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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region XII

Schools Division Office of Cotabato

Kabacan National High School

Kabacan, Cotabato

Feeding Program: It's Impact Among Malnourished Children in barangay Aringay Kabacan cotabato




February 2024



Background of the Study

Malnutrition is a state in which there is an unbalanced intake of nutrients compared to the

body's needs, leading to excesses, deficiencies, or imbalances in vital nutrients such as energy, proteins,
vitamins, and minerals. The most common is undernutrition, which occurs when a person does not eat
enough food to meet their body's requirements. This can cause stunted growth, poor cognitive
development, and weakened immune systems.

Malnutrition continues to be a major health concern, impacting millions of people of various ages,
socioeconomic statuses, and geographical locations. It still poses a major hazard to human health
especially in low- and middle-income families where resources and access to wholesome food are
scarce. Moreover, it is primarily caused by poverty because it prevents people from eating the proper
kinds of food.

Malnutrition can lead to stunted growth, weakened immune systems, and increased susceptibility to
diseases, which can have long-lasting effects on physical and cognitive development. In many parts of
the world, families living in poverty struggle to provide enough food for their children, often relying on
cheap, filling, but nutrient-poor diets. There may be cultural barriers that prevent parents from
recognizing or addressing malnutrition in their children.

Addressing the complicated and diverse problem of malnutrition, which is influenced by several
variables including socioeconomic position, access to nutrient-dense food, cultural norms, and
environmental factors is our major concern.
Cultural beliefs and practices, such as preferences for certain foods or feeding practices, can also play a
role. Conflicts or natural disasters can disrupt food systems, making it difficult for families to access the
food they need. Addressing these underlying causes is essential for effectively addressing the problem of
malnutrition in children. Addressing malnutrition among children of Barangay Aringay is the major
concern of this study. Addressing the problem of feeding malnourished children requires a multifaceted
approach involving efforts to improve access to nutritious food, increase awareness of the importance
of good nutrition, and address the underlying causes of poverty and food insecurity.

Despite the efforts of the local government in raising awareness of malnutrition, there exists a
significant gap in addressing this issue. This gap is evident among the families in Barangay Aringay,
Kabacan, Cotabato. Addressing this research gap is crucial because it impacts the health of malnourished
children. The lack of food hinders good nutrition among the children in Aringgay. By investigating
malnourished children together with their parents we may be able to solve the problem. The
researchers aimed to solve the problem by conducting a feeding program among the purposively
selected children in Barangay Aringay. We believe that this research is timely and relevant due to
existing problems in malnutrition.

Further, it is imperative to close this research gap since it affects children's health. In barangay
Aringgay, the lack of understanding regarding malnutrition people impedes progress in this area.
Through our investigation, we hope to address the issue of malnutrition in Barangay Aringay and
contribute to its successful resolution. The current issues with malnutrition and malnourished children
make this research pertinent and important.

Feeding refers to providing adequate nutrition to children who suffer from hunger and
undernourishment. Feeding malnourished children is complex and multifaceted, involving issues such as
access to food, water, and healthcare. Addressing this problem requires a coordinated effort from
governments, and individuals to provide nutritious food, improve access to healthcare, and address the
underlying causes of malnutrition.

The innovation of this research lies in its distinctive approach to feeding malnourished children. The
uniqueness of this study is underscored by its focus on the Feeding program. By leveraging feeding, we
aim to provide the necessary food to achieve a healthy body. Feeding will address malnourished
children and offer solutions that are not only theoretically sound but also practically applicable. This
innovation is particularly relevant in the current landscape of Social Work to address the problems
among malnourished children. The outcomes of this research are expected to contribute significantly to
the advancement of practical applications and set a new standard for future i


This chapter presents the Research design, Sample and sampling, Data Instrument, Data Analysis, Data
Collection Procedure, and Role of Researchers.

Research Design

The researchers will employ explanatory sequential research design. Thus this research will
consider a quantitative approach to determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in
terms of age, sex, weight, and income. Further, this quantitative approach will also be used to determine
the factors of malnourishment and the basic needs of the families. However, the qualitative approach
will be used to uncover how feeding programs help the children obtain a healthy body.

Sample and Sampling

The respondents of the study are the malnourished children of barangay Aringay, Kabacan,
North Cotabato. The respondents will be chosen purposely. Thus, only children below 5 years old and
undernourished will be taken as respondents of the study.
Research Instrument

In gathering the qualitative data in this study, the researchers will utilize semi-structured
interview guide questions which will consist of sub-questions that will serve as a springboard in
identifying the themes based on the research questions. Further, a structured survey form will be used
to determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, weight, and income
and to determine the factors of malnourishment and the basic needs of the families.

Data Analysis

The researcher will employ descriptive statistics specially percentage, standard

deviation and weighted mean to analyze the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of
age, sex, weight, and income and to determine the factors of malnourishment and the basic needs of
the families. Further, the data that gathered from the respondents through the structured survey form
will be analyzed through thematic analysis. Braun and Clark stress that thematic analysis is a qualitative
analysis method for identifying, analyzing, and reporting patterns (themes) within the data. It minimally
organizes your data set in detail.

Braun and Clark’s thematic analysis which includes the following steps. Thematic Analysis is a
qualitative research method that aims to identify and analyze patterns or themes within data. It was first
introduced by psychologists Braun and Clarke in 2006, and has since been widely used across various
disciplines. Braun and Clarke identified six stages of thematic analysis, which are:

Familiarization with the data: This stage involves reading and re-reading the data to gain a general
understanding of its content.

Generating initial codes: In this stage, the researcher identifies key concepts or ideas within the data and
assigns them a code.

Searching for themes: This stage involves searching for patterns or connections between the codes to
identify potential themes.

Reviewing and refining themes: At this stage, the researcher reviews and refines the themes to ensure
they accurately reflect the data.

Defining and naming themes: In this stage, the researcher defines and names the themes to make them
clear and understandable.
Producing the report: The final stage involves producing a report that describes the themes and provides
examples from the data to support them.

Thematic analysis is a flexible method that can be applied to various types of data, such as interviews,
focus groups, and text documents. It allows for in-depth exploration of complex phenomena and can
provide rich insights into people's experiences, attitudes, and beliefs.

Data Collection Procedure

This study will be conducted during the second semester of the school year 2023–2024
at Barangay Aringgay,Kabacan North Cotabato—Senior High School Feeding Program. The data will be
gathered through the following process.

A letter of approval will be sent to the school principal of Kabacan National High School to conduct the

A consent letter will also be sent to the Barangay Captain of Aringan, Kabacan, Cotabato for approval.

The researchers will scout the respondents of the study through a preliminary survey on undernourished

The researchers will send a consent letter to the parents of the children and inform them about the
purpose of the study for approval.
The researchers will serve the necessary food and vitamins taken from the health center to the

Data collection will be conducted.

Role of the Researchers

In this research endeavor the researcher served as the main instrument. This research studies
the students’ experiences in public speaking, specifically their challenges, and coping mechanisms. They
will conduct interviews and survey questionnaires with the 15 participants. After conducting the
interview and survey , they will transcribe the responses of each of the participants.

The transcripts of the interview will be translated. They will review the translation for a couple of weeks
to ensure that the important ideas

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