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PERFORMANCE- BASED ASSESSMENT 2.1 (Second Semester,1st Term)

Christian Living Education
Ms. Gloria LT Oliveros, Teacher


A Reflection on the Medical Aspects of Jesus' Passion and Crucifixion

I. Introduction
In "Agony of Love" (1998), Dr. Mark Eastman examines the medical aspects
of Jesus' suffering during His passion and crucifixion.
Understanding Jesus' Suffering: Dr. Eastman highlights the physical torment
endured by Jesus, including the scourging, crown of thorns, and crucifixion
itself. These descriptions provide a stark portrayal of the agony Jesus faced.
The Sacrificial Love of Jesus: Jesus willingly endured immense suffering out
of love for humanity. His selflessness and sacrificial love serve as a profound
example for how a Christian should approach life.

II. Details of Performance-based Assessment 2.1

The Reflective Essay should explain why these Lessons are vital to a Christian
in your daily living:
1. Embracing Sacrifice: Jesus' willingness to endure suffering for the sake of
others challenges you to embrace sacrifice in your own lives. Whether it be
through service to others, acts of kindness, or perseverance in the face of
adversity, one can find meaning and purpose in selflessly giving of

2. Resilience in Adversity: Despite the extreme pain He experienced, Jesus

remained steadfast in His mission. His resilience teaches you the
importance of perseverance and faith during times of trial. One can draw
strength from His example when facing your own challenges.

3. Compassionate Healing: Throughout His ministry, Jesus demonstrated

compassion and healing towards the sick and marginalized. As you reflect
on the medical aspects of His suffering, you are reminded of the importance
of empathy and care for those who are suffering in your own families and/or

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4. Conclusion: Finally, in contemplating the medical aspects of Jesus' passion
and death on the Cross:
a. Do you understand the profound depth of His love and sacrifice?
b. Are you challenged to live your life characterized by sacrificial love,
resilience, and compassionate healing?
c. Can you strive to emulate Jesus' example, so that there is purpose and
fulfillment in your own journey of faith and service?
III. Submission of Reflective Essay
1. Format: Print on short bond paper, 1.5 space, usual margins, Font – Arial
Rounded MT size 11. Format should be strictly followed.
2. All the posted questions should be answered. Minimum 1,000 words.
3. Deadline for submission: March 25, 2024 (Monday) before 12 noon.

IV. Reference
1. Agony of Love, Dr. Mark Eastman – posted in your Schoology

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