Emg 2302 Engineering Thermodynamics 2

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JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY oF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2019/2020 ‘THIRD YEAR SPECIAL/SUPPLEMENTRY EXAMINATION FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN MARINE ENGINEERING EMR 2502 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS TT DATE: APRIL/IMAY 2021 INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper consists of Five questions with 20 Marks each 2. QUESTION ONE ie COMPULSORY 53. Answer Quistion ONE and ANY OTHER TWO questions fom Section B and c 44 Mobile phones and any writen materials eleven tothe Examination eéprohib- ited in the Examination room 5. You will have the fllowing for examination + Answer Booldet + Caleulator 6. Use NEAT and well LABELED sata, Unless otherwise specied, tale the value of aossaration due to gravity, to be O.81 m/s! and thet of the molar (universal) gas constant, to be 83145 J/kenol K 1, Steam table will be provided SECTION Compulsory QUESTION ONE (20 MARKS) (a) Why s high moisture content in stam detrimental to steam turbinw? (2 marks) (b) At Olkaia Geothermal plant, stam i supplied dry caturated et 45 bar to the tusbiae, Afer expansion the exhaust stem i condensed to 0.0424 bar ina water- Cooled condenser before being pumped back into the boller. Ifthe steam cycle i Rankine in which the isentropic efilany inthe expansion proces is 80%, wll the pumping proces ls consiered ideal, sketch a T- diagram forthe cycle and ‘we the tables of thermodynamic properties of stam to determin the fllowing paramere. Assume the flow rato to bo 5.0 kg/s (the power required to drive the fe pump. (8 marks) (i) the eat supplind in the bor (8 marks) (Gi) the surbine power output (3 marks) (i) the condenser heat ow (8 marks) (v) the eyele thormal efficiency (5 marks) (vi) the dryness faction at the end of expansion (8 marks) SECTION B: Attempt only one Question in this section QUESTION TWO (20 MARKS) (o) Give tines difernce betworn Rankine Cyele and Carnot cycle (4 marks) (0) Ima steam powerplant located st Thika power plant in Thila County, stam st prewure of 0 bar and 360°C is delivered to the throtle of an engine, The ‘eam expands to 2.0 bar whea released, The steam exhaust takes place at 1.2 bar. A performanca tat gave the rarults ofthe specif team consumption of 1045 kg/kWh and» mechanical eficlency of 8%. Determine: (i) the modifed Rankine engine work pe ki (8 marks) @) the efficiency of the mouifed Rankine engine. (8 marks) (Gl) the indicat and brako work per yee. (4 marks) () the relative offcencyon th bass of indiated work and bake work. (8 marks) (v) Brake thermal efficiency (8 marks) QUESTION THREE(20 MARKS) (a) List thre types of heat exchangers giving examples of each. (8 marks) (©) Now KCC Lad in Industrial ars, Naiobi hae a countr-fow double pipe heet exchanger, water is heated fom 26°C to TIC by oll with a specie het of 1.40 el/lgK and a mass fw rate of 0.95 ka/s. "Theol is cola fon 250°C to 150°C, Assume the overall heat transfer cofciont is 420 Wim?"C Calculate (0) The ate of heat teantar (i) Phe mass fw rate of water (i) Tho surface aoa of the heat exchanger ‘Take the specie heat capacity of water e Cpy = 4.87KI/igK (14 ‘marks) SECTION C: Attempt only one Question in this section QUESTION FOUR (20 MARKS) (6) Write down the Fourier law of heat conduction and the Newton aw of cooing and write down the mathematical expresion foreach law whl atating the ‘meaning ofeach symbol used. (6 marks) (©) JKUAT foundry shop bas furnace with thre layer, the fst layer oxo Of insulation beeks of 18cm thickness with «conductivity of 06 W/saKe The face is expoeed to gases a 350C with a convection coafint of 110 W/m'K. ‘This layer is backed by a 12 em ayer of frebricks of conductivity £08 W/tK. ‘Thero sa contact resistance between the layers of 26x 10° 1e2°G/W, The third layer is a plate backing of 12 mm thickness with conductivity of 43 ‘W/mK. "The contact resistance between the second and the third layer is 15 x 10 m#¥O/W. ‘Tho plats is exposed to alr at 90C witha convection coofcinnt of 18 W/m? Determine: i. The het fow ‘i, ‘The surface temporatures Ul "The overall heat transfor cooicient “Toke the area A = Im? (25 marks) QUESTION FIVE (20 MARKS) (@) Distinguish betwoen Dalton law, Gibbs-Dalton’s law end Amaga's lw as spplied to gaseous mixtures. (8 marks) (0) A mincue of ideal gates consist of $k faitogen and 7 kg of carbon dioxide a preaure of 4 bar and a temperature of 25°C. Clete for the mixes (0) the mole fraction of each constituon, (2 marks) (u) the equivalent molecular weight of the mixtures (2 marks) (Gi) 0 equivalent gas constant (2 marks) (iv) the pastial pressure and partial volume (2 marks) (6) the volume and density ofthe mixture (2 marks) (8) the Cp and Cy of the mixture (2 marks) ‘Take 7: for CO, = 1.286 and N= 14 ‘Tho molar masses of carbon, cxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide ss 12 ke/kol, 32 kg/m, 28 g/mol and 4 kano respectively. (c) Ais consisting of 23% oxygen and 77 % nitrogen by weight at 25°C and 12 bari contained in veel of capscity of 0.6 m. Some of the quantity of Ox is forced into the wesel 20 thatthe temperature remains 258C but the pressure is to 18 bat. Find the masa of Op, Np ani! COs in the eylinder| (6 marke)

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