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The 4 main components of preparing for university

Cope with transitions

Think of previous transitions in your life. This reminds you that you have
coped before. You have done it before. It may not have been easy, but you
made it through. You were able to end a phase in your life and continue the
next. As you look into coping with this new transition, ask yourself:

What is expected of you academically?

Understand which skills you need to develop to assist you with coping, and
make a list thereof
Which resources or strengths did you use to help you through your past
~I am expected to pass with high marks.
~I used friends as an escape.

Embrace opportunities

Opportunities help you grow and develop to be YOUR best. At times, we

may believe the opportunity is a CHALLENGE. Even though the newness
of a situation can feel overwhelming and perhaps scary, continually
challenge yourself and ask yourself how the experience is helping you grow

In the past, you have lived through similar experiences, and despite your
initial reaction, you were able to adjust eventually. This can be

List all the opportunities you can think of that helped you grow and
develop to be your best.
~Learning Life Orientatiom at school.
~Having friends that are my escape as well as my family who comforted me.


Despite your possible worry that no one would understand, share your
feelings with someone. When keeping a fear locked up inside yourself, it
grows in intensity and can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety.
Expressing your concerns to someone can provide relief and possibly a new
perspective and options on how to address your experiences in healthy

Remind yourself that your thoughts and feelings are important whether
others share them.

Write down a list of words that describes your thoughts and feelings when
you started university and compare it with your list now.
Excitement was my first reaction then came anticipation. Nervousness came as I
got the taste of the hard work ahead.And then I was struck by curiosity
regarding how I will tackle it.


Allow yourself to 'listen' to your feelings, thoughts, and reactions rather

than pushing them down or medicating yourself with alcohol, drugs, food,
etc. You might gain insights which may lead to different ways of dealing
with your experience. 

Permit yourself to listen to your feelings, thoughts or reactions. Write one

sentence that comes to mind when asked: How are you?
I am hanging there.

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