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Hi, the project is small and I have tried to explain it with examples, please feel free to call me on

9004661666 to ask any questions.

The idea is to use Google Sheets to track the date and time of the production data for a
As shown in the image below - M3,M1 is the machine number and the rest is date and time

A. Use the apps script feature in google sheets to execute the following ( write ans execute
scripts) -

1. When a person fills in the machine number in the tab, the date and time come
automatically, in a specific tab in the same row
For eg. if Machine data is filled in C3, then the date should automatically come in A3 and
time in B3.

2. Use the images below to create the second part which is the main part -
Assume that W1 to W7 as shown in the image below are machines.
When machine data is put by a person, the date and time automatically appear as
mentioned above. We will also automatically add “one” to tab beside date,( to be
coded into the script) and at the end of the sheet we will calculate the sum.

So everyday the sum will increase as new entries will get added, as shown below in the
image. The total increases in the second image.

Till 21st of August 2023 (sum-16) Till 24th of August (sum-23)

B. Use google apps script to do the following -
1. We need to build a dashboard in a different sheet according to the image below, that will
track and record the sum every day automatically and allow us to show the difference.

2. The Important part according to the image below is that the data will need to be pulled
from the sheet “post August” and recorded in the sheet “dashboard”, it should happen
automatically and if possible in real time aswell.

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