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I. Listening Comprehension ( 1-5)

The song "This Is the Time" is a popular track by Billy Joel from his album "The Bridge," released in 1986. It's
known for its uplifting melody and reflective lyrics, often interpreted as a song about seizing the moment and
embracing life's opportunities. "This Is the Time" by Billy Joel is often interpreted as a song about love,
nostalgia, and the passage of time. The lyrics reflect on a relationship and the memories associated with it,
while also conveying a sense of urgency to cherish the present moment. The song's melody is melodic and
evocative, contributing to its enduring popularity among fans of Billy Joel's music.

II. Oral Language and Fluency ( 6-10)


1.Preparation: Rehearse your eulogy for fluency and confidence.

2. Clarity: Speak clearly and at a manageable pace.

3. Emotion: Convey sincerity and empathy through tone.

4. Pauses: Use pauses to emphasize and reflect.

5. Eye Contact: Connect with the audience for authenticity.

6. Body Language: Use expressive gestures to enhance communication.

7. Anecdotes: Share meaningful stories respectfully.

8. Adaptability: Adjust to the emotional atmosphere.

9. Breathing: Practice deep breaths for vocal control.

10. Gratitude: Conclude with thanks and acknowledgment.


1. Preparation: Rehearse your speech thoroughly for confidence and fluency.

2. Clarity: Speak clearly and articulate your words.

3. Pace: Maintain a moderate pace to ensure clarity and engagement.

4. Tone: Use appropriate tone and inflection to convey emotion and emphasis.

5. Pauses: Incorporate pauses for emphasis and to allow for audience reflection.

6. Eye Contact: Establish and maintain eye contact to connect with your audience.

7. Body Language: Utilize expressive gestures to enhance your message.

8. Vocabulary: Use varied vocabulary to keep your speech interesting and engaging.

9. Practice Breathing: Practice deep breathing to control nerves and maintain steady speech.

10. Feedback: Seek feedback from peers or mentors to refine your delivery and improve fluency.

III. Vocabulary Development ( 11-15)

Here are the definitions for each of the words you provided:

1. Baffled: Confused or perplexed, unable to understand something.

2. Drenched: Soaked or saturated with liquid, typically water.

3. Dismal: Depressing, dreary, or gloomy; lacking in hope or optimism.

4. Fierce: Intense or aggressive in temperament or behavior; powerful or strong.

5. Corroborated: Supported or confirmed by additional evidence or testimony; verified or validated.

IV. Cases of Pronoun ( 16-25)

1. Nominative Case: Used for subjects or predicate nominatives in a sentence. Examples include "I," "you," "he,"
"she," "it," "we," and "they."

Example: She is going to the store.

2. Objective Case: Used for objects of verbs or prepositions. Examples include "me," "you," "him," "her," "it,"
"us," and "them."

Example: He gave the book to me.

3. Possessive Case: Used to show ownership or possession. Examples include "my," "your," "his," "her," "its,"
"our," and "their."

Example: This is her book.

V. Reading Comprehension (26-34)

Certainly, here's a more concise version focusing on key details:

1. Nutrition Facts

- Importance of nutrition labels for informed dietary choices.

- Information includes serving sizes, calories, nutrients, and percent daily values.

- Helps manage intake of essential nutrients and reduce health risks.

- Contributes to overall well-being and prevents diseases like obesity and diabetes.

2. Pollution and its Negative Effects

- Pollution defined as harmful substances released into environment.

- Air pollution from vehicles and factories causes respiratory issues and climate change.

- Water pollution from industrial runoff harms aquatic life and habitats.

- Soil pollution from chemicals and waste disposal threatens soil fertility and food security.

- Addressing pollution requires reducing emissions, improving waste management, and adopting sustainable

3. 5 Ways to Save the Planet Without Really Trying

Key Details: Simple lifestyle changes can contribute to environmental preservation.

Ways to Save: Reduce energy and water consumption, minimize waste, use public transportation or carpool,
support sustainable products and businesses.

Impact: Collective efforts lead to significant environmental benefits, including reduced carbon emissions
and resource conservation.

VI. Literature ( 35-45)

1. Poem: Inner Peace

"Inner Peace" is a poem that explores the tranquility and serenity found within oneself. It delves into the
journey of self-discovery and the realization that true peace comes from within, regardless of external
circumstances. The poem may touch upon themes such as mindfulness, acceptance, and the importance of
finding harmony amidst life's challenges.

Key Elements - Imagery evoking nature, metaphors symbolizing inner turmoil and calmness, rhythmic flow
reflecting a sense of peace, and perhaps a reflective tone encouraging introspection.

Message - The poem likely conveys the message that inner peace is attainable through self-awareness,
acceptance of oneself and the world, and the cultivation of a tranquil mindset.
2. Figures of Speech

Definition - Figures of speech are literary devices used to add depth, creativity, and emphasis to language.
They involve the use of words or phrases in a non-literal or imaginative way to create vivid imagery, evoke
emotions, and convey complex ideas.

Examples - Common figures of speech include simile (comparing two unlike things using "like" or "as"),
metaphor (implying a comparison between two unlike things), personification (attributing human
characteristics to non-human entities), hyperbole (exaggeration for emphasis), and alliteration (repetition of
consonant sounds at the beginning of words).

Purpose - Figures of speech enhance the richness and expressiveness of language, making writing more
engaging and memorable. They can evoke sensory experiences, provoke thought, and create powerful
emotional connections between the writer and reader.

VII. Writing ( 46-50), Fill in the blanks

1. **Dystopian Fiction**: A story set in a future where water scarcity has reached extreme levels, portraying a
society where access to clean water is indeed considered a luxury. The narrative could follow characters
struggling to survive in this harsh environment and exploring themes of inequality, resource management, and

2. **Environmental Fiction**: A tale focusing on the consequences of environmental degradation and climate
change, where water shortages become a reality for communities around the world. The story might depict
efforts to address the crisis through innovation, activism, and international cooperation.

3. **Historical Fiction**: A narrative set in a past era or civilization where water scarcity played a significant
role in shaping society. This could include historical events such as droughts, water disputes, or the
construction of water management systems like aqueduction.

(Other topic yung sa baba neto hindi kasi sure ano yung "water a luxury" nayun)

1. **Socioeconomic Context**: In affluent societies or regions where access to clean and safe drinking water is
abundant, the phrase "water a luxury" could be seen as ironic or satirical, highlighting how some people take
this essential resource for granted.

2. **Environmental Context**: In areas affected by water scarcity due to drought, pollution, or inadequate
infrastructure, access to clean water may indeed be considered a luxury. In such cases, communities may
struggle to secure enough water for basic needs, leading to health and sanitation issues.
3. **Global Perspective**: On a global scale, disparities in access to clean water exist, with many people lacking
access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities. In this context, the phrase "water a luxury" underscores
the inequity in resource distribution and the need for concerted efforts to ensure universal access to clean
water as a basic human right.

Overall, while water is essential for life and should ideally be accessible to all, socio-economic, environmental,
and geopolitical factors can influence whether it is perceived as a luxury or a basic necessity.


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