3 - Houses & 12 Steps Prediction Technique

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1st House

Lord – Mangal

Karak Grah – Surya

Get Help From – 5th House

Colour, Looks, Nature, Caste, Physique, Forehead, Age, Diseases, Success, Reputation, Wealth,
Wisdom, Health etc.

Points to learn:-

1. If you will find Chandra, Rahu, Budh & Guru together in the first house and Ketu in the 7th
House, the person will have only 1 child alive. 2nd child will born after 48 and the child will
2. If 7th House is vacant, marrying after 24 years of age will improve the luck.
3. If enemy of the 1st house is sitting in the 2nd house then it will make the person poor.

2nd House

Lord – Shukra

Karak Grah – Guru

Get Help From – 6th House

Family, Mother, Wealth, Food, Mouth, Water, Elder Uncle (Mother’s Elder Brother), Sister, State,
Society, etc.

Points to learn:-

1. Defines old age.

2. Show the results of your efforts
3. If 2nd & 8th both houses are vacant, the 2nd house is very fruitful.
4. If Rahu is there in the 2nd house, the person always rely on Guru.
5. If Chandra is sitting in the 4th house, every negativity of the 2nd house gets removed.

3rd House

Lord – Budh

Karak Grah – Mangal

Get Help From – 7th House

Younger brother, Younger Sister, Power, Friends, Neighbour, Short Travels, Biceps, Lungs, Hard
work, etc.

Points to learn:-

1. Decides quality of death.

2. Its 8th to the 8th house, so always see the 3rd house and 8th house together.
3. Presence of Rahu/Ketu in this house will always give difficult death to the person also early
death if 8th house is negative.

4th House

Lord – Chandra

Karak Grah – Chandra

Get Help From – 8th House

Happiness, Prosperity, Mother, Assets, Vehicles, People, Friends, Heart, In laws, etc.

Points to learn:-

1. Take care of miscarriages.

2. Mangal’s and Rahu’s presence in this house is always negative.

5th House

Lord – Surya

Karak Grah – Guru

Get Help From – 9th House

Growth, Sudden Money, Hidden Wealth, Education, Lovers, Children, Stomach, Pregnancy, Betting,
Fathers lifeline, Husband of Elder Sister, Exams.

Points to learn:-

1. Guru & Surya should not be negative anyhow to get the positive results of the house.
2. If 5th house is having Rahu/Shani, 8th house is having Ketu, 10th house is having Guru &
11th house is having Shukra, than firstly the spouse and later the child will face lots of

6th House

Lord – Budh

Karak Grah – Ketu

Get Help From – 10th House

Enemies, Injuries, Loan, Diseases, Court cases, Turbulences, Uncle (Mother’s Younger Brother),
Stomach, Father’s Luck, Children’s Wealth

Points to learn:-

1. Vacant 6th house is always good.

2. While doing the prediction of this house always concentrate on 6th and 8th house as they are
always related.

7th House

Lord – Shukra

Karak Grah – Shukra, Budh

Get Help From – 11th House

Partnership, Life partner, Sperm count, Lust, Niece, Nephew, etc.

Points to learn:-

1. 7th house never watches any house.

2. 1st House always watches 7th house.
3. Combination of Shukra & budh in this house will strengthen the Shani and person definitely
becomes rich after marriage

8th House

Lord – Mangal

Karak Grah – Shani, Mangal, Chandra

Get Help From – 12th House

Lifeline, Efforts, Testicles Problems, Sudden Money, Sea Traveling, Lottery, Sexual Disorders,
Spouses Wealth, etc.

Points to learn:-

1. 8th house watches 2nd house, 2nd house watches 6th house and 6th house watches 12th house,
so the results of 12th house is also depends upon 8th house.
2. Presence of Surya, Mangal and Guru in this house will eliminates its nature of death house.
3. Presence of Rahu, Ketu or Shukra in the house will attract the person towards tantra-
mantra, jadu-tona or bhoot prakriya.

9th House

Lord – Guru

Karak Grah – Guru

Get Help From – 1st House

Luck, Religion, Higher education, Samadhi, Donations, etc.

Points to learn:-

1. Entire luck is determined by this house.

2. After the birth of Son, effect of 5th house transfers to 9th house.

10th House

Lord – Shani

Karak Grah – Shani

Get Help From – 2nd House

Karma, Father, Business, Government Job, Knees, Mother-in-law, etc.

Points to learn:-

1. If the Sun is in the 10th house and moon is in the 5th house the native will have very short life
2. If the Sun is in the 10th house and 4th house is vacant the native will be deprived of
Government favours and benefits
3. Jupiter in the 10th house and Venus & Mars in the 4th house ensure multi marriages for the
4. Venus in the 10th house bring the native under the control & guidance of spose

11th House

Lord – Shani

Karak Grah – Guru

Get Help From – 3rd House

Income through Business & Work, Contractor, Son-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Benefits, Jewelleries,
Elder Brother, Injuries, Calves, etc.

Points to learn:-

1. Rahu/Ketu & Shani in 3rd, 5th, 9th and 11th house increase the power of this house.
2. Presence of Guru’s friends (Surya, Chandra or Mangal) in 3rd house makes 11th house more
3. If 1st and 3rd house is vacant than we will not get complete benefit of 11th house.
4. If planet in the 8th house is the enemy of the planet in the 11th house or vice versa then don’t
bring the things belongs to the planet of the 11th house.
5. Positive 9th house + Positive 11th house = Extremely Positive 2nd house.*

12th House

Lord – Guru

Karak Grah – Rahu

Get Help From – 4th House

Expenses, Donation, Losses, Moksh, Compromises, Aunt, Ankles & Knees, Sleep, Dreams
Concentration Power, Uncle (Father’s Brother), Aunt (Father’s Sister), etc.

Points to learn:-

1. Also determines your level of sleep.

2. Planet sitting in this house will give the happiness and relaxation from the person belonging
to that planet. If Ketu is sitting in the house, the person will get happiness and relaxation
from Son as Ketu belongs to Son.

Step 1: Identify the damaged houses & planets

Step 2: Predict diseases as per houses & planets

Step 3: Give "Early Warning Signals" if native is not facing any problem regarding the dise
Step 4: If native recently faced or currently facing the problem give the remedy as it will
keep reflecting in life
Step 5: Predict Career as per Career Prediction technique of Lal Kitab Astrology
Step 6: Predict important relationships as per the native
Step 7: Predict wealth as per 2nd house

Step 8: Predict Peace and Prosperity as per 4th house

Step 9: Predict Liquid Cash as per 7th house
Step 10: Predict Expenses & Losses as per 12th house
Step 11: Predict Varshphal if demanded by the native
Step 12: Give Combined Remedies of Planets & Houses

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