pakistan's modern agricultural environment, rice
Figure 4.5 Accuracy Score production is an essential economic pillar and a
source of livelihood for millions of farmers. But as
Figure 4.5 shows the accuracy report of final model this study trip has shown, the rice crop faces several
used for the training of paddy leaves dataset and it difficulties, with infections being a major danger to
is ResNet-50, The model achieved highest accuracy crop yield and health. We started a revolutionary
of all other model used earlier, it shows 92-93% project in response to these difficulties, which
accuracy after 9 Epochs, Therefore, ResNet-50 has resulted in the development of "Deep learning-
been used for integration with web interface. based rice crop diseases classification and chemical
recommendation system using paddy leaf images",
4.5 Results on Interface this innovative method gives farmers an effective
tool for locating, tending to, and protecting their
rice harvests. It is a ground-breaking move toward
equipping farmers with technology that can
transform their agricultural methods. Our approach
has the potential to greatly improve the lives of
Pakistani rice farmers by providing them with
personalized management recommendations, real-
time diseases identification, and superior image
recognition. Through the integration of technology
and conventional agricultural methods, we see a
time when farmers will be able to effectively
combat disease threats, minimize crop losses, and
boost yields.
Our research's findings show how useful artificial
(A) intelligence is for diagnosing diseases. The models
incorporated into our system demonstrate
impressive precision in diagnosing a variety of rice
infections, from blast to brown spot. With the use
of this technology, diseases can be diagnosed
quickly and accurately, negating the ambiguity and
mistakes that come with manual identification. It
gives farmers the information they need to take
quick action, administer focused treatments, and
lessen crop loss. One of our system's most
Figure 4.6 (A) shows how to choose a file from the important functions is helping to close the
system, user will simply click on the ‘choose file’ information gap that many Pakistani farmers are
button and it will enable them to select any file from currently facing. Farmers have access to a multitude
their system and upload on the interface, soon after of knowledge regarding rice diseases and how to
clicking on ‘submit button’ in few seconds the treat them when they include our system into their

© Mehran University of Engineering and Technology 2022 7

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