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W12-60-.6 JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY ‘OF ‘AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY University Examinations 2019/2020 ‘THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MARINE ENGINEERING EMG 2304: MECHANICS OF MACHINES 11 DATE: FEBRUARY 2020 ‘TINE2HoURS, INSTRUCTIONS This examination contains FIVE questions 1. All questions cary equ mas. Ii, Anower say THREE questions ‘QUESTION ONE: [20 MARKS) *)itfcatiatebecween te following terms used in govenors. [2S marks] Lo Height ofa governor ii, Bqutibium speed ii, Mean equilbeium speed jv. Maxienm and minimum elitium speeds Sleeve tit 1) With he ad ofa skt, describe the construction and operation ofa ceaifiga overt (4.5 marks) ©) A Porter governor hs equal ams cach 250 mm long and pivoted onthe ais of rotation, Each bell as a ass of $k and the mass ofthe etal ladon the sleeve is 15g. The radia of rotation ofthe al i 150 mm when the goveror begins to lit ‘and 200 mm when the governor iat maximum speed. Fd the minimum and ‘maximum speeds and range of sped of the governr. (03 marks} regenera QUESTION TWO [20 2) iffereatate betwoen static alseng and dynamic balancing ad stat te necessary ‘conditions to achive them 15 Mars] 1) our masses m1, ma, ms adm are 200k, 300 kg, 240 kg and 260 respectively. “The corresponding adi of roan are 0.2m, 0.15, 0.25 m and 0.3 m respectively td the angles between sucoeeive masses are 45%, 75° and 138" Fal the postion fed magnitde ofthe balance mass requed, ts ai of rotation i 0.2m. 115 marks} smi 0 MARKS| 2) With hea of wll Inbelled diagrams diferente tetweca te tre pes of se vibrations 13 maria] 1) A mst of 4k i suspended om spring of tiffess 20 kNim, Whoa temas is slightly displaced fom equim, t vibrates eel with an ample of 8 mm. Determines (The Gequeney of vibration mars} (Theperodistine of the system [1 mars} (Gi) The graphs of daplacement, veloc sod secleraion [3 marks] (iv) Thedsplacemsent, velocity and aeceleation 03s ater being released [5 marta ©) A gon of mas S00 kg has a recoil spring of siffies 30,000 Nin. Ifthe bare eos 2 mon fring, determine; {Inia velocity ofthe rel 1 mars] i Cele! damping coefficient ofthe dashpot which is engaged atthe end of the recoil stoke. marks} Ii, The time reuired forthe barel to rot to positon 30 mm fom the intial postion [marks] QUESTION FOUR [20 MARKS! 1) Obtain an expression for the natal Requency of See lngiuina vibration of an cate spring earying mas suspended on its shown, [Sark] Pageo3 1) A four whocld motor cr of mass 2000 kg has whee base 25 mack width 15m and height of ceatreof gravity S00 mam above th ground level and esa | metre ‘fom the font axle. Each wheel hasan effective damsterof0.8 m and moment of inetin of 0.8 kg-m. The dive sha engine Sywheel and trsnsmizson se rotating at “times the speed of oad wheel, ina clockwise direction when viewed fom the font, andi equivalent «mass of 75 kg having rads of gyration of 100mm. Ifthe car is taking a right tum of 60 mada 60 kav, Sad the oad on each wee (Smarts) IN FIVE [20 Mal 1) An inside eylindee locomotive hat is eylinder conte lines 0.7 m apt and bas & Stroke of 0.6 m. The rotating masses per cylinder are equivalent to 150 at the cane pin, andthe reciprocating masses per eylnder to 180 kg. The wheleeie ines ae 1.5 m spar. The cranks are aright angles The whole of the rotating aad of the reciprocating masses ref be balanced by masses paced ata rads of.6 m. i ind the magnitude and dation ofthe balancing ses, ji The fuctuatos in al presie under on wheel, li, Varason of ractive effort ond Jv. The mapnitae of swaying couple ata crank peed of 300 p.m, 116 mari » ‘A mass of kg i suspended by an elastic structure and cases ttc efetion of 30 ‘nm. A mass is etd upon by simple barmoniedistubig fore ving maxes, ‘ale of21 Nand a equeacy 15 Hix The system experience a darpig force proportional tothe velocity of motion and equal o 36'N ata velocity of mls Determine the amplitude ofthe seady motion of forced vibation marks) Page aol

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