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Korean war

Development of the consequences of not containing communism in countries.

2WW being obviously more important from the western perspective and Vietnam war because of
the social upheaval it causes in America

Japan as a country had invaded and conquered most of its neighbors up to 1941-1942
Korea had been conquered by it in the early 20th century and had been ruled by japan up until
the end of the 2WW.
Korea had in fact been annexed by Japan and as far as japan was concerned it was essentially a
part of Japan. It was like a permanent conquest

By the end of the 2WW Japan has been defeated and the territories it conquered have basically
been surrendered. And Korea (not unlike Germany) has temporarily been divided into two
occupation zones.
border at the 38th parallel (longitudinal line, meant to be temporary border)

(not dissimilar to what happens to Germany) these two countries were supposed to be reunified,
however as the relationship between USSR and US sours we find that ability to cooperate over
Korea seems less and less likely. (Just like in Germany) Koreas initially temporary division
becomes a formal division. Separate independent states declared in both zones: Republic of
Korea(SK) ad Democratic People’s Republjc (NK).
As is the case still today, the two governments despise each other due to their massive
ideological differences.
SK was setup under the leadership of Syngman Rhee. Was not democratic but staunchly anti-
Communist, enough to get US support. As a result US government props them up essentially.
NK was setup under the leadership of Kim Il-Sung. Was a soviet trained communist running a 1
party state backed by the USSR financially and militarily
Neither side recognized the legitimacy of the other government. Both leaders believed that they
had the right to rule all of Korea and wanted the peninsula reunified. No chance of peaceful
unification. So if there was to be a unification of Korea it would have to come by one of the two
sides conquering the other by force.

And this is what happens in the summer of 1950. Of the two sides it is the North Koreans who are
more plwerful because they are receiving more direct backing from both the Chinese and the
Soviets. Kim Il-Sung decides to invade the SK. Rash move as we will see later on the Americans
intervene however at that time he had
1. (Mao Zedong) Both were essentially bordering NK. So militarily he was far stronger than
the South
2. Atomic bomb made the military situation between the US and USSR much more equal
compared to the earlier part of the Cold War, say 1945. He felt that it was unlikely the US
would act in response because it might provoke China and the Soviet Union

1. Wasn’t immediately clear at that time because it was a new policy so different to how the
americans operated beforehand.
2. Seen as a crucial example of the domino theory coming into effect. America after 2WW
helps rebuild Japan an it becomes a really important trade partner for the US in the far
In contrast to the League of Nations which never got involved militarily in any conflict the UN
does almost immediately (5 years after its formation)

in terms of international view of the situation. !coalition! so a few other countries send soldiers,
we know that Britain sends a few thousand soldiers as well.
1. Busan is the only place not occupied. Because of the speed of the conquest Americans
are so desperate to get involved.
2. Situation is now flipped completely against the North Koreans
3. General MacArthur a rabid anti communist. They decide why settle for containment and
instead potentially remove communists from korea entirely

Many of the 200000 soldiers are trained veterans who fought the chinese civil war and being
from that region are much more adept at fighting in marshy areas and mountainous regions.
MacArthur publicly calls for China to be nuked with an atom bomb. So Truman dismissed
MacArthur. The US strategy reverts back to containment.
armistice - перемирие

The border itself is now slightly altered it is no longer a straight line of the 38th parallel

Basically a success. It could have been better however if we consider the stated aim from the
beginning of the conflict was to contain communism and protect the SK from falling to
communism says they’re successful.
Failures for the US:
Technically is rollback.
Threat of the North continuous even to this day so containment was not really solved in the long

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