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‘Assignment 2: Due Date 14 March 2019 Research proposal ‘You requires coming up with a research topic from your field af study, Your research topic should be based on a practical problem which needs attention within the fies of education. Based on your research topic, ou ee required to \wrtea research proposal using the guideline provided below (100 marks). Proposal writing guide: Research Proposal Guidelines The ttle ‘The tle provides the fst impression for your audionce of your proposal. Your tile must be complete and it should provide the focus of your investigation. Inroduction/Background ofthe study An effective introduction discusses the meaningfuiness of the study with presentation of problom or issue. & Ialso serves as an argument advocating the noed of study fryour chosen ‘object and gives a clear insight ito your intentions. '% Thus the introduction presonts a historical background and statement of ‘context for your investigation, ‘This section sets the context for your proposed project and mut capture the readers intrest, ‘Statement ofthe problem Tho most important aspect of a research proposal is the dary of the ‘esearch problem, ‘# The statement of the problem isthe focal point of your research. As a part ofthe Introduction, effective problem statoments answer the question "Why ‘does this rescarch need to be conducted?" & Give a short summary of the research problom that you have identifiod, suppor it with statistics which show that there is problem | Try to give dramatic and concrete illustrations ofthe problem, & Support your argument with statistics & Symptoms ofthe problem Purpose ofthe study ‘This doscribos the goals and objectives that are the targets and desired ‘outcomes of work done by you to find answers to the problem or issue Under investigation, ‘& The purpose often starts with a single goal statomont that explains what tha study intends to accomplish, Objectives ofthe study + Research objectives describe what we expect to achieve by a research projec. '& They guide the research study + For example ‘To investigate the causes of teenage pregnancy’o} ‘© To suggest solutions to reduce the problem of teenage pregnancy © To investigate the effectiveness ofthe leamer centered approach to cetucation Research questions + Research questions are research objective state inthe form of questions. + They serve the same purpose with research abjecive and guide the research ‘Significance ofthe study ‘Give details as to why you think your research is important. o Howusefl wl bbe the results of your study Hypothesis ofthe study + A hypothesis is an explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a Starting point for further investigations (every research has sone sort of a hhypothesis-an educated guess). + assumption made about the relationship betwoon variables Dotimitations ofthe study + ‘The researcher indicated the “borders” of hier study, ie. spacfect how far and wide the study was caried out Limitations ofthe study ‘Hore you give detalls ofthe tkelyhindkancas to your study. + Factors ike time and money would limita study ‘Assignment 3 willbe writin test on a date to be advised latter

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